If we can't see an atom or a god, how do we 'prove' or 'disprove' these things exist, and do we even need proof?

What does that have to do with it?
Your premise is that if you can't see it, then how do you know it exists. Wind is an example of, not able to see it but you know it exists...

John 3:8 The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.
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Really? Who looks to science for a solution to a spiritual problem? WTF would an example of such a spiritual problem be?
What I meant was that people don't understand that most problems are spiritual. They have been accustomed to science providing solutions so they naturally look to science for everything.

The most notable spiritual problem is the horrible health of the American people. Yet they flock to science for solutions in the form of pills, procedures, diets and exercise plans, instead of examining their destructive lifestyles.
If we can't see an atom or a god, how do we 'prove' or 'disprove' these things exist, and do we even need proof? Why would proof be needed or desired? If we do a thorough investigation seeking evidence of the atom and of a god, where will we find ourselves?

So far:

The atom:

A god:
EMPTY - MPTY - MPT - MT - ___________________

Is this correct? If not, what am I missing? What scientific proof is there of a god existing?

We split the atom, so we must be able to see it... as far as I know, we have yet to split a GOD...
Your premise is that if you can't see it, then how do you know it exists. Wind is an example of, not able to see it but you know it exists...

John 3:8 The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.

Not 'how do we know' but 'how do we prove or disprove'

The senses: The wind we can feel. No need to see something you can feel, in order to prove it exists. One cannot disprove the wind exists because one cannot see it.

The wind does not blow where it wishes. Of course that is not to be taken literally, unless of course one reads the bible in a literal sense, and then the wind has a mind that can wish.

Your failure(s) as discourse here are astounding. It's like failure is an Olympic event for you.
What I meant was that people don't understand that most problems are spiritual. They have been accustomed to science providing solutions so they naturally look to science for everything.

The most notable spiritual problem is the horrible health of the American people. Yet they flock to science for solutions in the form of pills, procedures, diets and exercise plans, instead of examining their destructive lifestyles.

Most problems of what? Surely not most problems in a life. You specifically mean problems of spirituality. Many people do not have those problems because they do not feel spiritual. People looking to science for problems with spirituality, are people who believe in spirituality.

Physical and mental health are not in the spiritual sphere.
It's probably more important that we believe in divine creation at this time in history. Science can't save us from ourselves, religion has a better chance. Asking science (human reasoning) to solve our problems is asking the fox to guard the henhouse. :omg:
Religions have literally thousands of years to do that and haven't yet. In fact it can be argued that religions have done more harm than good.
There are many things too small to see with the naked eye. Germs, for example

Photographs have been taken of atoms with electron microscopes

The comparison between not being able to see atoms and not being able to see God is clumsy
We split the atom, so we must be able to see it... as far as I know, we have yet to split a GOD...

We measure things we cannot see, we see reactions. Artists had to draw up images of what the atom looked like and the splitting. An artist can draw an image of a heaven. Doesn't mean they or we see that heaven. We can't measure a god, or put a scientific test to it, anymore than we can see a heaven.
From the science angle ... we only model atoms with discreet components ... protons, electrons and such ... but in reality they're more like waves than particles ... it's just useful to think of atoms as chunks of matter ... especially in chemistry ... and biology ...

Unfortunately ... science doesn't define "good" and "evil" ... or "God" and "Satan" ... that's left for the philosopher ...
The funny thing is that a philosopher codified his thoughts that later became the ground work for atomic theory
We measure things we cannot see, we see reactions. Artists had to draw up images of what the atom looked like and the splitting. An artist can draw an image of a heaven. Doesn't mean they or we see that heaven. We can't measure a god, or put a scientific test to it, anymore than we can see a heaven.
We literally have photographs of atoms…..
We literally have photographs of atoms…..
June 28, 2021
4 min read

See the Highest-Resolution Atomic Image Ever Captured​

Scientists achieved a record level of visual detail with an imaging technique that could help develop future electronics and better batteries

There are many things too small to see with the naked eye. Germs, for example

Photographs have been taken of atoms with electron microscopes

The comparison between not being able to see atoms and not being able to see God is clumsy
Can you see germs with a microscope?

While some eucaryotes, such as protozoa, algae and yeast, can be seen at magnifications of 200X-400X, most bacteria can only be seen with 1000X magnification. This requires a 100X oil immersion objective and 10X eyepieces.. Even with a microscope, bacteria cannot be seen easily unless they are stained.

Can we spray/stain a god?
Can you see germs with a microscope?

While some eucaryotes, such as protozoa, algae and yeast, can be seen at magnifications of 200X-400X, most bacteria can only be seen with 1000X magnification. This requires a 100X oil immersion objective and 10X eyepieces.. Even with a microscope, bacteria cannot be seen easily unless they are stained.

Can we spray/stain a god?
The fact that God only reveals himself to a chosen few reveals that he is very hard to detect. ;)
Justify? Nope. Having a sense of personal authority, it's not needed to seek justification or approval. That's seriously infantile.

Then there are opinions that are open to interpretation and debate. Still, if one is sure of themselves they need not seek justification.
People justify their opinions for the sake of argument regardless of their personal convictions. I 'justify' mine for the information and benefit of others as I have already proven them beneficial to myself.

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