If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

...You get in my face...
I hardly ever fire the first shot, and that has certainly been the case throughout the course of our own recent exchanges, including this one.

The usual sequence of events is that I will serve-up some commentary or another that does not sit well with you, and you them proceed to engage in personal insults.

You also manifest a discernible pattern of initiating personal attacks when backed into a debating corner.

Don't bother to deny it... it has been commented-upon, time and again and again and again... by large numbers of your contemporaries on this very board sytem.

...and accuse me of personal animosity...
Possible, but doubtful.

What I accuse you of is initiating personal attacks, unprovoked, under a variety of circumstances; oftentimes when you are in the middle of losing an exchange.

...I kick your rhetorical ass...
Never happened.

And it's not likely to happen in this lifetime.

There's always a chance, of course, but you haven't managed it yet, and, given the range of talents we see exhibited on your end to-date, that chance seems rather slim.

...and you whine...
I only rarely whine, and never, so far, in connection with you.

I might call you out on your juvenile behaviors... I might question your intellect and logic and your analytical abilities... I might tell you to phukk off... but I won't whine at you.

...You are the projection queen...
You tell 'em, sweet cheeks.

...The fact is the future does not belong to the racialists, the nativists, or the social religious conservative...
These things come and go in cycles, with cycles oftentimes spanning decades, or even generations, and only those with a sufficient appreciation of such cyclical patterns and fluctuations in power, pertaining to both social and political liberalism and conservatism, have any chance whatsoever of recognizing such patterns and their likely outcomes.

Based on your dogmatic and myopic feedback on such matters, I seriously doubt that you are even aware that such cyclical patterns exist, so, of course, you cannot be expected to assess whether such a cycle is likely to manifest at anytime in the next couple of decades or generations. You'll just have to learn to live with that disability.

...Your time is over.
If you say so.
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Kondor, you argue senselessly, try to get in my face and are competently rebuked, slice up my posts to try to get around me, and still get slammed down.

You are what you are. When in conflict with me, you are a loser. The fact that you think you understand the past and present to predict the future demonstrates your inability to reason.

You are what you are. You will live it, and you won't change it unless you start thinking critically.
Kondor, you argue senselessly, try to get in my face and are competently rebuked, slice up my posts to try to get around me, and still get slammed down.

You are what you are. When in conflict with me, you are a loser. The fact that you think you understand the past and present to predict the future demonstrates your inability to reason.

You are what you are. You will live it, and you won't change it unless you start thinking critically.
Only a morally insane individuals writes, "Islam is not a religion"
Italy writes ""Islam is not a religion"

Italy Islam Not Recognized as a Religion Denied Religious Tax Status The Muslim Times
We are not Italy, and Italy merely takes away tax status, cannot deny that it is a religion.
FALSE: read the link, airhead.
You can argue black is white, you can argue gravity is not a law, you can argue plus is minus, you can argue Islam is not a religion, and you will be wrong every time.
Argue black is white, argue gravity is not a law, argue plus is minus, is what YOU'RE doing. Just becasue some deranged, evil, pervert getsa gang together and they go out and kill thousands of people and call it a religion, you accept it ? Are you nuts ?

Yes, you must be. You must be a jihadist. Anyone who says the Supremacy Clause doesn't overrule the supremacy of Islam, must be a jihadist. That''s what jihadists say. They say Islam must overrule the Supremacy clause, and the Constitution, and all of America. So you should be be checked out by the FBI. And the Dept of Homeland Security. And your state police. And they should take action against you accordingly. :slap:


Only a morally insane individuals writes, "Islam is not a religion"
Italy writes ""Islam is not a religion"

Italy Islam Not Recognized as a Religion Denied Religious Tax Status The Muslim Times
We are not Italy, and Italy merely takes away tax status, cannot deny that it is a religion.
FALSE: read the link, airhead.
You can argue black is white, you can argue gravity is not a law, you can argue plus is minus, you can argue Islam is not a religion, and you will be wrong every time.
Argue black is white, argue gravity is not a law, argue plus is minus, is what YOU'RE doing. Just becasue some deranged, evil, pervert getsa gang together and they go out and kill thousands of people and call it a religion, you accept it ? Are you nuts ?

Yes, you must be. You must be a jihadist. Anyone who the Supremacy clause doesn't overrule the supremcay of Islam, must be a jihadist. That''s what jihadists say. They say Islam must overrule the Supremacy clause, and th Constitution, and all of America. So you should be be checked out by the FBI. And the Dept of Homeland Security. And your state police. And if they should take action against you accordingly. :slap:

Wow- you just hate the Constitution.

You are anti-freedom of religion. Anti-freedom of speech.

Just anti-American.
All of the insane web sites do not prove that Islam is not a religion.

Protectionist, a billion Muslims and more Christians than will say, "take your meds."

Most people around the world agree that Islam is not a religion, and it doesn't matter if it is, or not. NOTHING trumps the Supremacy clause.
All of our counter arguments have trumped it, everyone.
Your jihadist arguments trump nothing. The Supremacy Clause has NO EXCEPTIONS, and that includes your dopey Islam. The Constitution has been the supreme law of the land, and it will continue to be, and all the jihadists who try to overrule it, will be killed or rounded up and imprisoned for life, under slave labor.
We are not Italy, and Italy merely takes away tax status, cannot deny that it is a religion.
FALSE: read the link, airhead.
You can argue black is white, you can argue gravity is not a law, you can argue plus is minus, you can argue Islam is not a religion, and you will be wrong every time.
Argue black is white, argue gravity is not a law, argue plus is minus, is what YOU'RE doing. Just becasue some deranged, evil, pervert getsa gang together and they go out and kill thousands of people and call it a religion, you accept it ? Are you nuts ?

Yes, you must be. You must be a jihadist. Anyone who the Supremacy clause doesn't overrule the supremcay of Islam, must be a jihadist. That''s what jihadists say. They say Islam must overrule the Supremacy clause, and th Constitution, and all of America. So you should be be checked out by the FBI. And the Dept of Homeland Security. And your state police. And if they should take action against you accordingly. :slap:

Wow- you just hate the Constitution.

You are anti-freedom of religion. Anti-freedom of speech.

You are anti-freedom of religion. Anti-freedom of speech.

Just anti-American

Wow- you just hate the Constitution.

You're anti-Article 6, Section 2 (the Supremacy Clause)

You're in favor of Islam ruling over the Constitution. You want to abolish the constitution.

You're in favor of the Explanatory Memorandum.

You want to destroy western civilization. You're a jihadist.

You're against US laws. You're against the laws against sex discrimination. Against wife-beating. Against rape. Against pedophilia. Against slavery.

You are anti-freedom of religion. Anti-freedom of speech.

Just anti-American
We are not Italy, and Italy merely takes away tax status, cannot deny that it is a religion.
FALSE: read the link, airhead.
You can argue black is white, you can argue gravity is not a law, you can argue plus is minus, you can argue Islam is not a religion, and you will be wrong every time.
Argue black is white, argue gravity is not a law, argue plus is minus, is what YOU'RE doing. Just becasue some deranged, evil, pervert getsa gang together and they go out and kill thousands of people and call it a religion, you accept it ? Are you nuts ?

Yes, you must be. You must be a jihadist. Anyone who the Supremacy clause doesn't overrule the supremcay of Islam, must be a jihadist. That''s what jihadists say. They say Islam must overrule the Supremacy clause, and th Constitution, and all of America. So you should be be checked out by the FBI. And the Dept of Homeland Security. And your state police. And if they should take action against you accordingly. :slap:

Wow- you just hate the Constitution.

You are anti-freedom of religion. Anti-freedom of speech.

You are anti-freedom of religion. Anti-freedom of speech.

Just anti-American

Wow- you just hate the Constitution.

You're anti-Article 6, Section 2 (the Supremacy Clause)

You're in favor of Islam ruling over the Constitution. You want to abolish the constitution.

You're in favor of the Explanatory Memorandum.

You want to destroy western civilization. You're a jihadist.

You're against US laws. You're against the laws against sex discrimination. Against wife-beating. Against rape. Against pedophilia. Against slavery.

You are anti-freedom of religion. Anti-freedom of speech.

Just anti-American

Wow...I am so not insulted by the ravings of an anti-American lunatic.
Wow . . . none of us are insulted by an anti-American loony like Protectionist who does not understand the constitution.
All of the insane web sites do not prove that Islam is not a religion.

Protectionist, a billion Muslims and more Christians than will say, "take your meds."

Most people around the world agree that Islam is not a religion, and it doesn't matter if it is, or not. NOTHING trumps the Supremacy clause.
All of our counter arguments have trumped it, everyone.
Your jihadist arguments trump nothing. The Supremacy Clause has NO EXCEPTIONS, and that includes your dopey Islam. The Constitution has been the supreme law of the land, and it will continue to be, and all the jihadists who try to overrule it, will be killed or rounded up and imprisoned for life, under slave labor.

Ok. So, in your world then - where your version of the "supremacy clause" causes Islam to be banned (which it sounds like you are saying in your comment) - then are Muslims who try to continue to worship considered anti-Constitutional Jihadists and will they be rounded up, imprisoned for life, under slave labor?
Wow . . . none of us are insulted by an anti-American loony like Protectionist who does not understand the constitution.
You're a jihadist. You don't consider that an insult, becuase your ind id warped. It is a huge insult, nevertheless. And after I have vcalled you a jihadist, a dozen times now, you have never denied it. The verdict is in. You're a jihadist, and you're going to get rounded up with all the rest of them, and you'll be going to the blue room. Well, NOT MY PROBLEM.
Wow . . . none of us are insulted by an anti-American loony like Protectionist who does not understand the constitution.
You're a jihadist. You don't consider that an insult, becuase your ind id warped. It is a huge insult, nevertheless. And after I have vcalled you a jihadist, a dozen times now, you have never denied it. The verdict is in. You're a jihadist, and you're going to get rounded up with all the rest of them, and you'll be going to the blue room. Well, NOT MY PROBLEM.

Oh no. Not the Blue Room....
All of the insane web sites do not prove that Islam is not a religion.

Protectionist, a billion Muslims and more Christians than will say, "take your meds."

Most people around the world agree that Islam is not a religion, and it doesn't matter if it is, or not. NOTHING trumps the Supremacy clause.
All of our counter arguments have trumped it, everyone.
Your jihadist arguments trump nothing. The Supremacy Clause has NO EXCEPTIONS, and that includes your dopey Islam. The Constitution has been the supreme law of the land, and it will continue to be, and all the jihadists who try to overrule it, will be killed or rounded up and imprisoned for life, under slave labor.

Ok. So, in your world then - where your version of the "supremacy clause" causes Islam to be banned (which it sounds like you are saying in your comment) - then are Muslims who try to continue to worship considered anti-Constitutional Jihadists and will they be rounded up, imprisoned for life, under slave labor?
I don't have a "version" of the Supremacy Clause. There is no such thing as a "version" of the Supremacy Clause. The Supremacy clause establishes the supremacy of the Constitution, period, just like it reads. There are no versions.
Nah. They don't have to be rounded up, imprisoned for life, under slave labor, as long as they haven't been actively trying to push Islam on everyone else, like Mohammed here (masquerading under the American-sounding name of Jake Starkey). For him it's the blue room.

The others should be closely watched though.
Only the insane would think of Islam as a religion.

Since virtually everyone in the world knows that Islam is a religion, .

That's a lie! Most people around the world don't accept Islam to be a religion. even some entire countries dont. (ex. Italy) You talk like a jihadist. Are you one ?

What "most people"? You only came up with Italy and that was for tax purposes.
It wasn't just for tax purposes. Read the link. And even if it would have just been about taxes, that shows a distinction between Islam and the real religions who DO get religious tax exemption.

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