If Women Ran the World

We only hate mouthy, contentious, overly-opinionated mann-hating wemmins who have some axe to grind. You know, the ones I mean: Those who are who are out in the streets showing off their titties in the name of global warming, animal rights, or some such bullshit. If they were home cleaning the house and making their man a decent supper, their lives wouldn't be so miserable.
And we love Leftist women who firebomb themselves.
Who letting pedophiles hang out in women’s bathrooms?
Who’s keeping women from ever winning sporting events?

Talk to Warren and Tulsi, they say Democrats are sexists keeping them from moving up.

Women don’t win sporting events? Damn you’re stupid
Who letting pedophiles hang out in women’s bathrooms?
Who’s keeping women from ever winning sporting events?

Talk to Warren and Tulsi, they say Democrats are sexists keeping them from moving up.

Women don’t win sporting events? Damn you’re stupid
Biological Male Wins NCAA Women’s Track Championship

Who letting pedophiles hang out in women’s bathrooms?
Who’s keeping women from ever winning sporting events?

Talk to Warren and Tulsi, they say Democrats are sexists keeping them from moving up.

Women don’t win sporting events? Damn you’re stupid

You don't have a clue as to what he was referencing, right? Leftist women get all hot and wet between their legs when some wacko male decides he wants to identify as a female. It's the "woke" thing to support that kinda shit and besides, they're not as "threatening" to women as real men are.

But when those sexuality-mutilated males passing themselves off as "females" beat other women in sporting events, it's no longer fun and games, is it?

So tell me this: How would you feel if I were to self-identify as a "female", and demanded to use the same bathroom or locker room as you do? Could you handle me standing there googling your body while my dick was swinging back and forth?

It's ok, because I identify as a female, not a man.
There is nothing wrong with (genetic) female politicians. If you lived in Alaska when Sara Palin was governor you wouldn't have a problem with the 2nd Amendment. If you lived in South Bend (over) Indiana when mayor Pete was in charge you might learn how to throw like a girl.
the way the british king tried to do in 1776....
Really? That's so stupid and in-apropos it's stunning.

and yet falls into the category of FREE SPEECH!

But for the record I believe ANY PERSON who engages in acts of violence should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law
And how could that be done; with out bringing to bear, violence against the one who engaged in violence?
Who letting pedophiles hang out in women’s bathrooms?
Who’s keeping women from ever winning sporting events?

Talk to Warren and Tulsi, they say Democrats are sexists keeping them from moving up.

Women don’t win sporting events? Damn you’re stupid

You don't have a clue as to what he was referencing, right? Leftist women get all hot and wet between their legs when some wacko male decides he wants to identify as a female. It's the "woke" thing to support that kinda shit and besides, they're not as "threatening" to women as real men are.

But when those sexuality-mutilated males passing themselves off as "females" beat other women in sporting events, it's no longer fun and games, is it?

So tell me this: How would you feel if I were to self-identify as a "female", and demanded to use the same bathroom or locker room as you do? Could you handle me standing there googling your body while my dick was swinging back and forth?

It's ok, because I identify as a female, not a man.
That hasn’t been my experience. These sexually liberated women have completely deregulated the sexual marketplace. And what some poor schlub, once had to marry to get access to..? A guy only has to swipe right, and pay for a few drinks. There was a time when the cow had value; now the milk is given away for free till she grows old, and alone; and then she’s put out to pasture. That’s where these bitter dried up lonely feminists come from. Frankly. It’s a great time to be a man...
the way the british king tried to do in 1776....

So antifa is against big government, high taxes, being pressed into service in Trump's Navy, and gun confiscation?


"So antifa is against big government, high taxes, being pressed into service in Trump's Navy, and gun confiscation?"

"against big government" only you and I are against BIG government. Everyone else merely wants a BIG GOVERNMENT that reflects their beliefs. In that regard Antifa is no different than the KKK

That being the case, antifa should be smashed out of existence.

"That being the case, antifa should be smashed out of existence"

if we do the same to ANY group that engages in violence......

How else do you stop violence, except by the means of violence? It worked pretty well on Hitler and Tojo, didn't it? Should we sit down with them around a campfire, toast some marshmallows, and sing a round of "Kumbaya" together?

Fuck that. They need to be put down like the rabid cur dogs they are.

How else do you stop violence, except by the means of violence? It worked pretty well on Hitler and Tojo, didn't it? Should we sit down with them around a campfire, toast some marshmallows, and sing a round of "Kumbaya" together?

Fuck that. They need to be put down like the rabid cur dogs they are."

That's what Antifa says about the KKK and white supremacists.

I contend that anyone , LEFT or RIGHT, who engages in violence, should be LEGALLY and constitutionally dealt with.

I prefer that the USA continue to be a GREAT NATION where the people are constitutionally protected.

You seem to want some third world shit hole
where you and your friends get to murder people in the streets.

I don't want Antifa doing that.

And I don't you and your friends doing it either.
So antifa is against big government, high taxes, being pressed into service in Trump's Navy, and gun confiscation?


"So antifa is against big government, high taxes, being pressed into service in Trump's Navy, and gun confiscation?"

"against big government" only you and I are against BIG government. Everyone else merely wants a BIG GOVERNMENT that reflects their beliefs. In that regard Antifa is no different than the KKK

That being the case, antifa should be smashed out of existence.

"That being the case, antifa should be smashed out of existence"

if we do the same to ANY group that engages in violence......

How else do you stop violence, except by the means of violence? It worked pretty well on Hitler and Tojo, didn't it? Should we sit down with them around a campfire, toast some marshmallows, and sing a round of "Kumbaya" together?

Fuck that. They need to be put down like the rabid cur dogs they are.

How else do you stop violence, except by the means of violence? It worked pretty well on Hitler and Tojo, didn't it? Should we sit down with them around a campfire, toast some marshmallows, and sing a round of "Kumbaya" together?

Fuck that. They need to be put down like the rabid cur dogs they are."

That's what Antifa says about the KKK and white supremacists.

I contend that anyone , LEFT or RIGHT, who engages in violence, should be LEGALLY and constitutionally dealt with.

I prefer that the USA continue to be a GREAT NATION where the people are constitutionally protected.

You seem to want some third world shit hole
where you and your friends get to murder people in the streets.

I don't want Antifa doing that.

And I don't you and your friends doing it either.

You don;t want antifa doing that, yet they do?
So antifa is against big government, high taxes, being pressed into service in Trump's Navy, and gun confiscation?


"So antifa is against big government, high taxes, being pressed into service in Trump's Navy, and gun confiscation?"

"against big government" only you and I are against BIG government. Everyone else merely wants a BIG GOVERNMENT that reflects their beliefs. In that regard Antifa is no different than the KKK

That being the case, antifa should be smashed out of existence.

"That being the case, antifa should be smashed out of existence"

if we do the same to ANY group that engages in violence......

How else do you stop violence, except by the means of violence? It worked pretty well on Hitler and Tojo, didn't it? Should we sit down with them around a campfire, toast some marshmallows, and sing a round of "Kumbaya" together?

Fuck that. They need to be put down like the rabid cur dogs they are.

How else do you stop violence, except by the means of violence? It worked pretty well on Hitler and Tojo, didn't it? Should we sit down with them around a campfire, toast some marshmallows, and sing a round of "Kumbaya" together?

Fuck that. They need to be put down like the rabid cur dogs they are."

That's what Antifa says about the KKK and white supremacists.

I contend that anyone , LEFT or RIGHT, who engages in violence, should be LEGALLY and constitutionally dealt with.

I prefer that the USA continue to be a GREAT NATION where the people are constitutionally protected.

You seem to want some third world shit hole
where you and your friends get to murder people in the streets.

I don't want Antifa doing that.

And I don't you and your friends doing it either.
And how do they do that; without the implied threat, or explicit use of violence? Do tell..
OK, INCEL :71:

Blob supporters hate women for some reason.
Who letting pedophiles hang out in women’s bathrooms?
Who’s keeping women from ever winning sporting events?

Talk to Warren and Tulsi, they say Democrats are sexists keeping them from moving up.

Women don’t win sporting events? Damn you’re stupid

You don't have a clue as to what he was referencing, right? Leftist women get all hot and wet between their legs when some wacko male decides he wants to identify as a female. It's the "woke" thing to support that kinda shit and besides, they're not as "threatening" to women as real men are.

But when those sexuality-mutilated males passing themselves off as "females" beat other women in sporting events, it's no longer fun and games, is it?

So tell me this: How would you feel if I were to self-identify as a "female", and demanded to use the same bathroom or locker room as you do? Could you handle me standing there googling your body while my dick was swinging back and forth?

It's ok, because I identify as a female, not a man.
That hasn’t been my experience. These sexually liberated women have completely deregulated the sexual marketplace. And what some poor schlub, once had to marry to get access to..? A guy only has to swipe right, and pay for a few drinks. There was a time when the cow had value; now the milk is given away for free till she grows old, and alone; and then she’s put out to pasture. That’s where these bitter dried up lonely feminists come from. Frankly. It’s a great time to be a man...


That must be why every blob supporter here sounds so miserable; all day...every day.
Blob supporters hate women for some reason.
Who letting pedophiles hang out in women’s bathrooms?
Who’s keeping women from ever winning sporting events?

Talk to Warren and Tulsi, they say Democrats are sexists keeping them from moving up.

Women don’t win sporting events? Damn you’re stupid

You don't have a clue as to what he was referencing, right? Leftist women get all hot and wet between their legs when some wacko male decides he wants to identify as a female. It's the "woke" thing to support that kinda shit and besides, they're not as "threatening" to women as real men are.

But when those sexuality-mutilated males passing themselves off as "females" beat other women in sporting events, it's no longer fun and games, is it?

So tell me this: How would you feel if I were to self-identify as a "female", and demanded to use the same bathroom or locker room as you do? Could you handle me standing there googling your body while my dick was swinging back and forth?

It's ok, because I identify as a female, not a man.
That hasn’t been my experience. These sexually liberated women have completely deregulated the sexual marketplace. And what some poor schlub, once had to marry to get access to..? A guy only has to swipe right, and pay for a few drinks. There was a time when the cow had value; now the milk is given away for free till she grows old, and alone; and then she’s put out to pasture. That’s where these bitter dried up lonely feminists come from. Frankly. It’s a great time to be a man...


That must be why every blob supporter here sounds so miserable; all day...every day.

You're better at reading into people what you want to believe, than you are at sensing how people feel, aren't you? It's no secret that Democrats are well-renown for their ability to project their own dismal feelings on everyone else because, well...misery loves company.

Actually we Republicans are happy as a bunch of little clams in their clam houses. What is there to be "unhappy" about? We have the greatest President who is bringing to fruition the things other Republicans have only dreamed of.
Blob supporters hate women for some reason.
Who letting pedophiles hang out in women’s bathrooms?
Who’s keeping women from ever winning sporting events?

Talk to Warren and Tulsi, they say Democrats are sexists keeping them from moving up.

Women don’t win sporting events? Damn you’re stupid

You don't have a clue as to what he was referencing, right? Leftist women get all hot and wet between their legs when some wacko male decides he wants to identify as a female. It's the "woke" thing to support that kinda shit and besides, they're not as "threatening" to women as real men are.

But when those sexuality-mutilated males passing themselves off as "females" beat other women in sporting events, it's no longer fun and games, is it?

So tell me this: How would you feel if I were to self-identify as a "female", and demanded to use the same bathroom or locker room as you do? Could you handle me standing there googling your body while my dick was swinging back and forth?

It's ok, because I identify as a female, not a man.
That hasn’t been my experience. These sexually liberated women have completely deregulated the sexual marketplace. And what some poor schlub, once had to marry to get access to..? A guy only has to swipe right, and pay for a few drinks. There was a time when the cow had value; now the milk is given away for free till she grows old, and alone; and then she’s put out to pasture. That’s where these bitter dried up lonely feminists come from. Frankly. It’s a great time to be a man...


That must be why every blob supporter here sounds so miserable; all day...every day.
Is one supposed to take seriously... The criticisms of a serial killer whose cuntcentration camp, which is trying to be passed off as a uterus, which has more confirmed kills than a Navy SEAL sniper ... seriously...Anyone should care what you think ; why..?
Last edited:
Who letting pedophiles hang out in women’s bathrooms?
Who’s keeping women from ever winning sporting events?

Talk to Warren and Tulsi, they say Democrats are sexists keeping them from moving up.

Women don’t win sporting events? Damn you’re stupid

You don't have a clue as to what he was referencing, right? Leftist women get all hot and wet between their legs when some wacko male decides he wants to identify as a female. It's the "woke" thing to support that kinda shit and besides, they're not as "threatening" to women as real men are.

But when those sexuality-mutilated males passing themselves off as "females" beat other women in sporting events, it's no longer fun and games, is it?

So tell me this: How would you feel if I were to self-identify as a "female", and demanded to use the same bathroom or locker room as you do? Could you handle me standing there googling your body while my dick was swinging back and forth?

It's ok, because I identify as a female, not a man.
That hasn’t been my experience. These sexually liberated women have completely deregulated the sexual marketplace. And what some poor schlub, once had to marry to get access to..? A guy only has to swipe right, and pay for a few drinks. There was a time when the cow had value; now the milk is given away for free till she grows old, and alone; and then she’s put out to pasture. That’s where these bitter dried up lonely feminists come from. Frankly. It’s a great time to be a man...


That must be why every blob supporter here sounds so miserable; all day...every day.

You're better at reading into people what you want to believe, than you are at sensing how people feel, aren't you? It's no secret that Democrats are well-renown for their ability to project their own dismal feelings on everyone else because, well...misery loves company.

Actually we Republicans are happy as a bunch of little clams in their clam houses. What is there to be "unhappy" about? We have the greatest President who is bringing to fruition the things other Republicans have only dreamed of.
I don’t see conservatives wearing masks and rioting or shooting politicians.
Who letting pedophiles hang out in women’s bathrooms?
Who’s keeping women from ever winning sporting events?

Talk to Warren and Tulsi, they say Democrats are sexists keeping them from moving up.

Women don’t win sporting events? Damn you’re stupid

You don't have a clue as to what he was referencing, right? Leftist women get all hot and wet between their legs when some wacko male decides he wants to identify as a female. It's the "woke" thing to support that kinda shit and besides, they're not as "threatening" to women as real men are.

But when those sexuality-mutilated males passing themselves off as "females" beat other women in sporting events, it's no longer fun and games, is it?

So tell me this: How would you feel if I were to self-identify as a "female", and demanded to use the same bathroom or locker room as you do? Could you handle me standing there googling your body while my dick was swinging back and forth?

It's ok, because I identify as a female, not a man.
That hasn’t been my experience. These sexually liberated women have completely deregulated the sexual marketplace. And what some poor schlub, once had to marry to get access to..? A guy only has to swipe right, and pay for a few drinks. There was a time when the cow had value; now the milk is given away for free till she grows old, and alone; and then she’s put out to pasture. That’s where these bitter dried up lonely feminists come from. Frankly. It’s a great time to be a man...


That must be why every blob supporter here sounds so miserable; all day...every day.
Is one supposed to take seriously... The criticisms of a serial killer whose cuntcentration camp, which is trying to be passed off as a uterus, which has more confirmed kills than a Navy SEAL sniper ... seriously...Anyone should care what you think ; why..?
Apologies for the threadkill.. Sorry kunt. (Not really).. We had your homicidal number years ago...
Women don’t win sporting events? Damn you’re stupid

You don't have a clue as to what he was referencing, right? Leftist women get all hot and wet between their legs when some wacko male decides he wants to identify as a female. It's the "woke" thing to support that kinda shit and besides, they're not as "threatening" to women as real men are.

But when those sexuality-mutilated males passing themselves off as "females" beat other women in sporting events, it's no longer fun and games, is it?

So tell me this: How would you feel if I were to self-identify as a "female", and demanded to use the same bathroom or locker room as you do? Could you handle me standing there googling your body while my dick was swinging back and forth?

It's ok, because I identify as a female, not a man.
That hasn’t been my experience. These sexually liberated women have completely deregulated the sexual marketplace. And what some poor schlub, once had to marry to get access to..? A guy only has to swipe right, and pay for a few drinks. There was a time when the cow had value; now the milk is given away for free till she grows old, and alone; and then she’s put out to pasture. That’s where these bitter dried up lonely feminists come from. Frankly. It’s a great time to be a man...


That must be why every blob supporter here sounds so miserable; all day...every day.
Is one supposed to take seriously... The criticisms of a serial killer whose cuntcentration camp, which is trying to be passed off as a uterus, which has more confirmed kills than a Navy SEAL sniper ... seriously...Anyone should care what you think ; why..?
Apologies for the threadkill.. Sorry kunt. (Not really).. We had your homicidal number years ago...
Exhibit A ladies and gentlemen
You don't have a clue as to what he was referencing, right? Leftist women get all hot and wet between their legs when some wacko male decides he wants to identify as a female. It's the "woke" thing to support that kinda shit and besides, they're not as "threatening" to women as real men are.

But when those sexuality-mutilated males passing themselves off as "females" beat other women in sporting events, it's no longer fun and games, is it?

So tell me this: How would you feel if I were to self-identify as a "female", and demanded to use the same bathroom or locker room as you do? Could you handle me standing there googling your body while my dick was swinging back and forth?

It's ok, because I identify as a female, not a man.
That hasn’t been my experience. These sexually liberated women have completely deregulated the sexual marketplace. And what some poor schlub, once had to marry to get access to..? A guy only has to swipe right, and pay for a few drinks. There was a time when the cow had value; now the milk is given away for free till she grows old, and alone; and then she’s put out to pasture. That’s where these bitter dried up lonely feminists come from. Frankly. It’s a great time to be a man...


That must be why every blob supporter here sounds so miserable; all day...every day.
Is one supposed to take seriously... The criticisms of a serial killer whose cuntcentration camp, which is trying to be passed off as a uterus, which has more confirmed kills than a Navy SEAL sniper ... seriously...Anyone should care what you think ; why..?
Apologies for the threadkill.. Sorry kunt. (Not really).. We had your homicidal number years ago...
Exhibit A ladies and gentlemen

Oooohhh...nice use of the "morality card".

Did you run out of race cards to play or something? :laughing0301:
Once again for shits and grins: Anyone want to see some hot Mexican pussy?


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