If You Like Your School Lunch, You Can Keep It

Another knee slapper

Today......the degree of control demanded by the Left.

1. The 'founding' Progressives, e.g., Woodrow Wilson had the view that there was a class of individuals who were not only omniscient, and so quintessentially ethical that any oversight was unnecessary.
A spit in the eye to James Madison, who stated in the ‘Federalist,’ the greatest of all reflections on human nature…that "human beings are not angels.”

Wilson wrote of an 'administrative state' run by technocrats, experts, bureaucrats, who would make decisions for the rest of us, and these decisions need be followed to the letter!

To the letter!

2. And therein we find the impetus for Progressive/Liberal government....it always knows what is best for the rest of us!
Of course, that is why we find terms like 'banned,' or 'mandated,' prominent in their pronouncements.

3. Now, the extent to which those bannings and mandates are enforced, depends on
factors such as where they take place....different nations and peoples allow for different levels of compulsion.

a. Take the former Soviet Union.... gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads.
b. One need not go into the methods of Hitler's Germany.
c. Although one can think of an example of rounding up people based on their race, America does not have a culture that sanctions that level of compulsion.

But don't think that Liberals/Progressive elites don't yearn for some of that....
"[Obama] said in a radio interview the U.S. has suffered from a fundamentally flawed Constitution that does not mandate or allow for redistribution of wealth."
Obama rips U.S. Constitution

4. Now, while the several versions of Progressive governing have much in common....there are times when hiding the relationship might be....advisable.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II.

After the war,those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism.“Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectualsredefined fascism as
'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives,
even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ...."

The inspiration for that banning and mandating thing, can be seen here:

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

Get that? Every single aspect of life.....fodder for their canons.

I'm gonna get to school lunches.....
Dictators who share powers arent dictators...unless Webster's needs updating

Dictators dictate.

Folks like you, bow.
where is the dictatorship? is it dictatorship merely to change rules using powers granted by laws crafted and passed by our representatives?

So....you aren't disagreeing that this thread exposes dictatorship...you're simply asking "well, what's wrong with that?"


The post of a well-trained Liberal subject: brook no disagreement!

J.L.Talmon has written to describe the world that you are perfectly willing to accept.

The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.
Another knee slapper

Today......the degree of control demanded by the Left.

1. The 'founding' Progressives, e.g., Woodrow Wilson had the view that there was a class of individuals who were not only omniscient, and so quintessentially ethical that any oversight was unnecessary.
A spit in the eye to James Madison, who stated in the ‘Federalist,’ the greatest of all reflections on human nature…that "human beings are not angels.”

Wilson wrote of an 'administrative state' run by technocrats, experts, bureaucrats, who would make decisions for the rest of us, and these decisions need be followed to the letter!

To the letter!

2. And therein we find the impetus for Progressive/Liberal government....it always knows what is best for the rest of us!
Of course, that is why we find terms like 'banned,' or 'mandated,' prominent in their pronouncements.

3. Now, the extent to which those bannings and mandates are enforced, depends on
factors such as where they take place....different nations and peoples allow for different levels of compulsion.

a. Take the former Soviet Union.... gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads.
b. One need not go into the methods of Hitler's Germany.
c. Although one can think of an example of rounding up people based on their race, America does not have a culture that sanctions that level of compulsion.

But don't think that Liberals/Progressive elites don't yearn for some of that....
"[Obama] said in a radio interview the U.S. has suffered from a fundamentally flawed Constitution that does not mandate or allow for redistribution of wealth."
Obama rips U.S. Constitution

4. Now, while the several versions of Progressive governing have much in common....there are times when hiding the relationship might be....advisable.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II.

After the war,those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism.“Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectualsredefined fascism as
'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives,
even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ...."

The inspiration for that banning and mandating thing, can be seen here:

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

Get that? Every single aspect of life.....fodder for their canons.

I'm gonna get to school lunches.....

I'm not that worried about what you think because I can see you don't do that too often.
yes, even parents have to be dictators and tyrants to get the kids to eat well, and to watch their weight, if they don't they have failed as capitalists...
Liberal/Progressive elites are not used to folks disagreeing with 'em....heck, people might start to think they have a right to differing opinions!

8. "WASHINGTON (AP) — First lady Michelle Obama is striking back at House Republicans who are trying to weaken healthier school meal standards, saying any effort to roll back the guidelines is "unacceptable."
The rules set by Congress and the administration over the last several years require .....

"The last thing we can afford to do right now is play politics with our kids' health," Mrs. Obama told participants.

[This is pretty much the dictionary definition of irony!]

.... a House subcommittee last week would allow schools to waive the standards if they have a net loss on school food programs ...

[What!!! Allowing exceptions for the peasants??? Never!]

The School Nutrition Association, which represents school nutrition directors and companies that sell food to schools, has lobbied for changes to the standards and endorsed the House bill.

[Hey....who's in charge here??? Liberals have spoken!! Obey!]

[And here comes the fake excuse/defense:..]

"We're not just talking about food, we're talking about education," said David Binkle of the Los Angeles Unified School District. He said participation is up in his district, along with test scores and graduation rates, since they made school foods healthier there.
[Carrot sticks improve grades! True story! They're 'stickin' with it.]

[Watch them ignore this:...]

"Our request for flexibility under the new standards does not come from industry or politics, it comes from thousands of school cafeteria professionals who have shown how these overly prescriptive regulations are hindering their effort to get students to eat healthy school meals," said SNA's Leah Schmidt." First Lady Responds To School Meal Critics

Brings to mind Oliver Twist: "Please, sir, I want some more"....freedom.

Welcome to our brave new world.
You , think.
Seriously, nice try.
Another knee slapper.

Another knee slapper

Today......the degree of control demanded by the Left.

1. The 'founding' Progressives, e.g., Woodrow Wilson had the view that there was a class of individuals who were not only omniscient, and so quintessentially ethical that any oversight was unnecessary.
A spit in the eye to James Madison, who stated in the ‘Federalist,’ the greatest of all reflections on human nature…that "human beings are not angels.”

Wilson wrote of an 'administrative state' run by technocrats, experts, bureaucrats, who would make decisions for the rest of us, and these decisions need be followed to the letter!

To the letter!

2. And therein we find the impetus for Progressive/Liberal government....it always knows what is best for the rest of us!
Of course, that is why we find terms like 'banned,' or 'mandated,' prominent in their pronouncements.

3. Now, the extent to which those bannings and mandates are enforced, depends on
factors such as where they take place....different nations and peoples allow for different levels of compulsion.

a. Take the former Soviet Union.... gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads.
b. One need not go into the methods of Hitler's Germany.
c. Although one can think of an example of rounding up people based on their race, America does not have a culture that sanctions that level of compulsion.

But don't think that Liberals/Progressive elites don't yearn for some of that....
"[Obama] said in a radio interview the U.S. has suffered from a fundamentally flawed Constitution that does not mandate or allow for redistribution of wealth."
Obama rips U.S. Constitution

4. Now, while the several versions of Progressive governing have much in common....there are times when hiding the relationship might be....advisable.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II.

After the war,those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism.“Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectualsredefined fascism as
'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives,
even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ...."

The inspiration for that banning and mandating thing, can be seen here:

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

Get that? Every single aspect of life.....fodder for their canons.

I'm gonna get to school lunches.....

I'm not that worried about what you think because I can see you don't do that too often.
Republicans want children to be obese because they are easier to control.

Did PC ever figure out who sets the menu for government provided meals?
You , think.
Seriously, nice try.
Another knee slapper.

Another knee slapper

Today......the degree of control demanded by the Left.

1. The 'founding' Progressives, e.g., Woodrow Wilson had the view that there was a class of individuals who were not only omniscient, and so quintessentially ethical that any oversight was unnecessary.
A spit in the eye to James Madison, who stated in the ‘Federalist,’ the greatest of all reflections on human nature…that "human beings are not angels.”

Wilson wrote of an 'administrative state' run by technocrats, experts, bureaucrats, who would make decisions for the rest of us, and these decisions need be followed to the letter!

To the letter!

2. And therein we find the impetus for Progressive/Liberal government....it always knows what is best for the rest of us!
Of course, that is why we find terms like 'banned,' or 'mandated,' prominent in their pronouncements.

3. Now, the extent to which those bannings and mandates are enforced, depends on
factors such as where they take place....different nations and peoples allow for different levels of compulsion.

a. Take the former Soviet Union.... gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads.
b. One need not go into the methods of Hitler's Germany.
c. Although one can think of an example of rounding up people based on their race, America does not have a culture that sanctions that level of compulsion.

But don't think that Liberals/Progressive elites don't yearn for some of that....
"[Obama] said in a radio interview the U.S. has suffered from a fundamentally flawed Constitution that does not mandate or allow for redistribution of wealth."
Obama rips U.S. Constitution

4. Now, while the several versions of Progressive governing have much in common....there are times when hiding the relationship might be....advisable.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II.

After the war,those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism.“Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectualsredefined fascism as
'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives,
even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ...."

The inspiration for that banning and mandating thing, can be seen here:

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

Get that? Every single aspect of life.....fodder for their canons.

I'm gonna get to school lunches.....

I'm not that worried about what you think because I can see you don't do that too often.

Wait....let me find my SEM/EDX microscope electron` in hope of finding any hint of 'errors' that you listed .....


You don't seem to have included any.....

An oversight on your part?

Oh...I see....just one more permutation of a 'I can't find any errors but I still hate you' post.

Seems to be quite a few of 'em from the Leftist swine.....

Take a seat with the rest of them.
Republicans want children to be obese because they are easier to control.

Did PC ever figure out who sets the menu for government provided meals?

Did you see the post just above yours?

""The rules set by Congress and the administration over the last several years..."

You moron."
9. Didn't our Michelle take the criticism of her plan in a cheerful, good natured manner?
Didn't, she?

Y'know, Liberals all have that willingness to accept criticism, and disagreement. 'Tolerance' is the Liberal way.

a. And...here's Vice-President Biden responding to a non-Liberal opinion, a tax cut:

Brings to mind another Liberal....Walter Mondale...

"Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off."
"Showdown At Gucci Gulch," Jeffrey H. Birnbaum And Alan S. Murray, page 35
Today......the degree of control demanded by the Left.

1. The 'founding' Progressives, e.g., Woodrow Wilson had the view that there was a class of individuals who were not only omniscient, and so quintessentially ethical that any oversight was unnecessary.
A spit in the eye to James Madison, who stated in the ‘Federalist,’ the greatest of all reflections on human nature…that "human beings are not angels.”

Wilson wrote of an 'administrative state' run by technocrats, experts, bureaucrats, who would make decisions for the rest of us, and these decisions need be followed to the letter!

To the letter!

2. And therein we find the impetus for Progressive/Liberal government....it always knows what is best for the rest of us!
Of course, that is why we find terms like 'banned,' or 'mandated,' prominent in their pronouncements.

3. Now, the extent to which those bannings and mandates are enforced, depends on
factors such as where they take place....different nations and peoples allow for different levels of compulsion.

a. Take the former Soviet Union.... gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads.
b. One need not go into the methods of Hitler's Germany.
c. Although one can think of an example of rounding up people based on their race, America does not have a culture that sanctions that level of compulsion.

But don't think that Liberals/Progressive elites don't yearn for some of that....
"[Obama] said in a radio interview the U.S. has suffered from a fundamentally flawed Constitution that does not mandate or allow for redistribution of wealth."
Obama rips U.S. Constitution

4. Now, while the several versions of Progressive governing have much in common....there are times when hiding the relationship might be....advisable.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II.

After the war,those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism.“Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectualsredefined fascism as
'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives,
even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ...."

The inspiration for that banning and mandating thing, can be seen here:

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

Get that? Every single aspect of life.....fodder for their canons.

I'm gonna get to school lunches.....

Woodrow Wilson has always gotten my vote for worst president ever simply because he spent his entire term paving the way for future Marxists to continue the destruction of America. His sellout with the creation of the Federal Reserve gave us the controlling 1% and making income tax permanent went far to solve what the left saw as a problem that the constitution, namely that it didn't allow for the redistribution of wealth. Some, like Obama, whine about that to this day, though they shamelessly ignore the fact that they don't have the power to do as they want to us. Dems always think like lawyers, mainly because most of them are lawyers, and their specialty is getting around things that prevent them from doing as they please. Both of those monumental changes by Wilson undermined our constitution and liberals have been continuing to destroy it ever since.

Of course Wilson dreamed of a dictatorship and that same dream has carried the left to the point we are at now. Finally, after decades of socialist ideas that are doomed to eventual failure, enough people have become dependent on government through their programs and will continue to vote for more money from the tax payers. This is straight from the rule book for radicals. Virtually everything done by liberal presidents has been from the same handbook. Never mind that no country has ever survived those policies and once the fundamental transformation takes place, it's all downhill from there. The thought of being a ruler is too tempting for the liberals and their narcissistic minds cause them to believe that they truly are better suited to make all decisions on behalf of all the people. Only those with no ambition, complete lack of historical knowledge and no informed opinions go along with ceding all power to the elitists who will promise to care for them in exchange for shredding the Bill of Rights.

Despite liberal policies exacerbating the very problems they claim to want to cure, ignorant people still believe that more of the same is the answer. Looking at some of the responses here, it's clear some don't get it. I see jokes and indication that people like being controlled, for their own good of course. Those of us who are completely capable of leading our own lives will always fight against the oppressive policies. It amazes me how some are so ignorant and codependent that they don't feel like they are suffocating when liberals micromanage their lives.
Dictators who share powers arent dictators...unless Webster's needs updating

Dictators dictate.

Folks like you, bow.
where is the dictatorship? is it dictatorship merely to change rules using powers granted by laws crafted and passed by our representatives?

So....you aren't disagreeing that this thread exposes dictatorship...you're simply asking "well, what's wrong with that?"


The post of a well-trained Liberal subject: brook no disagreement!

J.L.Talmon has written to describe the world that you are perfectly willing to accept.

The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

You appear not to know what a dictatorship is.
but the gubbamint wasnt choosing the gubbamint school menu BEFORE they wanted it to be healthier
Last time I remember going to school was to get an education, not a meal.

These people like telling us what to do. That's the problem. Like we aren't smart enough to make our own choices. What kind of mind-numb worker drones do they think they're churning out of the education system???
Republicans want children to be obese because they are easier to control.

Did PC ever figure out who sets the menu for government provided meals?

Did you see the post just above yours?

""The rules set by Congress and the administration over the last several years..."

You moron."

So it's Congresses fault now? Got it!

Nutrition Standards for School Meals Food and Nutrition Service
I enjoy the fact that you can get salads at schools now...

We could get them all throughout my schooling years. We could substitute our fruit or dessert for salad. Not a lot of people did it though. I would whenever we had pear halves for fruit or cherry cobbler for dessert. A lot of this "Oh Michelle Obama is a dictator" stuff really is nonsense. It has more to do with your local school system's budget/policies than what Michelle has dictated to schools.

Wrong, dummy....Michelle is but ONE of the dictators.

Stay tuned....get the education that you've missed.

Can you list her dictatorial powers?

Dont you know that shes a Dictator who shares Dictator powers with other Dictators lmao. I know, I know you're saying "But CC Dictators dont share Dictatorship" dont worry about that tho....just pretend words dont mean things and you'll be fine

"....just pretend words dont mean things...."
You seem to make a habit of putting both feet in your mouth.

These 'words' are in several of the posts....

"new school lunch nutrition rules'
“onerous requirements
the rules heralded by the first lady,
unintended consequences of the current federal regulations..
rigid and unrealistic federal mandates
menus ordered by Michelle Obama and the Agriculture Department,
the new standards

Sounds like they are dictated, huh?

Liberals: ruling over the collective.
Happy days!

Where are the dictatorial powers?

You're talking about the Federal free or reduced cost lunch program and the Federal government imposing some rules on those districts who choose to take the free lunches.

You object to conditions?

You, the same person who was ranting once about food stamp recipients supposedly using their food stamps for purchases not within the program rules?

Which is it? Federal money should have conditions attached to it? Or Federal money should come with no strings attached?

Make up your mind.
Dictators who share powers arent dictators...unless Webster's needs updating

Dictators dictate.

Folks like you, bow.
where is the dictatorship? is it dictatorship merely to change rules using powers granted by laws crafted and passed by our representatives?

So....you aren't disagreeing that this thread exposes dictatorship...you're simply asking "well, what's wrong with that?"


The post of a well-trained Liberal subject: brook no disagreement!

J.L.Talmon has written to describe the world that you are perfectly willing to accept.

The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.
good lord you're dumb.

what i was saying is that exercising power granted to a body by our elected officials is a pretty far cry from dictatorship.

it's like talking to a brick wall - a brick wall with a copy/paste function.

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