If you have a pre-existing condition and ins at work, you had best get

/——/ The insurance you have to buy is liability for those you may injure. The Comprehensive is what you’re required to have if you lease or have a car loan. Once you own the car outright you can drop the comprehensive. You really need to get some life experience.

again, only a moron compares car ownership to health...

Or covering pre-existing conditions to insurance...

I agree. This shouldnt' be an "insurance" issue. We should have universal coverage, period.

every other country in the world has figured this out except ours.
/----/ Only a moron can't understand basic economics.
/——/ The insurance you have to buy is liability for those you may injure. The Comprehensive is what you’re required to have if you lease or have a car loan. Once you own the car outright you can drop the comprehensive. You really need to get some life experience.

again, only a moron compares car ownership to health...

Or covering pre-existing conditions to insurance...

I agree. This shouldnt' be an "insurance" issue. We should have universal coverage, period.

every other country in the world has figured this out except ours.
/----/ Piers Morgan, a big time Lib, must be a moron in your book:
Car insurance vs. health insurance | Human Events
“What is the difference ideologically to a Republican like you that is so opposed to this, what is the difference between Americans being forced by law to have insurance to drive a car and being forced by law to have insurance for their health?” Morgan asked, tendering what would be a good question, if he didn’t clearly think it was rhetorical.
/-----/ What did you buddies in Russia do to the Crimean who is not in NATO. What would happen to other European countries if not for the US presence? When Trump said they had to pay their own way on defense, Libtards screamed bloody murder.

Again, Russia has a hard time subduing the Crimea, where there are mostly Russians... they aren't going to overrun Europe.

The 1970's called, they want their cold war paranoia back.

I also noticed you didn't address the issue that we spend MORE on health care per capita than those nasty socialist countries who don't fee a need to blow billions on overpriced weapons.

/----/ Of course you're off base again. You can't compare the US to other countries.

I can easily compare it to other first world industrialized nations with the same level of technology and affluence we have.

And we still suck at it.
Piers Morgan, a big time Lib, must be a moron in your book:
Car insurance vs. health insurance | Human Events
“What is the difference ideologically to a Republican like you that is so opposed to this, what is the difference between Americans being forced by law to have insurance to drive a car and being forced by law to have insurance for their health?” Morgan asked, tendering what would be a good question, if he didn’t clearly think it was rhetorical.

I generally think Peirs Morgan is a big moron.

I'm not a big fan of mandatory insurance. That just enriches the insurance companies. We need to have single payer like everyone else has. Mandatory Insurance is what you right wing nuts clamored for for years, and even implemented in Massachusetts. And you were fine with it until the Black Guy did it.

Heck, I'd be okay if we just did what Hillary wanted to do. Set up a program if your employer/union doesn't offer you insurance or you can't afford your own. It would still be cheaper than what we are doing now.

The problem was, big insurance didn't like that, because they realized at some point, everyone would just drop their products and put their employees on HillaryCare.
Of course their "rates" are lower.
They don't count their infants until they're older. DURR.

They use the same standard we do...

And our infant mortality rate is as bad as some third world countries.

Here's a chart so you can follow along.


They use the same standard we do...


And our infant mortality rate is as bad as some third world countries.

Subtract our third worlders and our inner city druggies and our rate is among the best.
Piers Morgan, a big time Lib, must be a moron in your book:
Car insurance vs. health insurance | Human Events
“What is the difference ideologically to a Republican like you that is so opposed to this, what is the difference between Americans being forced by law to have insurance to drive a car and being forced by law to have insurance for their health?” Morgan asked, tendering what would be a good question, if he didn’t clearly think it was rhetorical.

I generally think Peirs Morgan is a big moron.

I'm not a big fan of mandatory insurance. That just enriches the insurance companies. We need to have single payer like everyone else has. Mandatory Insurance is what you right wing nuts clamored for for years, and even implemented in Massachusetts. And you were fine with it until the Black Guy did it.

Heck, I'd be okay if we just did what Hillary wanted to do. Set up a program if your employer/union doesn't offer you insurance or you can't afford your own. It would still be cheaper than what we are doing now.

The problem was, big insurance didn't like that, because they realized at some point, everyone would just drop their products and put their employees on HillaryCare.
/-------/ " Mandatory Insurance is what you right wing nuts clamored for for years, and even implemented in Massachusetts. "

Now you're just making crap up to justify your position. No conservative ever promoted mandatory anything. It's against our nature. Yeah, some RINOs did in Massachusetts, but they don't represent anyone on the Right Wing.
/-----/ What did you buddies in Russia do to the Crimean who is not in NATO. What would happen to other European countries if not for the US presence? When Trump said they had to pay their own way on defense, Libtards screamed bloody murder.

Again, Russia has a hard time subduing the Crimea, where there are mostly Russians... they aren't going to overrun Europe.

The 1970's called, they want their cold war paranoia back.

I also noticed you didn't address the issue that we spend MORE on health care per capita than those nasty socialist countries who don't fee a need to blow billions on overpriced weapons.

/----/ Of course you're off base again. You can't compare the US to other countries.

I can easily compare it to other first world industrialized nations with the same level of technology and affluence we have.

And we still suck at it.
/----/ The graph you posted begs to differ. And plenty more Libs used the health / Car analogy to justify the mandate.
/-----/ What did you buddies in Russia do to the Crimean who is not in NATO. What would happen to other European countries if not for the US presence? When Trump said they had to pay their own way on defense, Libtards screamed bloody murder.

Again, Russia has a hard time subduing the Crimea, where there are mostly Russians... they aren't going to overrun Europe.

The 1970's called, they want their cold war paranoia back.

I also noticed you didn't address the issue that we spend MORE on health care per capita than those nasty socialist countries who don't fee a need to blow billions on overpriced weapons.

/----/ Of course you're off base again. You can't compare the US to other countries.

I can easily compare it to other first world industrialized nations with the same level of technology and affluence we have.

And we still suck at it.
/----/ "The 1970's called, they want their cold war paranoia back. " Isn't that the logic Obozo used on Mitt in the debates about Russia? Who is screaming about Russian interference ????
/-----/ What did you buddies in Russia do to the Crimean who is not in NATO. What would happen to other European countries if not for the US presence? When Trump said they had to pay their own way on defense, Libtards screamed bloody murder.

Again, Russia has a hard time subduing the Crimea, where there are mostly Russians... they aren't going to overrun Europe.

The 1970's called, they want their cold war paranoia back.

I also noticed you didn't address the issue that we spend MORE on health care per capita than those nasty socialist countries who don't fee a need to blow billions on overpriced weapons.

/----/ Of course you're off base again. You can't compare the US to other countries.

I can easily compare it to other first world industrialized nations with the same level of technology and affluence we have.

And we still suck at it.
/----/ Then refute my link.... You won't because you can't.
Many companies that provide health insurance are self funded meaning it is really not an insurance pool. The insurance companies administer the policy but the companies pay all the cost. In those case then there is no concerned about pre existing conditions because every new employee are eligible.
I'm not a big fan of mandatory insurance. That just enriches the insurance companies. We need to have single payer like everyone else has.

Single payer is still mandatory insurance. It just takes the choice out of it. Instead a handful of government-approved insurance vendors, you're limited to one.
learn to eat crow at your job. :lol: So many thought Trump would make healthcare better, you lose. I hope this goes through quickly , it will be wonderful for the 2018 elections. :lol: There is a song about you don't know what you have till its gone.

The Justice Department wrote in a filing Friday that it would not defend ObamaCare's protections for people with pre-existing conditions, siding in large part with a challenge to the law brought by a coalition of Republican-led states.

The states, and the Justice Department, argue that Congress's repeal of the tax penalty associated with ObamaCare's individual mandate makes the law's protections for people with pre-existing conditions unconstitutional.

House Dems demand answers from HHS on DOJ's ObamaCare decision
/----/ I bought a used car with pre existing body damage and now my lousy, stinking, evil, greedy insurance company refuses to repair the car. Time for single payer car insurance. Bummer.

Nominated ^ for dumb RW analogy of the week. :rolleyes-41:

Hope you don't get dropped by your insurance company after you get sick and are tasked with finding a new policy.
/----/ Actually it's a perfect analogy because they both involve insurance companies. Forcing an insurance company to cover pre existing illness is no different than forcing an insurance company to cover pre existing car damage. Both would bankrupt the company.


Or making people pay for car insurance even if they don't own/drive a car. They're bound to require transportation sooner or later.


Subtract our third worlders and our inner city druggies and our rate is among the best.

It's okay if babies die in this country if they aren't white? Is this what you are trying to argue here, buddy.

/----/ "The 1970's called, they want their cold war paranoia back. " Isn't that the logic Obozo used on Mitt in the debates about Russia? Who is screaming about Russian interference ????

Um, decent Americans are... because it's a bad thing. It's not an excuse to spend 5% of our GDP on a bloated defense budget, where we spend more than the next ten countries combined, and 8 of them are allies.

But again, we have enough money to make sure every American gets health care... we just don't spend it correctly.
Now you're just making crap up to justify your position. No conservative ever promoted mandatory anything. It's against our nature. Yeah, some RINOs did in Massachusetts, but they don't represent anyone on the Right Wing.

Again, nobody called out Mitt Romney for doing in the 2008. The guy literally got more shit for being a Mormon in 2008 than he got for RomneyCare.

By 2012, though we had a Negro in the White House, and the Evangelicals would have supported Romney if he were sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu.
Subtract our third worlders and our inner city druggies and our rate is among the best.

It's okay if babies die in this country if they aren't white? Is this what you are trying to argue here, buddy.

/----/ "The 1970's called, they want their cold war paranoia back. " Isn't that the logic Obozo used on Mitt in the debates about Russia? Who is screaming about Russian interference ????

Um, decent Americans are... because it's a bad thing. It's not an excuse to spend 5% of our GDP on a bloated defense budget, where we spend more than the next ten countries combined, and 8 of them are allies.

But again, we have enough money to make sure every American gets health care... we just don't spend it correctly.

It's okay if babies die in this country if they aren't white?

Blaming our healthcare system when babies born of drug abusers don't survive, seems silly.
And using preemies born 4 months early in our stats when some foreign nations exclude babies
that die within a few days of birth.....means you can't compare stats....honestly.

Gross differences in the fundamental definition of “live birth” invalidate comparisons of early neonatal death rates. The United States strictly adheres to the WHO definition of live birth (any infant “irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy, which . . . breathes or shows any other evidence of life . . . whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached”) and uses a strictly implemented linked birth and infant-death data set. On the contrary, many other nations, including highly developed countries in Western Europe, use far less strict definitions, all of which underreport the live births of more fragile infants who soon die. As a consequence, they falsely report more favorable neonatal- and infant-mortality rates.

A 2006 report from WHO stated that “among developed countries, mortality rates may reflect differences in the definitions used for reporting births, such as cut-offs for registering live births and birth weight.” The Bulletin of WHO noted that “it has also been common practice in several countries (e.g. Belgium, France, Spain) to register as live births only those infants who survived for a specified period beyond birth”; those who did not survive were “completely ignored for registration purposes.” Since the U.S. counts as live births all babies who show “any evidence of life,” even the most premature and the smallest — the very babies who account for the majority of neonatal deaths — it necessarily has a higher neonatal-mortality rate than countries that do not.

Infant Mortality: A Deceptive Statistic | National Review

But again, we have enough money to make sure every American gets health care...

Absolutely. If you make sick people wait 6-9 months and then give them sub-optimal care,
we could cover lots more people.
Blaming our healthcare system when babies born of drug abusers don't survive, seems silly.

Um, okay, let's look at this stupidity. Most countries treat drug addiction like a medical problem, and people get treatment.

We treat it like a criminal problem to feed the Prison-Industrial Complex, and they don't.

Um, yeah, I think we can blame our system for that.

But, hey, they are only little darkies, so who cares?

You obviously don't.

And using preemies born 4 months early in our stats when some foreign nations exclude babies
that die within a few days of birth.....means you can't compare stats....honestly.

Well, you have a point there... because poor people can't get prenatal care, we have a higher rate of premature births... but again, they are only darkies...

But the reality is, most countries count them the same way we do, and guess what, we still do worse. A lot worse.

Absolutely. If you make sick people wait 6-9 months and then give them sub-optimal care,
we could cover lots more people.

Except that again, they have better stats than we do.
/——/ Actually you didn’t refute the link saying you can’t compare us mortality rates to the rest of the world.

Actually, I did. You were just way too stupid to understand. This is the kind of brain damage you get when you listen to the Corporate Propaganda on Hate Radio all day.

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