If You Don’t Certify The Election Results…”We will come for you!” (VIDEO)

There are avenues for redress for disputing election results. Audits, recounts, and if necessary, lawsuits in court. But those lawsuits and the requests for recounts and audits need to have foundations based in FACTS. Not speculation or conspiracy theory. After 60+ court cases thrown out, multiple audits and recounts, and statements by election officials and the AG of the United States, there was ZERO evidence presented that there was massive election fraud. Just conspiracy theory. You don't get to litigate the results of an election indefinitely. When the states certify their election results in December....that's the end of it. Or it should be. No insurrections, no frivolous lawsuits, no keeping it alive for months and years.

If you can't prove it, close your mouth and move on.
"Move on" in liberalspeak means shut up and kowtow to the Almighty Democrat Party. Two word response is FUCK YOU
None. I mean. Less than nothing. Not one court case. Not one recount. Not one audit. He lost. End of story.

Why would he lose? Because he was a terrible President and is an absolute POS of a human being.
The majority of the country are sick of him. That's why he'll lose.
So you too favor permanent far Left rule. Fucking Communist scumbag
"Move on" in liberalspeak means shut up and kowtow to the Almighty Democrat Party. Two word response is FUCK YOU
No, it means my two word response....move on. He lost. Accept it and get on with life. But to be still whining about it four years later with no evidence to speak of in a desperate attempt to make this asshole the comeback kid..
Well....right back at ya! :)
No, it means my two word response....move on. He lost. Accept it and get on with life. But to be still whining about it four years later with no evidence to speak of in a desperate attempt to make this asshole the comeback kid..
Well....right back at ya! :)
EXCLUSIVE: 116,840 ballot dates updated in official PA database, 69,004 ballots were received after the 3rd and 19,660 after the 6th.(UPDATED)

UPDATE: On December 16th, PA.gov released another update to the Mail Ballot Request database. This Fact List has been updated to include the data from the most recent release. This is ever evolving research and you can see past versions of this Fact List here.

FACT 1: OpenDataPA allowed anyone to download the Mail Ballot Request CSV database showing the life cycle of every mail-in/absentee ballot, which PA periodically updates.

FACT 2: There have been 4 known versions up this database so far. A Nov 6th Version, Nov 10th Version, Nov 16th Version, and Dec 16th Version. The changes between versions were never disclosed to the public.
Anomalies and irregularities have been a found in all versions. The Nov 10th Version showed 23,305 ballots having a “Returned” date before their actual “Mailed” date. The Nov 16th Version change most of the ballots, leaving only 185 ballots with this anomaly. The December 16th version has only 181.
With each updated version, ballots are deleted. There were 9,763 fewer ballot entries between the Nov 10th Version and Nov 16th Version. 3,687 fewer ballot entries between the Nov 16th Version and the December 16th Version.
The Texas Lawsuit lays out many of the impossible anomalies from the Nov 10th Version.

FACT 3: Access to the database was blocked on November 21st after viral videos drew public attention and then were unblocked on November 25th after Pennsylvania certified Vice President Joe Biden on November 24th.

FACT 4: On December 3rd, HereIsTheEvidence released the HereIsTheEvidence Analyzer to enable anyone (including journalists) to verify/find anomalies in election data.

The HereIsTheEvidence Analyzer was applied to the December 16th dataset and this is what was found:​

1. 161,774 mail-in ballot records were changed between Nov 10th version and the Dec 16th Version. Of the changes, 116,840 ballots were given new return dates.
Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that any ballots without a postmark should “be presumed to have been mailed by Election Day” unless there was strong evidence to the contrary.
The evidence from official records show that 116,840 mail-in ballots have had changed “Return Date” entries between November 10th and December 16th.

2. 69,004 ballots were marked “Returned” after November 3rd.
Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar reported on November 10th that only 10,000 ballots were received after November 3rd. She declared that same number to the Supreme Court on November 30th.

3. 19,660 ballots were marked “Returned” after November 6th.
Pennsylvania Supreme Court usurped established Pennsylvania legislation to allow ballots to be counted if received by November 6th. Ballots received after the 6th were to be rejected.
Pennsylvania rejected 7,411 in the 2020 election, as of November 20th.

4. Counties allowed new ballots to be filled out after the election.
Pennsylvania’s deadline for mail-in applications was October 27th, yet new ballots were being filled out and submitted daily.
Berks county was filling out and submitting new ballots on November 16th.

5. OpenDataPA has a visualizer to explore the current dataset, but it hides ballots received after November 3rd.
Until Pennsylvania updates their Visualizer to show all ballots, you can use the HereIsTheEvidence Analyzer to verify these claims.
Check out the code, it’s open source.

6. As laid out in the Texas lawsuit, Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot anomalies at 118,426 affected ballots. The anomalies from this December 16th version shows:
  • 161,774 records have alterations
    • Of these alterations:
      • 116,840 were Returned Dates changes
      • 69,004 were marked “Returned” after Nov 3rd
      • 19,660 were marked “Returned” after Nov 6th
  • 13,450 ballots have been deleted since Nov 10th
  • 10,415 Return Date with no Mail Date
  • 5,052 Applications Returned after Ballot Mailed
  • 1,034 Applications Approved after Application Returned

Totaling: 191,725 mail-in ballots were touched by alterations, illegality, or anomalies according to data.PA.gov.

In Pennsylvania’s response to the Texas lawsuit, they did not address the mail-in ballot anomalies.

Mail-in ballots touched by alterations,illegality, or anomalies in Pennsylvania​



Download Nov 10th Version:
Download Nov 16th Version:
Download Dec 16th Version:xcvhj

That election never should have been certified.
EXCLUSIVE: 116,840 ballot dates updated in official PA database, 69,004 ballots were received after the 3rd and 19,660 after the 6th.(UPDATED)

UPDATE: On December 16th, PA.gov released another update to the Mail Ballot Request database. This Fact List has been updated to include the data from the most recent release. This is ever evolving research and you can see past versions of this Fact List here.

FACT 1: OpenDataPA allowed anyone to download the Mail Ballot Request CSV database showing the life cycle of every mail-in/absentee ballot, which PA periodically updates.

FACT 2: There have been 4 known versions up this database so far. A Nov 6th Version, Nov 10th Version, Nov 16th Version, and Dec 16th Version. The changes between versions were never disclosed to the public.

FACT 3: Access to the database was blocked on November 21st after viral videos drew public attention and then were unblocked on November 25th after Pennsylvania certified Vice President Joe Biden on November 24th.

FACT 4: On December 3rd, HereIsTheEvidence released the HereIsTheEvidence Analyzer to enable anyone (including journalists) to verify/find anomalies in election data.

The HereIsTheEvidence Analyzer was applied to the December 16th dataset and this is what was found:​

1. 161,774 mail-in ballot records were changed between Nov 10th version and the Dec 16th Version. Of the changes, 116,840 ballots were given new return dates.

2. 69,004 ballots were marked “Returned” after November 3rd.

3. 19,660 ballots were marked “Returned” after November 6th.

4. Counties allowed new ballots to be filled out after the election.

5. OpenDataPA has a visualizer to explore the current dataset, but it hides ballots received after November 3rd.

6. As laid out in the Texas lawsuit, Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot anomalies at 118,426 affected ballots. The anomalies from this December 16th version shows:
  • 161,774 records have alterations
    • Of these alterations:
      • 116,840 were Returned Dates changes
      • 69,004 were marked “Returned” after Nov 3rd
      • 19,660 were marked “Returned” after Nov 6th
  • 13,450 ballots have been deleted since Nov 10th
  • 10,415 Return Date with no Mail Date
  • 5,052 Applications Returned after Ballot Mailed
  • 1,034 Applications Approved after Application Returned

Totaling: 191,725 mail-in ballots were touched by alterations, illegality, or anomalies according to data.PA.gov.

In Pennsylvania’s response to the Texas lawsuit, they did not address the mail-in ballot anomalies.

Mail-in ballots touched by alterations,illegality, or anomalies in Pennsylvania​



Download Nov 10th Version:
Download Nov 16th Version:
Download Dec 16th Version:xcvhj

That election never should have been certified.
Nothing. I mean, less than nothing.
Why do you waste your time with bullshit that has long been debunked?
Do you experience shame and embarrassment?
You are nothing.
And you are a whining, sniveling little bullshit artist.
If you were a normal human being, you'd be ashamed of the BS you post.
But, since you're a Trumper, my expectations are super low. :)

EXCLUSIVE: 116,840 ballot dates updated in official PA database, 69,004 ballots were received after the 3rd and 19,660 after the 6th.(UPDATED)

UPDATE: On December 16th, PA.gov released another update to the Mail Ballot Request database. This Fact List has been updated to include the data from the most recent release. This is ever evolving research and you can see past versions of this Fact List here.

FACT 1: OpenDataPA allowed anyone to download the Mail Ballot Request CSV database showing the life cycle of every mail-in/absentee ballot, which PA periodically updates.

FACT 2: There have been 4 known versions up this database so far. A Nov 6th Version, Nov 10th Version, Nov 16th Version, and Dec 16th Version. The changes between versions were never disclosed to the public.

FACT 3: Access to the database was blocked on November 21st after viral videos drew public attention and then were unblocked on November 25th after Pennsylvania certified Vice President Joe Biden on November 24th.

FACT 4: On December 3rd, HereIsTheEvidence released the HereIsTheEvidence Analyzer to enable anyone (including journalists) to verify/find anomalies in election data.

The HereIsTheEvidence Analyzer was applied to the December 16th dataset and this is what was found:​

1. 161,774 mail-in ballot records were changed between Nov 10th version and the Dec 16th Version. Of the changes, 116,840 ballots were given new return dates.

2. 69,004 ballots were marked “Returned” after November 3rd.

3. 19,660 ballots were marked “Returned” after November 6th.

4. Counties allowed new ballots to be filled out after the election.

5. OpenDataPA has a visualizer to explore the current dataset, but it hides ballots received after November 3rd.

6. As laid out in the Texas lawsuit, Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot anomalies at 118,426 affected ballots. The anomalies from this December 16th version shows:
  • 161,774 records have alterations
    • Of these alterations:
      • 116,840 were Returned Dates changes
      • 69,004 were marked “Returned” after Nov 3rd
      • 19,660 were marked “Returned” after Nov 6th
  • 13,450 ballots have been deleted since Nov 10th
  • 10,415 Return Date with no Mail Date
  • 5,052 Applications Returned after Ballot Mailed
  • 1,034 Applications Approved after Application Returned

Totaling: 191,725 mail-in ballots were touched by alterations, illegality, or anomalies according to data.PA.gov.

In Pennsylvania’s response to the Texas lawsuit, they did not address the mail-in ballot anomalies.

Mail-in ballots touched by alterations,illegality, or anomalies in Pennsylvania​



Download Nov 10th Version:
Download Nov 16th Version:
Download Dec 16th Version:xcvhj

That election never should have been certified.

^^^ Fake news.


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