If You Defended ObamaCare....

I do not understand. I have healthcare. Universally everyone will, or should and will have to pay for it, and if I think my private plan is better it wins out.

Now the math may be screwed from here to the end of the universe, we may have to adjust it. But I think the goal is for everyone in the country to more or less pay for insurance every time they have a job. This will cut down on the old freeloaders from the Noxon/Johnson era system.

You're right.

We're used to giving free care to anyone and everyone who happens to wander into the ER but it has driven hospitals to the brink. Because those freeloaders can walk away from their bills, we've lost trauma and burn centers all across the country.

Watch me skewer your nonsense.

1. "President Obama: Romneycare Was the Model for Obamacare"
President Obama: Romneycare Was the Model for Obamacare ? Press Releases ? Barack Obama

So....how has the socialized healthcare affected ER visits?

2. . ER visits, costs in Mass. climb

Questions raised about healthcare law's impact on overuse

By Liz Kowalczyk
Globe Staff / April 24, 2009

More people are seeking care in hospital emergency rooms, and the cost of caring for ER patients has soared 17 percent over two years, despite efforts to direct patients with nonurgent problems to primary care doctors instead, according to new state data. ER visits, costs in Mass. climb - The Boston Globe
ER visits, costs in Mass. climb - The Boston Globe

Now....don't you feel like a dunce?

So Mitt's system is a little kind also according to your link?

I would hope the yearly penalty for not having insurance would balance out with any extras it provides.

Are we debating the theory of mandatory health insurance for all? That I believe everyone needs to pay for whenever they are able since we have hospitals which have doled out socialized medicine since Eisenhower.

Or are we debating the finer points of both the Mass and Federal laws? I am 100% sure SOMETHING will need recalculated with each.
You're right.

We're used to giving free care to anyone and everyone who happens to wander into the ER but it has driven hospitals to the brink. Because those freeloaders can walk away from their bills, we've lost trauma and burn centers all across the country.

Watch me skewer your nonsense.

1. "President Obama: Romneycare Was the Model for Obamacare"
President Obama: Romneycare Was the Model for Obamacare ? Press Releases ? Barack Obama

So....how has the socialized healthcare affected ER visits?

2. . ER visits, costs in Mass. climb

Questions raised about healthcare law's impact on overuse

By Liz Kowalczyk
Globe Staff / April 24, 2009

More people are seeking care in hospital emergency rooms, and the cost of caring for ER patients has soared 17 percent over two years, despite efforts to direct patients with nonurgent problems to primary care doctors instead, according to new state data. ER visits, costs in Mass. climb - The Boston Globe
ER visits, costs in Mass. climb - The Boston Globe

Now....don't you feel like a dunce?

So Mitt's system is a little kind also according to your link?

I would hope the yearly penalty for not having insurance would balance out with any extras it provides.

Are we debating the theory of mandatory health insurance for all? That I believe everyone needs to pay for whenever they are able since we have hospitals which have doled out socialized medicine since Eisenhower.

Or are we debating the finer points of both the Mass and Federal laws? I am 100% sure SOMETHING will need recalculated with each.

1. "... is a little kind ..."


2. "I would hope the yearly penalty for not having insurance would balance out with any extras it provides."


3. "Are we debating the theory of mandatory health insurance for all?"

I simply showed that same would not have a salutary effect on ER visits.

4. " I am 100% sure SOMETHING will need recalculated with each."

Could you have an English-speaking agent write your posts in the future?
Thank you.
Lol. Ok. Edward had problems also.

1. So you are saying Mittcare is little too easy on the slackers or unfortunate by not charging enough in fines, copays or premiums to discourage ER visits vs doctor visits?

Or do those who suddenly think they have "free medicine" just show up at the hospital any chance they get?
We need to do something. If a primary care giver can charge whatever they bloody please, based on profits, and when my mother died hours after Kaiser doctors "suddenly" recognized she had mortal case of cancer, and she died after suffering for months , I realized what a joke the health care system has become. We need to put that system out of business. It’s about people, for Christ sake. Do no harm. Not profit from suffering. I recently lost my job and my health coverage, I know what is at stake here. I am middle class, and Anglo. I get it.
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We need to do something. If a primary care giver can charge whatever they bloody please, based on profits, and when my mother died hours after Kaiser doctors "suddenly" recognized she had mortal case of cancer, and she died after suffering for months , I realized what a joke the health care system has become. We need to put that system out of business. It’s about people, for Christ sake. Do no harm. Not profit from suffering.

What about profiting from alleviating suffering, is that ok?
Lol. Ok. Edward had problems also.

1. So you are saying Mittcare is little too easy on the slackers or unfortunate by not charging enough in fines, copays or premiums to discourage ER visits vs doctor visits?

Or do those who suddenly think they have "free medicine" just show up at the hospital any chance they get?

" So you are saying..."

English may be a second-language to me....but it appears non-existent to you.

This is as simply as it can be put:
if you believe that ObamaCare will cut down use of Emergency Rooms, then explain why the plan that Obama claims he based it on, did not.

The United States had the best healthcare in the world prior to ObamaCare.
It is idiocy to believe that rationing and socializing same will make it better.

Actually....that may be the very reason it appeals to you.
Lol. Ok. Edward had problems also.

1. So you are saying Mittcare is little too easy on the slackers or unfortunate by not charging enough in fines, copays or premiums to discourage ER visits vs doctor visits?

Or do those who suddenly think they have "free medicine" just show up at the hospital any chance they get?

" So you are saying..."

English may be a second-language to me....but it appears non-existent to you.

This is as simply as it can be put:
if you believe that ObamaCare will cut down use of Emergency Rooms, then explain why the plan that Obama claims he based it on, did not.

The United States had the best healthcare in the world prior to ObamaCare.
It is idiocy to believe that rationing and socializing same will make it better.

Actually....that may be the very reason it appeals to you.

So what do you think the problem is? Co-pays are too small? Too many ppl fall into the low income discount categories? Or folks just think it is free?

I do not understand your rationing remark. Last time I had a pet its healthcare sure was rationed by my open market ability to pay.

You think that freeloader Carter/Reagan era system where I could just be uninsured my whole life and then show up at the hospital and have surgery was not socialism? God. The ppl I know / knew who ripped off that giveaway plan. It wouldn't work for me (and probably you) but folks wit no real siezable assests really took advantahe of the bleeding hearts.
Lol. Ok. Edward had problems also.

1. So you are saying Mittcare is little too easy on the slackers or unfortunate by not charging enough in fines, copays or premiums to discourage ER visits vs doctor visits?

Or do those who suddenly think they have "free medicine" just show up at the hospital any chance they get?

" So you are saying..."

English may be a second-language to me....but it appears non-existent to you.

This is as simply as it can be put:
if you believe that ObamaCare will cut down use of Emergency Rooms, then explain why the plan that Obama claims he based it on, did not.

The United States had the best healthcare in the world prior to ObamaCare.
It is idiocy to believe that rationing and socializing same will make it better.

Actually....that may be the very reason it appeals to you.

So what do you think the problem is? Co-pays are too small? Too many ppl fall into the low income discount categories? Or folks just think it is free?

All of the above.

We're over-insured.
This is today's winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor"...

Obama is the runner-up.

But the winners are every single lock-step Liberal who defended the scam, ObamaCare.

Get this: as soon as government employees discovered that they would have to be covered by ObamaCare.....the panic was so palpable....that

The United States government acted faster than ever before:

1."All over the country, people are worried about how Obamacare will affect the cost and quality of their health coverage. Members of Congress and their staffs were especially panicked,.....

2. Capitol Hill collectively exhaled yesterday, when it came out that the U.S. Office of Personnel Management would allow members and their staffs to keep their insurance subsidies.

3. Obama has personally involved himself in the controversy over whether or not Congressmen and Hill staffers should retain access to their insurance subsidies. “It is extraordinarily rare, to say the least, for the president of the United States to get involved in an inside-the-Beltway flap over the payment of health care premiums,” note the Politico authors.

4. ...“some lawmakers have privately threatened to push through a legislative fix—possibly attached to a must-pass spending bill—that would require the government to continue its contributions for health care premiums for Hill employees.”

5. ....Obamacare that requires members and staffers to get their coverage on the new exchanges, instead of from the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, or FEHBP.

Section 1312(d)(3)(D) of the Affordable Care Act states it clearly: “The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and their congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are created under this Act…or offered through an Exchange established under this Act.”
[This is the LAW! So...do Obamaunists obey it???]

6. ....federal employees are unhappy about that prospect. The labor union representing IRS agents has urged its members to tell Congress that they are “very concerned” about such an outcome.

[And get this: Obama can no longer pretend that laws mean anything to him.]

7. UPDATE: Bob Moffit, Ed Haislmaier, and Joseph Morris of the Heritage Foundation are out with a new paper arguing that OPM “lacks statutory authority” to subsidize Congress’ health plans in the exchange.
Morris is a former general counsel for OPM."
Congressmen Rejoice! Govt. To Subsidize Their Health Insurance Through Obamacare's Exchanges - Forbes

Reality is defined by actions....not words.

Liberals, Obama voters, can no longer pretend that they believed all the lies Obama told, or that ObamaCare defenders swore to.

As we said at the start, ObamaCare is simply a takeover of a huge segment of the private economy.
There are death panels.
Healthcare will be rationed.
Costs will rise, not fall.
People will suffer a drop in the quality of the world's best healthcare.

Liberals will have pushed us all further under the umbrella of totalitarianism.
You need a reality check, twisted sister.

First and foremost, the Affordable Care Act, is a law that was created by the US Congress, not Barack Obama. And it was created due to the following reasons:

  • In 2009, [we had] 18,000 unnecessary U.S. deaths every year
  • In 2007, 42% of all adults were either uninsured or underinsured
  • an estimated 14,000 Americans were losing their health insurance every single year
  • In 2008, the health system was rejecting 36% of Americans (12.6 non-elderly adults) who applied for insurance
  • 46 million Americans (15% of the population) were without health insurance, of which more than 80% were working families.
  • There are reportedly still about 32 million people who don’t have health insurance
  • The U.S. spends twice per capita what other major industrialized countries spend on health care
  • As a nation we are spending $1 out of every $6 we earn on health care.
  • Ever-rising health care costs are threatening to drive an unsustainable explosion in the national debt.
  • Half of all personal bankruptcies are at least partly the result of medical expenses. It has been estimated that health care costs cause a bankruptcy in America every 30 seconds.
  • Across 37 core indicators of performance, the U.S. achieves an overall score of 65 out of a possible 100 when comparing national averages with U.S. and international performance benchmarks.
So no, we don't have the worlds best healthcare.

Now here's your reality check...
“Three years after the law passed, one year after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld it, and nine months after Republicans lost the election that might have allowed [you people] to repeal it, the Washington conversation is still about Republicans’ rear guard actions to undermine the Affordable Care Act and profit politically from the damage.”​
That shows how little you fuckers care about this country.
This is today's winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor"...

Obama is the runner-up.

But the winners are every single lock-step Liberal who defended the scam, ObamaCare.

Get this: as soon as government employees discovered that they would have to be covered by ObamaCare.....the panic was so palpable....that

The United States government acted faster than ever before:

1."All over the country, people are worried about how Obamacare will affect the cost and quality of their health coverage. Members of Congress and their staffs were especially panicked,.....

2. Capitol Hill collectively exhaled yesterday, when it came out that the U.S. Office of Personnel Management would allow members and their staffs to keep their insurance subsidies.

3. Obama has personally involved himself in the controversy over whether or not Congressmen and Hill staffers should retain access to their insurance subsidies. “It is extraordinarily rare, to say the least, for the president of the United States to get involved in an inside-the-Beltway flap over the payment of health care premiums,” note the Politico authors.

4. ...“some lawmakers have privately threatened to push through a legislative fix—possibly attached to a must-pass spending bill—that would require the government to continue its contributions for health care premiums for Hill employees.”

5. ....Obamacare that requires members and staffers to get their coverage on the new exchanges, instead of from the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, or FEHBP.

Section 1312(d)(3)(D) of the Affordable Care Act states it clearly: “The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and their congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are created under this Act…or offered through an Exchange established under this Act.”
[This is the LAW! So...do Obamaunists obey it???]

6. ....federal employees are unhappy about that prospect. The labor union representing IRS agents has urged its members to tell Congress that they are “very concerned” about such an outcome.

[And get this: Obama can no longer pretend that laws mean anything to him.]

7. UPDATE: Bob Moffit, Ed Haislmaier, and Joseph Morris of the Heritage Foundation are out with a new paper arguing that OPM “lacks statutory authority” to subsidize Congress’ health plans in the exchange.
Morris is a former general counsel for OPM."
Congressmen Rejoice! Govt. To Subsidize Their Health Insurance Through Obamacare's Exchanges - Forbes

Reality is defined by actions....not words.

Liberals, Obama voters, can no longer pretend that they believed all the lies Obama told, or that ObamaCare defenders swore to.

As we said at the start, ObamaCare is simply a takeover of a huge segment of the private economy.
There are death panels.
Healthcare will be rationed.
Costs will rise, not fall.
People will suffer a drop in the quality of the world's best healthcare.

Liberals will have pushed us all further under the umbrella of totalitarianism.
You need a reality check, twisted sister.

First and foremost, the Affordable Care Act, is a law that was created by the US Congress, not Barack Obama. And it was created due to the following reasons:

  • In 2009, [we had] 18,000 unnecessary U.S. deaths every year
  • In 2007, 42% of all adults were either uninsured or underinsured
  • an estimated 14,000 Americans were losing their health insurance every single year
  • In 2008, the health system was rejecting 36% of Americans (12.6 non-elderly adults) who applied for insurance
  • 46 million Americans (15% of the population) were without health insurance, of which more than 80% were working families.
  • There are reportedly still about 32 million people who don’t have health insurance
  • The U.S. spends twice per capita what other major industrialized countries spend on health care
  • As a nation we are spending $1 out of every $6 we earn on health care.
  • Ever-rising health care costs are threatening to drive an unsustainable explosion in the national debt.
  • Half of all personal bankruptcies are at least partly the result of medical expenses. It has been estimated that health care costs cause a bankruptcy in America every 30 seconds.
  • Across 37 core indicators of performance, the U.S. achieves an overall score of 65 out of a possible 100 when comparing national averages with U.S. and international performance benchmarks.
So no, we don't have the worlds best healthcare.

Now here's your reality check...
“Three years after the law passed, one year after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld it, and nine months after Republicans lost the election that might have allowed [you people] to repeal it, the Washington conversation is still about Republicans’ rear guard actions to undermine the Affordable Care Act and profit politically from the damage.”​
That shows how little you fuckers care about this country.

You are a perfect example of the easily led....

Prior to the Liberal attempt at co-opting 17% of the private economy, the United States had the best healthcare in the world.

The best....as judged by longevity.

Life Expectancy. Another frequently cited statistic is that according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the U.S. ranks 18th among 30 world democracies in life expectancy. However, health care is not the only factor in life expectancy. If you correct for two causes of death not directly related to health care—homicides and automobile accidents—the U.S. actually rises to the top of the list for life expectancy.
Inaccurate Grounds for Calling U.S. Health Care Inferior

Of course, Obama need have no fear, as long as their are simpletons such as yourself around to support him.
"When then asked by panelist Steve Sebelius whether he meant ultimately the country would have to have a health care system that abandoned insurance as the means of accessing it, Reid said: “Yes, yes. Absolutely, yes.”
Reid says Obamacare just a step toward eventual single-payer system - Las Vegas Sun News

In 1931, Rexford Tugwell, FDR's "Brain Trust," predicted "Business will be logically required to disappear." Ciepley, "Liberalism in the Shadow of Totalitarianism," p. 76.

CommieCare....on the way.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3_IGjWluaI]HAS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY BEEN HIJACKED BY "SOCIALISTS" - YouTube[/ame]
" So you are saying..."

English may be a second-language to me....but it appears non-existent to you.

This is as simply as it can be put:
if you believe that ObamaCare will cut down use of Emergency Rooms, then explain why the plan that Obama claims he based it on, did not.

The United States had the best healthcare in the world prior to ObamaCare.
It is idiocy to believe that rationing and socializing same will make it better.

Actually....that may be the very reason it appeals to you.

So what do you think the problem is? Co-pays are too small? Too many ppl fall into the low income discount categories? Or folks just think it is free?

All of the above.

We're over-insured.

Thank you, this is a theory!

Now my experiences having the open market ration my pet's healthcare at the vet lead me to disagree but there are valid points.
And....prior to ObamaCare....everyone in the country had healthcare, as well.


But, why should I be forced to pay for your health care? With ObamaCare, if you are able, you will have to pay for your own. Deal with is.

I posted 5 links to very easily understood FACTS about ACA. You really don't have to make up shit, unless of course, that serves your goal better than just telling the truth.


I made nothing up, Ugly Necktie....
Nor did I suggest nor state that you had to pay for my healthcare.
You simply made that up.

...you ignored the OP.

As in:

Section 1312(d)(3)(D) of the Affordable Care Act states it clearly: “The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and their congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are created under this Act…or offered through an Exchange established under this Act.”
[This is the LAW! So...do Obamaunists obey it???]

But here is your lesson on ObamaCare.
It is not designed to improve the quality of healthcare, nor to cover all Americans, not even to reduce costs.

It is a plan to grow the ever increasing federal government.
It seems that there are enough dolts, like you, to support much of the endeavor.
But....growing fewer by the day.


It might be a government conspiracy I suppose.....

Let's go hang the folks who voted for the Patriot Act first though and then those who continue it just so we are fair in criticizing expansion of government powers.

Am I in the healthcare forum or the conspiracy forum though?

If the gist of the healthcare bill was "since our hospitals throw no one out on the street effectively giving us socialized medicine, everyone needs to have insurance.", would you support it?
So what do you think the problem is? Co-pays are too small? Too many ppl fall into the low income discount categories? Or folks just think it is free?

All of the above.

We're over-insured.

Thank you, this is a theory!

Now my experiences having the open market ration my pet's healthcare at the vet lead me to disagree but there are valid points.

Open markets don't "ration" anything. They are the opposite of rationing.
It might be a government conspiracy I suppose.....

There's no conspiracy. The tendency of government to seek more power and control isn't even (necessarily) the intent of anyone involved. It's just the nature of the institution. It's the unintended consequence of decisions that, in isolation, seem beneficial. Yet, in combination, they centralize power in a way that lends itself to abuse and runs counter to our best intentions.

Let's go hang the folks who voted for the Patriot Act first though and then those who continue it just so we are fair in criticizing expansion of government powers.

Hanging them seems harsh, but it would be good for all of us to recognize our mistakes and avoid making more.

Am I in the healthcare forum or the conspiracy forum though?

Maybe you want to be in the 'hear-no-evil, see-no evil ....' forum? Do you really think the concerns about centralizing control of our health care under government should be dismissed as 'conspiracy theories'?

If the gist of the healthcare bill was "since our hospitals throw no one out on the street effectively giving us socialized medicine, everyone needs to have insurance.", would you support it?

Absolutely not. Covering up the unintended consequences of one ill-conceived policy with yet another ill-conceived policy just doubles-down on stupid. And sells us out to the insurance industry in the process.
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But, why should I be forced to pay for your health care? With ObamaCare, if you are able, you will have to pay for your own. Deal with is.

I posted 5 links to very easily understood FACTS about ACA. You really don't have to make up shit, unless of course, that serves your goal better than just telling the truth.


I made nothing up, Ugly Necktie....
Nor did I suggest nor state that you had to pay for my healthcare.
You simply made that up.

...you ignored the OP.

As in:

Section 1312(d)(3)(D) of the Affordable Care Act states it clearly: “The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and their congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are created under this Act…or offered through an Exchange established under this Act.”
[This is the LAW! So...do Obamaunists obey it???]

But here is your lesson on ObamaCare.
It is not designed to improve the quality of healthcare, nor to cover all Americans, not even to reduce costs.

It is a plan to grow the ever increasing federal government.
It seems that there are enough dolts, like you, to support much of the endeavor.
But....growing fewer by the day.


It might be a government conspiracy I suppose.....

Let's go hang the folks who voted for the Patriot Act first though and then those who continue it just so we are fair in criticizing expansion of government powers.

Am I in the healthcare forum or the conspiracy forum though?

If the gist of the healthcare bill was "since our hospitals throw no one out on the street effectively giving us socialized medicine, everyone needs to have insurance.", would you support it?

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is a U.S. Act of Congress passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide care to anyone needing emergency healthcare treatment regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may only transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment under their own informed consent, after stabilization, or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment.[1]"
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who was President in 1986?
This is today's winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor"...

Obama is the runner-up.

But the winners are every single lock-step Liberal who defended the scam, ObamaCare.

Get this: as soon as government employees discovered that they would have to be covered by ObamaCare.....the panic was so palpable....that

The United States government acted faster than ever before

This... AFTER... they had already passed a law stating that whatever laws they passed pertaining to the people, also pertained to THEM.

Once again, it's laws for the RULING CLASS, and then laws for US.

Just ANOTHER example of WHY I hate all those RAT FUCKS up there on the hill, dems, repubs, whatever... they all make me SICK.

This is today's winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor"...

Obama is the runner-up.

But the winners are every single lock-step Liberal who defended the scam, ObamaCare.

Get this: as soon as government employees discovered that they would have to be covered by ObamaCare.....the panic was so palpable....that

The United States government acted faster than ever before

This... AFTER... they had already passed a law stating that whatever laws they passed pertaining to the people, also pertained to THEM.

Once again, it's laws for the RULING CLASS, and then laws for US.

Just ANOTHER example of WHY I hate all those RAT FUCKS up there on the hill, dems, repubs, whatever... they all make me SICK.


It's the Liberal way. You pass laws and then later you figure out what they mean. As long as they sound like something Marx would approve of it's a "go".

But, why should I be forced to pay for your health care? With ObamaCare, if you are able, you will have to pay for your own. Deal with is.

I posted 5 links to very easily understood FACTS about ACA. You really don't have to make up shit, unless of course, that serves your goal better than just telling the truth.


I made nothing up, Ugly Necktie....
Nor did I suggest nor state that you had to pay for my healthcare.
You simply made that up.

...you ignored the OP.

As in:

Section 1312(d)(3)(D) of the Affordable Care Act states it clearly: “The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and their congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are created under this Act…or offered through an Exchange established under this Act.”
[This is the LAW! So...do Obamaunists obey it???]

But here is your lesson on ObamaCare.
It is not designed to improve the quality of healthcare, nor to cover all Americans, not even to reduce costs.

It is a plan to grow the ever increasing federal government.
It seems that there are enough dolts, like you, to support much of the endeavor.
But....growing fewer by the day.


It might be a government conspiracy I suppose.....

Let's go hang the folks who voted for the Patriot Act first though and then those who continue it just so we are fair in criticizing expansion of government powers.

Am I in the healthcare forum or the conspiracy forum though?

If the gist of the healthcare bill was "since our hospitals throw no one out on the street effectively giving us socialized medicine, everyone needs to have insurance.", would you support it?

Millions can't afford it. How are you planning to get blood out of a turnip ?
I made nothing up, Ugly Necktie....
Nor did I suggest nor state that you had to pay for my healthcare.
You simply made that up.

...you ignored the OP.

As in:

Section 1312(d)(3)(D) of the Affordable Care Act states it clearly: “The only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and their congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are created under this Act…or offered through an Exchange established under this Act.”
[This is the LAW! So...do Obamaunists obey it???]

But here is your lesson on ObamaCare.
It is not designed to improve the quality of healthcare, nor to cover all Americans, not even to reduce costs.

It is a plan to grow the ever increasing federal government.
It seems that there are enough dolts, like you, to support much of the endeavor.
But....growing fewer by the day.


It might be a government conspiracy I suppose.....

Let's go hang the folks who voted for the Patriot Act first though and then those who continue it just so we are fair in criticizing expansion of government powers.

Am I in the healthcare forum or the conspiracy forum though?

If the gist of the healthcare bill was "since our hospitals throw no one out on the street effectively giving us socialized medicine, everyone needs to have insurance.", would you support it?

Millions can't afford it. How are you planning to get blood out of a turnip ?

Same way they mash babies to get baby oil?

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