If You Like Your School Lunch, You Can Keep It

Dictators who share powers arent dictators...unless Webster's needs updating

Dictators dictate.

Folks like you, bow.
where is the dictatorship? is it dictatorship merely to change rules using powers granted by laws crafted and passed by our representatives?

So....you aren't disagreeing that this thread exposes dictatorship...you're simply asking "well, what's wrong with that?"


The post of a well-trained Liberal subject: brook no disagreement!

J.L.Talmon has written to describe the world that you are perfectly willing to accept.

The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.
good lord you're dumb.

what i was saying is that exercising power granted to a body by our elected officials is a pretty far cry from dictatorship.

it's like talking to a brick wall - a brick wall with a copy/paste function.

It's all tyranny and dictatorship to the Right now. Just because they can't win enough elections to put conservatism in power.
Seems impossible for Liberals/Progressives to conceive of anyone questioning their views!
They can't imagine it!

10 There is the icon himself, Obama, when he is faced with a plant manager complaining about rising healthcare costs:

"During the Q&A segment of the event, one general manager revealed that the Affordable Care Act has not led to decreases in health care costs for all American businesses and families, even though that’s what Obama and its supporters promised. No, this general manager at Millennium Steel has found quite the opposite and wonders when the decreases might start:

'I am the general manager at Millennium Steel. we are honored to have you. One of the questions I had is about the health care costs. We are seeing almost a double-digit increase in health-care costs every year. Do you think that trend is going to go down, and what can we do to control that trend?'

The president helpfully offers that this manager is probably just shopping incorrectly.

That is interesting. You’re going to have to talk to Henry because — no, no, no, this is serious. The question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough, because it turns out that this year and in fact over the course of the last four years, premiums have gone up at the slowest rate in 50 years. So health care [costs] have actually… slowed down significantly, ....So the issue now is what can we do to make sure that you at at Millennium are shopping and seeing more competition, ... What we are doing is to make sure there’s is more competition, driving down costs when it comes to both businesses who are trying to buy health care for their employees, but also folks who do not get health care on the job and are having to buy it on the end that is part of what the affordable care act is all about.

[Get that? The 'who ya' gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes' response.]

And, where might this American employer go to shop better?

'Now, the Affordable Care Act is also known as Obamacare. for a while, everybody was saying, using that as kind of an insult. I’m feeling pretty good about it being called Obamacare. I suspect that about five years from now when everybody agrees it is working they will not call it Obamacare anymore. [laughter]'

Ahh, yes, Healthcare.gov. Get on that.

The president goes on with what has become the go-to pitch for the Obama presidency. He abandons all his original promises and explains how things could have been worse— “about $1800 higher per family than…they actually have turned out to be. Now, you think about that. $1800 — that is money in your pocket that otherwise would be going to you paying for your health care premiums. It is like a $1800 tax cut.”

And, then a more enticing offer:

I am going to make sure — are you in charge of buying health care? You are? What I’m going to do is make sure you that you talk to some of our health-care market folks. I bet we can get you a better deal. All right? We will see if we can save you a little money.”

The problem is that the promise was premiums would be$2,500 lower per family than they were before Obamacare, not rising by slightly smaller double digits, not $1,800 lower than they would have been, not marginally more affordable. Now this general manager, whose job is to figure out how to get the best deal on health care for his company, has been publicly told by the president he’s probably bad at his job because that’s what it takes to bail out Obama’s false promises." Obama tells plant manager his health-care costs are rising because he doesn 8217 t know how to shop Hot Air

Clearly, the manager doesn't know how to run his business as well as the community organizer does....after all, he didn't build that!

Who voted for this guy, again???
Seems impossible for Liberals/Progressives to conceive of anyone questioning their views!
They can't imagine it!

10 There is the icon himself, Obama, when he is faced with a plant manager complaining about rising healthcare costs:

"During the Q&A segment of the event, one general manager revealed that the Affordable Care Act has not led to decreases in health care costs for all American businesses and families, even though that’s what Obama and its supporters promised. No, this general manager at Millennium Steel has found quite the opposite and wonders when the decreases might start:

'I am the general manager at Millennium Steel. we are honored to have you. One of the questions I had is about the health care costs. We are seeing almost a double-digit increase in health-care costs every year. Do you think that trend is going to go down, and what can we do to control that trend?'

The president helpfully offers that this manager is probably just shopping incorrectly.

That is interesting. You’re going to have to talk to Henry because — no, no, no, this is serious. The question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough, because it turns out that this year and in fact over the course of the last four years, premiums have gone up at the slowest rate in 50 years. So health care [costs] have actually… slowed down significantly, ....So the issue now is what can we do to make sure that you at at Millennium are shopping and seeing more competition, ... What we are doing is to make sure there’s is more competition, driving down costs when it comes to both businesses who are trying to buy health care for their employees, but also folks who do not get health care on the job and are having to buy it on the end that is part of what the affordable care act is all about.

[Get that? The 'who ya' gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes' response.]

And, where might this American employer go to shop better?

'Now, the Affordable Care Act is also known as Obamacare. for a while, everybody was saying, using that as kind of an insult. I’m feeling pretty good about it being called Obamacare. I suspect that about five years from now when everybody agrees it is working they will not call it Obamacare anymore. [laughter]'

Ahh, yes, Healthcare.gov. Get on that.

The president goes on with what has become the go-to pitch for the Obama presidency. He abandons all his original promises and explains how things could have been worse— “about $1800 higher per family than…they actually have turned out to be. Now, you think about that. $1800 — that is money in your pocket that otherwise would be going to you paying for your health care premiums. It is like a $1800 tax cut.”

And, then a more enticing offer:

I am going to make sure — are you in charge of buying health care? You are? What I’m going to do is make sure you that you talk to some of our health-care market folks. I bet we can get you a better deal. All right? We will see if we can save you a little money.”

The problem is that the promise was premiums would be$2,500 lower per family than they were before Obamacare, not rising by slightly smaller double digits, not $1,800 lower than they would have been, not marginally more affordable. Now this general manager, whose job is to figure out how to get the best deal on health care for his company, has been publicly told by the president he’s probably bad at his job because that’s what it takes to bail out Obama’s false promises." Obama tells plant manager his health-care costs are rising because he doesn 8217 t know how to shop Hot Air

Clearly, the manager doesn't know how to run his business as well as the community organizer does....after all, he didn't build that!

Who voted for this guy, again???
there it is, the jump to an unrelated tangent in the face of insurmountable evidence that the original post was complete bullshit.
Seems impossible for Liberals/Progressives to conceive of anyone questioning their views!
They can't imagine it!

10 There is the icon himself, Obama, when he is faced with a plant manager complaining about rising healthcare costs:

"During the Q&A segment of the event, one general manager revealed that the Affordable Care Act has not led to decreases in health care costs for all American businesses and families, even though that’s what Obama and its supporters promised. No, this general manager at Millennium Steel has found quite the opposite and wonders when the decreases might start:

'I am the general manager at Millennium Steel. we are honored to have you. One of the questions I had is about the health care costs. We are seeing almost a double-digit increase in health-care costs every year. Do you think that trend is going to go down, and what can we do to control that trend?'

The president helpfully offers that this manager is probably just shopping incorrectly.

That is interesting. You’re going to have to talk to Henry because — no, no, no, this is serious. The question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough, because it turns out that this year and in fact over the course of the last four years, premiums have gone up at the slowest rate in 50 years. So health care [costs] have actually… slowed down significantly, ....So the issue now is what can we do to make sure that you at at Millennium are shopping and seeing more competition, ... What we are doing is to make sure there’s is more competition, driving down costs when it comes to both businesses who are trying to buy health care for their employees, but also folks who do not get health care on the job and are having to buy it on the end that is part of what the affordable care act is all about.

[Get that? The 'who ya' gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes' response.]

And, where might this American employer go to shop better?

'Now, the Affordable Care Act is also known as Obamacare. for a while, everybody was saying, using that as kind of an insult. I’m feeling pretty good about it being called Obamacare. I suspect that about five years from now when everybody agrees it is working they will not call it Obamacare anymore. [laughter]'

Ahh, yes, Healthcare.gov. Get on that.

The president goes on with what has become the go-to pitch for the Obama presidency. He abandons all his original promises and explains how things could have been worse— “about $1800 higher per family than…they actually have turned out to be. Now, you think about that. $1800 — that is money in your pocket that otherwise would be going to you paying for your health care premiums. It is like a $1800 tax cut.”

And, then a more enticing offer:

I am going to make sure — are you in charge of buying health care? You are? What I’m going to do is make sure you that you talk to some of our health-care market folks. I bet we can get you a better deal. All right? We will see if we can save you a little money.”

The problem is that the promise was premiums would be$2,500 lower per family than they were before Obamacare, not rising by slightly smaller double digits, not $1,800 lower than they would have been, not marginally more affordable. Now this general manager, whose job is to figure out how to get the best deal on health care for his company, has been publicly told by the president he’s probably bad at his job because that’s what it takes to bail out Obama’s false promises." Obama tells plant manager his health-care costs are rising because he doesn 8217 t know how to shop Hot Air

Clearly, the manager doesn't know how to run his business as well as the community organizer does....after all, he didn't build that!

Who voted for this guy, again???
there it is, the jump to an unrelated tangent in the face of insurmountable evidence that the original post was complete bullshit.

I want you to know how heartwarming it is to me to recognize how deeply the thread has wounded you.
Let the locals decide. Any and I mean any school board with any brain would SET healthy food goals. Eliminate all fatty meats and let no private fast food companies make any profit because it can be proven they are a big part of our health care prices. Americans are not smart and don't know that following a decent diet is what prevents numerous doctor visits.
We could get them all throughout my schooling years. We could substitute our fruit or dessert for salad. Not a lot of people did it though. I would whenever we had pear halves for fruit or cherry cobbler for dessert. A lot of this "Oh Michelle Obama is a dictator" stuff really is nonsense. It has more to do with your local school system's budget/policies than what Michelle has dictated to schools.

Wrong, dummy....Michelle is but ONE of the dictators.

Stay tuned....get the education that you've missed.

Can you list her dictatorial powers?

Dont you know that shes a Dictator who shares Dictator powers with other Dictators lmao. I know, I know you're saying "But CC Dictators dont share Dictatorship" dont worry about that tho....just pretend words dont mean things and you'll be fine

"....just pretend words dont mean things...."
You seem to make a habit of putting both feet in your mouth.

These 'words' are in several of the posts....

"new school lunch nutrition rules'
“onerous requirements
the rules heralded by the first lady,
unintended consequences of the current federal regulations..
rigid and unrealistic federal mandates
menus ordered by Michelle Obama and the Agriculture Department,
the new standards

Sounds like they are dictated, huh?

Liberals: ruling over the collective.
Happy days!

Where are the dictatorial powers?

You're talking about the Federal free or reduced cost lunch program and the Federal government imposing some rules on those districts who choose to take the free lunches.

You object to conditions?

You, the same person who was ranting once about food stamp recipients supposedly using their food stamps for purchases not within the program rules?

Which is it? Federal money should have conditions attached to it? Or Federal money should come with no strings attached?

Make up your mind.

The lunch rules don't just apply to the free and reduced lunches. All kids are forced to eat what is offered or bring their own lunch. Of course, if they bring their own, they are subject to inspections to make sure their lunches are approved. An eighth grade student got in trouble for sharing some lunch with a friend. The reason was that the other kid could have been allergic to something. I would think a kid in the eighth grade would know if they could eat peanut butter or other things they were allergic to. It's the libs trying to treat everyone like idiots and dictating what they can eat whether they bring their own, pay full price at school or get it free.

Since you are so keen on conditions, would you support limiting what food stamps can buy? Since that is strictly a freebie, shouldn't we insist that no junk food or other unnecessary items are purchased with EBT cards? Why complain that some have issues with EBT cards being used for things that are not basics and don't help anyone, then defend dictating to students what they are allowed to eat?
Wrong, dummy....Michelle is but ONE of the dictators.

Stay tuned....get the education that you've missed.

Can you list her dictatorial powers?

Dont you know that shes a Dictator who shares Dictator powers with other Dictators lmao. I know, I know you're saying "But CC Dictators dont share Dictatorship" dont worry about that tho....just pretend words dont mean things and you'll be fine

"....just pretend words dont mean things...."
You seem to make a habit of putting both feet in your mouth.

These 'words' are in several of the posts....

"new school lunch nutrition rules'
“onerous requirements
the rules heralded by the first lady,
unintended consequences of the current federal regulations..
rigid and unrealistic federal mandates
menus ordered by Michelle Obama and the Agriculture Department,
the new standards

Sounds like they are dictated, huh?

Liberals: ruling over the collective.
Happy days!

Where are the dictatorial powers?

You're talking about the Federal free or reduced cost lunch program and the Federal government imposing some rules on those districts who choose to take the free lunches.

You object to conditions?

You, the same person who was ranting once about food stamp recipients supposedly using their food stamps for purchases not within the program rules?

Which is it? Federal money should have conditions attached to it? Or Federal money should come with no strings attached?

Make up your mind.

The lunch rules don't just apply to the free and reduced lunches. All kids are forced to eat what is offered or bring their own lunch. Of course, if they bring their own, they are subject to inspections to make sure their lunches are approved. An eighth grade student got in trouble for sharing some lunch with a friend. The reason was that the other kid could have been allergic to something. I would think a kid in the eighth grade would know if they could eat peanut butter or other things they were allergic to. It's the libs trying to treat everyone like idiots and dictating what they can eat whether they bring their own, pay full price at school or get it free.

Since you are so keen on conditions, would you support limiting what food stamps can buy? Since that is strictly a freebie, shouldn't we insist that no junk food or other unnecessary items are purchased with EBT cards? Why complain that some have issues with EBT cards being used for things that are not basics and don't help anyone, then defend dictating to students what they are allowed to eat?

Either the federal government has the right to set conditions or it doesn't.
a school can serve anything they want to as long as they pay for it.
The lunch rules don't just apply to the free and reduced lunches. All kids are forced to eat what is offered or bring their own lunch. Of course, if they bring their own, they are subject to inspections to make sure their lunches are approved. An eighth grade student got in trouble for sharing some lunch with a friend. The reason was that the other kid could have been allergic to something. I would think a kid in the eighth grade would know if they could eat peanut butter or other things they were allergic to. It's the libs trying to treat everyone like idiots and dictating what they can eat whether they bring their own, pay full price at school or get it free.

Since you are so keen on conditions, would you support limiting what food stamps can buy? Since that is strictly a freebie, shouldn't we insist that no junk food or other unnecessary items are purchased with EBT cards? Why complain that some have issues with EBT cards being used for things that are not basics and don't help anyone, then defend dictating to students what they are allowed to eat?

From what I have read, some states put the "welfare check" on the EBT card too so they are not strictly for food stamps. Not really sure how the logistics on sorting out the spending side works when they do that. It is why I think it is crazy for people to get upset by reports that people have used their EBT at ATM's in liquor stores and the like. Those might be the closest places to them or have the fees or something.

I think a lot of people never realized that before Michelle Obama, lunch menus were often controlled de facto by the federal government anyways as it has been the destination for a lot of the federal subsidy programs. I don't know about where you live, but school lunch menus where I live are set by the administrators for the whole system so for instance, all the elementary schools will have the same lunch, all the middle schools will have the same lunch menu, etc.
And of course, here is where PoliticalChic bitches about people supposedly using food stamps for things they aren't supposed to,

not following the RULES of the SNAP program.

Success of Our Food Stamp President US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Now, for some reason, having RULES as to how the school lunch funds can be used is one more somehow Obama induced outrage.

Go figure.
Now this, right here, is the biggest foot in mouth moment I've seen here - - - her two OP's directly contradict one another how rich.
I am just glad we are feeding kids something. Give them MRE's and the bowel cleansing that comes with them if you so desire.
'I am the general manager at Millennium Steel. we are honored to have you. One of the questions I had is about the health care costs. We are seeing almost a double-digit increase in health-care costs every year. Do you think that trend is going to go down, and what can we do to control that trend?'

The president helpfully offers that this manager is probably just shopping incorrectly.

That is interesting. You’re going to have to talk to Henry because — no, no, no, this is serious. The question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough, because it turns out that this year and in fact over the course of the last four years, premiums have gone up at the slowest rate in 50 years. So health care [costs] have actually… slowed down significantly, ....So the issue now is what can we do to make sure that you at at Millennium are shopping and seeing more competition, ... What we are doing is to make sure there’s is more competition, driving down costs when it comes to both businesses who are trying to buy health care for their employees, but also folks who do not get health care on the job and are having to buy it on the end that is part of what the affordable care act is all about.

[Get that? The 'who ya' gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes' response.]

How old is Obamacare again? I guess Obama is also responsible for the rising healthcare costs before Obamacare too.

I have to wonder if PC doesnt realize what the information is saying or if she is conflating two different issues
'I am the general manager at Millennium Steel. we are honored to have you. One of the questions I had is about the health care costs. We are seeing almost a double-digit increase in health-care costs every year. Do you think that trend is going to go down, and what can we do to control that trend?'

The president helpfully offers that this manager is probably just shopping incorrectly.

That is interesting. You’re going to have to talk to Henry because — no, no, no, this is serious. The question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough, because it turns out that this year and in fact over the course of the last four years, premiums have gone up at the slowest rate in 50 years. So health care [costs] have actually… slowed down significantly, ....So the issue now is what can we do to make sure that you at at Millennium are shopping and seeing more competition, ... What we are doing is to make sure there’s is more competition, driving down costs when it comes to both businesses who are trying to buy health care for their employees, but also folks who do not get health care on the job and are having to buy it on the end that is part of what the affordable care act is all about.

[Get that? The 'who ya' gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes' response.]

How old is Obamacare again? I guess Obama is also responsible for the rising healthcare costs before Obamacare too.

I have to wonder if PC doesnt realize what the information is saying or if she is conflating two different issues
She doesn't understand it, she just copies and pastes it.
'I am the general manager at Millennium Steel. we are honored to have you. One of the questions I had is about the health care costs. We are seeing almost a double-digit increase in health-care costs every year. Do you think that trend is going to go down, and what can we do to control that trend?'

The president helpfully offers that this manager is probably just shopping incorrectly.

That is interesting. You’re going to have to talk to Henry because — no, no, no, this is serious. The question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough, because it turns out that this year and in fact over the course of the last four years, premiums have gone up at the slowest rate in 50 years. So health care [costs] have actually… slowed down significantly, ....So the issue now is what can we do to make sure that you at at Millennium are shopping and seeing more competition, ... What we are doing is to make sure there’s is more competition, driving down costs when it comes to both businesses who are trying to buy health care for their employees, but also folks who do not get health care on the job and are having to buy it on the end that is part of what the affordable care act is all about.

[Get that? The 'who ya' gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes' response.]

How old is Obamacare again? I guess Obama is also responsible for the rising healthcare costs before Obamacare too.

I have to wonder if PC doesnt realize what the information is saying or if she is conflating two different issues

"...the rising healthcare costs before Obamacare too."

Does the DNC write ALL of your posts?

.Year *NHE Increase

2001 1493

2002 1638 9.7%

2003 1775 8.3%

2004 1901 7.0%

2005 2030 6.7%

2006 2163 6.5%

2007 2298 6.2%

2008 2406 4.6%

2009 2501 3.9%

2010 2600 3.9%

2011 2700 3.8%

*National Health Expenditures, in $ billions.

'I am the general manager at Millennium Steel. we are honored to have you. One of the questions I had is about the health care costs. We are seeing almost a double-digit increase in health-care costs every year. Do you think that trend is going to go down, and what can we do to control that trend?'

The president helpfully offers that this manager is probably just shopping incorrectly.

That is interesting. You’re going to have to talk to Henry because — no, no, no, this is serious. The question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough, because it turns out that this year and in fact over the course of the last four years, premiums have gone up at the slowest rate in 50 years. So health care [costs] have actually… slowed down significantly, ....So the issue now is what can we do to make sure that you at at Millennium are shopping and seeing more competition, ... What we are doing is to make sure there’s is more competition, driving down costs when it comes to both businesses who are trying to buy health care for their employees, but also folks who do not get health care on the job and are having to buy it on the end that is part of what the affordable care act is all about.

[Get that? The 'who ya' gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes' response.]

How old is Obamacare again? I guess Obama is also responsible for the rising healthcare costs before Obamacare too.

I have to wonder if PC doesnt realize what the information is saying or if she is conflating two different issues

"...the rising healthcare costs before Obamacare too."

Does the DNC write ALL of your posts?

.Year *NHE Increase

2001 1493

2002 1638 9.7%

2003 1775 8.3%

2004 1901 7.0%

2005 2030 6.7%

2006 2163 6.5%

2007 2298 6.2%

2008 2406 4.6%

2009 2501 3.9%

2010 2600 3.9%

2011 2700 3.8%

*National Health Expenditures, in $ billions.


That's an increase every single year posted.
'I am the general manager at Millennium Steel. we are honored to have you. One of the questions I had is about the health care costs. We are seeing almost a double-digit increase in health-care costs every year. Do you think that trend is going to go down, and what can we do to control that trend?'

The president helpfully offers that this manager is probably just shopping incorrectly.

That is interesting. You’re going to have to talk to Henry because — no, no, no, this is serious. The question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough, because it turns out that this year and in fact over the course of the last four years, premiums have gone up at the slowest rate in 50 years. So health care [costs] have actually… slowed down significantly, ....So the issue now is what can we do to make sure that you at at Millennium are shopping and seeing more competition, ... What we are doing is to make sure there’s is more competition, driving down costs when it comes to both businesses who are trying to buy health care for their employees, but also folks who do not get health care on the job and are having to buy it on the end that is part of what the affordable care act is all about.

[Get that? The 'who ya' gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes' response.]

How old is Obamacare again? I guess Obama is also responsible for the rising healthcare costs before Obamacare too.

I have to wonder if PC doesnt realize what the information is saying or if she is conflating two different issues
She doesn't understand it, she just copies and pastes it.

Post #96 proves you're a moron, too......AGAIN.

Folks like you are the reason this nation has to put directions on shampoo.
'I am the general manager at Millennium Steel. we are honored to have you. One of the questions I had is about the health care costs. We are seeing almost a double-digit increase in health-care costs every year. Do you think that trend is going to go down, and what can we do to control that trend?'

The president helpfully offers that this manager is probably just shopping incorrectly.

That is interesting. You’re going to have to talk to Henry because — no, no, no, this is serious. The question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough, because it turns out that this year and in fact over the course of the last four years, premiums have gone up at the slowest rate in 50 years. So health care [costs] have actually… slowed down significantly, ....So the issue now is what can we do to make sure that you at at Millennium are shopping and seeing more competition, ... What we are doing is to make sure there’s is more competition, driving down costs when it comes to both businesses who are trying to buy health care for their employees, but also folks who do not get health care on the job and are having to buy it on the end that is part of what the affordable care act is all about.

[Get that? The 'who ya' gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes' response.]

How old is Obamacare again? I guess Obama is also responsible for the rising healthcare costs before Obamacare too.

I have to wonder if PC doesnt realize what the information is saying or if she is conflating two different issues

"...the rising healthcare costs before Obamacare too."

Does the DNC write ALL of your posts?

.Year *NHE Increase

2001 1493

2002 1638 9.7%

2003 1775 8.3%

2004 1901 7.0%

2005 2030 6.7%

2006 2163 6.5%

2007 2298 6.2%

2008 2406 4.6%

2009 2501 3.9%

2010 2600 3.9%

2011 2700 3.8%

*National Health Expenditures, in $ billions.


That's an increase every single year posted.

That is truly the very best definition of brain-dead ever....EVER....posted.

There are two kinds of people....those who can do elementary math....and you.
'I am the general manager at Millennium Steel. we are honored to have you. One of the questions I had is about the health care costs. We are seeing almost a double-digit increase in health-care costs every year. Do you think that trend is going to go down, and what can we do to control that trend?'

The president helpfully offers that this manager is probably just shopping incorrectly.

That is interesting. You’re going to have to talk to Henry because — no, no, no, this is serious. The question is whether you guys are shopping effectively enough, because it turns out that this year and in fact over the course of the last four years, premiums have gone up at the slowest rate in 50 years. So health care [costs] have actually… slowed down significantly, ....So the issue now is what can we do to make sure that you at at Millennium are shopping and seeing more competition, ... What we are doing is to make sure there’s is more competition, driving down costs when it comes to both businesses who are trying to buy health care for their employees, but also folks who do not get health care on the job and are having to buy it on the end that is part of what the affordable care act is all about.

[Get that? The 'who ya' gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes' response.]

How old is Obamacare again? I guess Obama is also responsible for the rising healthcare costs before Obamacare too.

I have to wonder if PC doesnt realize what the information is saying or if she is conflating two different issues

"...the rising healthcare costs before Obamacare too."

Does the DNC write ALL of your posts?

.Year *NHE Increase

2001 1493

2002 1638 9.7%

2003 1775 8.3%

2004 1901 7.0%

2005 2030 6.7%

2006 2163 6.5%

2007 2298 6.2%

2008 2406 4.6%

2009 2501 3.9%

2010 2600 3.9%

2011 2700 3.8%

*National Health Expenditures, in $ billions.


I didnt know Obamacare started in 2001.

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