If we had a capitalist health care system life expectancy would probably be 100-110.

Charity only exists under capitalism, moron.

Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.
- Keynes

of course thats so silly, who would buy from a wicked man who produced wicked goods and services? We got from stone age to here because people do business with good people producing good products. Do you understand now?

The slave plantations never had problems selling the cotton, tobacco, and sugar they produced, did they?
If we had a fully capitalist health care system... Only the top 1% would live that long and over half would live to around 45.

Read some history of the 19th century to discover this.
If we had a fully capitalist health care system... Only the top 1% would live that long and over half would live to around 45.

Read some history of the 19th century to discover this.

why do you say only the top 1%. Did you know you must have a reason to support what you say?
Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.
- Keynes

of course thats so silly, who would buy from a wicked man who produced wicked goods and services? We got from stone age to here because people do business with good people producing good products. Do you understand now?

The slave plantations never had problems selling the cotton, tobacco, and sugar they produced, did they?

slavery has nothing to do with capitalism. Did you know that or am I the one teaching it to you?
eddie, until you give factual support for your assertions, people here are just going to have fun with you at your expense.
If we had a fully capitalist health care system... over half would live to around 45.

Read some history of the 19th century to discover this.

1) in 19th century they did not have 21st Century medicine. You didn't know that?

2) capitalism would reduce prices by 80% and increase innovations 10,000% so all could live to 100-110 or so.
"Slavery had nothing to do with capitalism"??? :disbelief:

Holy shit. Possibly the stupidest post ever.
Look, I've seen your stupid train, not interested in pissing my time away on it. Everyone with a brain knows why. You'll just have to wallow in the usual ignorance. :eusa_hand:

Translation: I can't say why because am a typical liberal

OK - because no one has ever posted anything stupider.

Captain Obvious

can you say why it stupid let alone more so than anything? Does it even occur to a liberal to have a reason? What does that teach you?
We don't have a capitalist health care system today because liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Should we hold liberals responsible for taking 20 years off everyone's life??

Republicans think "supply and demand" is a wild liberal theory. And they think to lecture the world on the benefits of "trickle down". Trickle down, tax cuts and cutting safety regulations - their entire economic policy. No wonder everyone laughs at them.
We don't have a capitalist health care system today because liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Should we hold liberals responsible for taking 20 years off everyone's life??

Republicans think "supply and demand" is a wild liberal theory. And they think to lecture the world on the benefits of "trickle down". Trickle down, tax cuts and cutting safety regulations - their entire economic policy. No wonder everyone laughs at them.

can you say why you disagree with capitalism? Would you favor tax cuts for the poor, who don't pay taxes by the way, so their new businesses and inventions, encouraged by the tax cuts, will trickle up to the rich?
Isn't thinking fun?
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We don't have a capitalist health care system today because liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Should we hold liberals responsible for taking 20 years off everyone's life??

Listen Eddie. There is a very easy way to prove your comment. Just show us that the richest Americans live to be 100-110 on average, because they get the absolute best care on the planet. Why? Because they can afford the best. So show us that they are living to over 100. And if they are living longer, realize it's because they can afford to.

Can you show us how Capitalism will get the masses or the working poor to live longer?
We don't have a capitalist health care system today because liberals lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Should we hold liberals responsible for taking 20 years off everyone's life??

Republicans think "supply and demand" is a wild liberal theory. And they think to lecture the world on the benefits of "trickle down". Trickle down, tax cuts and cutting safety regulations - their entire economic policy. No wonder everyone laughs at them.

can you say why you disagree with capitalism? Would you favor tax cuts for the poor, who don't pay taxes by the way, so their new businesses and inventions, encouraged by the tax cuts, will trickle up to the rich?
Isn't thinking fun?

What works? You guys like to harp on what's fair, but what works? I'm sorry but a progressive tax system is what works. The rich pay a little more to help cover the poor, and so the middle class' taxes don't go up.

You guys want your taxes to go down so the middle class' will go up. That's not fair and doesn't work. They are rich. They were rich before we gave them the Reagan tax breaks, the HW tax breaks, the Clinton tax breaks or the Bush tax breaks. Hell, they've been getting tax breaks under Obama too.

How is that working? Are we paying down the debt? No? I thought that was their top priority?

Are your taxes going down? Hell no. We need new roads and if the rich are getting breaks, that means the tax burden goes on you and me fool.

So stop worrying about your masters the rich. They're doing just fine. You need a break buddy. Stop voting against yourself.

One last thing to ponder since you think thinking is fun. It is the poor that create jobs. Huh? :eek: That's right. If they have money in their pockets, the rich will hire more employees to keep up with the demand. When the masses don't have jobs, no one is starting a new business or buying anything. The rich are but they can only buy so many boats and time shares.

Manufacturing jobs went away paid $17. The new GOP America, those jobs came back non union paying $10 hr. Fuck the GOP way. It doesn't work.

Yea, thinking is fun, douch bag.
Just show us that the richest Americans live to be 100-110 on average,

we all would live that long under a capitalist system. Compare a communist car with an American capitalist car. Health care would be the same.

In 1980 you paid 10 years salary in Hungary for a car without a gas gage (dip stick instead) that had to be backed up a hill because of a gravity fed carburetor. They employed engineers by the 1000's all of whom swore that was the best they could do.

It is not until you have had years and years of free Republican capitalist competition that you have any idea how many engineers are needed, at what salary, to produce what quality.

Can you understand the analogy?
They were rich before we gave them the Reagan tax breaks, the HW tax breaks, the Clinton tax breaks or the Bush tax breaks. Hell, they've been getting tax breaks under Obama too. How's that working?

actually the top 1% paid 22% of federal income taxes inder Reagan and it has gone up steadily since then to around 40% now. Its not working well. You must think and read before you post.

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