If we ever let liberals disarm us, we will lose the last bits of freedom we have left...

We? You'll be tucked away behind your computer running your mouth about something for which you have zero knowledge.

Got more time breaking down a M-16 than you have on the chowline. You seem to think you Sillyvillians are the experts. Guess again. Most of us have turned down positions on Police Forces for various reasons. But one thing we know is, the AR-15 is as deadly as the M-16 and M-4 and are handled exactly the same way since they are, essentially, the same weapon. Go enlist and do a couple or three tours and earn that experience. Until then, you are just a freeloader with a bunch of toys.

They are not the same weapon. Someone that claims what you've claimed to have done would know that.

Prove, with verifiable evidence, you've done what you say or get back to playing soldier to try and impress your sister/girlfriend.

Just go to Military.com, login and search for me. You'll find me listed there. Oh, that's right, only the real deal can do that search, fakeboy.

I did and you weren't their GI Joe.

If you did then you would easily find me. But first,, you would have to have served yourself. Doesn't sound like that is the case. You ain't part of the Club because you haven't paid the entrance free.

You weren't there, liar. Dressing up in camo and playing with guns doesn't mean you served.

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