If we had a capitalist health care system life expectancy would probably be 100-110.

Well, eddie is back. Welcome there, I guess.

The following is much more accurate: a truly capitalist health care system would result in a possible expectation of living to be 56-66.

and can you tell us why you feel that way. A liberal always had to asked for a reason. It does not occur to a liberal that a reason is necessary.

Because there is no evidence for your comment, so I just made it up too.

a capitalist economy will produce innovations at a rate 100,000 times that of a communist economy
Well, eddie is back. Welcome there, I guess.

The following is much more accurate: a truly capitalist health care system would result in a possible expectation of living to be 56-66.

and can you tell us why you feel that way. A liberal always had to asked for a reason. It does not occur to a liberal that a reason is necessary.

Because there is no evidence for your comment, so I just made it up too.

Conty has no political leaning whatsoever except what can bring him his little heart's desire. Right, Conty?



That's pretty retarded there, if we had an entirely pay-or-die system the life expectancy of medical professionals would be about five seconds after they turned away someone's dying child.

We had that system right up to the time that Medicare was created. No children were turned away because they couldn't pay, and people were not dying on the streets. Medical rates were reasonable, insurance costs were reasonable, and this country prospered. Most hospitals were community or church sponsored, and rich people contributed considerably to the cause, and or course, to get their names on one or more of the buildings.

I imagine that some child, somewhere, was refused medical care because they couldn't pay, but that was definitely not the norm in the USA.

Medicare screwed up our medical care system. Not because it was not a good idea, but because it was run by dumbasses who didn't have any concept of what they were doing. Unlimited amounts of government money sponsored corruption throughout the system, and drove up costs tremendously. Medicaid finished the job, and now we need a new government program to fix the mess created by the existing government programs.
Well, eddie is back. Welcome there, I guess.

The following is much more accurate: a truly capitalist health care system would result in a possible expectation of living to be 56-66.

and can you tell us why you feel that way. A liberal always had to asked for a reason. It does not occur to a liberal that a reason is necessary.

Because there is no evidence for your comment, so I just made it up too.

Once Obamacare is fully implemented, people will live to be 1,000 minimum. Hey, I have just as much proof as the putz in the OP.
Based on what evidence?

what evidence?? The USSR, for example, did not produce one single consumer innovation during their existence! Do you know why?

So... no evidence at all. What a shock.

The USSR, and East Germany, for example, did not produce one single consumer innovation during its existence! Do you know why?

In 1980 you paid 10 years salary in Hungary for a car without a gas gage (dip stick instead) that had to be backed up a hill because of a gravity fed carburetor. They employed engineers by the 1000's all of whom swore that was the best they could do.

It is not until you have had years and years of free Republican capitalist competition that you have any idea how many engineers are needed, at what salary, to produce what quality.

Can you understand the analogy?
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Edward, go ahead and tell us that it was Jefferson who created the Republican Party, not the Democratic Party. I have already notified plainview.
We don't have a capitalist health care system today because liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Should we hold liberals responsible for taking 20 years off everyone's life??

I bet Edward was his school's Class Clown. Where does he get this stuff? He's a comic genius!

if you disagree please say why or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks
Edward, go ahead and tell us that it was Jefferson who created the Republican Party, not the Democratic Party. I have already notified plainview.

please don't try to change the subject as a liberal just becuase you lack the IQ for the subject.

Please start other thread on Jefferson if you want
There is, and never has been a capitalist health care system. Until ACA was passed, about 20 mega health insurance companies controlled the system. Company's like Humana, Healthnet, Blue Cross, United Health, Prudential, etc. Even the AMA could no longer come up against them. Between these companies and big pharmacy, they had everyone in this nation by the balls.

Even ACA is timid about confronting that cartel. Big pharm still has a law on the books forbidding the USA to bargain with them over the price of Medicare Drugs, and the insurance companies still get all the business in the USA, with no single payer plan as competition. All we did was to fight back just a little, by giving them the promise of having the entire population of America as a market, in exchange for playing by our rules. They jumped on it. Knowing that this was going to make health care companies even richer, I jumped on it, too, and my mutual fund health care stock that I bought for $5,000 right before Obama was elected, is now worth $14,000 and still climbing.
That's pretty retarded there, if we had an entirely pay-or-die system the life expectancy of medical professionals would be about five seconds after they turned away someone's dying child.

We had that system right up to the time that Medicare was created. No children were turned away because they couldn't pay, and people were not dying on the streets. Medical rates were reasonable, insurance costs were reasonable, and this country prospered. Most hospitals were community or church sponsored, and rich people contributed considerably to the cause, and or course, to get their names on one or more of the buildings.

I imagine that some child, somewhere, was refused medical care because they couldn't pay, but that was definitely not the norm in the USA.

Medicare screwed up our medical care system. Not because it was not a good idea, but because it was run by dumbasses who didn't have any concept of what they were doing. Unlimited amounts of government money sponsored corruption throughout the system, and drove up costs tremendously. Medicaid finished the job, and now we need a new government program to fix the mess created by the existing government programs.

There are more problems caused by profit seeking than anything. We have not produced a cure for anything in a long time because the drug companies concentrate on drug therapies that require you to take a drug for the rest of your life. To contrast, antibiotics were developed by US and British scientists who worked for their governments and gave away the patents for penicillin to the world for free.
That's pretty retarded there, if we had an entirely pay-or-die system the life expectancy of medical professionals would be about five seconds after they turned away someone's dying child.

We had that system right up to the time that Medicare was created. No children were turned away because they couldn't pay, and people were not dying on the streets. Medical rates were reasonable, insurance costs were reasonable, and this country prospered. Most hospitals were community or church sponsored, and rich people contributed considerably to the cause, and or course, to get their names on one or more of the buildings.

I imagine that some child, somewhere, was refused medical care because they couldn't pay, but that was definitely not the norm in the USA.

Medicare screwed up our medical care system. Not because it was not a good idea, but because it was run by dumbasses who didn't have any concept of what they were doing. Unlimited amounts of government money sponsored corruption throughout the system, and drove up costs tremendously. Medicaid finished the job, and now we need a new government program to fix the mess created by the existing government programs.

There are more problems caused by profit seeking than anything. We have not produced a cure for anything in a long time because the drug companies concentrate on drug therapies that require you to take a drug for the rest of your life. To contrast, antibiotics were developed by US and British scientists who worked for their governments and gave away the patents for penicillin to the world for free.

Son, I worked for a health insurance company before Medicare went into effect, and you are reciting pure bull shit....
If we want to see firsthand what a government health care system looks like, visit a VA Hospital.
All the employees, from the receptionist to the physicians to the pharmacists are Government employees. The physicians get paid the same if they see 2 patients a day or 50.

Corruption is rampant.

Now boys and girls, you say "capitalist" healthcare system when you should mean a "free market" health care system.
The evil profit motive!
As an example, how many MRI machines are in Canada with it's state run system? What is the wait time to get to one, and how far must they travel?
But here in the US, there are private imaging centers popping up all over. And they charge LESS than the hospitals. Some charge less than HALF. They wouldn't do that if there wasn't a profit in it.

Oh, and just to let you know, New York State has more MRI machines than all of Canada. I live in rural Vermont. I had to have an MRI done last month. I was seen within 36 hours from the time the appointment was made. But I did have to travel all of a half hour to the hospital.

We need to overhaul the entire health insurance system, top to bottom. And in doing so we must touch the third rail of the Democrat party... the LAWYERS! Anybody notice how the lawyers successfully lobbied to not be included in any Ostupidcare reforms?

Our next President should task Dr Ben Carson with overseeing healthcare reform from the top down.
One way is to have all hospitals have a fee schedule for procedures. Some hospitals charge 3 times as much as others for the same thing. But as long as somebody else (insurance) is paying, so what? Right?
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We don't have a capitalist health care system today because liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Should we hold liberals responsible for taking 20 years off everyone's life??

If we had a capitalist health care system life expectancy would probably be 100-110 for the %10 who could afford the cream. But I still doubt it. Japan (3rd after Monico/Macaw) has a life expectancy of 87+/-. In Japan;

The health care system in Japan provides healthcare services, including screening examinations, prenatal care and infectious disease control, with the patient accepting responsibility for 30% of these costs while the government pays the remaining 70%. Payment for personal medical services is offered through a universal health care insurance system that provides relative equality of access, with fees set by a government committee. People without insurance through employers can participate in a national health insurance programme administered by local governments. -Wikipedia


The WHO lists U.S. life expectancy as 35th in the World. The overwhelming majority of countries with higher rates of LE have public health care much more comprehensive than the U.S.

Conclusion....your full of shit.
If we want to see firsthand what a government health care system looks like, visit a VA Hospital.
All the employees, from the receptionist to the physicians to the pharmacists are Government employees. The physicians get paid the same if they see 2 patients a day or 50.

Corruption is rampant.

Now boys and girls, you say "capitalist" healthcare system when you should mean a "free market" health care system.
The evil profit motive!
As an example, how many MRI machines are in Canada with it's state run system? What is the wait time to get to one, and how far must they travel?
But here in the US, there are private imaging centers popping up all over. And they charge LESS than the hospitals. Some charge less than HALF. They wouldn't do that if there wasn't a profit in it.

Oh, and just to let you know, New York State has more MRI machines than all of Canada. I live in rural Vermont. I had to have an MRI done last month. I was seen within 36 hours from the time the appointment was made. But I did have to travel all of a half hour to the hospital.

We need to overhaul the entire health insurance system, top to bottom. And in doing so we must touch the third rail of the Democrat party... the LAWYERS! Anybody notice how the lawyers successfully lobbied to not be included in any Ostupidcare reforms?

Our next President should task Dr Ben Carson with overseeing healthcare reform from the top down.

Only if Ben Carson isn't our next president!
That's pretty retarded there, if we had an entirely pay-or-die system the life expectancy of medical professionals would be about five seconds after they turned away someone's dying child.

We had that system right up to the time that Medicare was created. No children were turned away because they couldn't pay, and people were not dying on the streets. Medical rates were reasonable, insurance costs were reasonable, and this country prospered. Most hospitals were community or church sponsored, and rich people contributed considerably to the cause, and or course, to get their names on one or more of the buildings.

I imagine that some child, somewhere, was refused medical care because they couldn't pay, but that was definitely not the norm in the USA.

Medicare screwed up our medical care system. Not because it was not a good idea, but because it was run by dumbasses who didn't have any concept of what they were doing. Unlimited amounts of government money sponsored corruption throughout the system, and drove up costs tremendously. Medicaid finished the job, and now we need a new government program to fix the mess created by the existing government programs.

There are more problems caused by profit seeking than anything. We have not produced a cure for anything in a long time because the drug companies concentrate on drug therapies that require you to take a drug for the rest of your life. To contrast, antibiotics were developed by US and British scientists who worked for their governments and gave away the patents for penicillin to the world for free.

Most hospitals, prior to Medicare, were non profits. Medicare and Medicaid, caused the drive toward profit modivated medical care. Massive amounts of federal money always brings out the takers who want their share of the loot. Especially when the bureaucrats handing out the money are incompetent boobs with little business experience.

You send Uncle Sam a bill for $10.00 for an office visit, and it is paid. You find out the doctor down the street billed Uncle Sam $20.00 for an office visit, and it got paid. The price of an office visit just doubled. Then you find out that another doctor is getting $40.00 for that same office visit. The price of an office visit just doubled again. Use the same formula for thousands of medical procedures, medical devices, and medicines, and you can easily see what happened to medical costs.
If we want to see firsthand what a government health care system looks like, visit a VA Hospital.
All the employees, from the receptionist to the physicians to the pharmacists are Government employees. The physicians get paid the same if they see 2 patients a day or 50.
Corruption is rampant.

Now boys and girls, you say "capitalist" healthcare system when you should mean a "free market" health care system.
The evil profit motive!
As an example, how many MRI machines are in Canada with it's state run system? What is the wait time to get to one, and how far must they travel?
But here in the US, there are private imaging centers popping up all over. And they charge LESS than the hospitals. Some charge less than HALF. They wouldn't do that if there wasn't a profit in it.

We need to overhaul the entire health insurance system, top to bottom. And in doing so we must touch the third rail of the Democrat party... the LAWYERS! Anybody notice how the lawyers successfully lobbied to not be included in any Ostupidcare reforms?

Our next President should task Dr Ben Carson with overseeing healthcare reform from the top down.

Let's say you have just tied the hands of the lawyers, what's to keep malpractice from exploding? Nothing that's what, because that's the only solution anyone ever hears from republicans with zero concern for families of patients who just lost their main breadwinner because he just got a massive overdose of heparin and hemorrhaged to death.
We don't have a capitalist health care system today because liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Should we hold liberals responsible for taking 20 years off everyone's life??

Although I greatly prefer the free market over Socialism/Obama-ism I have no desire to live even into my 90s (let alone 110). I'm for quality of life over quantity of life.

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