If you are one of these people that get offended on BEHALF of another group...have a message for you.

Ok. To make sure I understand. If I am not a Practicing Christian, I shouldn’t give a flying fuck about this war on Christians? If I am not under arrest for the January 6 attempted Coup I shouldn’t give a shit about the people who are busted.

If I am not a member of the Oath Keepers or 3 Percenters. I should not give a crap about the FBI setting up a task force to get them.

Is that about right?

Here is an example of the white patronizing racists. Acting like minorities (blacks) aren't capable of having photo id's or smart enough to understand how the internet works or how to get to the dmv, etc

Just watch that and see what damage the white leftist has done and more importantly....HOW THEY THINK ABOUT BLACKS.

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids." Joe biden..

^^^ That's the left in a nutshell.

"Blacks are only smart enough to have Vax ID, and a VAX card, not a free State ID for voting," say Democrats.

Democrats are not racist at all?

Yah they are. They just got better at hiding it since they founded The KKK, Jim Crow, Segregation, Poll Taxes, and Literacy Tests and opposed The Civil Rights Act.
BLM does not offend me because they don’t address me directly. You all seek to extend your feelings into everything and everyone. Not us thinkers.

Yet you write about BLM quite often. Perhaps since you aren’t one of them you should shut the fuck up. Isn’t that what you are telling the rest of us to do?
We INTERNED Japanese, we treated the Chinese like slave labor. WHY IS BRANDONS need to make it seem that ONLY BLACKS are incapable of licking envelopes or buying beer with an ID?

It's because it's in the PARTY'S interest, NOT a "voting rights" bill for blacks. And YET -- the black loyalists on the Prog side black DONT MIND BEING MALIGNED and will "take one for the team".

Are you really making THAT comparison? We interned some Japanese-Americans during a time of war for a maximum of three years (most were released after one), after which they were given REPARATIONS. Blacks encountered 250 years of slavery followed by 150 years of systematic discrimination through voter suppression, Jim Crow and the most underrated of all, miscegenation laws. (The latter were probably the most blatant, because they kept racial groups separate, unlike other countries like Brazil where the African, European, and Indigenous populations mixed to the point where distinct racial groups were indistinguishable.) And if you want to see white people absolutely lose their shit, suggest reparations for black people.

The real interesting thing is how Asian Americans are considered the "Good minority", in that they come here and act like white people. They give up their culture, white people routinely adopt little Chinese babies, white dudes fetishize Asian women.

The only reason why the white power structure has spent the last 170 years treating the Fifteenth Amendment like a "suggestion" is because they fear who blacks will vote for, not because there is any real voter fraud going on. Voter ID laws are just the latest stanza in a long poem.
More blacks voted for Trump that time than any other GOP candidate in your history. Not just by NUMBER -- but by percentage.

That's not true. Trump got 10% of the black vote. Bush-43 and Reagan got 11% of the black vote in their re-election bids, the power of being an incumbent. Prior to Barry Goldwater embracing the racists in 1964, Republicans routinely got up to 35% of the black vote, and before Hoover wrecked the economy, Republicans got the majority of the black vote because even though Republicans did little for them after Lincoln and Grant, they still had a soft spot for them.

Makes YOU FEEL GOOD tho -- that "you're helping them out" because they are too dysfunctional to VOTE like the rest of us. And that means, white, red, yellow and brown and anything else that votes.

So we have to lower voting regs and security that it's no different than redeeming a free pizza coupon. Every SANE black person sees right thru you..

Except you guys have been blowing the "voter fraud" horn since the Bush Brothers stole the 2000 election (only made possible because Jeb purged thousands of black people from the voter roles.) You guys never provide any proof it's happening on a wide scale, though.

It seems odd that you are proposing a "solution" for a problem that doesn't really exist that makes things harder on certain groups you don't want voting.

Unless you really see those people voting as "the problem".
Are you really making THAT comparison? We interned some Japanese-Americans during a time of war for a maximum of three years (most were released after one), after which they were given REPARATIONS. Blacks encountered 250 years of slavery followed by 150 years of systematic discrimination through voter suppression, Jim Crow and the most underrated of all, miscegenation laws. (The latter were probably the most blatant, because they kept racial groups separate, unlike other countries like Brazil where the African, European, and Indigenous populations mixed to the point where distinct racial groups were indistinguishable.) And if you want to see white people absolutely lose their shit, suggest reparations for black people.

The real interesting thing is how Asian Americans are considered the "Good minority", in that they come here and act like white people. They give up their culture, white people routinely adopt little Chinese babies, white dudes fetishize Asian women.

The only reason why the white power structure has spent the last 170 years treating the Fifteenth Amendment like a "suggestion" is because they fear who blacks will vote for, not because there is any real voter fraud going on. Voter ID laws are just the latest stanza in a long poem.
Good minority! They just seem to be smarter the those of African backgrounds in this much diverse society.
Are you really making THAT comparison? We interned some Japanese-Americans during a time of war for a maximum of three years (most were released after one), after which they were given REPARATIONS. Blacks encountered 250 years of slavery followed by 150 years of systematic discrimination through voter suppression, Jim Crow and the most underrated of all, miscegenation laws. (The latter were probably the most blatant, because they kept racial groups separate, unlike other countries like Brazil where the African, European, and Indigenous populations mixed to the point where distinct racial groups were indistinguishable.) And if you want to see white people absolutely lose their shit, suggest reparations for black people.

The real interesting thing is how Asian Americans are considered the "Good minority", in that they come here and act like white people. They give up their culture, white people routinely adopt little Chinese babies, white dudes fetishize Asian women.

The only reason why the white power structure has spent the last 170 years treating the Fifteenth Amendment like a "suggestion" is because they fear who blacks will vote for, not because there is any real voter fraud going on. Voter ID laws are just the latest stanza in a long poem.
My Japanese in-laws would not be amused by your ignorance. "Some" Japanese were put in prison camps and at best they got $20K in so-called reparations, after losing their homes, businesses and all of their worldly goods. My father-in-law burned his extensive and very valuable collection of art and books, rather than give it all up to his abusers.

I've noticed that you actually do write fairly well and wonder if you have every tried nonfiction.

Here is an example of the white patronizing racists. Acting like minorities (blacks) aren't capable of having photo id's or smart enough to understand how the internet works or how to get to the dmv, etc

Just watch that and see what damage the white leftist has done and more importantly....HOW THEY THINK ABOUT BLACKS.

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids." Joe biden..

^^^ That's the left in a nutshell.

So that means you're a transvestite, correct?
My Japanese in-laws would not be amused by your ignorance. "Some" Japanese were put in prison camps and at best they got $20K in so-called reparations, after losing their homes, businesses and all of their worldly goods. My father-in-law burned his extensive and very valuable collection of art and books, rather than give it all up to his abusers.

I've noticed that you actually do write fairly well and wonder if you have every tried nonfiction.

Actually, I'm a professional writer.

I'm not saying that the internment wasn't a bad thing. It just simply doesn't compare to slavery/segregation/Jim Crow.

Were the Japanese lynched on a regular basis?
Were they whipped?
Were they sold as property?
Were they routine raped?
Did the bad behavior go on for hundreds of years?

You really can't compare the two things. I do notice that you seem to think "losing all your worldly goods" as being the worst thing ever. Or that burning art and books so someone else can't have them is a rational response. But you also think a black person who steals $950.00 worth of property needs to be locked up for years.
Actually, I'm a professional writer.

I'm not saying that the internment wasn't a bad thing. It just simply doesn't compare to slavery/segregation/Jim Crow.

Were the Japanese lynched on a regular basis?
Were they whipped?
Were they sold as property?
Were they routine raped?
Did the bad behavior go on for hundreds of years?

You really can't compare the two things. I do notice that you seem to think "losing all your worldly goods" as being the worst thing ever. Or that burning art and books so someone else can't have them is a rational response. But you also think a black person who steals $950.00 worth of property needs to be locked up for years.
Of course not. The thing with all of the Japanese people I ever met who were interned is that they got over it. They didn't use it as fuel for a lifelong whinefest. And they never abused a white person in retaliation.

Obviously, whining is a favorite pastime for you. Your choice.
Of course not. The thing with all of the Japanese people I ever met who were interned is that they got over it. They didn't use it as fuel for a lifelong whinefest. And they never abused a white person in retaliation.
Wow, you completely avoided the point. What happened to Japanese Americans was for all of three years...By 1950, we were calling the Japanese our friends and spending billions rebuilding their country because were were now terrified of our former allies, the Russians and Chinese.

African Americans endured MUCH WORSE behavior, and it has gone on for hundreds of years. Kind of hard to ask black folks to "get over it" when it never stops.


Obviously, whining is a favorite pastime for you. Your choice.
I'm fat, white and happy... I really don't have any complaints.

Wow, you completely avoided the point. What happened to Japanese Americans was for all of three years...By 1950, we were calling the Japanese our friends and spending billions rebuilding their country because were were now terrified of our former allies, the Russians and Chinese.

African Americans endured MUCH WORSE behavior, and it has gone on for hundreds of years. Kind of hard to ask black folks to "get over it" when it never stops.

View attachment 590141

I'm fat, white and happy... I really don't have any complaints.

View attachment 590142

Our current crop of fascists wish black people were as defenseless as they used to be.

Perfect description of the Democrat party, nicely done. The party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching, cross burning, segregation and hate, the Democrat Party. Yes, Democrats are your current crop of fascists, and they have been for over a century and a half
Perfect description of the Democrat party, nicely done. The party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching, cross burning, segregation and hate, the Democrat Party. Yes, Democrats are your current crop of fascists, and they have been for over a century and a half
Why are you even trying to pretend? The people working to put some Jim Crow back in voting aren't.
Why are you even trying to pretend? The people working to put some Jim Crow back in voting aren't.

Democrats are trying to rig voting to steal future elections just like you did this one.

Let's review racism and which party would be associated with that:

Slavery - Democrat
Jim Crow - Democrat
KKK - Democrat
Lynching - Democrat
Cross burning - Democrat
Segregation - Democrat

Huh, there is a pattern there ...
Let's review racism and which party would be associated with that:

Slavery - Democrat
Jim Crow - Democrat
KKK - Democrat
Lynching - Democrat
Cross burning - Democrat
Segregation - Democrat

Huh, there is a pattern there ...

Actually, you are confusing the word "Democrat" for "Conservative".

Conservatives supported all those things... and when they no longer felt welcome in the Democratic party, they all rushed over to join the GOP.
Democrats are trying to rig voting to steal future elections just like you did this one.

Let's review racism and which party would be associated with that:

Slavery - Democrat
Jim Crow - Democrat
KKK - Democrat
Lynching - Democrat
Cross burning - Democrat
Segregation - Democrat

Huh, there is a pattern there ...
The republicans inherited the legacy of segregation when they welcomed southern right-wingers with open arms and continued serving their narrow interests.

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