If you dont think government should be involved in the bedroom

They have no idea what they're talking about....all they do is repeat what they've heard.

And of COURSE contraceptives would solve world hunger! Less mouths to feed!
Abortion can solve it too....
Heck, let's just execute all the prisoners that have been waiting on death row for years....i'm tired of feeding them too when that food could go to people on welfare! Then we'd save on the cost of FOOD STAMPS! Hey...this could really turn into a good thing! Lol!
They have no idea what they're talking about....all they do is repeat what they've heard.

And of COURSE contraceptives would solve world hunger! Less mouths to feed!
Abortion can solve it too....
Heck, let's just execute all the prisoners that have been waiting on death row for years....i'm tired of feeding them too when that food could go to people on welfare! Then we'd save on the cost of FOOD STAMPS! Hey...this could really turn into a good thing! Lol!

there could be tons less mouths to feed and yet there would still be hunger if people dont produce food.
Why support government purchasing contraceptive?

Check out the interesting responses:

Caleb Bonham Interviews Attendees of the Obama/Fluke Campaign Event - YouTube

Oh and contraceptive solves world hunger.

It is humoreous how they yelp about Republicans opposing killing babies, citing too much government, yet they have no issue with the government PAYING for their abortions and birth control.

The US governement is purchasing contraceptives? Why?

Or do you mean the requirement for large employers (except for churches and houses of worship large and small) to provide insurance that covers contraceptives at no cost o their employees?

The Truth About Contraception, Obamacare And The Church - Forbes

wasting your time, these vile, filthy garbage dont care about the truth and they sure as hell dont care about anybody's health but their own
The US governement is purchasing contraceptives? Why?

Or do you mean the requirement for large employers (except for churches and houses of worship large and small) to provide insurance that covers contraceptives at no cost o their employees?

The Truth About Contraception, Obamacare And The Church - Forbes

A. They have no business making it a requirement.

B. There is no such thing as "no cost." It will be paid for by an increase in everyone's insurance premiums.
If you dont think government should be involved in the bedroom
I'll even take that a step further and say it shouldn't be involved in marriages either.

Why support government purchasing contraceptive?
I have no idea.

Oh and contraceptive solves world hunger.
Well... I doesn't hurt it. Obviously if the contraceptive does it's job it is one less mouth to feed. Unless of course you can convince people not to have sex. That would be a hard sell.

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