If You Don’t Certify The Election Results…”We will come for you!” (VIDEO)

Debunk it. Every number and statement. It never was because it is fact.

It was bullshit propogated by Giuliani. Trump's personal attorney and mouthpiece for spreading fake news about election fraud. He's since lost a defamation case for lying about election fraud, had his license to practice law suspended for lying about election fraud, and is being charged criminally for committing election fraud himself.
It was bullshit propogated by Giuliani. Trump's personal attorney and mouthpiece for spreading fake news about election fraud. He's since lost a defamation case for lying about election fraud, had his license to practice law suspended for lying about election fraud, and is being charged criminally for committing election fraud himself.
It is data from the state of PA. It is accurate and true. Ignored and an election with 0 integrity was certified. Also show us Giuliani's activity in PA. I do not recall him even being there.
It is data from the state of PA. It is accurate and true. Ignored and an election with 0 integrity was certified. Also show us Giuliani's activity in PA. I do not recall him even being there.

Numbnuts, who said Giuliani went to Pennsylvania? :cuckoo:

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