If you as a voter knew then that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video would you have voted for Obama?

Right and you think magic underwear is funny?
How about the Messiah complex of Obama???
Obama said this:"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

That was a pretty stupid thing to say.

So was "I like to be able to fire people"

So was "The 47% don't pay taxes, so I'm not concerned about them"

Romney said all sorts of weird shit, like he was an android from Planet Kolob with some faulty wiring.
Thanks ... But a link to study and corresponding information identified in your previous post would also be appreciated.

Oh the number? I just made it up, same as this imaginary story was made up.

Makes sense! Obama defenders made up story about video causing Benghazi... so why not make up the number you did.
See this thread was NEVER intended for people like you that make up now here it is kind of hard to follow... you and your LIPs make up the group
that Obama's hired hand, Gruber ...remember Obama HIRED this guy to tell the world that people like you make up the "Stupidity of the American Voter"!
Which again this thread never intended for this "stupidity group"! Because you've been fools for Obama for a long time.
Remember Obama told us that were smart enough to comprehend what he was doing which again we aren't part of the group Obama thinks are stupid...

HERE IS WHAT HE SAYS about you fools in "Dreams from MY Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

He has been fooling you for over six years now and being the fools you are you don't even realize IT!!!

Well wasn't that an illuminating bit of inchoate intellectual train wreck unconnected to anything... :rolleyes:

What in the blue fuck is a "LIP"?
If it's got anything to do with using the toilet, keep it to yourself...

Again went way over your LIP head which I figured because obviously you don't even know what fool Obama has made of you and
that is the point of this thread in the first place.
LIPs don't even know when they've fooled EVEN AFTER Obama TELLS you he is "tricking you" using "tactics" to fool you!
Then he goes and hires and generally people hire people they have a level of understanding...i.e. Gruber thinks you are stupid and
obviously so does Obama!
That's why these pompous people that think as Obama has been quoted that they can do things better then you idiots, they
could fool you about Benghazi being a "video"!!! Remember they have 6 weeks before the election to continue to fool you big ass fools!

Who the fuck is "Gruber"? I don't know anyone named "Gruber".
And what is a "LIP"? And what's any of this got to do with me?

LOL, just because you have no idea who Gruber is does not mean he has no bearing on anything.

He exposed the Great and Terrible Obama's plot.
Oh the number? I just made it up, same as this imaginary story was made up.

Makes sense! Obama defenders made up story about video causing Benghazi... so why not make up the number you did.
See this thread was NEVER intended for people like you that make up now here it is kind of hard to follow... you and your LIPs make up the group
that Obama's hired hand, Gruber ...remember Obama HIRED this guy to tell the world that people like you make up the "Stupidity of the American Voter"!
Which again this thread never intended for this "stupidity group"! Because you've been fools for Obama for a long time.
Remember Obama told us that were smart enough to comprehend what he was doing which again we aren't part of the group Obama thinks are stupid...

HERE IS WHAT HE SAYS about you fools in "Dreams from MY Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

He has been fooling you for over six years now and being the fools you are you don't even realize IT!!!

Well wasn't that an illuminating bit of inchoate intellectual train wreck unconnected to anything... :rolleyes:

What in the blue fuck is a "LIP"?
If it's got anything to do with using the toilet, keep it to yourself...

Again went way over your LIP head which I figured because obviously you don't even know what fool Obama has made of you and
that is the point of this thread in the first place.
LIPs don't even know when they've fooled EVEN AFTER Obama TELLS you he is "tricking you" using "tactics" to fool you!
Then he goes and hires and generally people hire people they have a level of understanding...i.e. Gruber thinks you are stupid and
obviously so does Obama!
That's why these pompous people that think as Obama has been quoted that they can do things better then you idiots, they
could fool you about Benghazi being a "video"!!! Remember they have 6 weeks before the election to continue to fool you big ass fools!

Who the fuck is "Gruber"? I don't know anyone named "Gruber".
And what is a "LIP"? And what's any of this got to do with me?

LOL, just because you have no idea who Gruber is does not mean he has no bearing on anything.

He exposed the Great and Terrible Obama's plot.

Well he tells me this Gruber guy "thinks I'm stupid". Have yet to see any kind of link to that.
Then again this is a poster who actually created a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with in the bathroom, so I don't expect a whole lot.
Makes sense! Obama defenders made up story about video causing Benghazi... so why not make up the number you did.
See this thread was NEVER intended for people like you that make up now here it is kind of hard to follow... you and your LIPs make up the group
that Obama's hired hand, Gruber ...remember Obama HIRED this guy to tell the world that people like you make up the "Stupidity of the American Voter"!
Which again this thread never intended for this "stupidity group"! Because you've been fools for Obama for a long time.
Remember Obama told us that were smart enough to comprehend what he was doing which again we aren't part of the group Obama thinks are stupid...

HERE IS WHAT HE SAYS about you fools in "Dreams from MY Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

He has been fooling you for over six years now and being the fools you are you don't even realize IT!!!

Well wasn't that an illuminating bit of inchoate intellectual train wreck unconnected to anything... :rolleyes:

What in the blue fuck is a "LIP"?
If it's got anything to do with using the toilet, keep it to yourself...

Again went way over your LIP head which I figured because obviously you don't even know what fool Obama has made of you and
that is the point of this thread in the first place.
LIPs don't even know when they've fooled EVEN AFTER Obama TELLS you he is "tricking you" using "tactics" to fool you!
Then he goes and hires and generally people hire people they have a level of understanding...i.e. Gruber thinks you are stupid and
obviously so does Obama!
That's why these pompous people that think as Obama has been quoted that they can do things better then you idiots, they
could fool you about Benghazi being a "video"!!! Remember they have 6 weeks before the election to continue to fool you big ass fools!

Who the fuck is "Gruber"? I don't know anyone named "Gruber".
And what is a "LIP"? And what's any of this got to do with me?

LOL, just because you have no idea who Gruber is does not mean he has no bearing on anything.

He exposed the Great and Terrible Obama's plot.

Well he tells me this Gruber guy "thinks I'm stupid". Have yet to see any kind of link to that.
Then again this is a poster who actually created a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with in the bathroom, so I don't expect a whole lot.

Gruber made it clear that Obama and the Dems were counting on the stupidity of the American Electorate to pass the ACA.
Oh the number? I just made it up, same as this imaginary story was made up.

Well Damn ... That sucks ... And which imaginary story, the one about the video causing the attack?

I really didn't care that much about the specific number for Benghazi alone ... I wanted to see what the study had ranked across all categories.
I mean it would be interesting to see where the public actually ranked political topics including Benghazi, Income Inequality, Climate Change, and a football team named the "Redskins".

I guess us anti-intellectual folks are just going to have to wait until the intellectuals make up some more numbers, imaginary boogeymen, stories and claim it is all solid science.

Oh the number? I just made it up, same as this imaginary story was made up.

Well Damn ... That sucks ... And which imaginary story, the one about the video causing the attack?

I really didn't care that much about the specific number for Benghazi alone ... I wanted to see what the study had ranked across all categories.
I mean it would be interesting to see where the public actually ranked political topics including Benghazi, Income Inequality, Climate Change, and a football team named the "Redskins".

I guess us anti-intellectual folks are just going to have to wait until the intellectuals make up some more numbers, imaginary boogeymen, stories and claim it is all solid science.

No no, the imaginary story that this bullshit is an issue at all. The imaginary story that, if some terrorist's catalyst was B rather than A, all those people would magically come back to life. That bullshit.
Who the fuck is "Gruber"? I don't know anyone named "Gruber".
And what is a "LIP"? And what's any of this got to do with me?
Gruber is a Republican economist who created the economic models for Romneycare.

And a LIP is someone more informed than a NIP like healthmyths.

No no, the imaginary story that this bullshit is an issue at all. The imaginary story that, if some terrorist's catalyst was B rather than A, all those people would magically come back to life. That bullshit.

Well I suppose if you ignore the issue altogether, or set unrealistic expectations as to what you think the opposition is questioning or desires in a response ... I guess that would amount to a crock of bullshit.

So what ... Do I give you points for a piss poor analogy ... Or do you honestly think everyone else should agree with your bullshit?

No no, the imaginary story that this bullshit is an issue at all. The imaginary story that, if some terrorist's catalyst was B rather than A, all those people would magically come back to life. That bullshit.

Well I suppose if you ignore the issue altogether, or set unrealistic expectations as to what you think the opposition is questioning or desires in a response ... I guess that would amount to a crock of bullshit.

So what ... Do I give you points for a piss poor analogy ... Or do you honestly think everyone else should agree with your bullshit?

Hmm... that's a tough choice... but I'm gonna go with points from you for outstanding analogy.
Because if everyone agreed with me, that'd be damn scary.
Who the fuck is "Gruber"? I don't know anyone named "Gruber".
And what is a "LIP"? And what's any of this got to do with me?
Gruber is a Republican economist who created the economic models for Romneycare.

And a LIP is someone more informed than a NIP like healthmyths.

Please prove Gruber is a Republican... because a google search can't determine if that is so.
Yes he designed Romneycare and I'm ALL for Romneycare...FOR Massachusetts to have Romneycare... I don't give a f..k!
It's called STATES rights! Romneycare may work for those 6,745,408 people BUT what works there won't work for the entire USA!
310 million people of which all but 4 million either already have, or can have but don't know it or DON"T want it do need insurance!
When idiots like the LIPs want "single payer" "universal" they totally forget that Texas is different then Iowa and so on....
That's why they call the 50 states Laboratories to see what works and doesn't BUT one thing the USA never needed was ACA and
Gruber proved it when he said it took the stupidity of American voters to pass it!

Also... YOU don't have to be a racist you know....calling me a NIP! While I am not Japanese which is what a NIP is I am not surprised that an idiot LIP like you don't know you just insulted the Japanese community by using that term.
How would you like me to call you a n****** for the lack of class you exhibit?
Who the fuck is "Gruber"? I don't know anyone named "Gruber".
And what is a "LIP"? And what's any of this got to do with me?
Gruber is a Republican economist who created the economic models for Romneycare.

And a LIP is someone more informed than a NIP like healthmyths.

Please prove Gruber is a Republican... because a google search can't determine if that is so.
Yes he designed Romneycare and I'm ALL for Romneycare...FOR Massachusetts to have Romneycare... I don't give a f..k!
It's called STATES rights! Romneycare may work for those 6,745,408 people BUT what works there won't work for the entire USA!
310 million people of which all but 4 million either already have, or can have but don't know it or DON"T want it do need insurance!
When idiots like the LIPs want "single payer" "universal" they totally forget that Texas is different then Iowa and so on....
That's why they call the 50 states Laboratories to see what works and doesn't BUT one thing the USA never needed was ACA and
Gruber proved it when he said it took the stupidity of American voters to pass it!

Also... YOU don't have to be a racist you know....calling me a NIP! While I am not Japanese which is what a NIP is I am not surprised that an idiot LIP like you don't know you just insulted the Japanese community by using that term.
How would you like me to call you a n****** for the lack of class you exhibit?

Hey Asshat, you're the asshat tossing "LIP" around without explaining it. Then you wanna call out somebody else's acronym? Fuggin' hypocrite.

And btw even as a lower-case word, "Nip" isn't a racist label. It's short for the name Japanese, in Japanese. That's all it is. What do you think the N in NHK stands for?

So Gruber invented Romneycare? I didn't vote for that, or Obamacare, and I refused to participate in both.

Who da 'stupid' now, beeyatch?
Who the fuck is "Gruber"? I don't know anyone named "Gruber".
And what is a "LIP"? And what's any of this got to do with me?
Gruber is a Republican economist who created the economic models for Romneycare.

And a LIP is someone more informed than a NIP like healthmyths.

Please prove Gruber is a Republican... because a google search can't determine if that is so.
Yes he designed Romneycare and I'm ALL for Romneycare...FOR Massachusetts to have Romneycare... I don't give a f..k!
It's called STATES rights! Romneycare may work for those 6,745,408 people BUT what works there won't work for the entire USA!
310 million people of which all but 4 million either already have, or can have but don't know it or DON"T want it do need insurance!
When idiots like the LIPs want "single payer" "universal" they totally forget that Texas is different then Iowa and so on....
That's why they call the 50 states Laboratories to see what works and doesn't BUT one thing the USA never needed was ACA and
Gruber proved it when he said it took the stupidity of American voters to pass it!

Also... YOU don't have to be a racist you know....calling me a NIP! While I am not Japanese which is what a NIP is I am not surprised that an idiot LIP like you don't know you just insulted the Japanese community by using that term.
How would you like me to call you a n****** for the lack of class you exhibit?

Hey Asshat, you're the asshat tossing "LIP" around without explaining it. Then you wanna call out somebody else's acronym? Fuggin' hypocrite.

And btw even as a lower-case word, "Nip" isn't a racist label. It's short for the name Japanese, in Japanese. That's all it is. What do you think the N in NHK stands for?

So Gruber invented Romneycare? I didn't vote for that, or Obamacare, and I refused to participate in both.

Who da 'stupid' now, beeyatch?

Who the fuck is "Gruber"? I don't know anyone named "Gruber".
And what is a "LIP"? And what's any of this got to do with me?
Gruber is a Republican economist who created the economic models for Romneycare.

And a LIP is someone more informed than a NIP like healthmyths.

Please prove Gruber is a Republican... because a google search can't determine if that is so.
Yes he designed Romneycare and I'm ALL for Romneycare...FOR Massachusetts to have Romneycare... I don't give a f..k!
It's called STATES rights! Romneycare may work for those 6,745,408 people BUT what works there won't work for the entire USA!
310 million people of which all but 4 million either already have, or can have but don't know it or DON"T want it do need insurance!
When idiots like the LIPs want "single payer" "universal" they totally forget that Texas is different then Iowa and so on....
That's why they call the 50 states Laboratories to see what works and doesn't BUT one thing the USA never needed was ACA and
Gruber proved it when he said it took the stupidity of American voters to pass it!

Also... YOU don't have to be a racist you know....calling me a NIP! While I am not Japanese which is what a NIP is I am not surprised that an idiot LIP like you don't know you just insulted the Japanese community by using that term.
How would you like me to call you a n****** for the lack of class you exhibit?

Hey Asshat, you're the asshat tossing "LIP" around without explaining it. Then you wanna call out somebody else's acronym? Fuggin' hypocrite.

And btw even as a lower-case word, "Nip" isn't a racist label. It's short for the name Japanese, in Japanese. That's all it is. What do you think the N in NHK stands for?

So Gruber invented Romneycare? I didn't vote for that, or Obamacare, and I refused to participate in both.

Who da 'stupid' now, beeyatch?

Why are you running c*nt boy?
How many times have we recently heard reporters badgering GOP candidates
"knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

So based on these quotes:
According to Woods the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed by terrorists on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Libya., after offering her condolences on the loss of his son, Clinton told him that the U.S. government would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Hillary Clinton to father of American murdered in Libya We ll make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted RedState

Now the question to those of you that voted for Obama...
If you knew in Sept 18,2012 that the bumper sticker "Osama dead, GM Alive" i.e. war on terrorism
WAS NOT going well i.e. Benghazi was done by well organized terrorists group AND not the video that Hillary told the above was the cause...would you still vote for Obama???
yes. Given the choices we had.
Also... YOU don't have to be a racist you know....calling me a NIP! While I am not Japanese which is what a NIP is I am not surprised that an idiot LIP like you don't know you just insulted the Japanese community by using that term.
You are a NIP as sure as you call others LIPs, as you well know. Obviously the IPs are the same, and don't pretend IP stands for Internet Provider, So the difference is between L and N. L is Low and N is No. You are also a MIP where M is Mis.
Who the fuck is "Gruber"? I don't know anyone named "Gruber".
And what is a "LIP"? And what's any of this got to do with me?
Gruber is a Republican economist who created the economic models for Romneycare.

And a LIP is someone more informed than a NIP like healthmyths.

Please prove Gruber is a Republican... because a google search can't determine if that is so.
Yes he designed Romneycare and I'm ALL for Romneycare...FOR Massachusetts to have Romneycare... I don't give a f..k!
It's called STATES rights! Romneycare may work for those 6,745,408 people BUT what works there won't work for the entire USA!
310 million people of which all but 4 million either already have, or can have but don't know it or DON"T want it do need insurance!
When idiots like the LIPs want "single payer" "universal" they totally forget that Texas is different then Iowa and so on....
That's why they call the 50 states Laboratories to see what works and doesn't BUT one thing the USA never needed was ACA and
Gruber proved it when he said it took the stupidity of American voters to pass it!

Also... YOU don't have to be a racist you know....calling me a NIP! While I am not Japanese which is what a NIP is I am not surprised that an idiot LIP like you don't know you just insulted the Japanese community by using that term.
How would you like me to call you a n****** for the lack of class you exhibit?

Hey Asshat, you're the asshat tossing "LIP" around without explaining it. Then you wanna call out somebody else's acronym? Fuggin' hypocrite.

And btw even as a lower-case word, "Nip" isn't a racist label. It's short for the name Japanese, in Japanese. That's all it is. What do you think the N in NHK stands for?

So Gruber invented Romneycare? I didn't vote for that, or Obamacare, and I refused to participate in both.

Who da 'stupid' now, beeyatch?

Boy... you sure are showing WHY you are a LIP as well as a LIV!
A "NIP" is NOT short for Japanese dumb fu,,K where is the "I"????
A Japanese person (derogatory, from Nippon, the Japanese word for Japan)

LIPs like you all you need do is do what I did..google "what does "NIP" stand for" and this link explains.
Urban Dictionary Nip
See that's my point! With the information readily at hand NIPs like you are LIVs and just as Gruber said help make
up the "Stupidity of the American voter".
Here let me help you further... NOT all LIPs are LIVs, but ALL LIVs are LIPs!
Figure that out if you can!
Also... YOU don't have to be a racist you know....calling me a NIP! While I am not Japanese which is what a NIP is I am not surprised that an idiot LIP like you don't know you just insulted the Japanese community by using that term.
You are a NIP as sure as you call others LIPs, as you well know. Obviously the IPs are the same, and don't pretend IP stands for Internet Provider, So the difference is between L and N. L is Low and N is No. You are also a MIP where M is Mis.

GEEZ you are not helping the cause of elevating the discussion which is to be expected.
Besides none of this thread was for LIPs/LIVs like you because it goes way over your head that Obama was more afraid of Benghazi truth getting out BEFORE the election and that LIVs like you might comprehend what a failure Obama has been!
He knew though he could fool you as he has done so often by having Rice go on 5 networks blaming a video!
"Yeah! That's the ticket!"... the video it was the video that did it!!! (Courtesy of Jon Lovitz and SNL).
Also... YOU don't have to be a racist you know....calling me a NIP! While I am not Japanese which is what a NIP is I am not surprised that an idiot LIP like you don't know you just insulted the Japanese community by using that term.
You are a NIP as sure as you call others LIPs, as you well know. Obviously the IPs are the same, and don't pretend IP stands for Internet Provider, So the difference is between L and N. L is Low and N is No. You are also a MIP where M is Mis.

GEEZ you are not helping the cause of elevating the discussion which is to be expected.
Besides none of this thread was for LIPs/LIVs like you because it goes way over your head that Obama was more afraid of Benghazi truth getting out BEFORE the election and that LIVs like you might comprehend what a failure Obama has been!
He knew though he could fool you as he has done so often by having Rice go on 5 networks blaming a video!
"Yeah! That's the ticket!"... the video it was the video that did it!!! (Courtesy of Jon Lovitz and SNL).
The pure bullshit we expect from NIP/NIV/MIP/MIVs.
Also... YOU don't have to be a racist you know....calling me a NIP! While I am not Japanese which is what a NIP is I am not surprised that an idiot LIP like you don't know you just insulted the Japanese community by using that term.
You are a NIP as sure as you call others LIPs, as you well know. Obviously the IPs are the same, and don't pretend IP stands for Internet Provider, So the difference is between L and N. L is Low and N is No. You are also a MIP where M is Mis.

GEEZ you are not helping the cause of elevating the discussion which is to be expected.
Besides none of this thread was for LIPs/LIVs like you because it goes way over your head that Obama was more afraid of Benghazi truth getting out BEFORE the election and that LIVs like you might comprehend what a failure Obama has been!
He knew though he could fool you as he has done so often by having Rice go on 5 networks blaming a video!
"Yeah! That's the ticket!"... the video it was the video that did it!!! (Courtesy of Jon Lovitz and SNL).
The pure bullshit we expect from NIP/NIV/MIP/MIVs.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln quotes from BrainyQuote.com.
Who the fuck is "Gruber"? I don't know anyone named "Gruber".
And what is a "LIP"? And what's any of this got to do with me?
Gruber is a Republican economist who created the economic models for Romneycare.

And a LIP is someone more informed than a NIP like healthmyths.

Please prove Gruber is a Republican... because a google search can't determine if that is so.
Yes he designed Romneycare and I'm ALL for Romneycare...FOR Massachusetts to have Romneycare... I don't give a f..k!
It's called STATES rights! Romneycare may work for those 6,745,408 people BUT what works there won't work for the entire USA!
310 million people of which all but 4 million either already have, or can have but don't know it or DON"T want it do need insurance!
When idiots like the LIPs want "single payer" "universal" they totally forget that Texas is different then Iowa and so on....
That's why they call the 50 states Laboratories to see what works and doesn't BUT one thing the USA never needed was ACA and
Gruber proved it when he said it took the stupidity of American voters to pass it!

Also... YOU don't have to be a racist you know....calling me a NIP! While I am not Japanese which is what a NIP is I am not surprised that an idiot LIP like you don't know you just insulted the Japanese community by using that term.
How would you like me to call you a n****** for the lack of class you exhibit?

Hey Asshat, you're the asshat tossing "LIP" around without explaining it. Then you wanna call out somebody else's acronym? Fuggin' hypocrite.

And btw even as a lower-case word, "Nip" isn't a racist label. It's short for the name Japanese, in Japanese. That's all it is. What do you think the N in NHK stands for?

So Gruber invented Romneycare? I didn't vote for that, or Obamacare, and I refused to participate in both.

Who da 'stupid' now, beeyatch?

Boy... you sure are showing WHY you are a LIP as well as a LIV!
A "NIP" is NOT short for Japanese dumb fu,,K where is the "I"????
A Japanese person (derogatory, from Nippon, the Japanese word for Japan)

LIPs like you all you need do is do what I did..google "what does "NIP" stand for" and this link explains.
Urban Dictionary Nip
See that's my point! With the information readily at hand NIPs like you are LIVs and just as Gruber said help make
up the "Stupidity of the American voter".
Here let me help you further... NOT all LIPs are LIVs, but ALL LIVs are LIPs!
Figure that out if you can!


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