If We're So Broke Why Are The Dems Rolling In Cash??

Only way that would work is if you had term-limits because incumbents would have a distinct advantage.

Oh like they don't now?

Sure it would work. Term limits have nothing to do with it.

Imagine only having 3 months to introduce yourself to the voters....compared to years of constant campaigning through legislation and pork spending by incumbents.

We'd end up with a Congress full of Robert Byrds crapping in their pants and babbling to themselves.

Legislators, under this scenario, would be sequestered to mainly do thier jobs. Rule changes should go along with that. Right now, many in congress are allowed to be absent from taking votes. That should change. Along with making appearences at fluff functions.
Oh like they don't now?

Sure it would work. Term limits have nothing to do with it.

Imagine only having 3 months to introduce yourself to the voters....compared to years of constant campaigning through legislation and pork spending by incumbents.

We'd end up with a Congress full of Robert Byrds crapping in their pants and babbling to themselves.

Legislators, under this scenario, would be sequestered to mainly do thier jobs. Rule changes should go along with that. Right now, many in congress are allowed to be absent from taking votes. That should change. Along with making appearences at fluff functions.

Who's gonna put those rules in place????

Figure the odds on them policing themselves.
Imagine only having 3 months to introduce yourself to the voters....compared to years of constant campaigning through legislation and pork spending by incumbents.

We'd end up with a Congress full of Robert Byrds crapping in their pants and babbling to themselves.

Legislators, under this scenario, would be sequestered to mainly do thier jobs. Rule changes should go along with that. Right now, many in congress are allowed to be absent from taking votes. That should change. Along with making appearences at fluff functions.

Who's gonna put those rules in place????

Figure the odds on them policing themselves.

McCain/Feingold was a step in the right direction. But thanks to Citizen's United and legislating from the bench..back to square one.
Legislators, under this scenario, would be sequestered to mainly do thier jobs. Rule changes should go along with that. Right now, many in congress are allowed to be absent from taking votes. That should change. Along with making appearences at fluff functions.

Who's gonna put those rules in place????

Figure the odds on them policing themselves.

McCain/Feingold was a step in the right direction. But thanks to Citizen's United and legislating from the bench..back to square one.

McCain/Feingold magnified the problem.

It doesn't prevent corruption.
Who's gonna put those rules in place????

Figure the odds on them policing themselves.

McCain/Feingold was a step in the right direction. But thanks to Citizen's United and legislating from the bench..back to square one.

McCain/Feingold magnified the problem.

It doesn't prevent corruption.

No it didn't. It was a good first step. But what probably needs to happen is a Constitutional Amendment that makes it clear that money isn't speech and corporations aren't people.
I think the unions bought the Democrats.

That has been the point of this thread.

Corporations bought the Democrats just as they bought the Republicans. Unions do their best, but what they contribute to campaigns is chump change by comparison.
They just keep giving themselves raises and we can not do anything . There should be an thing on a ballot that the voters can vote if they deserve a raise . This year they need a pay cut like by half! Because they sure as shit has not done their job very well on both sides of the fence!!!
They just keep giving themselves raises and we can not do anything . There should be an thing on a ballot that the voters can vote if they deserve a raise . This year they need a pay cut like by half! Because they sure as shit has not done their job very well on both sides of the fence!!!


That's not really a problem. No seriously..it isn't.

What is a problem is that congress has become a millionaire's boy's club. For the most part, you need vast sums of cash to join.

That's a problem.
It is mind blowing how much money is generated and spent on our elections. Once you raise to the level of state government it is almost required to be a millionaire at the very least. That is the level of money that needs to be generated to compete in these races now. How long ago did we break the billion dollar amout?

The only fix for this would be to pass a law saying candidates can only campaign in person or on public tv or on public radio. They can use the united postal service and internet, but cannot call your land line or cell phone. They themselves can however knock upon your door. The news media i.e. CNN & FOX etc. can cover campaigns as news just like they do now. Private organizations can participate as they do now with the exception that they can only actively participate three months prior to the election day.

How about what methods of travel they can use.
How much they can spend on clothes they wear.
What food they can eat.
What hotels they can stay in.

You're an idiot.
McCain/Feingold was a step in the right direction. But thanks to Citizen's United and legislating from the bench..back to square one.

McCain/Feingold magnified the problem.

It doesn't prevent corruption.

No it didn't. It was a good first step. But what probably needs to happen is a Constitutional Amendment that makes it clear that money isn't speech and corporations aren't people.

Problem is McCain/Feingold just made it easier for people to step around the rules.

It needs to be scrapped.

New laws need to be put in place.

No donations from foreign sources
No online donations because they can't be checked for the source without privacy intrusion
No donations from companies or corporations
$50 dollar max on all donations
No bundling allowed
Better yet....donating to campaigns should be a felony
The only source of advertizement should come from the one dollar donation on income-tax returns
Candidates should be allowed free ad space split evenly among candidates
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McCain/Feingold magnified the problem.

It doesn't prevent corruption.

No it didn't. It was a good first step. But what probably needs to happen is a Constitutional Amendment that makes it clear that money isn't speech and corporations aren't people.

Problem is McCain/Feingold just made it easier for people to step around the rules.

It needs to be scrapped.

New laws need to be put in place.

No donations from foreign sources
No online donations because they can't be checked for the source without privacy intrusion
No donations from companies or corporations
$50 dollar max on all donations
No bundling allowed
Better yet....donating to campaigns should be a felony
The only source of advertizement should come from the one dollar donation on income-tax returns

I agree with you. But no constitutional amendment and anyone of these laws can be struck down.

Money..indeed wealth, has undue influence on policy and legislation in this country. That really is where the corruption stems from.
The fact that rich republicans and democrats get multiple advantages: political influence and votes, should be criminal.

As CEO of a company, weather I am democrat or republican, I vote for a particular party, then I can also financially support that party with not only my personal finances, but the finances of the company I control. This gives the rich a huge political advantage over the common man by making the playing field lopsided.
If We're So Broke Why Are The Dems Rolling In Cash??

Democrats are wealthier than Republicans. And, they benefit from the use of union funds that does not need the permission of those who pay their dues for these funds. They are using money from some unwilling participants who would have rather donated to the Republican party.
Thanks to Citizen's United, we won't have a clue how much money is ACTUALLY spent. Just what we've always wanted in our government...unlimited buckets of cash. I'm sure that's what the Founding Fathers had in mind with the 1st Amendment...bought legislators.
The fact that rich republicans and democrats get multiple advantages: political influence and votes, should be criminal.

As CEO of a company, weather I am democrat or republican, I vote for a particular party, then I can also financially support that party with not only my personal finances, but the finances of the company I control. This gives the rich a huge political advantage over the common man by making the playing field lopsided.

The rich or special interests....

Not much different.

The rich support both parties. So do special interests.

The problem is the Dems have control of the most lucrative special interests. Unions.
The rich or special interests....

Not much different.

The rich support both parties. So do special interests.

The problem is the Dems have control of the most lucrative special interests. Unions.

False equivalency watch: Union versus corporate spending at Unreported

CitizenRadio said:
So the outside corporate influences (Chamber, AAN, American Crossroads -which discloses its donors- and Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies, which does not,) have thus far spent a total of some $92.2 million dollars on the midterm elections, while unions have spent $27.3 million, less than a third of corporate spending.

Certainly, $27.3 million isn’t chump change, but it’s important to keep these things in perspective. Outside corporate groups are spending way, way, way more than labor unions. Most importantly, while unions must disclose their donors, groups like Crossroads GPS can use virtually unlimited funds from anonymous sources for the sole purpose of undermining the public sector, which of course includes things like federal workers and unions. . . .

In a democracy, every vote is supposed to have equal weight. But in hyper-Capitalistic America, the rich can buy influence, and the rest of us get left behind. That’s what’s happening here. To frame it as “both unions and corporations” hijacking the democratic process is really misleading. By far, it is corporate spending which has corrupted the political system.

Any SOLUTION to this problem would of course ban union influence, too. But to suggest that union influence is the main problem is simply, well, a lie.
If We're So Broke Why Are The Dems Rolling In Cash??

It is mind blowing how much is generated and spent on our elections. Once you raise to the level of state government it is almost required to be a millionaire at the very least. That is the level of money that needs to be generated to compete in these races now. How long ago did we break the billion dollar amout?

The only fix for this would be to pass a law saying candidates can only campaign in person or on public tv or on public radio. They can use the united postal service and internet, but cannot call your land line or cell phone. They themselves can however knock upon your door. The news media i.e. CNN & FOX etc. can cover campaigns as news just like they do now. Private organizations can participate as they do now with the exception that they can only actively participate three months prior to the election day.

I think AVG-JOE had a good idea.

Give the candidates equal time on NPR and PBS or other stations.

This will never happen because special interests and lobbyists would lose much of their influence.

I would have no issue with funding campaigns for both parties through taxes.... if both parties were required to produce factually accurate, informative, proactive campaigns instead of bullshit and lies about the other guy.

In order for us to have an open and transparent government - and let's face it - no one with an IQ over that of a houseplant would not want open and transparent government, the bullshit must stop from both.

Of course, our elections would become less inflammatory and we'd have less shit to argue about on USMB... but, we would have a more informed voter.... dangerous for the politicians.
This will be the first presidential election since citizen's united, the the sheer bulk of advocacy ads will make television practically unwatchable, not that it is that watchable now.

:eusa_shhh: Netflix! ;)
Nobody with a brain thinks we are broke.
She is her class President. She will graduate HS with an AA degree. She does not believe in any god. She is the starting varsity shortstop. She has never been told what time to go to bed. She is the starting varsity setter. She has unsupervised access to the internet and cable television. She is the backup varsity goalkeeper. She advocates for income redistribution. She volunteers with handicapped children. Her room is a mess. We are incredibly proud of her.

The Millennials and the 9-11 Generation are going to band together over USMB and FaceBook to save the fucking world. I can feel it.
You're one of Mom's lucky little bastards too, ain't ya? You have a front row seat and a hand.

Kudos, Brother.

Beautiful, isn't it?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_km0u64OLng]John Lennon - Imagine Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

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