If you secede, you forfeit your SS and Medicare

If a hurricane hits your area, it's up to you to make things right. Forget about FEMA help.

IF a state were to secede along a coast line, they would not need the little help FEMA has to offer, as they would have their own coffers full of that money they currently send the US that is spread amongst the states and territories. And they would not be denied help any longer when they do have catastorphic, fires, hurricanes, etc. as the money would be theirs only.
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You believe that the US military will flee for the Blue states?



If Texas secedes, the US military will remove itself from Texas. Those Texans in the military who support the secession will no longer be in the US military. They will be unemployed, with no unemployment check.

The US military has bases in dozens of foreign countries and we will certainly allow them to continue to operate in the state of Texas

We are defending other countries, not that I agree with that. Our bases in Texas are domestic bases. They wouldn't be if Texas secedes.

Although that brings up the issue of federal lands within a state that wants to secede...
To rephrase the OP....


OMGZ!...Where would we all be without Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, WIC, the Departments of HHS, Education, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Energy, gubmint schools, the EPA, FDA, PBS/NPR/CPB, FDIC, and the rest?!?!?!?

What would we do without the omniscient omnipotent federal gubmint and the benevolent hand of Big Brother, to guide our miserable wretched lives?!?!?!???


HOLY SHIT!...We might have to go back to subsistence farming, living in dirt houses and trading beaver pelts!


I weep for my nation.

Don't be stupid.

I pointed out what a state's residents would lose if the state seceded.

Nobody seems to dispute that.

Now someone convince me that any state in the union could get a majority of its citizens to vote to secede, if those citizens knew everything they would lose.

Start by finding me anyone on this board over 40 who would be willing to see all they've paid so far into Medicare and SS disappear, completely,

and as you're doing that, please sort out the ones who are lying.:lol:

Texas economy in world terms
According to U.S. Department of Commerce estimates, Texas’s GDP (gross domestic product) was $1.14 trillion. And that ranks Texas as the world’s 14th largest economy in 2009.

Since the 1970s, Texas has ranked in the high teens, generally not going below 15th, except in 1974 when it was the 16th biggest economy.
Texas economy ranking in the world - Texas Economy | EconPost
Now, what you don't seem to want to realize is they would keep that money in state rather than sharing it with the US government. Sounds like they might be just fine on their own.

They can't keep the payroll taxes that have already been paid to the federal government.
If a hurricane hits your area, it's up to you to make things right. Forget about FEMA help.

IF a state were to secede along a coast line, they would not need the little help FEMA has to offer, as they would have their own coffers full of that money they currently send the US that is spread amongst the states and territories. And they would not be denied help any longer when they do have catastorphic, fires, hurricanes, etc. as the money would be theirs only.

If a hurricane hits your area, it's up to you to make things right. Forget about FEMA help.

More fearmongering. We just had one and Occuturds are better at providing relief than the FEMA system. I think a seceded state will do just fine on its own.
They're so profoundly arrogant that they can't possibly imagine that anyone would find their getting out of our faces as a good thing. :lol:
Don't be stupid.

I pointed out what a state's residents would lose if the state seceded.

Nobody seems to dispute that.

Now someone convince me that any state in the union could get a majority of its citizens to vote to secede, if those citizens knew everything they would lose.

Start by finding me anyone on this board over 40 who would be willing to see all they've paid so far into Medicare and SS disappear, completely,

and as you're doing that, please sort out the ones who are lying.:lol:

Texas economy in world terms
According to U.S. Department of Commerce estimates, Texas’s GDP (gross domestic product) was $1.14 trillion. And that ranks Texas as the world’s 14th largest economy in 2009.

Since the 1970s, Texas has ranked in the high teens, generally not going below 15th, except in 1974 when it was the 16th biggest economy.
Texas economy ranking in the world - Texas Economy | EconPost
Now, what you don't seem to want to realize is they would keep that money in state rather than sharing it with the US government. Sounds like they might be just fine on their own.

They can't keep the payroll taxes that have already been paid to the federal government.

do you think their coffers are currently empty? And just think of how much they would grow without anyone sending all their taxes to the US government.

Balances in Special Revenue and Trust Funds increased from $19.9 billion in fiscal 2011 to $30.3 billion
in fiscal 2012, primarily due to the differences in the timing of the receipt of the Tax and Revenue
Anticipation Notes in the two years. The Economic Stabilization Fund finished fiscal 2012 with
$6.1 billion, up $1.1 billion, and the Unemployment Trust Fund ended fiscal 2012 at $1.3 billion, up
$480 million from the end of fiscal 2011.
Net revenues for all funds excluding trust increased by $376 million, or 0.4 percent, from fiscal 2011,
to a total of $94.7 billion in fiscal 2012. Tax collections totaling $44.1 billion, accounted for the largest
revenue category and the largest dollar increase in revenue, up $5.2 billion, or 13.4 percent, from fiscal
2011. Federal income, the second largest revenue category, totaled $32.9 billion, a decrease of $5.5 billion,
or 14.3 percent, from fiscal 2011.
Sounds like they are probably in better shape than the US government.
Those people were engaged in an illegal act. We are talking about a declaration of secession, unilaterally, by any state or states. That would be illegal. . . .

Every resident of a state that seceded who did not continue to pay his or her federal tax obligations would be in violation of federal tax law as well.

This attitude toward peaceful separation was foreign to the founding fathers. It sounds like the Soviet attitude toward secession when its satellite states had had enough and wanted out.

Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts wrote the following in his 1899 biography of the famous nationalist Daniel Webster:

When the Constitution was adopted by the votes of States at Philadelphia, and accepted by the votes of States in popular conventions, it is safe to say there was no man in this country, from Washington and Hamilton on the one side to George Clinton and George Mason on the other, who regarded our system of Government, when first adopted, as anything but an experiment entered upon by the States, and from which each and every State had the right to peaceably withdraw, a right which was very likely to be exercised. (Henry Cabot Lodge, Daniel Webster, Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, 1899, p. 176)​

Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States, viewed the Union as voluntary. In a letter to William Crawford in 1816, Jefferson stated that if a state wanted to leave the Union, he would not hesitate to say “Let us separate,” even if he didn’t agree with the reasons the state wanted to leave (Letter from Thomas Jefferson to William Crawford, June 20, 1816).

More evidence can be found here:

Proof that the Union was Supposed to be Voluntary
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Do you people realize that Bush signed into law that Mexicans can come here and work only 6 quarters, or 1 and 1/2 years and go home and when they're of the right age, they can retire from our social security program?

Why then, would Texas have to give it up?
Do you people realize that Bush signed into law that Mexicans can come here and work only 6 quarters, or 1 and 1/2 years and go home and when they're of the right age, they can retire from our social security program?

Why then, would Texas have to give it up?

So Texas is a Virgin?
Do you people realize that Bush signed into law that Mexicans can come here and work only 6 quarters, or 1 and 1/2 years and go home and when they're of the right age, they can retire from our social security program?

Why then, would Texas have to give it up?

So Texas is a Virgin?

Okay, I had to think about it for awhile, just thought I'd let you know that if you have to explain the joke, it wasn't funny....yours must be on the somewhat funny but not really funny list.
A state that seceded would be abandoning its constitutional and federal law obligations, but also abandoning the constitutional protections guaranteed its residents as US citizens.

Congress and the President routinely ignore the Constitution, so that's no great loss. Any state that wants to maintain constitutional protections can simply adopt a constitution.

The interesting question would be, what of the residents of the seceding states who did not want to secede? Would the seceded state be their new tyrant?

So every government other than our own is tyrannical? Aren't turds like you always telling us how we should emulate all those tyrannies in Europe?
Ordinarily liberals lyingly claim to be the "party of Jefferson".

They're not, of course. The concepts of *freedom* and *voluntary* are completely foreign to them.
A state that seceded would be abandoning its constitutional and federal law obligations, but also abandoning the constitutional protections guaranteed its residents as US citizens.

Congress and the President routinely ignore the Constitution, so that's no great loss. Any state that wants to maintain constitutional protections can simply adopt a constitution.

The interesting question would be, what of the residents of the seceding states who did not want to secede? Would the seceded state be their new tyrant?

So every government other than our own is tyrannical? Aren't turds like you always telling us how we should emulate all those tyrannies in Europe?

Every state that I am familiar with already have a state Constitution.
Ordinarily liberals lyingly claim to be the "party of Jefferson".

They're not, of course. The concepts of *freedom* and *voluntary* are completely foreign to them.

If Thomas Jefferson arrived in a time machine and ran for office, the libs would all denounce him as a racist, homophone, 1%, predatory capitalist exploiter.
A state that seceded would be abandoning its constitutional and federal law obligations, but also abandoning the constitutional protections guaranteed its residents as US citizens.

Congress and the President routinely ignore the Constitution, so that's no great loss. Any state that wants to maintain constitutional protections can simply adopt a constitution.

The interesting question would be, what of the residents of the seceding states who did not want to secede? Would the seceded state be their new tyrant?

So every government other than our own is tyrannical? Aren't turds like you always telling us how we should emulate all those tyrannies in Europe?

The Constitution protects a woman's right to an abortion in the first trimester. What if a state secedes, and outlaws abortion?
Those people were engaged in an illegal act. We are talking about a declaration of secession, unilaterally, by any state or states. That would be illegal. . . .

Every resident of a state that seceded who did not continue to pay his or her federal tax obligations would be in violation of federal tax law as well.

This attitude toward peaceful separation was foreign to the founding fathers. It sounds like the Soviet attitude toward secession when its satellite states had had enough and wanted out.

Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts wrote the following in his 1899 biography of the famous nationalist Daniel Webster:

When the Constitution was adopted by the votes of States at Philadelphia, and accepted by the votes of States in popular conventions, it is safe to say there was no man in this country, from Washington and Hamilton on the one side to George Clinton and George Mason on the other, who regarded our system of Government, when first adopted, as anything but an experiment entered upon by the States, and from which each and every State had the right to peaceably withdraw, a right which was very likely to be exercised. (Henry Cabot Lodge, Daniel Webster, Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, 1899, p. 176)​

Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States, viewed the Union as voluntary. In a letter to William Crawford in 1816, Jefferson stated that if a state wanted to leave the Union, he would not hesitate to say “Let us separate,” even if he didn’t agree with the reasons the state wanted to leave (Letter from Thomas Jefferson to William Crawford, June 20, 1816).

More evidence can be found here:

Proof that the Union was Supposed to be Voluntary

What's that have to do with whether or not the state's citizens would lose their SS and Medicare, etc.?

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