If you are one of these people that get offended on BEHALF of another group...have a message for you.

You're losing. That's what "Pyrrhic" means. It LOOKED like a win. But in reality, it was such a big, monumental loss that even I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it--and I saw it coming even before Biden was inaugurated, and I have a healthy imagination.

So keep going back to the "scoreboard". It no longer matters. You're losing generationally, and you know it.

Congrats on arguing like a 5 year old little girl. I will leave you to your immature tantrum.
306>232... scoreboard.


me thinks she's not really leaving...she has trouble telling the truth.

I have a wonderful black friend on the West Coast who wants to come to South Dakota and farm a little piece of land. The only practical way he can afford to do this is if he can come and stay with me for an undetermined length of time while he gets on his feet, buys some land and builds a house.

Should I tell him that you said I'm just too much of a fascist and a racist to help him out? I'll leave the choice up to you. Flip a coin.
Lol, ya tell him that. It's the way you feel better he knows as you pointed out poor guy can't do it with out you right. Your full of shit.
No honey, we're winning. Not just politically. The culture.

Look what you did, even. You just echoed me. Right.
Lol, how are you winning anything? What are winning at? Kissing the dick of a fat orange con man? Convincing your selves you are the new victim class. Let's take the Jan 6th thing, your crowd goes from saying those protesters were blm and antifa, to they were patriots, to they were patriots that were sucked in by Ray Epps.bYou cry stolen election in states ran by republican s. Hung life long republican s out as traitors call them Rino's. All votes are overseen by both parties there were republican s present at every count now those republican s that do hard work for little money are called traitor s and are receiving death threats. All on the word of a fat idiot that has been sued for fraud and had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars back as result. When does the party come for you for not being republican enough? Did you see how quick Trumpy boy turned on Desantis? When will it be you winning like hell. You been turned into fools eating each other.
Actually, pragmatism...

Hitler was able to make scapegoats out of the Jews, Gypsies, et. al. because Germans didn't want to confront the real architects of defeat in WWI and the economic misery that followed... Germany's elite and it's military-industrial complex. So he found scapegoats. And he eventually led his country to disaster.

Now, here's the thing. I used to support George W. Bush. Vote for him twice. And I didn't speak up when he got us into an unnecessary war with Iraq or fumbled the Katrina response so badly that hundreds died. (This incompetence seems QUAINT compared to the level of devastation Trump inflicted.) What turned me on him was when he fucked up the economy in 2008, and I ended up with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid me less. Shame on me, I should have objected earlier.

Now, I could look at Trump and say his racism doesn't effect me, because I am white, male, straight and pretty close to retirement. But yeah, the misery he inflicted on gays, minorities, the poor, to the cheers of his followers and their misdirected anger.

LOL, you just made TRUMP the scapegoat for your supporting Bush.
Ok, that was pretty funny. I'll have to look him up. I'd never seen him before.

And on the topic. If you aren't part of a group then you have no right to speak for them because you don't know how they think or feel and you are infact insulting them by trying to speak for them. Unless a majority of a group comes to you and personally asks you to speak for them, you need to shut the fuck up and worry about your own shit.
Lol, how are you winning anything? What are winning at? Kissing the dick of a fat orange con man? Convincing your selves you are the new victim class. Let's take the Jan 6th thing, your crowd goes from saying those protesters were blm and antifa, to they were patriots, to they were patriots that were sucked in by Ray Epps.bYou cry stolen election in states ran by republican s. Hung life long republican s out as traitors call them Rino's. All votes are overseen by both parties there were republican s present at every count now those republican s that do hard work for little money are called traitor s and are receiving death threats. All on the word of a fat idiot that has been sued for fraud and had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars back as result. When does the party come for you for not being republican enough? Did you see how quick Trumpy boy turned on Desantis? When will it be you winning like hell. You been turned into fools eating each other.

Glenn Youngkin

Start there
Actually, pragmatism...

Hitler was able to make scapegoats out of the Jews, Gypsies, et. al. because Germans didn't want to confront the real architects of defeat in WWI and the economic misery that followed... Germany's elite and it's military-industrial complex. So he found scapegoats. And he eventually led his country to disaster.

Now, here's the thing. I used to support George W. Bush. Vote for him twice. And I didn't speak up when he got us into an unnecessary war with Iraq or fumbled the Katrina response so badly that hundreds died. (This incompetence seems QUAINT compared to the level of devastation Trump inflicted.) What turned me on him was when he fucked up the economy in 2008, and I ended up with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid me less. Shame on me, I should have objected earlier.

Now, I could look at Trump and say his racism doesn't effect me, because I am white, male, straight and pretty close to retirement. But yeah, the misery he inflicted on gays, minorities, the poor, to the cheers of his followers and their misdirected anger.
Actually, weapons grade virtue signaling.

All the ensuing irrelevant twaddle in that text brick is just a distraction from the fact.
Why do decent people get offended? Because it's the right thing to do.

Or as a wise man said.

Decent people don’t only get offended for the sake of political expediency. That‘s what a shitty human being does.

Here is an example of the white patronizing racists. Acting like minorities (blacks) aren't capable of having photo id's or smart enough to understand how the internet works or how to get to the dmv, etc

Just watch that and see what damage the white leftist has done and more importantly....HOW THEY THINK ABOUT BLACKS.

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids." Joe biden..

^^^ That's the left in a nutshell.

Again, STFU with the tired, lane tactic of accusing others of being who DEMOCRATS continue to show who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done and still do.

Biden's Georgia meltdown is a perfect example of the antiquated tactic, while his intentional violating his promise to unite the country by taking a verbal meat clever to the unnamed, Conservatives, fellow Democrats (Manchin & Sinema) and anyone who opposes his Un-Constitutional, illegal, destructive oppressive Marxist agenda is executed every chance he gets.

It is truly a wonder what goes through the little pea brains of lemmings like you who can see it all for yourself yet still defend him / them....

Which lead many to wonder if you really are that stupid or are just another CCP / Russian troll being paid to spew your propaganda.

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