If white racism is a thing of the past.....

No my post shows that I can't stand dumb ass miserable white racist bitches like you.

"You can make anything become racist if your mind is set on it, which it is. You and your kind LOOK for racism where it doesn't exist. Pity, you can't just live your life and enjoy it, instead you look for reasons to blame others for your misery."

This is a racist statement Molly. Made by you.. One of many you have made. Like this one.

"IM2 and others think that because blacks were forbidden to have privileges that whites had in the PAST, that whites need to feel the same oppression to make it even. His mindset is a bit or a lot skewed."

This is why I say you are a racist. I can answer the question but you ask that question because you think there is no more racism. So prove it or shut up.
Nothing i said was racist. I pointed out your negative attitude and that is not racist. Never once have i said racism ended. You are pathetic

They use the term 'racist' as a catch-ll, designed to silence any with a different opinion....

....now they're claiming that of Kanye West, as he has gone off the reservation.....

....but the overuse has made the term useless.
The shelf-life on the word has long past.
Forget about racism, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia.

The core belief on the left is they don't care what sex, race, religion, or sexual - orientation you are..... if you agree with them they support you. Step off the plantation and you become a target. Kanye is just the latest example. We are not allowed to think independently.
Kanye lost millions of followers and people are pissed at him.... he and his wife Kim only think about themselves..

It's ironic how the hard right are sucking off Kanye because he backs Trump, when otherwise they would be denigrating him like they do other rappers about how they portray women as ho's and encourage black youts to sell drugs.

I know that you've never read a book, but here is your opportunity to better yourself.

No my post shows that I can't stand dumb ass miserable white racist bitches like you.

"You can make anything become racist if your mind is set on it, which it is. You and your kind LOOK for racism where it doesn't exist. Pity, you can't just live your life and enjoy it, instead you look for reasons to blame others for your misery."

This is a racist statement Molly. Made by you.. One of many you have made. Like this one.

"IM2 and others think that because blacks were forbidden to have privileges that whites had in the PAST, that whites need to feel the same oppression to make it even. His mindset is a bit or a lot skewed."

This is why I say you are a racist. I can answer the question but you ask that question because you think there is no more racism. So prove it or shut up.
Nothing i said was racist. I pointed out your negative attitude and that is not racist. Never once have i said racism ended. You are pathetic

They use the term 'racist' as a catch-ll, designed to silence any with a different opinion....

....now they're claiming that of Kanye West, as he has gone off the reservation.....

....but the overuse has made the term useless.
The shelf-life on the word has long past.
Forget about racism, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia.

The core belief on the left is they don't care what sex, race, religion, or sexual - orientation you are..... if you agree with them they support you. Step off the plantation and you become a target. Kanye is just the latest example. We are not allowed to think independently.
Kanye lost millions of followers and people are pissed at him.... he and his wife Kim only think about themselves..

It's ironic how the hard right are sucking off Kanye because he backs Trump, when otherwise they would be denigrating him like they do other rappers about how they portray women as ho's and encourage black youts to sell drugs.
Same day in the news Ben Carson cuts low income housing...unbelievable.

If only you guys would listen to this woman.

OK. The floor is yours what should black people in a system where all the jobs, criminal justise system, land, economy, the entire world is controlled by the white supremacists

Controlled by white supremacists or whites?

White supremacists are by and large lower and lower middle income blue collar workers. I would hardly say that these are the people controlling the world.
I keep getting told how white racism is a thing of the past. But I see no poof of it. A bunch of people repeating a claim over and over again is not proof. Information from THIS DECADE shows it's not a thing of the past. But I'm going to give the white racists here a chance to prove their claim. All they need to do is:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Your feelings and opinions are not satisfactory. Peer reviewed evidence must be presented detailing the end of white racism in America.
I keep getting told how white racism is a thing of the past. But I see no poof of it. A bunch of people repeating a claim over and over again is not proof. Information from THIS DECADE shows it's not a thing of the past. But I'm going to give the white racists here a chance to prove their claim. All they need to do is:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Your feelings and opinions are not satisfactory. Peer reviewed evidence must be presented detailing the end of white racism in America.

Hello, to my peaceful, reasonably responsible American and foreign born neighbors genuinely concerned about the emotional well-being and physical HEALTH of our Nation's people.

As a longtime 'aspiring misanthrope', when considering the big picture relating to our ever-evolving, far too often self-destructive, imperfect human species, often I find it difficult to lay BLAME or point fingers at a specific group of human beings responsible for impeding our specie's peaceful, as well as HEALTHY evolution.

Information from THIS DECADE shows it's [racism] not a thing of the past.

Hello, IM2. I sincerely believe what you and many other Americans characterize as racism, is in fact FEAR, ANGER, as well as disappointment, in that significant numbers of our willfully ignorant Caucasian or illogical thinking, hate-embracing "Pro-black" minded American neighbors of African descent refuse to RECOGNIZE and address America's current National HEALTH CRISIS, aka America's potentially life scarring SYSTEMIC & GENERATIONAL Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment that evolved from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism!


IM2, I am referring to a Culture of Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment responsible for popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims the late Tupac Shakur (born 1971) and Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama White House guest and friend Kendrick Lamar (born 1987) vividly describing in their American art and interviews the "T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E." and "Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City" Child Abuse Cultures that THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, deprived these American men, their childhood friends, as well as many of their elementary and JHS classmates from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood.


IM2, American presidential history clearly indicates over the past decade President Barack "My Brother's Keeper Obama and Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama were inviting to their children's and Nation's home admitted or apparent emotionally ill black or African Americans composing VIOLENCE riddled music HATEFULLY denigrating black or American moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters, aunts and nieces as less than human creatures and whores unworthy of being treated with basic human respect.

IM2, respectfully, I am curious to learn your opinion of my firm, unwavering belief that Mr. Barack “My Brother’s Keeper” Obama and Mrs. Michelle “Girl Power” Obama WILLFULLY promoted GUN VIOLENCE, racism, bigotry, hate, as well as FEAR of black or American citizens of African descent...

...when they invited to their children's and Nation's home American urban story-TRUTH-tellers composing, performing and promoting American music art vividly describing the VIOLENT, SUIC*DAL, HOMIC*DAL 'people and community harming behaviors' they actively participated in, or witnessed other emotionally ill American citizens engaging in? (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic*de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)

I am referring to American urban-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn "Jay Z" Carter and Nasir "Nas" Jones, to name a 'few' Obama friends and WH guests composing, as well as promoting female demeaning American music art HATEFULLY informing our world that black or African American girls and women, aka the MATERNAL HALF of our population, should be viewed as less than human *itches and treated like "hoes" or *hores unworthy of basic human respect.






Im2, do you believe President Barack Obama and his apparent star-struck "Girl Power" wife were acting in the best interests of our Nation, as well as our peaceful, responsible black or American neighbors, friends or co-workers of African descent, OR their apparent or admitted emotionally ill urban story-TRUTH-tellers friends...

...when America's First "cool" Presidential Couple actively promoted VIOLENT, FEMALE DEMEANING, HATEFUL music, as well as promoting the recording careers of their admitted or apparent emotionally ill urban-TRUTH-teller WH guests and friends who compose HATEFUL, VIOLENCE RIDDLED American music artistry?


One final question. Im2, do YOU believe President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama were acting in the best interests of, or promoting a positive HEALTHY image of our black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent...

...when they CHOSE to invite to their children's and Nation's home, more than a dozen apparent or admitted emotionally ill American music recording artists and urban story-TRUTH-tellers composing and promoting American music art portraying black or African American citizens, in particular teen boys and adult men...

...as depressed, angry, frustrated, violent, female hating, sometimes suic!dal, homic!dal thinking teen and adult citizens (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors?
I write about and share evidence of America’s MUCH IGNORED, oppressive, potentially life scarring black or African American *MATERNAL CHILD CARE* #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that I, as well as a growing number of my reasonably responsible, caring, concerned American and foreign born neighbors believe is impeding our black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur - 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) Victim

"We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

Unfortunately, before he developed the confidence to properly promote his #THUGLIFE Child Abuse *AWARENESS* concept, Tupac was brutally murdered by OTHER emotionally or mentally ill victims (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) of America's Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect and Emotional Maltreatment evolving from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Much like Tupac I’m sorry to pick on moms, though since ancient times they are the primary caregivers we look to keep our young minds feeling SAFE, protected, cared for and loved right from our start.
In her own way, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., pediatrician and CEO of the Center for Youth Wellness joins the late American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur in PASSIONATELY speaking about the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (#ACEs), aka *Childhood Trauma*, and later-life health and well being.

Sadly, Tupac LOUDLY and consistently revealed to his fans and admirers, THROUGH NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, he was a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim who matured into an admitted depressed, suic!dal thinking teen and adult speaking about harming his peaceful neighbors to acquire cash needed to feed his neglected, hungry, "hurting" belly...yet NO ONE listened!

Recently, 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey learned about and shared with her fellow citizens POWERFUL, eye-opening medical knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS. Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

"Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

What public policy today is racist?

No Molly your racist ass doesn't get ask me any questions until you can do this:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
What public policy today is racist?

No Molly your racist ass doesn't get ask me any questions until you can do this:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Your post prove you are a miserable black asshole. When did i say racism ended? I am not racist and nobe ok my post indicate that. And yes, i can ask questions regardless of what you think are the criteria for asking them. You cant answer my question because you lied

No my post shows that I can't stand dumb ass miserable white racist bitches like you.

"You can make anything become racist if your mind is set on it, which it is. You and your kind LOOK for racism where it doesn't exist. Pity, you can't just live your life and enjoy it, instead you look for reasons to blame others for your misery."

This is a racist statement Molly. Made by you.. One of many you have made. Like this one.

"IM2 and others think that because blacks were forbidden to have privileges that whites had in the PAST, that whites need to feel the same oppression to make it even. His mindset is a bit or a lot skewed."

This is why I say you are a racist. I can answer the question but you ask that question because you think there is no more racism. So prove it or shut up.
Nothing i said was racist. I pointed out your negative attitude and that is not racist. Never once have i said racism ended. You are pathetic

They use the term 'racist' as a catch-ll, designed to silence any with a different opinion....

....now they're claiming that of Kanye West, as he has gone off the reservation.....

....but the overuse has made the term useless.
The shelf-life on the word has long past.

It's "JAMMING" - a liberal fascist tactic of silencing dissent. and opposing views.

"Jamming will depict opponents as being isolated from the pack, shunned criticized, and despised. Most importantly however, it must depict the actual offender - be it gays, illegals, Jihadis as experiencing horrific persecution and suffering as a result of the "homophobic - queer hating red necks" . The opponent must be made the villain, both in the eyes of the uninvolved, and when possible in their own eyes also." Leftist Brain Washing Techniques
I keep getting told how white racism is a thing of the past. But I see no poof of it. A bunch of people repeating a claim over and over again is not proof. Information from THIS DECADE shows it's not a thing of the past. But I'm going to give the white racists here a chance to prove their claim. All they need to do is:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Your feelings and opinions are not satisfactory. Peer reviewed evidence must be presented detailing the end of white racism in America.
I keep getting told how white racism is a thing of the past. But I see no poof of it. A bunch of people repeating a claim over and over again is not proof. Information from THIS DECADE shows it's not a thing of the past. But I'm going to give the white racists here a chance to prove their claim. All they need to do is:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Your feelings and opinions are not satisfactory. Peer reviewed evidence must be presented detailing the end of white racism in America.

Hello, to my peaceful, reasonably responsible American and foreign born neighbors genuinely concerned about the emotional well-being and physical HEALTH of our Nation's people.

As a longtime 'aspiring misanthrope', when considering the big picture relating to our ever-evolving, far too often self-destructive, imperfect human species, often I find it difficult to lay BLAME or point fingers at a specific group of human beings responsible for impeding our specie's peaceful, as well as HEALTHY evolution.

Information from THIS DECADE shows it's [racism] not a thing of the past.

Hello, IM2. I sincerely believe what you and many other Americans characterize as racism, is in fact FEAR, ANGER, as well as disappointment, in that significant numbers of our willfully ignorant Caucasian or illogical thinking, hate-embracing "Pro-black" minded American neighbors of African descent refuse to RECOGNIZE and address America's current National HEALTH CRISIS, aka America's potentially life scarring SYSTEMIC & GENERATIONAL Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment that evolved from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism!


IM2, I am referring to a Culture of Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment responsible for popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims the late Tupac Shakur (born 1971) and Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama White House guest and friend Kendrick Lamar (born 1987) vividly describing in their American art and interviews the "T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E." and "Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City" Child Abuse Cultures that THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, deprived these American men, their childhood friends, as well as many of their elementary and JHS classmates from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood.


IM2, American presidential history clearly indicates over the past decade President Barack "My Brother's Keeper Obama and Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama were inviting to their children's and Nation's home admitted or apparent emotionally ill black or African Americans composing VIOLENCE riddled music HATEFULLY denigrating black or American moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters, aunts and nieces as less than human creatures and whores unworthy of being treated with basic human respect.

IM2, respectfully, I am curious to learn your opinion of my firm, unwavering belief that Mr. Barack “My Brother’s Keeper” Obama and Mrs. Michelle “Girl Power” Obama WILLFULLY promoted GUN VIOLENCE, racism, bigotry, hate, as well as FEAR of black or American citizens of African descent...

...when they invited to their children's and Nation's home American urban story-TRUTH-tellers composing, performing and promoting American music art vividly describing the VIOLENT, SUIC*DAL, HOMIC*DAL 'people and community harming behaviors' they actively participated in, or witnessed other emotionally ill American citizens engaging in? (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic*de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)

I am referring to American urban-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn "Jay Z" Carter and Nasir "Nas" Jones, to name a 'few' Obama friends and WH guests composing, as well as promoting female demeaning American music art HATEFULLY informing our world that black or African American girls and women, aka the MATERNAL HALF of our population, should be viewed as less than human *itches and treated like "hoes" or *hores unworthy of basic human respect.






Im2, do you believe President Barack Obama and his apparent star-struck "Girl Power" wife were acting in the best interests of our Nation, as well as our peaceful, responsible black or American neighbors, friends or co-workers of African descent, OR their apparent or admitted emotionally ill urban story-TRUTH-tellers friends...

...when America's First "cool" Presidential Couple actively promoted VIOLENT, FEMALE DEMEANING, HATEFUL music, as well as promoting the recording careers of their admitted or apparent emotionally ill urban-TRUTH-teller WH guests and friends who compose HATEFUL, VIOLENCE RIDDLED American music artistry?


One final question. Im2, do YOU believe President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama were acting in the best interests of, or promoting a positive HEALTHY image of our black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent...

...when they CHOSE to invite to their children's and Nation's home, more than a dozen apparent or admitted emotionally ill American music recording artists and urban story-TRUTH-tellers composing and promoting American music art portraying black or African American citizens, in particular teen boys and adult men...

...as depressed, angry, frustrated, violent, female hating, sometimes suic!dal, homic!dal thinking teen and adult citizens (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors?
I write about and share evidence of America’s MUCH IGNORED, oppressive, potentially life scarring black or African American *MATERNAL CHILD CARE* #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that I, as well as a growing number of my reasonably responsible, caring, concerned American and foreign born neighbors believe is impeding our black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur - 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) Victim

"We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

Unfortunately, before he developed the confidence to properly promote his #THUGLIFE Child Abuse *AWARENESS* concept, Tupac was brutally murdered by OTHER emotionally or mentally ill victims (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) of America's Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect and Emotional Maltreatment evolving from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Much like Tupac I’m sorry to pick on moms, though since ancient times they are the primary caregivers we look to keep our young minds feeling SAFE, protected, cared for and loved right from our start.
In her own way, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., pediatrician and CEO of the Center for Youth Wellness joins the late American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur in PASSIONATELY speaking about the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (#ACEs), aka *Childhood Trauma*, and later-life health and well being.

Sadly, Tupac LOUDLY and consistently revealed to his fans and admirers, THROUGH NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, he was a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim who matured into an admitted depressed, suic!dal thinking teen and adult speaking about harming his peaceful neighbors to acquire cash needed to feed his neglected, hungry, "hurting" belly...yet NO ONE listened!

Recently, 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey learned about and shared with her fellow citizens POWERFUL, eye-opening medical knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS. Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

"Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"


Sir - I see you put a lot of effort into that post - a real lot and some is well written. But if you shorten it to simple data bytes or 'bites' more people would be able to digest it ...
No my post shows that I can't stand dumb ass miserable white racist bitches like you.

"You can make anything become racist if your mind is set on it, which it is. You and your kind LOOK for racism where it doesn't exist. Pity, you can't just live your life and enjoy it, instead you look for reasons to blame others for your misery."

This is a racist statement Molly. Made by you.. One of many you have made. Like this one.

"IM2 and others think that because blacks were forbidden to have privileges that whites had in the PAST, that whites need to feel the same oppression to make it even. His mindset is a bit or a lot skewed."

This is why I say you are a racist. I can answer the question but you ask that question because you think there is no more racism. So prove it or shut up.
Nothing i said was racist. I pointed out your negative attitude and that is not racist. Never once have i said racism ended. You are pathetic

They use the term 'racist' as a catch-ll, designed to silence any with a different opinion....

....now they're claiming that of Kanye West, as he has gone off the reservation.....

....but the overuse has made the term useless.
The shelf-life on the word has long past.
Forget about racism, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia.

The core belief on the left is they don't care what sex, race, religion, or sexual - orientation you are..... if you agree with them they support you. Step off the plantation and you become a target. Kanye is just the latest example. We are not allowed to think independently.
Kanye lost millions of followers and people are pissed at him.... he and his wife Kim only think about themselves..

It's ironic how the hard right are sucking off Kanye because he backs Trump, when otherwise they would be denigrating him like they do other rappers about how they portray women as ho's and encourage black youts to sell drugs.
What’s a yout??
Nothing i said was racist. I pointed out your negative attitude and that is not racist. Never once have i said racism ended. You are pathetic

They use the term 'racist' as a catch-ll, designed to silence any with a different opinion....

....now they're claiming that of Kanye West, as he has gone off the reservation.....

....but the overuse has made the term useless.
The shelf-life on the word has long past.
Forget about racism, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia.

The core belief on the left is they don't care what sex, race, religion, or sexual - orientation you are..... if you agree with them they support you. Step off the plantation and you become a target. Kanye is just the latest example. We are not allowed to think independently.
Kanye lost millions of followers and people are pissed at him.... he and his wife Kim only think about themselves..

It's ironic how the hard right are sucking off Kanye because he backs Trump, when otherwise they would be denigrating him like they do other rappers about how they portray women as ho's and encourage black youts to sell drugs.
What’s a yout??

What cons call black kids.
They use the term 'racist' as a catch-ll, designed to silence any with a different opinion....

....now they're claiming that of Kanye West, as he has gone off the reservation.....

....but the overuse has made the term useless.
The shelf-life on the word has long past.
Forget about racism, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia.

The core belief on the left is they don't care what sex, race, religion, or sexual - orientation you are..... if you agree with them they support you. Step off the plantation and you become a target. Kanye is just the latest example. We are not allowed to think independently.
Kanye lost millions of followers and people are pissed at him.... he and his wife Kim only think about themselves..

It's ironic how the hard right are sucking off Kanye because he backs Trump, when otherwise they would be denigrating him like they do other rappers about how they portray women as ho's and encourage black youts to sell drugs.
What’s a yout??

What cons call black kids.


You are quite the ignorant dunce, aren't you.

Here's Hillary Clinton's reference to those 'youts.'

"In 1996, she made an appearance at a small college in New Hampshire and defended the crime bill her husband had signed into law two years prior. In her remarks, she talked about the growing problem in some communities with rising rates of crime.

“They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘superpredators.’ No conscience, no empathy,” she said at the time. “We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”
Hillary Clinton regrets using the term “superpredator” in a speech 20 years ago.

But, then.....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton has been a racist his entire life.

Do you vote Democrat??????
Forget about racism, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia.

The core belief on the left is they don't care what sex, race, religion, or sexual - orientation you are..... if you agree with them they support you. Step off the plantation and you become a target. Kanye is just the latest example. We are not allowed to think independently.
Kanye lost millions of followers and people are pissed at him.... he and his wife Kim only think about themselves..

It's ironic how the hard right are sucking off Kanye because he backs Trump, when otherwise they would be denigrating him like they do other rappers about how they portray women as ho's and encourage black youts to sell drugs.
What’s a yout??

What cons call black kids.


You are quite the ignorant dunce, aren't you.

Here's Hillary Clinton's reference to those 'youts.'

"In 1996, she made an appearance at a small college in New Hampshire and defended the crime bill her husband had signed into law two years prior. In her remarks, she talked about the growing problem in some communities with rising rates of crime.

“They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘superpredators.’ No conscience, no empathy,” she said at the time. “We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”
Hillary Clinton regrets using the term “superpredator” in a speech 20 years ago.

But, then.....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton has been a racist his entire life.

Do you vote Democrat??????

Nothing i said was racist. I pointed out your negative attitude and that is not racist. Never once have i said racism ended. You are pathetic

They use the term 'racist' as a catch-ll, designed to silence any with a different opinion....

....now they're claiming that of Kanye West, as he has gone off the reservation.....

....but the overuse has made the term useless.
The shelf-life on the word has long past.
Forget about racism, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia.

The core belief on the left is they don't care what sex, race, religion, or sexual - orientation you are..... if you agree with them they support you. Step off the plantation and you become a target. Kanye is just the latest example. We are not allowed to think independently.
Kanye lost millions of followers and people are pissed at him.... he and his wife Kim only think about themselves..

It's ironic how the hard right are sucking off Kanye because he backs Trump, when otherwise they would be denigrating him like they do other rappers about how they portray women as ho's and encourage black youts to sell drugs.
What’s a yout??

My cousin Vinny calls them YUTES
I keep getting told how white racism is a thing of the past. But I see no poof of it. A bunch of people repeating a claim over and over again is not proof. Information from THIS DECADE shows it's not a thing of the past. But I'm going to give the white racists here a chance to prove their claim. All they need to do is:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Your feelings and opinions are not satisfactory. Peer reviewed evidence must be presented detailing the end of white racism in America.
I keep getting told how white racism is a thing of the past. But I see no poof of it. A bunch of people repeating a claim over and over again is not proof. Information from THIS DECADE shows it's not a thing of the past. But I'm going to give the white racists here a chance to prove their claim. All they need to do is:

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Your feelings and opinions are not satisfactory. Peer reviewed evidence must be presented detailing the end of white racism in America.

Hello, to my peaceful, reasonably responsible American and foreign born neighbors genuinely concerned about the emotional well-being and physical HEALTH of our Nation's people.

As a longtime 'aspiring misanthrope', when considering the big picture relating to our ever-evolving, far too often self-destructive, imperfect human species, often I find it difficult to lay BLAME or point fingers at a specific group of human beings responsible for impeding our specie's peaceful, as well as HEALTHY evolution.

Information from THIS DECADE shows it's [racism] not a thing of the past.

Hello, IM2. I sincerely believe what you and many other Americans characterize as racism, is in fact FEAR, ANGER, as well as disappointment, in that significant numbers of our willfully ignorant Caucasian or illogical thinking, hate-embracing "Pro-black" minded American neighbors of African descent refuse to RECOGNIZE and address America's current National HEALTH CRISIS, aka America's potentially life scarring SYSTEMIC & GENERATIONAL Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment that evolved from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism!


IM2, I am referring to a Culture of Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment responsible for popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims the late Tupac Shakur (born 1971) and Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama White House guest and friend Kendrick Lamar (born 1987) vividly describing in their American art and interviews the "T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E." and "Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City" Child Abuse Cultures that THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, deprived these American men, their childhood friends, as well as many of their elementary and JHS classmates from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood.


IM2, American presidential history clearly indicates over the past decade President Barack "My Brother's Keeper Obama and Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama were inviting to their children's and Nation's home admitted or apparent emotionally ill black or African Americans composing VIOLENCE riddled music HATEFULLY denigrating black or American moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters, aunts and nieces as less than human creatures and whores unworthy of being treated with basic human respect.

IM2, respectfully, I am curious to learn your opinion of my firm, unwavering belief that Mr. Barack “My Brother’s Keeper” Obama and Mrs. Michelle “Girl Power” Obama WILLFULLY promoted GUN VIOLENCE, racism, bigotry, hate, as well as FEAR of black or American citizens of African descent...

...when they invited to their children's and Nation's home American urban story-TRUTH-tellers composing, performing and promoting American music art vividly describing the VIOLENT, SUIC*DAL, HOMIC*DAL 'people and community harming behaviors' they actively participated in, or witnessed other emotionally ill American citizens engaging in? (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic*de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)

I am referring to American urban-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn "Jay Z" Carter and Nasir "Nas" Jones, to name a 'few' Obama friends and WH guests composing, as well as promoting female demeaning American music art HATEFULLY informing our world that black or African American girls and women, aka the MATERNAL HALF of our population, should be viewed as less than human *itches and treated like "hoes" or *hores unworthy of basic human respect.






Im2, do you believe President Barack Obama and his apparent star-struck "Girl Power" wife were acting in the best interests of our Nation, as well as our peaceful, responsible black or American neighbors, friends or co-workers of African descent, OR their apparent or admitted emotionally ill urban story-TRUTH-tellers friends...

...when America's First "cool" Presidential Couple actively promoted VIOLENT, FEMALE DEMEANING, HATEFUL music, as well as promoting the recording careers of their admitted or apparent emotionally ill urban-TRUTH-teller WH guests and friends who compose HATEFUL, VIOLENCE RIDDLED American music artistry?


One final question. Im2, do YOU believe President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama were acting in the best interests of, or promoting a positive HEALTHY image of our black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent...

...when they CHOSE to invite to their children's and Nation's home, more than a dozen apparent or admitted emotionally ill American music recording artists and urban story-TRUTH-tellers composing and promoting American music art portraying black or African American citizens, in particular teen boys and adult men...

...as depressed, angry, frustrated, violent, female hating, sometimes suic!dal, homic!dal thinking teen and adult citizens (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors?
I write about and share evidence of America’s MUCH IGNORED, oppressive, potentially life scarring black or African American *MATERNAL CHILD CARE* #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that I, as well as a growing number of my reasonably responsible, caring, concerned American and foreign born neighbors believe is impeding our black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur - 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) Victim

"We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

Unfortunately, before he developed the confidence to properly promote his #THUGLIFE Child Abuse *AWARENESS* concept, Tupac was brutally murdered by OTHER emotionally or mentally ill victims (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) of America's Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect and Emotional Maltreatment evolving from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Much like Tupac I’m sorry to pick on moms, though since ancient times they are the primary caregivers we look to keep our young minds feeling SAFE, protected, cared for and loved right from our start.
In her own way, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., pediatrician and CEO of the Center for Youth Wellness joins the late American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur in PASSIONATELY speaking about the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (#ACEs), aka *Childhood Trauma*, and later-life health and well being.

Sadly, Tupac LOUDLY and consistently revealed to his fans and admirers, THROUGH NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, he was a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim who matured into an admitted depressed, suic!dal thinking teen and adult speaking about harming his peaceful neighbors to acquire cash needed to feed his neglected, hungry, "hurting" belly...yet NO ONE listened!

Recently, 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey learned about and shared with her fellow citizens POWERFUL, eye-opening medical knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS. Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

"Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"


Sir - I see you put a lot of effort into that post - a real lot and some is well written. But if you shorten it to simple data bytes or 'bites' more people would be able to digest it ...

Hello, GreenBean. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

In the early 80s I became an overworked uniform cop, robbery and death investigator spending twelve years of my life serving young 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn Jay Z Carter's and Christopher Biggie Smalls Wallace's Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods.

Unfortunately, in my writings you are witnessing the PAIN, sadness and residual anger I continue experiencing as a result of witnessing large numbers of perfectly healthy American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, being forced to experience a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood upbringing by a population of SELFISH, immature, apathetic black or African American moms who THIRTEEN of President and Mrs. Michelle Obama friends HATEFULLY denigrate as less than human *itches and "hoes" undeserving of being treated with basic human respect.

GreenBean, I hear your message about brevity, and have applied it by using images to share my thoughts and concerns.

However, some issues call for sharing indisputable, closely related FACTS. In this case I share facts about a US president WILLFULLY IGNORING SYSTEMIC, potentially life scarring Child Abuse many of his friends experienced, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN!

I look forward to reading IM2 reply.




Pictured: An American DOMESTIC TERRORIST, also known as Ms. Toya Graham’s APPARENT depressed, emotionally ill, suic!dal/hom!cidal thinking 15-year-old son (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) who joined significant numbers of his APPARENT emotionally ill young teen classmates in attempting to cause grave bodily harm or death to police officers attempting to protect Ms. Graham’s peaceful neighbors from being emotionally and/or physically harmed (or worse) by emotionally ill teens and adults.

In this image apparent depressed, emotionally ill 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim Michael Singleton smokes 'something' as he handles a firearm readily capable of causing death to Americans kids much like the late #MurderedAmericanChildren, #JamylaBolden #LaylahPeterson #BillThao #DeEarlvionWhitley, #AyannaAllen, #JaQuailMansaw, #PaytonBenson, #TianaRicks, to name a FEW American children needlessly killed while minding their own business INSIDE or nearby their own homes!!!


Last edited:
Forget about racism, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia.

The core belief on the left is they don't care what sex, race, religion, or sexual - orientation you are..... if you agree with them they support you. Step off the plantation and you become a target. Kanye is just the latest example. We are not allowed to think independently.
Kanye lost millions of followers and people are pissed at him.... he and his wife Kim only think about themselves..

It's ironic how the hard right are sucking off Kanye because he backs Trump, when otherwise they would be denigrating him like they do other rappers about how they portray women as ho's and encourage black youts to sell drugs.
What’s a yout??

What cons call black kids.


You are quite the ignorant dunce, aren't you.

Here's Hillary Clinton's reference to those 'youts.'

"In 1996, she made an appearance at a small college in New Hampshire and defended the crime bill her husband had signed into law two years prior. In her remarks, she talked about the growing problem in some communities with rising rates of crime.

“They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘superpredators.’ No conscience, no empathy,” she said at the time. “We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”
Hillary Clinton regrets using the term “superpredator” in a speech 20 years ago.

But, then.....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton has been a racist his entire life.

Do you vote Democrat??????


I find it bizarre that a kid [at the time] who supposedly came up from nowhere is sitting at a table drinking a pop with George Wallace and George HW Bush - very strange
Forget about racism, sexism, homophobia, and Islamophobia.

The core belief on the left is they don't care what sex, race, religion, or sexual - orientation you are..... if you agree with them they support you. Step off the plantation and you become a target. Kanye is just the latest example. We are not allowed to think independently.
Kanye lost millions of followers and people are pissed at him.... he and his wife Kim only think about themselves..

It's ironic how the hard right are sucking off Kanye because he backs Trump, when otherwise they would be denigrating him like they do other rappers about how they portray women as ho's and encourage black youts to sell drugs.
What’s a yout??

What cons call black kids.


You are quite the ignorant dunce, aren't you.

Here's Hillary Clinton's reference to those 'youts.'

"In 1996, she made an appearance at a small college in New Hampshire and defended the crime bill her husband had signed into law two years prior. In her remarks, she talked about the growing problem in some communities with rising rates of crime.

“They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘superpredators.’ No conscience, no empathy,” she said at the time. “We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”
Hillary Clinton regrets using the term “superpredator” in a speech 20 years ago.

But, then.....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton has been a racist his entire life.

Do you vote Democrat??????

There's nothing like a dose of whataboutism to help the cons stay regular.
Kanye lost millions of followers and people are pissed at him.... he and his wife Kim only think about themselves..

It's ironic how the hard right are sucking off Kanye because he backs Trump, when otherwise they would be denigrating him like they do other rappers about how they portray women as ho's and encourage black youts to sell drugs.
What’s a yout??

What cons call black kids.


You are quite the ignorant dunce, aren't you.

Here's Hillary Clinton's reference to those 'youts.'

"In 1996, she made an appearance at a small college in New Hampshire and defended the crime bill her husband had signed into law two years prior. In her remarks, she talked about the growing problem in some communities with rising rates of crime.

“They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘superpredators.’ No conscience, no empathy,” she said at the time. “We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”
Hillary Clinton regrets using the term “superpredator” in a speech 20 years ago.

But, then.....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton has been a racist his entire life.

Do you vote Democrat??????

There's nothing like a dose of whataboutism to help the cons stay regular.

Seems I left you with no cogent explanation.

Duly noted.
It's ironic how the hard right are sucking off Kanye because he backs Trump, when otherwise they would be denigrating him like they do other rappers about how they portray women as ho's and encourage black youts to sell drugs.
What’s a yout??

What cons call black kids.


You are quite the ignorant dunce, aren't you.

Here's Hillary Clinton's reference to those 'youts.'

"In 1996, she made an appearance at a small college in New Hampshire and defended the crime bill her husband had signed into law two years prior. In her remarks, she talked about the growing problem in some communities with rising rates of crime.

“They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘superpredators.’ No conscience, no empathy,” she said at the time. “We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”
Hillary Clinton regrets using the term “superpredator” in a speech 20 years ago.

But, then.....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton has been a racist his entire life.

Do you vote Democrat??????

There's nothing like a dose of whataboutism to help the cons stay regular.

Seems I left you with no cogent explanation.

Duly noted.

When confronted with a mentally retarded patient that is having a nerdfit, the best course of action is to not make eye contact and keep the conversation short.

I hope they get help for you.
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