If You Could Be A Moderator In Final Debates,What Would You Ask Bernie Sanders?

Mr Sanders, if you had a choice, would you rather be stuck in an elevator with that pervert Anthony Weiner, or Hillary Clinton?
:offtopic: So if it's Bernie VS Cruz/Trump/Rubio in the end, what will the biased moderators ask of Bernie when they get to the economy?
You should hope that some ones asks Bernie how he expects to pay for everyones expenses when we are 20 Trillion in debt with a tanking economy.:stupid:

Maybe we will have Chevy Chase Moments when Bernie answers all of his hard questions with " It was to my understanding that there wouldn't be any math related questions in tonights debate" :dunno:
How much stock in Reynolds Wrap he owns
Mr. Sanders. being approximately 40% of all Americans have an IQ under 35, and the other 65% are well aware that your proposals are beyond realistic and laughable, how do expect to win the election?

What do you propose the average iq of a liberal poster on this forum is ?

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Bernie, you seem to be falling alseep, do you want to take a two hour nap and come back?
Seriously, pin him down and ask him to explain in detail how he proposes to pay for his promises. This BS of taxing the uber rich won't pay for it. Then ask him how he plans to reduce the deficit and watch for the infamous deer in headlight look
Mr Sanders, are your supporters well aware that you are 74 years old and will never be able to wake up at 6am, 7 days a week for even one year?
Seriously, pin him down and ask him to explain in detail how he proposes to pay for his promises. This BS of taxing the uber rich won't pay for it. Then ask him how he plans to reduce the deficit and watch for the infamous deer in headlight look
Mr Sanders, are your supporters well aware that you are 74 years old and will never be able to wake up at 6am, 7 days a week for even one year?

Senator Sanders, does your healthcare plan include special treatment protocols for Internet dweebs suffering from gerontophobia?
Mr Sanders, if elected President, will you sell your restaurant chain to Donald Trump?
Dear Sanders

Do you still lack the memory of the time you spent living in Manchuria?(dated)
Mr Sanders, do you actually believe we have 57 states? if not, will you correct President Obama right here on live TV?
Mr Sanders, do you actually believe we have 57 states? if not, will you correct President Obama right here on live TV?

As you can see, Senator, early-onset gerontophobia is a growing problem in this country, and the cause or causes remain unknown, though environmental toxins are suspected (the majority of gerontophobia sufferers also dismiss climate change and, it's believed, spend a considerable amount of time breathing in vehicle exhaust). Would a study of this alarming condition be a first priority of your Medicare-for-all plan?
Mr Sanders, The beast is back from her restroom break, so, do you need to use the restroom now?
Mr Sanders, The beast is back from her restroom break, so, do you need to use the restroom now?

Senator, as you've been able to observe from a brief study of message board culture, one of the predominant symptoms of gerontophobia is the sufferer's unfounded belief that everything he posts is funny, even if no one else is laughing. Do you believe some form of low-cost screening could help these unfortunate souls receive early treatment, thus keeping costs down overall and sparing their families unnecessary misery?
Mr Sanders, are you aware that at least 50% of your staunch supporters actually believe that the sun revolves around the earth?
:offtopic: So if it's Bernie VS Cruz/Trump/Rubio in the end, what will the biased moderators ask of Bernie when they get to the economy?
You should hope that some ones asks Bernie how he expects to pay for everyones expenses when we are 20 Trillion in debt with a tanking economy.:stupid:

Maybe we will have Chevy Chase Moments when Bernie answers all of his hard questions with " It was to my understanding that there wouldn't be any math related questions in tonights debate" :dunno:

why are you only concerned about what bernie would be asked.

i do love you wingnuts thinking you shouldn't have to answer for anything.

poor little boy.
Mr Sanders, are you aware that at least 50% of your staunch supporters actually believe that the sun revolves around the earth?

or they could ask rightwingnut 1, 2, or 3 if they're aware that 70% of their idiots don't believe in evolution.
Bernie, should you win the nomination and you are up against a young,handsome,and Hispanic conservative who will take most of the latino vote, will you just assume you will lose in a landslide?
I'd ask him how he plans on enacting these ideas with a congress that won't cooperate with him. Having a plan is all well and good. But he'll need to deal with the situation as he finds it.
I'd ask him how he plans on enacting these ideas with a congress that won't cooperate with him. Having a plan is all well and good. But he'll need to deal with the situation as he finds it.
right, he never tells his crowds that congress will never pass any of his ideas to steal money from the middle class to pay for there expensive college tuitions and taco bell gift cards.

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