If you are one of these people that get offended on BEHALF of another group...have a message for you.

Congrats on arguing like a 5 year old little girl. I will leave you to your immature tantrum.
They must have been raised in an environment where they were never told "No" , so that they never matured emotionally and intellectually, and that's why they argue like children. I am so happy that I heard "No" plenty, growing up. It gave me the ability to live in the real world.

I just had to put a baby in the time-out corner. It would be so much more fun to engage with maturity and intellect and not crybaby games.
LOL, you just made TRUMP the scapegoat for your supporting Bush.

Um, not really, but I rarely expect reading comprehension from the morons. I was done with the GOP long before Trump ruined what little was left of it's integrity...I checked out when it got hijacked by the Mormon Cult in 2012.

Decent people don’t only get offended for the sake of political expediency. That‘s what a shitty human being does.

Um, actually... no. Frankly, the decent people are the ones who stick up for the underdog, because more often than not, no one else does.

Expediency would be me saying, "I'm white, straight, male and I have mine... the rest of you are on your own." I'm only five years from retirement, I'm well past the point of caring, other than when i choose to.

Actually, weapons grade virtue signaling.

All the ensuing irrelevant twaddle in that text brick is just a distraction from the fact.

"Virtue signaling" what happens when the racists get called on their racism by decent white folks.
"Virtue signaling" what happens when the racists get called on their racism by decent white folks.
No, it's what happens when you pretend that you care about the less fortunate in order to look good in front of others...Which is toxic on at least two fronts:

1) You objectify the less fortunate in order to feel better about yourself.

2) You put your self-esteem in the hands of those you're trying to impress, with your faux "caring about others"....Many of whom really couldn't give one single flying fuck about you.

Long and the short of is that smarmy little virtue beacons like you are neurotic narcissists.
No, it's what happens when you pretend that you care about the less fortunate in order to look good in front of others...Which is toxic on at least two fronts:

Really? Because I think the one thing I can't be accused of is seeking the "popular" opinion..... quite the opposite.

1) You objectify the less fortunate in order to feel better about yourself.

Hardly... The main reason I oppose racism, sexism, homophobia is because I see how it is used to keep stupid people like you voting against your own (and my) economic interests.

2) You put your self-esteem in the hands of those you're trying to impress, with your faux "caring about others"....Many of whom really couldn't give one single flying fuck about you.

Actually, what I've found out in my life is that helping others along frequently pays dividends down the road. For instance, I got a job offer once because a person I helped out very early in her career remembered that I mentored her early on.

I'm not a religious man, but I do believe you reap what you sow.

Long and the short of is that smarmy little virtue beacons like you are neurotic narcissists.

Little bit of projection, there, sweetie..
Really? Because I think the one thing I can't be accused of is seeking the "popular" opinion..... quite the opposite.

Hardly... The main reason I oppose racism, sexism, homophobia is because I see how it is used to keep stupid people like you voting against your own (and my) economic interests.
You claim oppose them to impress your liberoidal" friends"...And I don't vote at all.
Actually, what I've found out in my life is that helping others along frequently pays dividends down the road. For instance, I got a job offer once because a person I helped out very early in her career remembered that I mentored her early on.
Riiiight....But others know that to be true without flouncing around in public about it seeking approval, like you do.
I'm not a religious man, but I do believe you reap what you sow.
Yes you are religious...You worship The State.
Little bit of projection, there, sweetie..
Newp....Clinical experience, Scooter.
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Why do decent people get offended? Because it's the right thing to do.

Or as a wise man said.

View attachment 589115

So explain to me how NOBODY is talking about Brandon's "VOTING RIGHTS" act and what it does FOR THEM? If you LISTEN to constant drumbeat of YOU support this -- OR YOURE WORSE THAN FUCKING JEFFERSON DAVIS !!! That's all Angry Gramps can tell ya.

Are black people the ONLY ONES that dont have valid ID, a signature, can't request an absentee ballot, or fill out and lick the envelope without PAID political operatives showing up at their door and HELPING THEM?

Do asians, whites, legal Hispanics, and recent naturalized people from Brazil, Montegro and Tonga NOT HAVE THESE ISSUES?

Or is Angry Gramps and his wrecking crew USING BLACK PAIN to pass a load of crud to dismantle election security and make THEM the arbiter of every election detail ON THE BACKS of that black pain?

Not only dont they realize that 77% of blacks ENDORSE voter ID -- Not only is he USING them as examples of disorganized, dysfunctional people -- but the MESSAGE IS -----

They all be black..
Actually, what I've found out in my life is that helping others along frequently pays dividends down the road. For instance, I got a job offer once because a person I helped out very early in her career remembered that I mentored her early on.

That -- is good and worthy. But when you do that because you FEEL they are incapable of DOING IT THEMSELVES -- and they haven't ASKED for help -- and it's clear that others LIKE them with whatever life handicap they have CAN do it themselves -- you're just collecting personal virtue points.

And there's WAAY too much of that going around to be considered altruism or true compassion. True compassion and altruism is knowing THEIR STORY on an INDIVIDUAL basis -- not generalizing because of the trait or burden they carry.

Happens all the time with the deaf and blind. They dont LARGELY consider themselves handicapped. And have many times REJECTED the help.

READ THIS.. And remember before you ASSUME someone WANTS help.

It was at Gallaudet that he first encountered Deaf — with a capital D — culture. Just like any other culture, deaf people have their own history, heroes, traditions, values, art forms, and most importantly, a rich and expressive language. And it wasn't until he was steeped in this culture that he realized he didn't need an implant after all.

"While I was picking up the aspects of Deaf culture and the language of ASL, I finally realized that I've found my own identity," he said. "I am Deaf and I am darn proud of it. From there, I didn't see the purpose to continue wearing my implant."
That -- is good and worthy. But when you do that because you FEEL they are incapable of DOING IT THEMSELVES -- and they haven't ASKED for help -- and it's clear that others LIKE them with whatever life handicap they have CAN do it themselves -- you're just collecting personal virtue points.

And there's WAAY too much of that going around to be considered altruism or true compassion. True compassion and altruism is knowing THEIR STORY on an INDIVIDUAL basis -- not generalizing because of the trait or burden they carry.

Happens all the time with the deaf and blind. They dont LARGELY consider themselves handicapped. And have many times REJECTED the help.

READ THIS.. And remember before you ASSUME someone WANTS help.

It was at Gallaudet that he first encountered Deaf — with a capital D — culture. Just like any other culture, deaf people have their own history, heroes, traditions, values, art forms, and most importantly, a rich and expressive language. And it wasn't until he was steeped in this culture that he realized he didn't need an implant after all.

"While I was picking up the aspects of Deaf culture and the language of ASL, I finally realized that I've found my own identity," he said. "I am Deaf and I am darn proud of it. From there, I didn't see the purpose to continue wearing my implant."
Not only that...Truly virtuous and caring people don't feel a need to boast about it.....They just help because helping is a good thing.....And a lot of them wish that they could do even more.

As you pointed out, Schmoe is into the virtue points.
You claim oppose them to impress your liberoidal" friends"...And I don't vote at all.

Then why are you posting on a political message board? That's like a vegetarian posting on a board for people who like to grill.

Yes you are religious...You worship The State.

Get back to me when you have an original thought.
So explain to me how NOBODY is talking about Brandon's "VOTING RIGHTS" act and what it does FOR THEM? If you LISTEN to constant drumbeat of YOU support this -- OR YOURE WORSE THAN FUCKING JEFFERSON DAVIS !!! That's all Angry Gramps can tell ya.

Are black people the ONLY ONES that dont have valid ID, a signature, can't request an absentee ballot, or fill out and lick the envelope without PAID political operatives showing up at their door and HELPING THEM?

Do asians, whites, legal Hispanics, and recent naturalized people from Brazil, Montegro and Tonga NOT HAVE THESE ISSUES?

All those other groups don't have a 150 year history of attempts to suppress their vote. Voter ID comes from the same places that used to have poll taxes and literacy tests, and will probably be enforced the same selective way. We've been seeing a freak out from these same people since Obama won in 2008.

And there's WAAY too much of that going around to be considered altruism or true compassion. True compassion and altruism is knowing THEIR STORY on an INDIVIDUAL basis -- not generalizing because of the trait or burden they carry.

Happens all the time with the deaf and blind. They dont LARGELY consider themselves handicapped. And have many times REJECTED the help.

READ THIS.. And remember before you ASSUME someone WANTS help.

Wow, really? Hey, you guys didn't get upset because black people were forced to vote. YOu guys got upset because they DID vote this time and threw Trump out on his ass. "Why must be voter fraud! Quick, let's make it harder for people to vote."
All those other groups don't have a 150 year history of attempts to suppress their vote. Voter ID comes from the same places that used to have poll taxes and literacy tests, and will probably be enforced the same selective way. We've been seeing a freak out from these same people since Obama won in 2008.

We INTERNED Japanese, we treated the Chinese like slave labor. WHY IS BRANDONS need to make it seem that ONLY BLACKS are incapable of licking envelopes or buying beer with an ID?

It's because it's in the PARTY'S interest, NOT a "voting rights" bill for blacks. And YET -- the black loyalists on the Prog side black DONT MIND BEING MALIGNED and will "take one for the team".
Wow, really? Hey, you guys didn't get upset because black people were forced to vote. YOu guys got upset because they DID vote this time and threw Trump out on his ass. "Why must be voter fraud! Quick, let's make it harder for people to vote."

More blacks voted for Trump that time than any other GOP candidate in your history. Not just by NUMBER -- but by percentage.

Makes YOU FEEL GOOD tho -- that "you're helping them out" because they are too dysfunctional to VOTE like the rest of us. And that means, white, red, yellow and brown and anything else that votes.

So we have to lower voting regs and security that it's no different than redeeming a free pizza coupon. Every SANE black person sees right thru you..
I'm not the one that think they cannot get an id, liberals are. It actually looks like it's being taught in liberal colleges, by that video.

It's so transparent because it's the big blue cities that require ANYONE to have COvid documents AND AN ID. Otherwise, you cannot access food, shelter, most routine medical attention, entertainment or shopping.

And I'll WAGER -- THAT pisses them off greatly because the radical progs including most all radical black progs in leadership, want to USE THEM as an example of stupid and dysfunctional to dismantle voting integrity and security.

Same agenda driven mistakes that the FBI and DOJ made with synagogue shooter "not targeting Jews". Can't tell who's the favorite pawns of the Dem party virtue pandering now without a score card. But it's NOT ABOUT HELPING their loyal constituents.
So much excess emotion and thought absence that they emotionally overflow on everyone.
There is NO Way I can be offended if the black guy next to me gets called N. I can be angry or embarrassed but being “offended” is the wrong word for an impossible emotion for me to have due strictly to emotional retardation and overflow.

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