If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?

All of your examples are of something that was designed by one person, even if it was built by many.

All of your examples are of something that was designed and built with a specific purpose in mind.

So, let me ask you this: Who designed Western culture? And what specific purpose was it intended to serve? To decorate? To shelter?

My spandrel example addresses your question. A spandrel is not designed, it appears.

To bring this into context, the Catholic Church issue edicts prohibiting marriage with people who were related to the 6th cousin level. This was a revolution created by conscious choice. The spandrel which arose is the changed relationship between an individual and society for now family/tribe/clan networks and one's place within those networks was essentially erased from society. No one designed THAT. Absent the Church's edict, it would not have arisen independently and we don't see this cultural feature in lands with strong clan networks.

You're focusing on designers but they're not essential - a culture arises from evolution and from keeping attributes which work. Christianity was essential to the cultures which grew in the West. Look around the world - there have been many cultural/religious experiments. Where else has an Enlightenment been born?

Thank you for the sentence I bolded. You're right. No one "designs" a culture and cultures (successful ones, anyway) keep attributes that work -- and keep working.

I do disagree with your assertion that spandrels just appear. They are a part of the design, even if not the focus of the design.
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God's will and providence necessitate the formation of Western culture and everything else.


Then let God protect and defend our culture.

I shall do nothing to interfere with the will of God on this matter. I shall do nothing at all.
"So democratic government, equality, rights etc. are not of sufficient merit on their own?"

Claim: Democratic government, equality, rights etc. are of sufficient merit without the existence of God.

The claim is self-contradictory. The very idea of merit vs. unmerit (good vs. evil) requires absolute moral standard based on God perfect morality.

See: Transcendental proof of God's existence.

The transcendental proof of God's existence is a fallacious argument based on the forced pre-supposition of a false premise.

Let me prove to you why human society does not need a belief in an imagined supernatural being in order to have an organized society with rules, rights, morality, law and order, etc.

Because other animals don't. And humans are animals.

Does a pack of wolves need an awareness and a belief in God to function?
"So democratic government, equality, rights etc. are not of sufficient merit on their own?"

Claim: Democratic government, equality, rights etc. are of sufficient merit without the existence of God.

The claim is self-contradictory. The very idea of merit vs. unmerit (good vs. evil) requires absolute moral standard based on God perfect morality.

See: Transcendental proof of God's existence.

If God is the sole source of absolute moral standards,

why are there, past and present, so many gods with a wide variety or moral standards?
Is a culture really a tapestry?
Sure it is. I have a better example to use. A spandrel:

A spandrel, less often spandril or splaundrel, is the space between two arches or between an arch and a rectangular enclosure.

A sprandel is not designed to serve a purpose, it appears as a consequence of other features. Now go an knock out the useless sprandrels in the photo below. They don't serve a purpose, right, they weren't put there on purpose, so knock them out and lets see what happens to the rest of the structure.


All of your examples are of something that was designed by one person, even if it was built by many.

All of your examples are of something that was designed and built with a specific purpose in mind.

So, let me ask you this: Who designed Western culture? And what specific purpose was it intended to serve? To decorate? To shelter?

God's will and providence necessitate the formation of Western culture and everything else.

So democratic government, equality, rights etc. are not of sufficient merit on their own so they need an unseen supernatural superhero to scare people into accepting them?

very funny.

You are absolutely stupid. History of the world concur with the fact that you are extremely stupid.

What's God's moral absolute unequivocal standard on what the proper age is for a citizen having the right to vote?
All of your examples are of something that was designed by one person, even if it was built by many.

All of your examples are of something that was designed and built with a specific purpose in mind.

So, let me ask you this: Who designed Western culture? And what specific purpose was it intended to serve? To decorate? To shelter?

My spandrel example addresses your question. A spandrel is not designed, it appears.

To bring this into context, the Catholic Church issue edicts prohibiting marriage with people who were related to the 6th cousin level. This was a revolution created by conscious choice. The spandrel which arose is the changed relationship between an individual and society for now family/tribe/clan networks and one's place within those networks was essentially erased from society. No one designed THAT. Absent the Church's edict, it would not have arisen independently and we don't see this cultural feature in lands with strong clan networks.

You're focusing on designers but they're not essential - a culture arises from evolution and from keeping attributes which work. Christianity was essential to the cultures which grew in the West. Look around the world - there have been many cultural/religious experiments. Where else has an Enlightenment been born?

The Han Dynasty in China.

The Library of Alexandria in ancient Egypt.

The ancient Indus civilization.

Classical Greece.

The Etruscan Civilization.

Then there is the contribution of Islamic culture and science on the European renaissance.

All of the above were periods of enlightenment, Pastor Rikurzhen. Too bad your lackluster education never went beyond your Stormfront limitations.
"So democratic government, equality, rights etc. are not of sufficient merit on their own?"

Claim: Democratic government, equality, rights etc. are of sufficient merit without the existence of God.

The claim is self-contradictory. The very idea of merit vs. unmerit (good vs. evil) requires absolute moral standard based on God perfect morality.

See: Transcendental proof of God's existence.

No proof supplied of your God ergo there is no proof of your alleged God's "perfect morality" either.

Mankind developed a moral code just as other animals have developed their own moral codes without the benefit of any deities.
"So democratic government, equality, rights etc. are not of sufficient merit on their own?"

Claim: Democratic government, equality, rights etc. are of sufficient merit without the existence of God.

The claim is self-contradictory. The very idea of merit vs. unmerit (good vs. evil) requires absolute moral standard based on God perfect morality.

See: Transcendental proof of God's existence.
There is no 'proof' of 'god' as perceived by theists.

That's immaterial. There's also no proof that racial groups are equal. The point is if people believe in God and follow those traditions, civil life takes one course and if they abandon their belief then their behavior changes too.

Racial inequality is real and it's biological and expressed in many forms, many of which intersect our social matrix. If you want to be governed by empiricism, then kiss equal rights good bye.

Herr Rikurzhen's "ubermenschen" racist arrogance is prominently on display again. He would be far more at home amid his vile ilk at the Stormfront message board.
The USC was created to allow the type of discussion, such as above, without it pulling down civil order and causing social catastrophe.

The Riks and bfgrn can argue away, believe that they have won, respectively, and no harm is done.

That is the genius of the USC.
I'm a comfy agnostic, and I've never suffered emotional trauma over the notion of seeing the manger in public during Christmas season. Nor has it ever bothered me that America would be considered a Christian nation. I don't have to belong, to be in the majority. But that's just me.

So what happens, precisely? Do you get nauseous, do you start shaking, do you lose sleep over seeing such a thing?

Narcissistic hypersensitivity, thy name is PC.

God's will and providence necessitate the formation of Western culture and everything else.


Then let God protect and defend our culture.

I shall do nothing to interfere with the will of God on this matter. I shall do nothing at all.

God's will is absolute. Everything God wants to do is done already.

The created creature reality is the now. Therefore, we have free will. More precisely, we have an appearance of free will.

You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory— even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles?Romans 9:19-24 (ESV)

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
I'm a comfy agnostic, and I've never suffered emotional trauma over the notion of seeing the manger in public during Christmas season. Nor has it ever bothered me that America would be considered a Christian nation. I don't have to belong, to be in the majority. But that's just me.

So what happens, precisely? Do you get nauseous, do you start shaking, do you lose sleep over seeing such a thing?

Narcissistic hypersensitivity, thy name is PC.


The problem with seeing a manger is that they don't stop there.

Pretty soon, they are trying to define marriage or health coverage based on their belief in Magic Sky Fairies.
I'm a comfy agnostic, and I've never suffered emotional trauma over the notion of seeing the manger in public during Christmas season. Nor has it ever bothered me that America would be considered a Christian nation. I don't have to belong, to be in the majority. But that's just me.

So what happens, precisely? Do you get nauseous, do you start shaking, do you lose sleep over seeing such a thing?

Narcissistic hypersensitivity, thy name is PC.


It's a language and perception issue.

The United States of America is a Christian nation in Spirit and a Secular nation in Body.
I'm a comfy agnostic, and I've never suffered emotional trauma over the notion of seeing the manger in public during Christmas season. Nor has it ever bothered me that America would be considered a Christian nation. I don't have to belong, to be in the majority. But that's just me.

So what happens, precisely? Do you get nauseous, do you start shaking, do you lose sleep over seeing such a thing?

Narcissistic hypersensitivity, thy name is PC.


It's a language and perception issue.

The United States of America is a Christian nation in Spirit and a Secular nation in Body.

The United States of America is a Christian nation in Spirit

Too bad you cannot find anything supporting that allegation anywhere in the Constitution.
...Right. So it's okay the Pope let millions of Jews, Poles (who were Catholic) and other get killed because, hey, we need to look out for ourselves...
Of course it's not. But I also can't blame the Pope for not choosing martyrdom or suicide for both himself and much of his fellow clergy, given that large-scale killings of Jews did not get underway until the 1942-1943 timeframe and that such mass killings were only rumors for the longest time and given that all of Europe was under the Nazi boot heel.

Horseshit. the first country to fall to the Nazis was Catholic Poland. Where they eventually wiped out 6 million Poles, half of them Catholic. are you really trying to claim the Pope didn't know EXACTLY what was going on? While the Nazis had laws saying that they would kill anyone who hid a Jew, Poland was the only country where they actually did it on a large scale.

...Horseshit, Pius was all for the Nazis because he was more afraid the COmmunists would win and take his shit.

Wartime Pope Pius XII more concerned about Communism than Holocaust - Telegraph

The files appear to lend weight to Jewish allegations that Pius failed to stand up to Nazi Germany and failed in his duty to issue any kind of condemnation of the persecution of Jews during the Second World War.

Two Italian researchers found previously secret correspondence about a meeting held in Nov 1944 between Pius and the British ambassador to the Holy See, Sir D'Arcy Osborne.

Rome had been liberated in June that year, but the Germans were deporting Jews from Hungary to Auschwitz and other camps.

Osborne, who later became the Duke of Leeds, told the Pope that the British government wanted him to issue a public appeal on behalf of the Hungarian Jews.

But Pius said that instead he was under pressure to condemn alleged abuses perpetrated by the Soviet army against Catholic civilians in Poland and the Baltic States.

Case pretty much closed, I'd say.
I wish I could say that I'm convinced, but, I'm not.

A research paper by a couple of Italians, who all all on-fire about Pius XII not saying anything about German mass killings, after Rome had been liberated.

What those folks fail to take into account is that it was not just his (the Vatican's, or the Italian church's) skin that he was thinking about, but the skins of both his clerics (priests, nuns, etc.) and the faithful in those areas still controlled by the Nazis.

Open his mouth about such things and every cleric still in the thrall of the Nazis instantly had a target on his or her chest.

Case anything-but-closed, but, then again, we could probably go back and forth about this one for days, off and on, to no end or 'final' conclusion.
"If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?"

Again, the idiocy of this, of course, is that there is no 'Christian basis of governance,' since the Declaration of Independence is a document neither of policy nor law, and devoid of any authority; consequently there's nothing to 'erase' and nothing will be 'unleashed,' whatever that's supposed to mean.
The Declaration of Independence is the Birth Certificate of the United States.

It does not seek to make policy nor law - rather, it declares, substantively, that a new Nation has been born, and gives some explicit references to the nature of that creation, and the moral and spiritual aegis under which it was fashioned and animated.

One must create a Nation and outline its nature before one can begin work on the more mundane and more demanding but less important mechanisms of policy and law.
I wish I could say that I'm convinced, but, I'm not.

A research paper by a couple of Italians, who all all on-fire about Pius XII not saying anything about German mass killings, after Rome had been liberated.

What those folks fail to take into account is that it was not just his (the Vatican's, or the Italian church's) skin that he was thinking about, but the skins of both his clerics (priests, nuns, etc.) and the faithful in those areas still controlled by the Nazis.

Open his mouth about such things and every cleric still in the thrall of the Nazis instantly had a target on his or her chest.

Case anything-but-closed, but, then again, we could probably go back and forth about this one for days, off and on, to no end or 'final' conclusion.

But is the WHOLE PROBLEM with the fucking Catholic Church. Looking out for the Church is ALWAYS the paramount concern.

When they caught priests diddling little boys, the first concern was protecting the church, not the children. They only started caring when those kids starting winning big settlements.

And when the Nazis were turning millions of people into Lampshades and Bars of Soap, the Catholic Church didn't say jack shit about it because, hey, the Nazis might retaliate and boy, we are really worried the damned Commies might outlaw religion.

Not that this was that big of a concern, most of the people fighting for the Axis were Catholics. Italy, Hungary, Romania, Austria, about half of Germany, - mostly Catholics serving in their armies. LIke they were really going to pull the triggers on their fellow Catholics because of something the Pope said?
"If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?"

Again, the idiocy of this, of course, is that there is no 'Christian basis of governance,' since the Declaration of Independence is a document neither of policy nor law, and devoid of any authority; consequently there's nothing to 'erase' and nothing will be 'unleashed,' whatever that's supposed to mean.
The Declaration of Independence is the Birth Certificate of the United States.

It does not seek to make policy nor law - rather, it declares, substantively, that a new Nation has been born, and gives some explicit references to the nature of that creation, and the moral and spiritual aegis under which it was fashioned and animated.

One must create a Nation and outline its nature before one can begin work on the more mundane and more demanding but less important mechanisms of policy and law.


Nope! If you are looking for a parallel then I suggest you try Divorce papers.
"If We Erase The Christian Basis Of Governance, Then What Do We Unleash?"

Again, the idiocy of this, of course, is that there is no 'Christian basis of governance,' since the Declaration of Independence is a document neither of policy nor law, and devoid of any authority; consequently there's nothing to 'erase' and nothing will be 'unleashed,' whatever that's supposed to mean.
The Declaration of Independence is the Birth Certificate of the United States.

It does not seek to make policy nor law - rather, it declares, substantively, that a new Nation has been born, and gives some explicit references to the nature of that creation, and the moral and spiritual aegis under which it was fashioned and animated.

One must create a Nation and outline its nature before one can begin work on the more mundane and more demanding but less important mechanisms of policy and law.


Nope! If you are looking for a parallel then I suggest you try Divorce papers.
wrong again

you're the village idiot

lol look the village idiot is babbling nonsense again

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