If you believe the media, Christianity is dying, and yet...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...when I go to Mass on Sunday, the pews are full.

And my Church has five Masses every weekend. I would say over 1000 people attend each Mass.

And I've been going to daily Mass, when Catholics aren't even required to go, and still there's at least 100 people there.

So news of the death of Christianity has been much exaggerated.
You know what I think, and this is just based on what I have seen… I think that the old, stale and unbiblical denominations are the ones that are dying. But the churches I go to are not only packed every Sunday, but are consistently growing.

So yeah, the reports may be partially true, but they are misleading, because it’s the dead old churches (that don’t even truly follow Jesus) that are dying.
You know what I think, and this is just based on what I have seen… I think that the old, stale and unbiblical denominations are the ones that are dying. But the churches I go to are not only packed every Sunday, but are consistently growing.

So yeah, the reports may be partially true, but they are misleading, because it’s the dead old churches (that don’t even truly follow Jesus) that are dying.

Yep. No true Scotsman would believe churches were failing.
The mainline Protestant Churches may be in trouble, but that may because they've been hijacked by the left into fighting against global warming, or what not.

The relevant issue of Christianity is the saving of souls, and if the pastor is talking about the weather, instead of that, it may be a turn off.
You know what I think, and this is just based on what I have seen… I think that the old, stale and unbiblical denominations are the ones that are dying. But the churches I go to are not only packed every Sunday, but are consistently growing.

So yeah, the reports may be partially true, but they are misleading, because it’s the dead old churches (that don’t even truly follow Jesus) that are dying.

Yep. No true Scotsman would believe churches were failing.

Since you don’t understand the difference between alive churches and dead churches, there’s no use even talking to you on this topic, you have zero understanding.
My Church, the Catholic Church, is in a lot of trouble. We are having trouble recruiting new priests and nuns.

But we still have as many laymen, going to Mass, as ever. I mean, I don't have the statistics but the pews are full every Sunday, and we have five Masses every weekend.

I am not sure what happens when we no longer have enough priests to say Mass to all the laymen.

We may have to rely on deacons to perform services that aren't Mass, but something else.
...when I go to Mass on Sunday, the pews are full.

And my Church has five Masses every weekend. I would say over 1000 people attend each Mass.

And I've been going to daily Mass, when Catholics aren't even required to go, and still there's at least 100 people there.

So news of the death of Christianity has been much exaggerated.
How many people there are younger than 55? Be honest.
...when I go to Mass on Sunday, the pews are full.

And my Church has five Masses every weekend. I would say over 1000 people attend each Mass.

And I've been going to daily Mass, when Catholics aren't even required to go, and still there's at least 100 people there.

So news of the death of Christianity has been much exaggerated.
So your church is the sum total of christianity here?
Right now, the hierarchy of most big churches are turning into sexual predators......gee, what's not to love?
...when I go to Mass on Sunday, the pews are full.

And my Church has five Masses every weekend. I would say over 1000 people attend each Mass.

And I've been going to daily Mass, when Catholics aren't even required to go, and still there's at least 100 people there.

So news of the death of Christianity has been much exaggerated.
How many people there are younger than 55? Be honest.
There are people of all ages at the weekend Masses.

At the daily Masses, it looks like its mostly retired folk.

Why do you ask?
...when I go to Mass on Sunday, the pews are full.

And my Church has five Masses every weekend. I would say over 1000 people attend each Mass.

And I've been going to daily Mass, when Catholics aren't even required to go, and still there's at least 100 people there.

So news of the death of Christianity has been much exaggerated.
So your church is the sum total of christianity here?
I did not say that.
...when I go to Mass on Sunday, the pews are full.

And my Church has five Masses every weekend. I would say over 1000 people attend each Mass.

And I've been going to daily Mass, when Catholics aren't even required to go, and still there's at least 100 people there.

So news of the death of Christianity has been much exaggerated.
The Catholic Church in particular is dying

They can’t even find enough priests
...when I go to Mass on Sunday, the pews are full.

And my Church has five Masses every weekend. I would say over 1000 people attend each Mass.

And I've been going to daily Mass, when Catholics aren't even required to go, and still there's at least 100 people there.

So news of the death of Christianity has been much exaggerated.
The Catholic Church in particular is dying

They can’t even find enough priests
If necessary, we will soldier on without the priests.
My Church, the Catholic Church, is in a lot of trouble. We are having trouble recruiting new priests and nuns.

But we still have as many laymen, going to Mass, as ever. I mean, I don't have the statistics but the pews are full every Sunday, and we have five Masses every weekend.

I am not sure what happens when we no longer have enough priests to say Mass to all the laymen.

We may have to rely on deacons to perform services that aren't Mass, but something else.

A priest is needed to change the wafer into the Eucharist via transubstantiation.
Then again I suppose it all depends how one defines Christianity...

Survey Finds Most American Christians Are Actually Heretics
October 10, 2016
Evangelical writer Eric Metaxas remarked on BreakPoint last week that if Americans took a theology exam, their only hope of passing would be if God graded on a curve. He’s right. In knowing both the content of the Bible and the doctrinal foundations of Christianity, we Americans aren’t just at the bottom of our class. We are, as Ross Douthat argues in his book, “Bad Religion,” a nation of heretics.

A survey of 3,000 people conducted by LifeWay Research and commissioned by Ligonier Ministries found that although Americans still overwhelmingly identify as “Christian,” startling percentages of the nation embrace ancient errors condemned by all major Christian traditions. These are not minor points of doctrine, but core ideas that define Christianity itself. The really sad part? Even when we’re denying the divinity of Christ, we can’t keep our story straight. Americans talking about theology sound about as competent as country singers rapping.

We’re an Embarrassment to Heretics Everywhere

Seven out of ten respondents in LifeWay’s survey affirmed the doctrine of the Trinity—that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three Persons but one God, and six in ten agreed that Jesus is both human and divine. Their orthodoxy—and consistency—ended there. More than half went on to indicate that Jesus is “the first and greatest being created by God,” a heresy known as Arianism, which the Council of Nicaea condemned in 325 A.D.
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I have to wonder do people think we procreate in heaven, what do we need a physical body for, to eat and drink somewhere else in the universe, so we will have to grocery shop, do dishes, and bathe, WHAT DO WE DO?? in heaven?
...when I go to Mass on Sunday, the pews are full.

And my Church has five Masses every weekend. I would say over 1000 people attend each Mass.

And I've been going to daily Mass, when Catholics aren't even required to go, and still there's at least 100 people there.

So news of the death of Christianity has been much exaggerated.
How many people there are younger than 55? Be honest.

In my church? Quite a few. But then, my church preaches Jesus, and not Social Justice. You can get Social Justice on the internet. You really only get Jesus in from fellow Believers, in Church.

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