If you let them...


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2008
They will try to over run you first, and if you resist, you will become intolerant racist and bigot.

But the fact is that whites most tolerant people on the planet, which is easily seen by the amount of non-whites they allow to share the prosperity and order of the nations they created.

This is coming to America.
Germany raises estimate on refugee arrivals to 800,000 this year

Let that sink in... 800,000. And what's interesting, most of them are muslims.

Poor Germans, because of their past, they're not allowed to say anything that will hurt feelings of those poor immigrants. Political correctness is killing them, just as it killing us in USA.

Greece was about to cause new world financial crisis and to prevent that, Germans just gave $86 billion to Greek socialists in bailout money. But according to Markel, immigrants are bigger challenge to EU then a Greek debt crisis. She's right.
Stupid Americans are allowing plane loads of radical Muslims waltz right into our country while Soros has us busy with His latest concoction, "Black Lives Matter"

How many children are in this video, or in video from OP? Yes, I saw few.
But majority of those people are young adults. Are they all going to EU to look for work? How many of them can even find the job?
They will not learn the language. They will not assimilate. They would stick together, create own ghettos, live by their own laws and suck the rest of population dry.

How can you say no? You can't, because you're not racist. Right?
No, you cant be against illegal immigration.

Here, from yesterday. After opening refugee shelters in Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Hamburg, Bergisch Gladbach, Düsseldorf and Castrop-Brauxel, people are protesting against new refugee shelter in Heidenau, Germany.

Guess how those protesters are called today? Haters, racists, Nazis, you name it.
It's happening...

Chimpout in Italy: Refugees and immigrants shut down the highway in protest...


When they say "Libyan refugee" or "Syrian refugee" you would expect defenseless women and children. One would think that women from these areas are in much greater need of refugee status. I find it odd that almost all the refugees are healthy fighting age males.
Why is this happening? White invasion and occupation and rape of the African and middle east countries. White man destroy everything they touch. It is greedy white man allowing illegal immigration,etc that will destroy American. They will destroy the world. Biblical prophecy. They came to Africa and the Americas the same way as illegal aliens in boats. Like a wildfire. Destroying everything in their path. Their invasion of the middle east created terrorist. But Muslims are fighting back. We have killed more innocent people then terrorist.

Christopher Columbus
1451 - 1506
Opens the Door to European Invasion of the Americas

Christopher Columbus - American Indian Genocide

Civil war not about freeing the slaves.
.5 Things You May Not Know About Lincoln, Slavery and Emancipation - History in the Headlines
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White people destroyed & enslaved most of the world but Spread Christianity to save souls,Should we thank them?
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(Where the fuck do you get your superiority and self righteousness?)

Why is this happening? White invasion and occupation and rape of the African and middle east countries. White man destroy everything they touch. It is greedy white man allowing illegal immigration,etc that will destroy American. They will destroy the world. Biblical prophecy. They came to Africa and the Americas the same way as illegal aliens in boats. Like a wildfire. Destroying everything in their path. Their invasion of the middle east created terrorist. But Muslims are fighting back. We have killed more innocent people then terrorist.

What an absolute load of shit of the first order. "Invasion of the mideast caused terrorism"? Where do these morons come from, and why are they even allowed to breathe?
If "white people" hadn't "invaded" Africa, most of the continent would still be living in the stone age. When the white people left, it devolved into kleptocracy, anarchy, and chaos. And it's the white people's fault?

Liberals/Progressives believe that all cultures and philosophies are "equal" - none is superior - but how do they explain the hordes of people from Muslim countries, Africa, Central America, and Asia who are now risking their lives to get to England, the Eurozone, and North America? And nobody is going the other way? It is indeed a puzzlement.
Why is this happening? White invasion and occupation and rape of the African and middle east countries. White man destroy everything they touch. It is greedy white man allowing illegal immigration,etc that will destroy American. They will destroy the world. Biblical prophecy. They came to Africa and the Americas the same way as illegal aliens in boats. Like a wildfire. Destroying everything in their path. Their invasion of the middle east created terrorist. But Muslims are fighting back. We have killed more innocent people then terrorist.

Christopher Columbus
1451 - 1506
Opens the Door to European Invasion of the Americas

Christopher Columbus - American Indian Genocide

Civil war not about freeing the slaves.
.5 Things You May Not Know About Lincoln, Slavery and Emancipation - History in the Headlines

Let me welcome you to the 21 Century, where a black man, Obama is by-passing our laws once again and flooding this country with illegal foreigners, who want to kill Americans regardless of color. Get over your, "whitey did it" mentality, and try to focus what is coming to a neighborhood near you.
If "white people" hadn't "invaded" Africa, most of the continent would still be living in the stone age. When the white people left, it devolved into kleptocracy, anarchy, and chaos. And it's the white people's fault?

Liberals/Progressives believe that all cultures and philosophies are "equal" - none is superior - but how do they explain the hordes of people from Muslim countries, Africa, Central America, and Asia who are now risking their lives to get to England, the Eurozone, and North America? And nobody is going the other way? It is indeed a puzzlement.

Your statement, while quite true, is politically incorrect according to the liberal/leftist media and its allies, so it never gets mentioned or discussed.

As you pointed out, the proof is in the pudding - we see lots of arab muslims, hispanics and blacks heading TO white, christian countries - but we do not see much immigration the other way.

Africa's population will grow from 1 to 4 billion people in 50 years, and so birth and population control is desperately needed or the mass of blacks streaming into europe and elsewhere from there will become a tsunami, threatening the viability of the planet. The mideast, china and central/latin/south america are not far behind in vastly overpopulating their regions beyond their ability to provide food, fresh water and jobs.

Anyone who thinks that massive wars are not coming in the next 20-30 years over food and water resources is a fool. The best thing the first world can do is deport all illegals, all arab muslims - and not allow any further immigration for the next 30-50 years, until the rest of the planet rights itself.
Why is this happening? White invasion and occupation and rape of the African and middle east countries. White man destroy everything they touch. It is greedy white man allowing illegal immigration,etc that will destroy American. They will destroy the world. Biblical prophecy. They came to Africa and the Americas the same way as illegal aliens in boats. Like a wildfire. Destroying everything in their path. Their invasion of the middle east created terrorist. But Muslims are fighting back. We have killed more innocent people then terrorist.

What an absolute load of shit of the first order. "Invasion of the mideast caused terrorism"? Where do these morons come from, and why are they even allowed to breathe?

The Koran teaches Islam to kill those who desecrate Islamic land. Before 911 we had never heard of radical Islam, Al-Qaeda and Isis. Ben Laden told us he fight was because of Americas presence on Muslin land. Get you head out of that dark hole and face reality.
Terrorism: Why They Want to Kill Us
The horrid attacks of 9/11 led to the cry: Why do they hate us? Most Americans seemed to believe that it was because we are such nice people. But the Times Square bomber reminds us that terrorism is mostly a response to U.S. government policies.

After 9/11 President George W. Bush reassured Americans: we were attacked because we are beautiful people, (LMAO) spreading freedom around the world. But often the actions of our government are seen by others as less than beautiful. To seek an explanation for terrorism is not to excuse monstrous attacks on civilians. But understanding what motivates people to kill could help reduce terrorism in the future.

Terrorism: Why They Want to Kill Us
If "white people" hadn't "invaded" Africa, most of the continent would still be living in the stone age. When the white people left, it devolved into kleptocracy, anarchy, and chaos. And it's the white people's fault?

Liberals/Progressives believe that all cultures and philosophies are "equal" - none is superior - but how do they explain the hordes of people from Muslim countries, Africa, Central America, and Asia who are now risking their lives to get to England, the Eurozone, and North America? And nobody is going the other way? It is indeed a puzzlement.
Africans would not be the poorest people in the world with the world riches in diamonds, oil and gold if the whit man had keep his hand off of African.

Ancient African Civilization!! - Get Ready to be Enlightened by the Storm
It is time to spread the truth through man-made technology, the Internet. Luckily, you can read my article about the real deal on the contributions of ancient Africans to civilization. Yes, it may be hard to believe that Africans played an important role to human and science civilization but almost everything you see, touch, hear and feel can be traced to the motherland. Besides the fact that everyone’s DNA can be traced to an ancient black woman in the motherland, the earliest inventions have been created there too. Thus, human origins point to Africa as the birthplace of humanity!

The Africans created pre-heated forced-draft furnaces, a method that was more sophisticated than any developed in Europe until the mid-19th century. It has been discovered that near Lake Victoria were 13 Iron Age furnaces that proved a technologically superior culture developed in Africa more than 1, 500 years ago overturns popular and scholarly ideas that technological sophistication developed in Europe but not in Africa

Ancient African Civilization!! - Get Ready to be Enlightened by the Storm - Panorama - TakingITGlobal

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than
sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity

Martin Luther King, Jr.

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The Koran teaches Islam to kill those who desecrate Islamic land. Before 911 we had never heard of radical Islam,

Who the fuck is "we"? Clueless dimwits like you who live and die by MSM "news" sources like the horrific NY Times? The adults amongst us knew of the muslim brotherhood and other radical islamists going back to the 1920s...

Wake the fuck up, dimwit.

Al-Qaeda and Isis.

You idiot, al qaeda was attacked by president clinton YEARS before 9/11, or I guess you were likely born AFTER his presidency. It would appear I am dealing with a 3rd grader here.

Ben Laden told us he fight was because of Americas presence on Muslin land. Get you head out of that dark hole and face reality.

Idiot, bin laden would have used the fact that most americans use toilet paper if he felt that excuse would bring low IQ arab muslims, most of whom can't even read, to his BS "cause."

When al qaeda attacked spain in 2004, was that because there were spanish troops in saudi arabia too, dimwit? If you had even half a brain and a fragment of knowledge I'd try and educate you, but you're so clueless that the effort would clearly be a waste of time.

For the slightly more intelligent:

History of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sayyid Qutb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you think al qaeda was the first arab muslim terrorist group, you're even dumber than I thought.
Africans would not be the poorest people in the world with the world riches in diamonds, oil and gold if the whit man had keep his hand off of African.

So now its the "white man's fault" that africa is a shithole, got it....

Het idiot, africa has been free of colonialism for 70 years now, remind us again why they fucking cannot get their shit together? Let us know why many south africans are pressing for the afrikaaners to take over again because the country was far safer and better run under white rule...

Or why places like Zimbabwe are starving because they threw all the white farmers off their lands, and now the africans there can't feed themselves.

And you'll also need to explain how it was white people who caused the hutus and the tutsis to massacre each other.

Yeah, want to make up some more bullshit to shovel here?
If "white people" hadn't "invaded" Africa, most of the continent would still be living in the stone age. When the white people left, it devolved into kleptocracy, anarchy, and chaos. And it's the white people's fault?

Liberals/Progressives believe that all cultures and philosophies are "equal" - none is superior - but how do they explain the hordes of people from Muslim countries, Africa, Central America, and Asia who are now risking their lives to get to England, the Eurozone, and North America? And nobody is going the other way? It is indeed a puzzlement.

Isn't it funny, they throw whites out, then beg whites to return, because they can't handle shit on their own. Take Mugabe in Zimbabwe, whose first reforms reassigned agricultural land from white farmers to the country’s black population and in 2000 he pushed for second reform that forced white farmers to hand over their land and they were asked to leave the country completely. Take Haiti that was returned to black rule, country made for them, twice and both times they fuck it completely. You can add to it South Africa, as a bonus, where blacks are praising what Mugabe did in Zimbabwe and calling for the same changes in RSA.

The West should just stop sending financial aid to all those countries and just wait that natural selection takes its place.
Coming to America...

US to welcome 5000 to 8000 Syrian refugees next year.

Like we don't have our own immigration problems. What about housing for them, what about jobs? It's not like they;re planning to work right away and make it on their own.

Take for instance refugees in Italy. They are unhappy in refugee camps. They want to be placed in big cities, and have fun there. Look at this video: Refugees in Italy

They escape their home countries where they lived in mud huts and here, they're complaining about being placed in tents. They claim "they're dying here".

Its even worse in Sweden, where leftard government faced with housing shortages for refugees is confiscating houses from citizens, for the "greater good". Link here.

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