If you secede, you forfeit your SS and Medicare

Every federal office, installation, etc., in your state disappears. Every resident of your state holding a federal job is suddenly unemployed.


I truly hope you never have a child kidnapped and need the resources of the FBI.


So you're saying that without the FBI, kidnapped children cannot be found?

I counter and raise you one...in a seceded state there will be no kidnapping. Ever.
To rephrase the OP....


OMGZ!...Where would we all be without Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, WIC, the Departments of HHS, Education, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Energy, gubmint schools, the EPA, FDA, PBS/NPR/CPB, FDIC, and the rest?!?!?!?

What would we do without the omniscient omnipotent federal gubmint and the benevolent hand of Big Brother, to guide our miserable wretched lives?!?!?!???


HOLY SHIT!...We might have to go back to subsistence farming, living in dirt houses and trading beaver pelts!


I weep for my nation.

Don't be stupid.

I pointed out what a state's residents would lose if the state seceded.

Nobody seems to dispute that.

Now someone convince me that any state in the union could get a majority of its citizens to vote to secede, if those citizens knew everything they would lose.

Start by finding me anyone on this board over 40 who would be willing to see all they've paid so far into Medicare and SS disappear, completely,

and as you're doing that, please sort out the ones who are lying.:lol:

And you're completely ignorantly unaware that there are plenty of people over 40 -myself being one of them- who would find the loss of Socialist Insecurity handouts a worthy trade for getting petty, covetous, and arrogant little fucking thugs like you out of our lives....More than a bargain.

To rephrase the OP....


OMGZ!...Where would we all be without Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, WIC, the Departments of HHS, Education, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Energy, gubmint schools, the EPA, FDA, PBS/NPR/CPB, FDIC, and the rest?!?!?!?

What would we do without the omniscient omnipotent federal gubmint and the benevolent hand of Big Brother, to guide our miserable wretched lives?!?!?!???


HOLY SHIT!...We might have to go back to subsistence farming, living in dirt houses and trading beaver pelts!


I weep for my nation.

Don't be stupid.

I pointed out what a state's residents would lose if the state seceded.

Nobody seems to dispute that.

Now someone convince me that any state in the union could get a majority of its citizens to vote to secede, if those citizens knew everything they would lose.

Start by finding me anyone on this board over 40 who would be willing to see all they've paid so far into Medicare and SS disappear, completely,

and as you're doing that, please sort out the ones who are lying.:lol:

All that you pointed out were penalties that YOU would impose.

What I pointed out were what I believe would be the logical consequences to state unilaterally removing, or attempting to remove itself, from the Union.

If someone thinks these things wouldn't happen, they should calm down and make the case why they wouldn't.

It's funny how some of you seem to want to talk seriously about secession as a real possibility, then throw a fit when someone agrees to talk about that way.
Isn't Texas like in the top 15 wealthiest economies in the world?

We won't need the FBI, I'll bet Texas will federalize their rangers.
Don't be stupid.

I pointed out what a state's residents would lose if the state seceded.

Nobody seems to dispute that.

Now someone convince me that any state in the union could get a majority of its citizens to vote to secede, if those citizens knew everything they would lose.

Start by finding me anyone on this board over 40 who would be willing to see all they've paid so far into Medicare and SS disappear, completely,

and as you're doing that, please sort out the ones who are lying.:lol:

All that you pointed out were penalties that YOU would impose.

What I pointed out were what I believe would be the logical consequences to state unilaterally removing, or attempting to remove itself, from the Union.

If someone thinks these things wouldn't happen, they should calm down and make the case why they wouldn't.

It's funny how some of you seem to want to talk seriously about secession as a real possibility, then throw a fit when someone agrees to talk about that way.

All you have stated is penalties that you would impose if you had the power to do so. Everything is negotiable except with tyrants such as yourself.
What I pointed out were what I believe would be the logical consequences to state unilaterally removing, or attempting to remove itself, from the Union.

If someone thinks these things wouldn't happen, they should calm down and make the case why they wouldn't.

It's funny how some of you seem to want to talk seriously about secession as a real possibility, then throw a fit when someone agrees to talk about that way.

The only consequence would be that the federal government would wage war against you to force you back into the union. However, you're implying that the federal government wouldn't wage war on a seceding state, but that the federal laws that you specify would still be in force in that state. You obviously fail to understand the definition of "secession." Why would a sovereign county obey an laws passed by the U.S. Congress?
They wouldn't obey. Just like the federal government wouldn't allow a state to leave. They would wage war to keep them. Round up insurgence, suspend habeus cor....oh, wait, thats already complete...suspend posse com....nevermind on that one too. Marshal law would be declared. The only sucessions taking place in this country are the ones large enough to really kick the shit out of federal forces adn cripple them economically.
All the military bases and everything else federal in, for example, Texas, when it secedes, are shut down. All of the assets moved out. All of the employees let go. All members of the military let go. All those people out of work. None of them get federal UE money. No one gets an SS check. State pension funds with money outside Texas are frozen and/or confiscated by the US government. Federal pensions stop.

And Texas doesn't feel an iota of economic impact, according to you?



You believe that the US military will flee for the Blue states?



If Texas secedes, the US military will remove itself from Texas. Those Texans in the military who support the secession will no longer be in the US military. They will be unemployed, with no unemployment check.

The US military has bases in dozens of foreign countries and we will certainly allow them to continue to operate in the state of Texas
I think it's hilarious that NYC thinks the worst thing that can happen is to not get money from the government for doing nothing. He almost makes entitlement programs sound like some sort of ... I dunno.... BRIBE for continued loyalty to the leftist progression.

What a concept!
Every nickel everyone in that state has paid in, and might expect to benefit from some day,

would be gone.

Did you factor that into your calculations?

Sure we did, you keep all the debts and the bankrupt Social programs. That's the whole point!

It's not so much fun when you Dems have to pay for your ideas, amiright?

lol, the smug of this thread is amusing when you let them have all that..

I think it's hilarious that NYC thinks the worst thing that can happen is to not get money from the government for doing nothing. He almost makes entitlement programs sound like some sort of ... I dunno.... BRIBE for continued loyalty to the leftist progression.

What a concept!

Actually, NYC thinks the worst thing that can happen is 32 oz Big Gulp sodas.
OP make a threat that only scares Liberals.

Gov't Social Security payments won't be needed in a Constitutional Republic.

So if a state like Texas secedes, and every citizen who ever paid into SS and Medicare never gets another nickel out of it,

that's of no consequence?
The United States wasn't formed so that the Federal Gov't can take care of it's citizens by giving them "goodies". The LIMITED govt was formed to protect the Rights of Americans.

Again, it's the United STATES not the United Federal Govt.

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