If you die from vaccine, your life insurance won’t pay as it’s an ‘experimental medical intervention’

Common exclusions
Seems none of these exclusions have nothing to do with vaccines.

They are standard exclusions written into just about every life insurance policy I've seen or sold. Again, these are givens.
Although, funny story, I actually had a policy approved with no rider for a commercial pilot back in the 90's.
Never tried submitting one for a skydiver or rock climber. :)
Check with your insurer before you have the vaccine. It’s reported that some or all life insurance won’t pay out for COVID vaccine related deaths, as the ‘vaccine’ is experimental. If this is too big a risk for your insurers, should you be taking it?

Even having had a COVID test could mean you are no longer eligible for insurance. You need to do some careful research, contact your insurers, before getting vaccinated or tested.

We keep warning you.....

First off, if your life insurance policy is beyond two years old and you've kept the payments up without lapsing, it doesn't matter what you die from, even if its by your own hand.
This is why articles from alt-right Internet sources just aren't helpful. We've had enough disinformation spread over the last four years.

Now, for newly issued policies, that might be a different story but I would suspect depending on the list of your other medical conditions if you've had any, they would just attach a rider
to the policy and you would pay more (if you were infected with COVID-19).

Really? You think so? You're wrong.

I sold it for five years. Along with a myriad of other insurances and investments (except health insurance). I know exactly what I'm talking about.
You're just digging up more alt-right tripe to turn over to spin your "virus is a hoax" or "vaccine has a tracking chip in it", or "vaccine my kill you".

LOL. I still sell it.

Common exclusions

  • Illegal activity: When someone dies as a result of illegal activity, their family cannot claim their death benefits. This includes everything from drug deals gone wrong to DUI crashes.
  • Risky activity: Any death due to risky activities, like skydiving or rock climbing, are usually counted as an exclusion.
  • Substance abuse: If a policyholder’s death is the result of drug or alcohol abuse, it’s excluded from their policy.
  • Misrepresentation: If you are found to have lied about your age, or provided any false information to your life insurance company, you aren’t eligible for your death benefit.

No shit. Those are standard exclusions. Kinda like givens. Suicide is usually another one. If you kill yourself in the first two years, they don't pay. If your policy lapses at any point before two years, the suicide clause resets.
The point I'm making is that COVID..isn't an exclusion. As already pointed out, no insurance company is leaning that way. Ergo, your linked article..is bullshit. As already pointed out. :)

First off, if your life insurance policy is beyond two years old and you've kept the payments up without lapsing,
it doesn't matter what you die from

You lied
Check with your insurer before you have the vaccine. It’s reported that some or all life insurance won’t pay out for COVID vaccine related deaths, as the ‘vaccine’ is experimental. If this is too big a risk for your insurers, should you be taking it?

Even having had a COVID test could mean you are no longer eligible for insurance. You need to do some careful research, contact your insurers, before getting vaccinated or tested.

We keep warning you.....

First off, if your life insurance policy is beyond two years old and you've kept the payments up without lapsing, it doesn't matter what you die from, even if its by your own hand.
This is why articles from alt-right Internet sources just aren't helpful. We've had enough disinformation spread over the last four years.

Now, for newly issued policies, that might be a different story but I would suspect depending on the list of your other medical conditions if you've had any, they would just attach a rider
to the policy and you would pay more (if you were infected with COVID-19).
The Federal government now provides 30 billion dollars a year for HIV/AIDS. Does not include state, local. city money. and not what is hidden in all ways of private insurance and other ways. This while the Progressive Socialists promote everything sexual in all ways. There are other sexual diseases as we all know that take resources. So what happens with Covid? Does this become a permanent thing where the amount spent on it by government in all ways keeps increasing year after year and in private insurance increases occur and all other ways?
Common exclusions
Seems none of these exclusions have nothing to do with vaccines.

Poor Jack said they would pay no matter HOW one dies. Do try and keep up.

First off retard, if anyone submitted a life insurance policy for something that landed on the exclusion list, the policy would most likely not be issued.
If they for some reason did, a rider would be attached making it financially steep to carry it. Suicide exclusions usually last two years. If suicide occurs
within two years, the sum of the premiums is returned to the beneficiary. If it happens after two years, as long as the policy doesn't lapse, they pay.

OK, point given. I'll give you that if someone dies from anything on the exclusion list, the company will not pay. Got too hung up on the suicide issue.
That being said, I've dug around the Internet and it looks like insurance companies are shrugging their shoulders over the vaccine. It's not a risk.
Poor Jack said they would pay no matter HOW one dies. Do try and keep up.
Just thought we’d try to stay on topic which you don’t seem interest in defending given its basically fallen apart.

No, you trying to defend an indefensible position posited by a fellow Prog. Not one of you read the article ;)

The article is like four sentences of unsubstantiated fear mongering.

What’s with people believing anything on the internet?
If you die from complications of the COVID vaccine, there’s already a government system to cover compensation.
Which really sucks, and doesn't cover long-term effects (which can take years to show up)...

Liability attorney warns legal rights are limited for patients harmed by COVID-19 vaccine (tmj4.com)

Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine is already being widely distributed across the country for healthcare workers, but a Milwaukee attorney warns the general public should know there is very little recourse if they have a bad reaction to any COVID-19 vaccine.

Tens of thousands of people took part in several coronavirus vaccine trials. Some reported minor and temporary side effects such as headaches and fatigue and there were no signs of long-term health effects.

Given that the trials were completed less than a month ago, vaccine liability attorney Jerry Konkel believes people should be aware that their legal rights are limited if the vaccine somehow harms them.

“One thing I would say is have a high level of suspicion,” Konkel said.

Konkal said the federal government has shielded coronavirus vaccine manufacturers from personal liability lawsuits. Instead, there’s a federal fund for those who can prove their injuries were caused by the vaccine less than one year after receiving it.

“They only pay non-covered medical expenses and lost wages as a general rule so it’s a big difference from the general vaccine compensation program which will pay for uncovered medical expenses, lost wages, future medical expenses, pain suffering and disability,” Konkel said.
LOL, insurance is what I do, sorry, Will a Life policy decline to pay for a vax death? I don't know, are the instances where they won't pay? Yes

Just don't get the vax and die of COVID - Don't really care. But go away and stop spreading fear and fake news.
Check with your insurer before you have the vaccine. It’s reported that some or all life insurance won’t pay out for COVID vaccine related deaths, as the ‘vaccine’ is experimental. If this is too big a risk for your insurers, should you be taking it?

Even having had a COVID test could mean you are no longer eligible for insurance. You need to do some careful research, contact your insurers, before getting vaccinated or tested.

We keep warning you.....

First off, if your life insurance policy is beyond two years old and you've kept the payments up without lapsing, it doesn't matter what you die from, even if its by your own hand.
This is why articles from alt-right Internet sources just aren't helpful. We've had enough disinformation spread over the last four years.

Now, for newly issued policies, that might be a different story but I would suspect depending on the list of your other medical conditions if you've had any, they would just attach a rider
to the policy and you would pay more (if you were infected with COVID-19).

Really? You think so? You're wrong.

I sold it for five years. Along with a myriad of other insurances and investments (except health insurance). I know exactly what I'm talking about.
You're just digging up more alt-right tripe to turn over to spin your "virus is a hoax" or "vaccine has a tracking chip in it", or "vaccine my kill you".

LOL. I still sell it.

Common exclusions

  • Illegal activity: When someone dies as a result of illegal activity, their family cannot claim their death benefits. This includes everything from drug deals gone wrong to DUI crashes.
  • Risky activity: Any death due to risky activities, like skydiving or rock climbing, are usually counted as an exclusion.
  • Substance abuse: If a policyholder’s death is the result of drug or alcohol abuse, it’s excluded from their policy.
  • Misrepresentation: If you are found to have lied about your age, or provided any false information to your life insurance company, you aren’t eligible for your death benefit.

No shit. Those are standard exclusions. Kinda like givens. Suicide is usually another one. If you kill yourself in the first two years, they don't pay. If your policy lapses at any point before two years, the suicide clause resets.
The point I'm making is that COVID..isn't an exclusion. As already pointed out, no insurance company is leaning that way. Ergo, your linked article..is bullshit. As already pointed out. :)

First off, if your life insurance policy is beyond two years old and you've kept the payments up without lapsing,
it doesn't matter what you die from

You lied

That is true to an extent. What if someone age 20 takes out a policy answering the questions about scuba diving at that time and when he or she takes up scuba diving at age 35 and dies on a dive? The application didn't ask if he might take up diving in the future. Based on a whole life or UL policy.

I would bet my left nut (hurts all the time anyway) a death from the vaccine would be ruled natural causes because it would most likely shut down a major organ. But I do agree your beneficiary might have to fight like hell to receive the proceeds.

Check with your insurer before you have the vaccine. It’s reported that some or all life insurance won’t pay out for COVID vaccine related deaths, as the ‘vaccine’ is experimental. If this is too big a risk for your insurers, should you be taking it?

Even having had a COVID test could mean you are no longer eligible for insurance. You need to do some careful research, contact your insurers, before getting vaccinated or tested.

We keep warning you.....

Please, for the love of God, learn how to spot fake news sites.....!!!!!
Yes it is still classifies as experimental and yes people did die

CDC: 1265 DEAD 25,212 Injuries Following Experimental COVID-19 MRNA ‘Vaccines’


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