If we can't see an atom or a god, how do we 'prove' or 'disprove' these things exist, and do we even need proof?

From the science angle ... we only model atoms with discreet components ... protons, electrons and such ... but in reality they're more like waves than particles ... it's just useful to think of atoms as chunks of matter ... especially in chemistry ... and biology ...

Unfortunately ... science doesn't define "good" and "evil" ... or "God" and "Satan" ... that's left for the philosopher ...

Defining a concept does not make it true. Do good and evil even exist?

then: God? Satan? The Boogeyman? Santa? Oh wait! Xmas time, sorry...

If we can't see an atom or a god, how do we 'prove' or 'disprove' these things exist, and do we even need proof? Why would proof be needed or desired? If we do a thorough investigation seeking evidence of the atom and of a god, where will we find ourselves?

So far:

The atom:

A god:
EMPTY - MPTY - MPT - MT - ___________________

Is this correct? If not, what am I missing? What scientific proof is there of a god existing?
You can't see the wind, but you know it's there...
Defining a concept does not make it true. Do good and evil even exist?
Is Trump evil? I know he bugs you. Plenty have called him evil, literally the next Hitler.
Or is that all hyperbole?

then: God? Satan? The Boogeyman? Santa? Oh wait! Xmas time, sorry
Do you truly believe humans are the top of the order?
Defining a concept does not make it true.

Yes it does ... by definition ... the Bohr Model of the Atom is exactly what Neils Bohr says it is ...

Do good and evil even exist?

then: God? Satan? The Boogeyman? Santa? Oh wait! Xmas time, sorry...


Good and evil exist if we make definitions ... and wars are fought over these definitions ... if you don't accept God that created Heaven and Earth, don't read the Bible, you won't understand any of it ... exactly the same if you don't believe the Bohr Model of the Atom, don't bother studying chemistry, you'll never understand ...
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Is Trump evil? I know he bugs you. Plenty have called him evil, literally the next Hitler.
Or is that all hyperbole?

Do you truly believe humans are the top of the order?

Evil? Not sure he could rise to being so complimented.

Demented. Psychological twisted. Why else would he mock a journalist with a disability, referencing it with "You should see this guy"?

Hyperbole? Trump coined Truthful Hyperbole to cover his inanities, no?

Top of what order?
Yes it does ... by definition ... the Bohr Model of the Atom is exactly what Neils Bohr says it is ...

Good and evil exist if we make definitions ... and wars are fought over these definitions ... if you don't accept God that created Heaven and Earth, don't read the Bible, you won't understand any of it ... exactly the same if you don't believe the Bohr Model of the Atom, don't bother studying chemistry, you'll never understand ...
Defining a concept does not make it true.

If? Okay. Go play with your ifs. Good and evil are human constructs, concepts. Do they exist in reality?
People look to science (human reasoning) for solutions to spiritual problems. The scientific solution is usually war of some sort.
Really? Who looks to science for a solution to a spiritual problem? WTF would an example of such a spiritual problem be?

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