If you secede, you forfeit your SS and Medicare

All the military bases and everything else federal in, for example, Texas, when it secedes, are shut down. All of the assets moved out. All of the employees let go. All members of the military let go. All those people out of work. None of them get federal UE money. No one gets an SS check. State pension funds with money outside Texas are frozen and/or confiscated by the US government. Federal pensions stop.

And Texas doesn't feel an iota of economic impact, according to you?



You believe that the US military will flee for the Blue states?



If Texas secedes, the US military will remove itself from Texas. Those Texans in the military who support the secession will no longer be in the US military. They will be unemployed, with no unemployment check.

Ahh No. they will be employed in the new Texas Army.

Texas as it own soverign nation will need its own State of Texas Guard. OH I think any military Texans will find jobs in the new Texas military.
Only the federal government creates jobs. So texan citizens will simply stand there idle until the federal government resurrects Lincoln to help them find jobs.

And I vote for laughing at YOU....

None of you people are capable of thinking ahead. That's why you all lost the election.
Guess what, Skeezix, not everybody kneels and genuflects at the altar of Big Daddy Big Gubmint like dour, hand-wringing little cultists like you. :lol:

Guess what, Goofball, "well, you're just stupid..." isn't an intelligent defense.

Instead of blowing hot air out of your piehole, why don't you explain to us why it's implausible that the US government wouldn't impose sanctions on states that seceded? Explain to us how poor southern states would survive competing in the global market on their own.
Your stream of fear mongering, straw man and post hoc ergo propter hoc augments, along with generally being dumber than a fucking sack of bricks precludes any intelligent debate.

If the best you can muster is your allegation that the District of Criminals' imposition economic sanctions on seceding states, would be any kind of effective bullying technique to bring them back, then the your rank stupidity is self-evident.
No one who has ever thought it would be a good idea has ever thought it through or even considered that there may be a few drawbacks. They just secede re-enslave the black folks and before long they are all Kentucky colonels sipping mint julips on the porches of their vast plantation estates.

OMG, the fucking slavery canard AGAIN??

Grow up, dummy!!

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if a large majority of the people signing these secession petitions thought that it was a better time when blacks were used, and not heard.

LOL, play the race card much?
Besides that, lets say we have a redux of the first secession and it's the whole southern cast on board. Do you really think the mighty north will have the ability to enforce such sanctions and two, that it wouldn't quickly turn violent again?

It would. But I highly doubt the outcome would be faux unity again.
You do not even know what an ad hominim attack is since I have not used one

Actually, several. But I'll let you find a dictionary.

but you did by dismissing my comments out of hand rather than answering them, projection much?

Answer a comment? Hmm...

Tell you what, you first. You said we support slavery (picking cotton). I say you're wrong and that the current situation, in which government forces some to labor for others, is more akin to slavery than anything we support. How am I wrong? BTW, that's a direct question.

What you are doing is called "begging the question" another kind of logical fallacy. I do not have to go far to find examples of conservatives supporting forced labor for the welfare class so my opinion is valid, but your definition of slavery could apply to any situation where the worker does not receive the full value of their labors and instead works for the betterment of someone else, capitalism for example.

Well, I tried to engage honestly. TASB was right. I won't waste my time again, or yours.
To rephrase the OP....


OMGZ!...Where would we all be without Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, WIC, the Departments of HHS, Education, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Energy, gubmint schools, the EPA, FDA, PBS/NPR/CPB, FDIC, and the rest?!?!?!?

What would we do without the omniscient omnipotent federal gubmint and the benevolent hand of Big Brother, to guide our miserable wretched lives?!?!?!???


HOLY SHIT!...We might have to go back to subsistence farming, living in dirt houses and trading beaver pelts!


I weep for my nation.

Don't be stupid.

I pointed out what a state's residents would lose if the state seceded.

Nobody seems to dispute that.

Now someone convince me that any state in the union could get a majority of its citizens to vote to secede, if those citizens knew everything they would lose.

Start by finding me anyone on this board over 40 who would be willing to see all they've paid so far into Medicare and SS disappear, completely,

and as you're doing that, please sort out the ones who are lying.:lol:
If so, then the federal government should refund to citizens in seceded states all the money that those citizens paid into SS and Medicare. That would seem only fair.
To rephrase the OP....


OMGZ!...Where would we all be without Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, WIC, the Departments of HHS, Education, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Energy, gubmint schools, the EPA, FDA, PBS/NPR/CPB, FDIC, and the rest?!?!?!?

What would we do without the omniscient omnipotent federal gubmint and the benevolent hand of Big Brother, to guide our miserable wretched lives?!?!?!???


HOLY SHIT!...We might have to go back to subsistence farming, living in dirt houses and trading beaver pelts!


I weep for my nation.

Don't be stupid.

I pointed out what a state's residents would lose if the state seceded.

Nobody seems to dispute that.

Now someone convince me that any state in the union could get a majority of its citizens to vote to secede, if those citizens knew everything they would lose.

Start by finding me anyone on this board over 40 who would be willing to see all they've paid so far into Medicare and SS disappear, completely,

and as you're doing that, please sort out the ones who are lying.:lol:

All that you pointed out were penalties that YOU would impose.
OP make a threat that only scares Liberals.

Gov't Social Security payments won't be needed in a Constitutional Republic.

So if a state like Texas secedes, and every citizen who ever paid into SS and Medicare never gets another nickel out of it,

that's of no consequence?
So, nobody that lives outside of the US gets the SS they paid into.
That include other foreign employees who went home to retire after working in the states or just the secessionist state/countries?
I ask, because one of the RW memes is all the Mexicans living below the border that collect SS and if my memory hasn't failed, you were a principled taker of the side that they paid into it, they earned it.

Those people were engaged in an illegal act. We are talking about a declaration of secession, unilaterally, by any state or states. That would be illegal.

40% of Medicare, btw, is paid for out of general funds, not the payroll tax.

Every resident of a state that seceded who did not continue to pay his or her federal tax obligations would be in violation of federal tax law as well.
Every nickel everyone in that state has paid in, and might expect to benefit from some day,

would be gone.

Did you factor that into your calculations?

We would also be free to repudiate our share of the national debt.

I'll take that trade any day of the week.
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Every resident of a state that seceded who did not continue to pay his or her federal tax obligations would be in violation of federal tax law as well.

You really, truly are not understanding here, are you? :lmao:
Those people were engaged in an illegal act. We are talking about a declaration of secession, unilaterally, by any state or states. That would be illegal.

40% of Medicare, btw, is paid for out of general funds, not the payroll tax.

Every resident of a state that seceded who did not continue to pay his or her federal tax obligations would be in violation of federal tax law as well.

You truly are a moron. If a state secedes, the federal law is no longer in force. How is the federal government going to collect these funds, short of making war on the seceding state, that is?
So if a state like Texas secedes, and every citizen who ever paid into SS and Medicare never gets another nickel out of it,

that's of no consequence?
So, nobody that lives outside of the US gets the SS they paid into.
That include other foreign employees who went home to retire after working in the states or just the secessionist state/countries?
I ask, because one of the RW memes is all the Mexicans living below the border that collect SS and if my memory hasn't failed, you were a principled taker of the side that they paid into it, they earned it.

Those people were engaged in an illegal act. We are talking about a declaration of secession, unilaterally, by any state or states. That would be illegal.

40% of Medicare, btw, is paid for out of general funds, not the payroll tax.

Every resident of a state that seceded who did not continue to pay his or her federal tax obligations would be in violation of federal tax law as well.

And you don't think that it could be negotiated peacefully, not a chance but doing it your way eh? Who the hell do you think you are, Joseph Stalin? Fecking libtards are all alike.
To rephrase the OP....


OMGZ!...Where would we all be without Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, WIC, the Departments of HHS, Education, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Energy, gubmint schools, the EPA, FDA, PBS/NPR/CPB, FDIC, and the rest?!?!?!?

What would we do without the omniscient omnipotent federal gubmint and the benevolent hand of Big Brother, to guide our miserable wretched lives?!?!?!???


HOLY SHIT!...We might have to go back to subsistence farming, living in dirt houses and trading beaver pelts!


I weep for my nation.

Don't be stupid.

I pointed out what a state's residents would lose if the state seceded.

Nobody seems to dispute that.

Now someone convince me that any state in the union could get a majority of its citizens to vote to secede, if those citizens knew everything they would lose.

Start by finding me anyone on this board over 40 who would be willing to see all they've paid so far into Medicare and SS disappear, completely,

and as you're doing that, please sort out the ones who are lying.:lol:

Carnival joke. The money is gone. There is nothing in the Federal coffer. Empty threat.
No one who has ever thought it would be a good idea has ever thought it through or even considered that there may be a few drawbacks. They just secede re-enslave the black folks and before long they are all Kentucky colonels sipping mint julips on the porches of their vast plantation estates.

Every federal office, installation, etc., in your state disappears. Every resident of your state holding a federal job is suddenly unemployed.

What you are doing is called "begging the question" another kind of logical fallacy. I do not have to go far to find examples of conservatives supporting forced labor for the welfare class so my opinion is valid, but your definition of slavery could apply to any situation where the worker does not receive the full value of their labors and instead works for the betterment of someone else, capitalism for example.

Horseshit. The term "full value" is a bogus Marxist concept. You are not entitled to anything no one has agreed to give you. On the other hand, I never agreed to pay taxes.
No one who has ever thought it would be a good idea has ever thought it through or even considered that there may be a few drawbacks. They just secede re-enslave the black folks and before long they are all Kentucky colonels sipping mint julips on the porches of their vast plantation estates.

Every federal office, installation, etc., in your state disappears. Every resident of your state holding a federal job is suddenly unemployed.


I truly hope you never have a child kidnapped and need the resources of the FBI.


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