If you are one of these people that get offended on BEHALF of another group...have a message for you.


I have a wonderful black friend on the West Coast who wants to come to South Dakota and farm a little piece of land. The only practical way he can afford to do this is if he can come and stay with me for an undetermined length of time while he gets on his feet, buys some land and builds a house.

Should I tell him that you said I'm just too much of a fascist and a racist to help him out? I'll leave the choice up to you. Flip a coin.
Yeah I've heard that one before. It makes you a hypocrite.
Okay, let's get real... 40% of babies are born out of wedlock in this country today. Marriage just isn't that important. In France, 68% of babies are born out of wedlock, and most of the G-7 countries with the exception of Japan have high out of wedlock birth rates.

The sad thing about the "Deplorables" is that they are aware enough of the fact they don't enjoy the White Middle Class their parents and grandparents enjoyed, but too stupid to realize who took it away from them.

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I only know what I saw in the city I was raised in. There is no way unless we are efficient and forcibly so with social programs that we will even have a chance of succeeding to what you adhere to. Ghettos do not change except for directions of the blocks affected for better or worse. But the percentage of taxes keep going up to the citizen who is responsible.

Here is an example of the white patronizing racists. Acting like minorities (blacks) aren't capable of having photo id's or smart enough to understand how the internet works or how to get to the dmv, etc

Just watch that and see what damage the white leftist has done and more importantly....HOW THEY THINK ABOUT BLACKS.

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids." Joe biden..

^^^ That's the left in a nutshell.

God how dumb these people are. So ill prepared for the world ahead. My God what a shame to do that
Your story of some black person that thinks you're his friend is ridiculous. One such as you does not have friends.
Wise, all knowing, all seeing sage just knows that I am a pariah.

Well, of course I'm not going to tell you any personal information about my friend.

It's pretty racist of you to make such a statement about my personal relationship with this man, but we've long known what a foul racist you are.

Here is an example of the white patronizing racists. Acting like minorities (blacks) aren't capable of having photo id's or smart enough to understand how the internet works or how to get to the dmv, etc

Just watch that and see what damage the white leftist has done and more importantly....HOW THEY THINK ABOUT BLACKS.

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids." Joe biden..

^^^ That's the left in a nutshell.

"These TYPE of people"

"Black people can't work the internet"

"Felons...a huge part of African Americans"

The above statements are from the WHITE LIBERALS on black people in the video. Which, of course, the black folks thought were ridiculous.

White liberals--the real scourge of our nation
White liberals exposed. I watched only the second video--white libs being white libs, acting like they're better than all minorities. Basically being offensive ninnies all day long.
I thought you were seceding or something.
Your story of some black person that thinks you're his friend is ridiculous. One such as you does not have friends.

Your terror is palpable.

Let me confirm it for you. The Democrats/liberals are losing. Hugely. It's not just a political loss, it's cultural. It's generational.

No one deserves it more. No one.
I hope so. And I hope we take minorities with us and you are left with your fellow white, miserable, pursed lipped, Puritanical liberals. You can shame each other into mental illness, if you're not already there. Richly deserved.

As always, you sound miserable and hateful and have obvious mental illness.
306>232. Electoral victory.


You're losing. That's what "Pyrrhic" means. It LOOKED like a win. But in reality, it was such a big, monumental loss that even I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it--and I saw it coming even before Biden was inaugurated, and I have a healthy imagination.

So keep going back to the "scoreboard". It no longer matters. You're losing generationally, and you know it.

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