If you are going to rob someone, make sure they don't have a concealed carry permit...

What if the one doing the robbery does have a CC permit?
While I am in favor of greater ease in obtaining a CCW I do not recommend abandoning the most sensible qualifications, among which is a history of honest and respectable social conduct.

But a history of honest respectability does not ensure emotional stability, the absence of which has been responsible for the misuse of properly licensed weapons and will continue to be. But such contingencies should not stand in the way of decent citizens exercising their Second Amendment right to bear arms.

In addition to the honest background requirement for obtaining a CCW I believe a minimal training requirement or a demonstrated competence test should be completed prior to issuing the permit. This will serve to minimize the occasional accident and misuse of licensed handguns.
What if the one doing the robbery does have a CC permit?
While I am in favor of greater ease in obtaining a CCW I do not recommend abandoning the most sensible qualifications, among which is a history of honest and respectable social conduct.

But a history of honest respectability does not ensure emotional stability, the absence of which has been responsible for the misuse of properly licensed weapons and will continue to be. But such contingencies should not stand in the way of decent citizens exercising their Second Amendment right to bear arms.

In addition to the honest background requirement for obtaining a CCW I believe a minimal training requirement or a demonstrated competence test should be completed prior to issuing the permit. This will serve to minimize the occasional accident and misuse of licensed handguns.

Sorry......if you implement those things then you get New York...where only the rich and politically connected get to own and carry guns.....you don't put Poll Taxes and Literacy tests on a Right.......it leads to losing that Right for the poor and even the middle class....
If you are going to rob someone, make sure they don't have a concealed carry permit...

What if the one doing the robbery does have a CC permit?
If you are going to rob someone, make sure they don't have a concealed carry permit...

What if the one doing the robbery does have a CC permit?

What of it? The dude would be a criminal wouldn't he. Either way, if you rob someone don't do it where they can shoot back. It's unhealthy for the criminally minded.
Jimmy Cagney never had a problem with it..
YEah we all know life is just like old movies
What if the one doing the robbery does have a CC permit?
While I am in favor of greater ease in obtaining a CCW I do not recommend abandoning the most sensible qualifications, among which is a history of honest and respectable social conduct.

But a history of honest respectability does not ensure emotional stability, the absence of which has been responsible for the misuse of properly licensed weapons and will continue to be. But such contingencies should not stand in the way of decent citizens exercising their Second Amendment right to bear arms.

In addition to the honest background requirement for obtaining a CCW I believe a minimal training requirement or a demonstrated competence test should be completed prior to issuing the permit. This will serve to minimize the occasional accident and misuse of licensed handguns.
In Missouri, you don't need a permit to carry as of today..
Why is it so easy for you to justify taking a human life?

Ask a Democrat. With their abortion loving beliefs, they are sure to have the definitive answer.

Posts like the one you responded to are jaw-dropping.....after they voted for the snake who supported infanticide.
How many infants were legally killed last year?

So you don't subscribe to Blackstone's formulation?
"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer"
Why is it so easy for you to justify taking a human life?

Ask a Democrat. With their abortion loving beliefs, they are sure to have the definitive answer.

Posts like the one you responded to are jaw-dropping.....after they voted for the snake who supported infanticide.
How many infants were legally killed last year?

So you don't subscribe to Blackstone's formulation?
"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer"
So none, since infanticide is illegal..
Peace on earth good will toward men and shit.

THose punks didn't deserve good will. They got what they deserved.

Ok pard, vengeance is yours.

Yes, in a way it is.

Just because I'm a civilized law abiding citizen, don't think that I'm forgiving. Actions have consequences.

You're a guy who posts anonymously on a chat board padhah, and that is all.

I'm part of the political process that has lead to high levels of incarceration and increasingly lax carry laws.

And to high profile self defense cases NOT being railroaded to jail, like lefties always want.

Actions have consequences.

And Middle America is sick and tired of this shit.
Peace on earth good will toward men and shit.

THose punks didn't deserve good will. They got what they deserved.

Ok pard, vengeance is yours.

Yes, in a way it is.

Just because I'm a civilized law abiding citizen, don't think that I'm forgiving. Actions have consequences.

You're a guy who posts anonymously on a chat board padhah, and that is all.

I'm part of the political process that has lead to high levels of incarceration and increasingly lax carry laws.

And to high profile self defense cases NOT being railroaded to jail, like lefties always want.

Actions have consequences.

And Middle America is sick and tired of this shit.

There's your block right there pard, you can't see/get past the left/right ruse. Figures. Goldman Sachs is still in the white house. You NEED to believe, so you refuse to think. You're on your own, I can't help you.
Sorry......if you implement those things then you get New York...where only the rich and politically connected get to own and carry guns.....you don't put Poll Taxes and Literacy tests on a Right.......it leads to losing that Right for the poor and even the middle class....
Why do you presume that a training requirement would necessarily exclude the poor from obtaining a CCW?

What will exclude the poor from carrying a gun is the cost of the gun. The cost of the training requirement I have in mind would be subsidized by government because it would be a federal requirement. If one can afford to buy a gun the nominal cost of some federally subsidized and supervised basic training sessions should not be an impediment.

As far as your Constitutional right to bear arms is concerned, the fact that there is a permit (CCW) requirement in the first place should be considered before giving thought to a training requirement. According to the Second Amendment the CCW requirement is unconstitutional. Do you think society in general would be better served by eliminating both requirements? I don't.
Sorry......if you implement those things then you get New York...where only the rich and politically connected get to own and carry guns.....you don't put Poll Taxes and Literacy tests on a Right.......it leads to losing that Right for the poor and even the middle class....
Why do you presume that a training requirement would necessarily exclude the poor from obtaining a CCW?

What will exclude the poor from carrying a gun is the cost of the gun. The cost of the training requirement I have in mind would be subsidized by government because it would be a federal requirement. If one can afford to buy a gun the nominal cost of some federally subsidized and supervised basic training sessions should not be an impediment.

As far as your Constitutional right to bear arms is concerned, the fact that there is a permit (CCW) requirement in the first place should be considered before giving thought to a training requirement. According to the Second Amendment the CCW requirement is unconstitutional. Do you think society in general would be better served by eliminating both requirements? I don't.

Look at Europe....that is how they keep guns, the legal ones they still allow, out of the hands of normal people.....to shoot a shotgun, you have to take a test...a detailed test, join a shooting club and get several members of that club to okay you.......so no, requiring training is a non starter and is unconstitutional to boot......democrats used literacy tests to keep blacks from voting...so we have already had experience with tests being used to deny access to a Right....

And why should the government be expected to allow you to exercise a Right, especially when anti gunners get back in charge?

Yes..society would be better served to get rid of both.....unless you think poll taxes and literacy tests should be required to vote...and before you can join a church you should pass a government test on that religion...right?
Guy, did it ever occur to you that sometimes you seem like a cheerleader for a car accident?
You are LOVIN' it that a kid lost his life over a mugging. I'm not saying muggers are good, but DEATH? Couldn't you guys get Mace or a taser instead? The way you glorify this shooting is a tribute to the endless cycle of violence that is putting such a stain on American culture.

Yes, well death is always a possibility when guns are involved.

So, these stupid kids might want to consider that death is a possibility when they go after someone who is, in no way, bothering them.

The two kids who killed the retired police officer should hang from a tall tree somewhere.
A glance at the NRA magazine "The National Rifleman" any month reveals an entire page called "the armed citizen" that features newspaper articles from around the Country regarding Americans who defended themselves with legally owned firearms. These are usually accounts in local newspapers and are almost never picked up by a national media like CNN. The point is that the liberal media prefers that Americans remain ignorant about their 2nd Amendment right to defend themselves while there is a non stop propaganda effort aimed at restriction and confiscation of legally owned firearms.

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