If you haven't seen Ashley Judd lately

I always wondered why her acting career went south. Now I know why. That made me want to vote for Trump again in 2020.
If you are a real American you will be demanding the impeachment of King Donald in a very short period of time. If not, you have chosen party over country

You got it azzbackwards..........we've chosen country over party.............
What has he done for this country? I will wait for your answer
Heard what she said. absolutely disgusting. Do they really think being cruder than trump is going to help them argue that he is too crude foe America?
No one is cruder than Trump, and no one lies more than Trump. Be proud that he represents our country
We are proud.
Proud of what. Please be specific
I quoted your post. And you don't know what I'm talking about/ LOL!
All Libtard Moon Bat women are nasty. Some of them may be good at pretending to be somebody else in a movie but that doesn't change the fact they are Liberal dog shit.
Heard what she said. absolutely disgusting. Do they really think being cruder than trump is going to help them argue that he is too crude foe America?
No one is cruder than Trump, and no one lies more than Trump. Be proud that he represents our country
We are proud.
Proud of what. Please be specific
I quoted your post. And you don't know what I'm talking about/ LOL!
I asked you just what you are proud of.
"Nasty woman" is one of Trumps favored lines.

How dare she speak out against Czar Trump! Off to the reeducation camps wh her !

Nice red herring or you completely miss the point. No one said she couldn't protest or speak out against Trump. To the contrary, we conservatives believe in free speech. It is you liberal that quell free speech and don't let the other side have their say.

Rather it wasn't that she couldn't speak, rather we are critiquing that craziness of what she said and her utterly insane delivery.

I am glad she spoke. She didn't inspire anyone. Rather she turned off most people, even liberals!

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Lol! Since when do righties care for free speech !? There's another thread cheering bills that would punish protesters.
Again...rioting is not protesting nor is it free speech.

Liberals are sure thick.
Heard what she said. absolutely disgusting. Do they really think being cruder than trump is going to help them argue that he is too crude foe America?
No one is cruder than Trump, and no one lies more than Trump. Be proud that he represents our country
We are proud.
Proud of what. Please be specific
I quoted your post. And you don't know what I'm talking about/ LOL!
I asked you just what you are proud of.
Trolling and baiting, but a master of only one...
I always wondered why her acting career went south. Now I know why. That made me want to vote for Trump again in 2020.
If you are a real American you will be demanding the impeachment of King Donald in a very short period of time. If not, you have chosen party over country

You got it azzbackwards..........we've chosen country over party.............
What has he done for this country? I will wait for your answer

Be patient grasshopper, it is only his first day........and Obamacare was put on notice two days ago!........:lol:
"Nasty woman" is one of Trumps favored lines.

How dare she speak out against Czar Trump! Off to the reeducation camps wh her !

Nice red herring or you completely miss the point. No one said she couldn't protest or speak out against Trump. To the contrary, we conservatives believe in free speech. It is you liberal that quell free speech and don't let the other side have their say.

Rather it wasn't that she couldn't speak, rather we are critiquing that craziness of what she said and her utterly insane delivery.

I am glad she spoke. She didn't inspire anyone. Rather she turned off most people, even liberals!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Lol! Since when do righties care for free speech !? There's another thread cheering bills that would punish protesters.
Again...rioting is not protesting nor is it free speech.

Liberals are sure thick.
Where is the rioting? On the day of the woman march in Washington, there were hundreds of thousands of marchers and not a single problem,
I always wondered why her acting career went south. Now I know why. That made me want to vote for Trump again in 2020.
If you are a real American you will be demanding the impeachment of King Donald in a very short period of time. If not, you have chosen party over country

You got it azzbackwards..........we've chosen country over party.............
What has he done for this country? I will wait for your answer

Be patient grasshopper, it is only his first day........and Obamacare was put on notice two days ago!........:lol:
You will never dismantle the ACA with over 18 million people who would lose benefits. Did you forget that the master bullshyter said he would repeal it on day one. oopsie
I always wondered why her acting career went south. Now I know why. That made me want to vote for Trump again in 2020.
If you are a real American you will be demanding the impeachment of King Donald in a very short period of time. If not, you have chosen party over country

Impeachment for what? Be specific.
Just wait a few months and you will see. The man is a pathetic liar and enough will be enough
"Nasty woman" is one of Trumps favored lines.

How dare she speak out against Czar Trump! Off to the reeducation camps wh her !

Nice red herring or you completely miss the point. No one said she couldn't protest or speak out against Trump. To the contrary, we conservatives believe in free speech. It is you liberal that quell free speech and don't let the other side have their say.

Rather it wasn't that she couldn't speak, rather we are critiquing that craziness of what she said and her utterly insane delivery.

I am glad she spoke. She didn't inspire anyone. Rather she turned off most people, even liberals!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Lol! Since when do righties care for free speech !? There's another thread cheering bills that would punish protesters.
Again...rioting is not protesting nor is it free speech.

Liberals are sure thick.
Where is the rioting? On the day of the woman march in Washington, there were hundreds of thousands of marchers and not a single problem,
Please quote where I said there was rioting at the woman's march...

"Nasty woman" is one of Trumps favored lines.

How dare she speak out against Czar Trump! Off to the reeducation camps wh her !

Nice red herring or you completely miss the point. No one said she couldn't protest or speak out against Trump. To the contrary, we conservatives believe in free speech. It is you liberal that quell free speech and don't let the other side have their say.

Rather it wasn't that she couldn't speak, rather we are critiquing that craziness of what she said and her utterly insane delivery.

I am glad she spoke. She didn't inspire anyone. Rather she turned off most people, even liberals!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Lol! Since when do righties care for free speech !? There's another thread cheering bills that would punish protesters.
Again...rioting is not protesting nor is it free speech.

Liberals are sure thick.
Where is the rioting? On the day of the woman march in Washington, there were hundreds of thousands of marchers and not a single problem,

You must've missed the day before..........but it is obvious that you miss alot...........
I always wondered why her acting career went south. Now I know why. That made me want to vote for Trump again in 2020.
If you are a real American you will be demanding the impeachment of King Donald in a very short period of time. If not, you have chosen party over country

Impeachment for what? Be specific.
Just wait a few months and you will see. The man is a pathetic liar and enough will be enough

Wonderful answer! In other words you're severely butt-hurt and whining like a punk ass, little bitch. Sucks to be you! Trump is President. Deal with it!
Her tirade would send chills up your spine. The capacity for psychotic hatred among liberal entertainers is amazing.
Who exactly is she anyway? I don't recall seeing her in any movies.
She hasn't been in any in long time at least not in any high profile ones if you remember the mother daughter country music duo the Judd's she is the other non singing daughter.
The name sounded familiar. I guess she needed some exposure.
Few years ago she also floated the idea of her running for the Senate against Mitch McConnell I guess somewhere in there she had a run in with reality.

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