If we ever let liberals disarm us, we will lose the last bits of freedom we have left...

The AR-15 Model 601 (the Daddy to the AR-15, M-4 and M-16) was invented with the idea that it would be in the hands of an 18 year old scared out of his mind, pumped up on adrenaline in a nasty firefight where lots of rounds have to be expended fast and reloading has to be simple as well as extremely fast. In 1958, the Assault Rifle American Style was born. In Combat, the Assault Rifle isn't used in full or even 3 shot burst. It's used in single shot only to conserve ammo and for accuracy sake. There is ZERO difference between the AR-15 Model 750 and the AR-15 Model 604 M-16 at all in the capability and uses. If you call the M-16 and the M-4 an Assault Rifle, guess what, the AR-15 Model 750 (the long version of the AR-15) then you have to also call the AR-15 an assault rifle as well since there is really no difference between the AR-15 and the M-16 and the M-4 in it's operation and handling. But most of all, there is no difference it their capability. Saying the AR-15 is just a Sporting Varmint Rifle is like saying that a Claymore is a good Deer Hunting Tool providing you string the trip wire across the entrance to the watering hole.

Yes, according to you, (and your buddy the orange one), all minorities are rapists, murderers and father rapers. Whites NEVER commit crimes with guns, right? Whites NEVER sell guns to gangs. Whites NEVER murder others. Whites NEVER mass murder. I change it to read, Criminals, not minorities since crime doesn't really have a Race. But Bigots only see the race and block out the reality.

The AR-15 is not an assault rifle despite your nonsense rant. What you did was twist yourself into a pretzel.

Apparently you're the one seeing things. Can you provide a link to a post where I stated "all minorities are rapists, murders, and father rapers"? While you're at it, can you provide a link to a post where I said whites "NEVER sell guns to gangs, whites NEVER murder others, whites NEVER mass murder"?

Unless you can, the best thing you can do if STFU before embarrassing yourself again making baseless claims, BOY.

You posted

<quote>Do you support a ban on what you Liberals incorrectly call an assault weapon?

Rest assured minorities are pro 2nd amendment. Do you consider guns they stole as owning them?</unquote>

What I did was gave you the history of the AR-15. The historic uses,, intentions, purposes. It's not me that is trying to twist it into a pretzel. Using your ideas, fishing with TNT should legal and accepted.

Your statement of Minorities stands on it's own, bigot.

What you did was incorrectly label the AR-15 an assault rifle. That's where the pretzel twisting was.

I didn't make a statement on minorities. I asked a question you stupid motherfucker. That's what the "?" means. I do see you can't provide a link to anything remotely close to what you claims I said. Better luck next time, BOY.

If the M-16 and M-4 are both Assault Rifles so is the AR-15. You can't change that with your magic wand. The Original AR-15 Model 601 was the original US Assault Rifle second only to the original AK-47. You AR Cult Members have been twisting your pretzels for so long I don't know if you believe yourselves or not. When you are faced with reality, you just hold your hands to your ears and start screaming, "LALALALALALA". I guess you want to break out the trusty jeep mounted Mah Deuce because there is a whole herd of Deer that would be tasty.

And your question stands by itself, bigot.

Still twisting yourself to call the AR-15 and assault rifle, huh? FYI, I have four of them. Next question is what the fuck are you going to do about it? Whine and cry.

I noticed you don't have the guts to answer it or provide a link to anything you claim I said. That's what a fucking pussy left wing coward does. Runs when he's expected to back up his claims. Did the question trigger you, BOY?

Actually, I am not twisting a thing. If the M-16 and the M-4 are both Assault Rifles then so is the AR-15. If neither the M-16 nor the M-4 are not assault rifles then neither is the AR-15. It's one way or the other. Which is it. Actually, I will wait and see. If you use them responsible then nothing. If you don't then a group of cops will show up with a bunch of Colt LE6920s (Milgrade AR-15s) and blow your shit away. BTW, the Swats call their LE6920s Assault Rifles but in reality, they are milspec AR-15 semi-auto rifles. The AR-15 has blown the lid off the definition of "Assault Rifle" definition. Actually, it was the Military that learned that the full auto and even the 3 shot burst setting was worthless and just wasted ammo. Which means, in combat, the AR works exactly like it's M brothers and does exactly the same job. If the AR is not an Assault Rifle then neither is the M-16 or the M-4. Which is it.

I don't need a single link on your bigoted statement. It pretty well stands all by itself, Grand Wizard.
The AR-15 is not an assault rifle despite your nonsense rant. What you did was twist yourself into a pretzel.

Apparently you're the one seeing things. Can you provide a link to a post where I stated "all minorities are rapists, murders, and father rapers"? While you're at it, can you provide a link to a post where I said whites "NEVER sell guns to gangs, whites NEVER murder others, whites NEVER mass murder"?

Unless you can, the best thing you can do if STFU before embarrassing yourself again making baseless claims, BOY.

You posted

<quote>Do you support a ban on what you Liberals incorrectly call an assault weapon?

Rest assured minorities are pro 2nd amendment. Do you consider guns they stole as owning them?</unquote>

What I did was gave you the history of the AR-15. The historic uses,, intentions, purposes. It's not me that is trying to twist it into a pretzel. Using your ideas, fishing with TNT should legal and accepted.

Your statement of Minorities stands on it's own, bigot.

What you did was incorrectly label the AR-15 an assault rifle. That's where the pretzel twisting was.

I didn't make a statement on minorities. I asked a question you stupid motherfucker. That's what the "?" means. I do see you can't provide a link to anything remotely close to what you claims I said. Better luck next time, BOY.

If the M-16 and M-4 are both Assault Rifles so is the AR-15. You can't change that with your magic wand. The Original AR-15 Model 601 was the original US Assault Rifle second only to the original AK-47. You AR Cult Members have been twisting your pretzels for so long I don't know if you believe yourselves or not. When you are faced with reality, you just hold your hands to your ears and start screaming, "LALALALALALA". I guess you want to break out the trusty jeep mounted Mah Deuce because there is a whole herd of Deer that would be tasty.

And your question stands by itself, bigot.

Still twisting yourself to call the AR-15 and assault rifle, huh? FYI, I have four of them. Next question is what the fuck are you going to do about it? Whine and cry.

I noticed you don't have the guts to answer it or provide a link to anything you claim I said. That's what a fucking pussy left wing coward does. Runs when he's expected to back up his claims. Did the question trigger you, BOY?

When I was a kid there used to be an advertisement in Mechanics Illustrated where you could buy a Mercedes Benz kit to put over a Volkswagen and make the VW look like a miniature Mercedes.

Do you think if Daryl saw one of those, he'd bet you $100 it was a Mercedes?

Ah, the bully brigade shows up. What's the matter, your grand wizard can't win so he calls in reinforcements? If you haven't noticed, I don't bully so easy. Yes, it's a flaw. One that many Warriors have and we are proud we have it. Here is a statement you will never understand. Bring it, baby because I wrote off my Ass decades ago.
Oh good. This topic again.

Conservatives are obsessed with the idea of liberals trying to take their guns. I've concluded that it's something you're extremely paranoid about and yet also fantasize about.

"Oh man. I can't WAIT until one of them tries to take MY gun. I'm gonna be like 'pew pew pew'. Yea, that'll show them."

You posted

<quote>Do you support a ban on what you Liberals incorrectly call an assault weapon?

Rest assured minorities are pro 2nd amendment. Do you consider guns they stole as owning them?</unquote>

What I did was gave you the history of the AR-15. The historic uses,, intentions, purposes. It's not me that is trying to twist it into a pretzel. Using your ideas, fishing with TNT should legal and accepted.

Your statement of Minorities stands on it's own, bigot.

What you did was incorrectly label the AR-15 an assault rifle. That's where the pretzel twisting was.

I didn't make a statement on minorities. I asked a question you stupid motherfucker. That's what the "?" means. I do see you can't provide a link to anything remotely close to what you claims I said. Better luck next time, BOY.

If the M-16 and M-4 are both Assault Rifles so is the AR-15. You can't change that with your magic wand. The Original AR-15 Model 601 was the original US Assault Rifle second only to the original AK-47. You AR Cult Members have been twisting your pretzels for so long I don't know if you believe yourselves or not. When you are faced with reality, you just hold your hands to your ears and start screaming, "LALALALALALA". I guess you want to break out the trusty jeep mounted Mah Deuce because there is a whole herd of Deer that would be tasty.

And your question stands by itself, bigot.

Still twisting yourself to call the AR-15 and assault rifle, huh? FYI, I have four of them. Next question is what the fuck are you going to do about it? Whine and cry.

I noticed you don't have the guts to answer it or provide a link to anything you claim I said. That's what a fucking pussy left wing coward does. Runs when he's expected to back up his claims. Did the question trigger you, BOY?

When I was a kid there used to be an advertisement in Mechanics Illustrated where you could buy a Mercedes Benz kit to put over a Volkswagen and make the VW look like a miniature Mercedes.

Do you think if Daryl saw one of those, he'd bet you $100 it was a Mercedes?

Ah, the bully brigade shows up. What's the matter, your grand wizard can't win so he calls in reinforcements? If you haven't noticed, I don't bully so easy. Yes, it's a flaw. One that many Warriors have and we are proud we have it. Here is a statement you will never understand. Bring it, baby because I wrote off my Ass decades ago.

I'm not part of any "Bully Brigade." Don't get your boxers in a bunch.

I know that an AR 15 is a semi-automatic rifle and that combat vets call the CAR 15 an M4gery. There is a very important distinction.

The AR 15 / CAR 15 / M4gery class of weapons are semi automatic. Calling them assault rifles is as accurate as calling a Mustang with a six cylinder in it a police Interceptor simply because of outward appearances. The M16 is an assault rifle because it is capable of fully automatic fire with the flip of a selector switch. The AR 15 does not have such a capability UNLESS you have access to a machine shop... then if you had such access, you could build any kind of firearm.
...it's not about self-defense against criminals (though that's important), or hunting (though that's important too) the purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect us from liberal elites who are conspiring to destroy our freedoms. Look at what they've accomplished on university campuses, where First Amendment no longer exists, and a man accused of rape is denied due process. Look at what they're doing with Google, Facebook and Twitter, censoring speech and banning conservatives from speaking. Look at the California one-party state, secured with illegal votes of illegal aliens. This is the liberal elite's goal for all of us, a total loss of the freedom to speak and vote.

I wish the liberal elite would do something about Good Morning America…it’s infringing on my right to not be annoyed.
Change the channel.
Oh good. This topic again.

Conservatives are obsessed with the idea of liberals trying to take their guns. I've concluded that it's something you're extremely paranoid about and yet also fantasize about.

"Oh man. I can't WAIT until one of them tries to take MY gun. I'm gonna be like 'pew pew pew'. Yea, that'll show them."


It's sad that II have to be armed to protect me from the guncrazy that lives next door.
What you did was incorrectly label the AR-15 an assault rifle. That's where the pretzel twisting was.

I didn't make a statement on minorities. I asked a question you stupid motherfucker. That's what the "?" means. I do see you can't provide a link to anything remotely close to what you claims I said. Better luck next time, BOY.

If the M-16 and M-4 are both Assault Rifles so is the AR-15. You can't change that with your magic wand. The Original AR-15 Model 601 was the original US Assault Rifle second only to the original AK-47. You AR Cult Members have been twisting your pretzels for so long I don't know if you believe yourselves or not. When you are faced with reality, you just hold your hands to your ears and start screaming, "LALALALALALA". I guess you want to break out the trusty jeep mounted Mah Deuce because there is a whole herd of Deer that would be tasty.

And your question stands by itself, bigot.

Still twisting yourself to call the AR-15 and assault rifle, huh? FYI, I have four of them. Next question is what the fuck are you going to do about it? Whine and cry.

I noticed you don't have the guts to answer it or provide a link to anything you claim I said. That's what a fucking pussy left wing coward does. Runs when he's expected to back up his claims. Did the question trigger you, BOY?

When I was a kid there used to be an advertisement in Mechanics Illustrated where you could buy a Mercedes Benz kit to put over a Volkswagen and make the VW look like a miniature Mercedes.

Do you think if Daryl saw one of those, he'd bet you $100 it was a Mercedes?

Ah, the bully brigade shows up. What's the matter, your grand wizard can't win so he calls in reinforcements? If you haven't noticed, I don't bully so easy. Yes, it's a flaw. One that many Warriors have and we are proud we have it. Here is a statement you will never understand. Bring it, baby because I wrote off my Ass decades ago.

I'm not part of any "Bully Brigade." Don't get your boxers in a bunch.

I know that an AR 15 is a semi-automatic rifle and that combat vets call the CAR 15 an M4gery. There is a very important distinction.

The AR 15 / CAR 15 / M4gery class of weapons are semi automatic. Calling them assault rifles is as accurate as calling a Mustang with a six cylinder in it a police Interceptor simply because of outward appearances. The M16 is an assault rifle because it is capable of fully automatic fire with the flip of a selector switch. The AR 15 does not have such a capability UNLESS you have access to a machine shop... then if you had such access, you could build any kind of firearm.

Shows that you have never served. Or that you have zero range of combat time with either a M-16 or a M-4. Here is M-16 101 for dummies. The original AR-15 Model 601 and the M-16A-1 were both semi and full auto. But when the Army accepted the M-16A-3 and the M-4 (they upgraded the older models) they removed the full auto and replaced them with the 3 shot burst which is just not used for anything. The first round is on target but round 2 and 3 are off target. The old A-1 was a spray and pray weapon that was used to waste a lot of ammo by novices in battle. They ran out of ammo quickly. In a firefight, you run out of ammo and not only do you die but so do your buddies. The seasoned pro never set his to full auto or 3 shot burst. Do you understand, Babyson?

It doesn't matter if you have the capability or not if you never use it in combat. single shot single pull is what is used and it doesn't matter if it's an AR-15, M-16, M-4, or any other assault rifle, it all works the same. Single shot, single pull. You ain't firing a M-60, M-249, or M-240. You want to know what those 3 are, look them up. As guncrazy as you are, it should make you cream your drawers.
...it's not about self-defense against criminals (though that's important), or hunting (though that's important too) the purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect us from liberal elites who are conspiring to destroy our freedoms. Look at what they've accomplished on university campuses, where First Amendment no longer exists, and a man accused of rape is denied due process. Look at what they're doing with Google, Facebook and Twitter, censoring speech and banning conservatives from speaking. Look at the California one-party state, secured with illegal votes of illegal aliens. This is the liberal elite's goal for all of us, a total loss of the freedom to speak and vote.

I wish the liberal elite would do something about Good Morning America…it’s infringing on my right to not be annoyed.
Change the channel.

Sometimes I watch Pauxsnews just to get annoyed. It's like watching a football game where the refs are calling the fouls against your home team. It's good for the soul. Too bad the other side doesn't spend time on MSNBC or CNN for the same reason. Maybe when we come get their guns and send them to the interment camps their sentence will be that they have to watch MSNBC and CNN 24 hours a day. Now, that's justice.
Conservatives are obsessed with the idea of liberals trying to take their guns.

I am conservative when it comes to gun rights.

I assure you, the rest of your lives will be made hell on Earth for taking my guns away until at long last your souls are delivered to Satan for eternal torment.

In time and in eternity you will rue the day you ever thought to speak against the absolute and inviolable right of each and every human being to bear firearms and deadly weapons.

Yours is the voice of surrender, defeat, and humiliation in battle, and you must fall to very weapons you purpose to ban. There is no redemption for that sort of treason in war.
Conservatives are obsessed with the idea of liberals trying to take their guns.

I am conservative when it comes to gun rights.

I assure you, the rest of your lives will be made hell on Earth for taking my guns away until at long last your souls are delivered to Satan for eternal torment.

In time and in eternity you will rue the day you ever thought to speak against the absolute and inviolable right of each and every human being to bear firearms and deadly weapons.

Yours is the voice of surrender, defeat, and humiliation in battle, and you must fall to very weapons you purpose to ban. There is no redemption for that sort of treason in war.

Then send out your guns with their hands up. The nice men dressed in black will frisk them and load them up in the black panel trucks. Then you come out with your hands in plain site. The nice gentlemen (not so gently) will search you, zip tie your hands behind your back and load you up in a Con Air bus. You will be transported to the very place you planned on sending illegals to in the middle of the desert. Under the Patriot Act, you will not be afforded trial, legal representation and you will have to surrender your crayons and coloring books. For the rest of your life, you will be forced to watch reruns of CNN 24 hours a day. And we all would like to thank you for building those nice interment camps. No use putting to waste.
...it's not about self-defense against criminals (though that's important), or hunting (though that's important too) the purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect us from liberal elites who are conspiring to destroy our freedoms. Look at what they've accomplished on university campuses, where First Amendment no longer exists, and a man accused of rape is denied due process. Look at what they're doing with Google, Facebook and Twitter, censoring speech and banning conservatives from speaking. Look at the California one-party state, secured with illegal votes of illegal aliens. This is the liberal elite's goal for all of us, a total loss of the freedom to speak and vote.

I wish the liberal elite would do something about Good Morning America…it’s infringing on my right to not be annoyed.
Change the channel.

Not good enough. I want these people dead!
...it's not about self-defense against criminals (though that's important), or hunting (though that's important too) the purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect us from liberal elites who are conspiring to destroy our freedoms. Look at what they've accomplished on university campuses, where First Amendment no longer exists, and a man accused of rape is denied due process. Look at what they're doing with Google, Facebook and Twitter, censoring speech and banning conservatives from speaking. Look at the California one-party state, secured with illegal votes of illegal aliens. This is the liberal elite's goal for all of us, a total loss of the freedom to speak and vote.

I wish the liberal elite would do something about Good Morning America…it’s infringing on my right to not be annoyed.
Change the channel.

Not good enough. I want these people dead!
just kidding of course.
...it's not about self-defense against criminals (though that's important), or hunting (though that's important too) the purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect us from liberal elites who are conspiring to destroy our freedoms. Look at what they've accomplished on university campuses, where First Amendment no longer exists, and a man accused of rape is denied due process. Look at what they're doing with Google, Facebook and Twitter, censoring speech and banning conservatives from speaking. Look at the California one-party state, secured with illegal votes of illegal aliens. This is the liberal elite's goal for all of us, a total loss of the freedom to speak and vote.

I wish the liberal elite would do something about Good Morning America…it’s infringing on my right to not be annoyed.
Change the channel.

Sometimes I watch Pauxsnews just to get annoyed. It's like watching a football game where the refs are calling the fouls against your home team. It's good for the soul. Too bad the other side doesn't spend time on MSNBC or CNN for the same reason. Maybe when we come get their guns and send them to the interment camps their sentence will be that they have to watch MSNBC and CNN 24 hours a day. Now, that's justice.

Robin Roberts and Lara Spencer would make me commit hare kari
...it's not about self-defense against criminals (though that's important), or hunting (though that's important too) the purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect us from liberal elites who are conspiring to destroy our freedoms. Look at what they've accomplished on university campuses, where First Amendment no longer exists, and a man accused of rape is denied due process. Look at what they're doing with Google, Facebook and Twitter, censoring speech and banning conservatives from speaking. Look at the California one-party state, secured with illegal votes of illegal aliens. This is the liberal elite's goal for all of us, a total loss of the freedom to speak and vote.

'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.'

The 2'nd Amendment is ENTIRELY about the Militia (the military). It is NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with people owning guns to protect themselves from burglars or neighbors or the 'evil' liberals.

Back then, the Militia WAS the military as the Founding Fathers were smart enough to have a tiny peace time army but a huge, well-equipped reserves (militia). THAT is what the second Amendment was ALL about.

I don't even begin to care what you gun bunnies say it is for...it is solely and completely about the militia.

And I will not debate this because to do so is pointless as gun bunnies are flat out mentally disturbed about gun ownership. I have NEVER met a gun bunny who did not appear to me to be either stupid and/or mentally 'off' on some level. Never.

Ta ta.

BTW - I signed up for the reserves when I was 18...so you can save the 'he never fired a gun in his life' nonsense. I have and I love guns.
But I am not fanatical about them like you gun bunnies are.
If the M-16 and M-4 are both Assault Rifles so is the AR-15. You can't change that with your magic wand. The Original AR-15 Model 601 was the original US Assault Rifle second only to the original AK-47. You AR Cult Members have been twisting your pretzels for so long I don't know if you believe yourselves or not. When you are faced with reality, you just hold your hands to your ears and start screaming, "LALALALALALA". I guess you want to break out the trusty jeep mounted Mah Deuce because there is a whole herd of Deer that would be tasty.

And your question stands by itself, bigot.

Still twisting yourself to call the AR-15 and assault rifle, huh? FYI, I have four of them. Next question is what the fuck are you going to do about it? Whine and cry.

I noticed you don't have the guts to answer it or provide a link to anything you claim I said. That's what a fucking pussy left wing coward does. Runs when he's expected to back up his claims. Did the question trigger you, BOY?

When I was a kid there used to be an advertisement in Mechanics Illustrated where you could buy a Mercedes Benz kit to put over a Volkswagen and make the VW look like a miniature Mercedes.

Do you think if Daryl saw one of those, he'd bet you $100 it was a Mercedes?

Ah, the bully brigade shows up. What's the matter, your grand wizard can't win so he calls in reinforcements? If you haven't noticed, I don't bully so easy. Yes, it's a flaw. One that many Warriors have and we are proud we have it. Here is a statement you will never understand. Bring it, baby because I wrote off my Ass decades ago.

I'm not part of any "Bully Brigade." Don't get your boxers in a bunch.

I know that an AR 15 is a semi-automatic rifle and that combat vets call the CAR 15 an M4gery. There is a very important distinction.

The AR 15 / CAR 15 / M4gery class of weapons are semi automatic. Calling them assault rifles is as accurate as calling a Mustang with a six cylinder in it a police Interceptor simply because of outward appearances. The M16 is an assault rifle because it is capable of fully automatic fire with the flip of a selector switch. The AR 15 does not have such a capability UNLESS you have access to a machine shop... then if you had such access, you could build any kind of firearm.

Shows that you have never served. Or that you have zero range of combat time with either a M-16 or a M-4. Here is M-16 101 for dummies. The original AR-15 Model 601 and the M-16A-1 were both semi and full auto. But when the Army accepted the M-16A-3 and the M-4 (they upgraded the older models) they removed the full auto and replaced them with the 3 shot burst which is just not used for anything. The first round is on target but round 2 and 3 are off target. The old A-1 was a spray and pray weapon that was used to waste a lot of ammo by novices in battle. They ran out of ammo quickly. In a firefight, you run out of ammo and not only do you die but so do your buddies. The seasoned pro never set his to full auto or 3 shot burst. Do you understand, Babyson?

It doesn't matter if you have the capability or not if you never use it in combat. single shot single pull is what is used and it doesn't matter if it's an AR-15, M-16, M-4, or any other assault rifle, it all works the same. Single shot, single pull. You ain't firing a M-60, M-249, or M-240. You want to know what those 3 are, look them up. As guncrazy as you are, it should make you cream your drawers.
Oh good. This topic again.

Conservatives are obsessed with the idea of liberals trying to take their guns. I've concluded that it's something you're extremely paranoid about and yet also fantasize about.

"Oh man. I can't WAIT until one of them tries to take MY gun. I'm gonna be like 'pew pew pew'. Yea, that'll show them."


It's sad that II have to be armed to protect me from the guncrazy that lives next door.

It's sad you think it's OK to try and take something that doesn't belong to you.

It's sad someone that CLAIMS to have served doesn't know the difference between types of guns.
...it's not about self-defense against criminals (though that's important), or hunting (though that's important too) the purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect us from liberal elites who are conspiring to destroy our freedoms. Look at what they've accomplished on university campuses, where First Amendment no longer exists, and a man accused of rape is denied due process. Look at what they're doing with Google, Facebook and Twitter, censoring speech and banning conservatives from speaking. Look at the California one-party state, secured with illegal votes of illegal aliens. This is the liberal elite's goal for all of us, a total loss of the freedom to speak and vote.

I wish the liberal elite would do something about Good Morning America…it’s infringing on my right to not be annoyed.
Change the channel.

Sometimes I watch Pauxsnews just to get annoyed. It's like watching a football game where the refs are calling the fouls against your home team. It's good for the soul. Too bad the other side doesn't spend time on MSNBC or CNN for the same reason. Maybe when we come get their guns and send them to the interment camps their sentence will be that they have to watch MSNBC and CNN 24 hours a day. Now, that's justice.

We? You'll be tucked away behind your computer running your mouth about something for which you have zero knowledge.

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