If you have a pre-existing condition and ins at work, you had best get


We don't licence people to live.



It is being forced by law to purchase, justy like health care. Either you should not be forced by law to make a purchase or not.


Then let's force everyone to purchase car insurance also or be fined/taxed by the government so the cost is driven down. After all there's always that possibility that the person who doesn't own a car may need to drive.



Simple question is being forced to buy wrong or not. I guess it is only wrong when you say it is!


Being forced to do anything is always wrong. However...

No one's forcing you to purchase car insurance unless you purchase a car.

Are we now forcing people to purchase a license to live?



I get it my kid has no car so he does not have to purchase insurance! Oh ya, he does not have to purchase health insurance either I pay for it. I agree with you being forced is wrong. On both counts!


Maybe you should be required to purchase car insurance for him also even if he doesn't drive because there's always that chance he might need too.


It is being forced by law to purchase, justy like health care. Either you should not be forced by law to make a purchase or not.


Then let's force everyone to purchase car insurance also or be fined/taxed by the government so the cost is driven down. After all there's always that possibility that the person who doesn't own a car may need to drive.



Simple question is being forced to buy wrong or not. I guess it is only wrong when you say it is!


Being forced to do anything is always wrong. However...

No one's forcing you to purchase car insurance unless you purchase a car.

Are we now forcing people to purchase a license to live?



I get it my kid has no car so he does not have to purchase insurance! Oh ya, he does not have to purchase health insurance either I pay for it. I agree with you being forced is wrong. On both counts!


Maybe you should be required to purchase car insurance for him also even if he doesn't drive because there's always that chance he might need too.



That little fucker can pay his own insurance after his last report card!
The Justice department's job, irregardless of their own opinion, is to defend the laws of the land. What the justice department is doing, is illegal, unconstitutional, and political in every way.

I that really JUSTICE?

Only delusional morons think insurance can magically become something it isn't by government mandate.

Except= again, every other country in the industrialized world has universal healthcare.

They spend less and get better results in almost every other metric.
/——/ The insurance you have to buy is liability for those you may injure. The Comprehensive is what you’re required to have if you lease or have a car loan. Once you own the car outright you can drop the comprehensive. You really need to get some life experience.

again, only a moron compares car ownership to health...

Or covering pre-existing conditions to insurance...

I agree. This shouldnt' be an "insurance" issue. We should have universal coverage, period.

every other country in the world has figured this out except ours.
Only delusional morons think insurance can magically become something it isn't by government mandate.

Except= again, every other country in the industrialized world has universal healthcare.

They spend less and get better results in almost every other metric.

Much longer lines, older equipment, less equipment, older meds, fewer meds, higher taxes.

We could do the same thing here. I'd rather not.

Better results? Only if you don't need good care.
/——/ The insurance you have to buy is liability for those you may injure. The Comprehensive is what you’re required to have if you lease or have a car loan. Once you own the car outright you can drop the comprehensive. You really need to get some life experience.

again, only a moron compares car ownership to health...

Or covering pre-existing conditions to insurance...

I agree. This shouldnt' be an "insurance" issue. We should have universal coverage, period.

every other country in the world has figured this out except ours.

Define universal coverage.
Maybe we could afford more healthcare spending on Americans if we booted 15 million illegal aliens first?
Much longer lines, older equipment, less equipment, older meds, fewer meds, higher taxes.

except they all have longer life expediencies

than we do and lower infant mortality rates....

We could do the same thing here. I'd rather not.

Of course, you are okay with getting cheated by big insurance as long as you have better care than the darkies.

Define universal coverage.
Maybe we could afford more healthcare spending on Americans if we booted 15 million illegal aliens first?

Nope, we could boot them all, and you'd STILL be a White Trash Loser.
Much longer lines, older equipment, less equipment, older meds, fewer meds, higher taxes.

except they all have longer life expediencies

than we do and lower infant mortality rates....

We could do the same thing here. I'd rather not.

Of course, you are okay with getting cheated by big insurance as long as you have better care than the darkies.

Define universal coverage.
Maybe we could afford more healthcare spending on Americans if we booted 15 million illegal aliens first?

Nope, we could boot them all, and you'd STILL be a White Trash Loser.

except they all have longer life expediencies

Yeah, their fake stats help their numbers and our inner city ferals harm ours.
Neither of which has anything to do with our higher quality healthcare.

Of course, you are okay with getting cheated by big insurance

Of course, you prefer the "efficiencies" of big government.
Yeah, their fake stats help their numbers and our inner city ferals harm ours.
Neither of which has anything to do with our higher quality healthcare.

The CIA agrees that people live longer in those countries and have lower infant mortality rates.

Of course, you prefer the "efficiencies" of big government.

Never had a problem with government. Government has always been a pleasure to work with. I kind of regret not pursuing a career in government service after I was done with the military, but those awesome jobs are hard to come by.

But you haven't lived until you've had to fight with an insurance company to get treatment your doctor thinks you should have after they've taken your premiums and decide they don't want to pay for it.
Yeah, their fake stats help their numbers and our inner city ferals harm ours.
Neither of which has anything to do with our higher quality healthcare.

The CIA agrees that people live longer in those countries and have lower infant mortality rates.

Of course, you prefer the "efficiencies" of big government.

Never had a problem with government. Government has always been a pleasure to work with. I kind of regret not pursuing a career in government service after I was done with the military, but those awesome jobs are hard to come by.

But you haven't lived until you've had to fight with an insurance company to get treatment your doctor thinks you should have after they've taken your premiums and decide they don't want to pay for it.

The CIA agrees that people live longer in those countries and have lower infant mortality rates.

Of course their "rates" are lower.
They don't count their infants until they're older. DURR.
learn to eat crow at your job. :lol: So many thought Trump would make healthcare better, you lose. I hope this goes through quickly , it will be wonderful for the 2018 elections. :lol: There is a song about you don't know what you have till its gone.

The Justice Department wrote in a filing Friday that it would not defend ObamaCare's protections for people with pre-existing conditions, siding in large part with a challenge to the law brought by a coalition of Republican-led states.

The states, and the Justice Department, argue that Congress's repeal of the tax penalty associated with ObamaCare's individual mandate makes the law's protections for people with pre-existing conditions unconstitutional.

House Dems demand answers from HHS on DOJ's ObamaCare decision
/----/ I bought a used car with pre existing body damage and now my lousy, stinking, evil, greedy insurance company refuses to repair the car. Time for single payer car insurance. Bummer.

Nominated ^ for dumb RW analogy of the week. :rolleyes-41:

Hope you don't get dropped by your insurance company after you get sick and are tasked with finding a new policy.
learn to eat crow at your job. :lol: So many thought Trump would make healthcare better, you lose. I hope this goes through quickly , it will be wonderful for the 2018 elections. :lol: There is a song about you don't know what you have till its gone.

The Justice Department wrote in a filing Friday that it would not defend ObamaCare's protections for people with pre-existing conditions, siding in large part with a challenge to the law brought by a coalition of Republican-led states.

The states, and the Justice Department, argue that Congress's repeal of the tax penalty associated with ObamaCare's individual mandate makes the law's protections for people with pre-existing conditions unconstitutional.

House Dems demand answers from HHS on DOJ's ObamaCare decision
/----/ I bought a used car with pre existing body damage and now my lousy, stinking, evil, greedy insurance company refuses to repair the car. Time for single payer car insurance. Bummer.

Nominated ^ for dumb RW analogy of the week. :rolleyes-41:

Hope you don't get dropped by your insurance company after you get sick and are tasked with finding a new policy.
/----/ Actually it's a perfect analogy because they both involve insurance companies. Forcing an insurance company to cover pre existing illness is no different than forcing an insurance company to cover pre existing car damage. Both would bankrupt the company.
Only delusional morons think insurance can magically become something it isn't by government mandate.

Except= again, every other country in the industrialized world has universal healthcare.

They spend less and get better results in almost every other metric.
/----/ Because the US taxpayers foot the bill for their national defense, they can afford free healthcare. Like it or not, we're the world's policeman.
U.S. Defense Spending Compared to Other Countries
U.S. Defense Spending Compared to Other Countries
May 7, 2018 - U.S. Defense Spending Compared to Other Countries. ... The United States spends more on national defense than China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, United Kingdom, and Japan combined. While the chart above illustrates ... Not the Debt. Per Capita Healthcare Costs — International Comparison.
Of course their "rates" are lower.
They don't count their infants until they're older. DURR.

They use the same standard we do...

And our infant mortality rate is as bad as some third world countries.

Here's a chart so you can follow along.

/----/ Because the US taxpayers foot the bill for their national defense, they can afford free healthcare. Like it or not, we're the world's policeman.

That's kind of a bad choice on our part, isn't it?

We are spending TRILLIONS on defense spending beating up third world countries that are no real threat to us, while a large swathe of our population goes without health care.

But, shit, we don't even need to go there. The problem isn't the amount being spent. We spend more per capita than any other country in the world.


But because we don't have single payer or universal coverage, we end up with a lot of extra expenditures we shouldn't be making, such as 9 figure CEO salaries, hospitals shifting emergency room costs to in-patient bills, and so on.

Seems to me our priorities are wrong on several levels.
Of course their "rates" are lower.
They don't count their infants until they're older. DURR.

They use the same standard we do...

And our infant mortality rate is as bad as some third world countries.

Here's a chart so you can follow along.

/----/ Of course you're off base again. You can't compare the US to other countries.
What causes infant mortality?
What causes infant mortality?
There are many different causes of infant mortality, from infection to birth defects or accidents. The main causes of infant mortality in the United States are different than the main causes of infant death around the world. In addition, in the United States and worldwide, the most common causes of infant death in the first weeks after birth are different than those that occur later in the first year.

There is a difference between causes of infant mortality and contributors to infant mortality. A cause leads directly to a death. In contrast, a contributor is a risk factor that makes the death more likely to happen. Learn more about the risk factors for infant mortality.
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/----/ Because the US taxpayers foot the bill for their national defense, they can afford free healthcare. Like it or not, we're the world's policeman.

That's kind of a bad choice on our part, isn't it?

We are spending TRILLIONS on defense spending beating up third world countries that are no real threat to us, while a large swathe of our population goes without health care.

But, shit, we don't even need to go there. The problem isn't the amount being spent. We spend more per capita than any other country in the world.


But because we don't have single payer or universal coverage, we end up with a lot of extra expenditures we shouldn't be making, such as 9 figure CEO salaries, hospitals shifting emergency room costs to in-patient bills, and so on.

Seems to me our priorities are wrong on several levels.
/-----/ What did you buddies in Russia do to the Crimean who is not in NATO. What would happen to other European countries if not for the US presence? When Trump said they had to pay their own way on defense, Libtards screamed bloody murder.

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