If you secede, you forfeit your SS and Medicare

More fear mongering. You have nothing of substance on this.

Is any of this not factual?

1. You have to be a US citizen to qualify for Medicare.

2. Medicare law prohibits paying foreign healthcare providers. If Texas, for example, seceded, it would become a foreign country.

3. If your state were to secede but you wanted to stay in the state, retain your US citizenship, and cross the border to receive your Medicare benefit now or in the future, you could do that, but,

if you retain your US citizenship you are still liable for federal income taxes.
More fear mongering. You have nothing of substance on this.

Is any of this not factual?

1. You have to be a US citizen to qualify for Medicare.

2. Medicare law prohibits paying foreign healthcare providers. If Texas, for example, seceded, it would become a foreign country.

3. If your state were to secede but you wanted to stay in the state, retain your US citizenship, and cross the border to receive your Medicare benefit now or in the future, you could do that, but,

if you retain your US citizenship you are still liable for federal income taxes.
1) It is factual....Your attempt at scaring people -most of whom are over 40- that secession would mean forfeiture of SS bennies blew up in your face, as most of us looked upon that as a fair bargain.

2) Why don't you just quit while you're behind? :lol:
More fear mongering. You have nothing of substance on this.

Is any of this not factual?

1. You have to be a US citizen to qualify for Medicare.

2. Medicare law prohibits paying foreign healthcare providers. If Texas, for example, seceded, it would become a foreign country.

3. If your state were to secede but you wanted to stay in the state, retain your US citizenship, and cross the border to receive your Medicare benefit now or in the future, you could do that, but,

if you retain your US citizenship you are still liable for federal income taxes.

Is this not factual?

A citizen of Texas would send their taxes to Austin, not Washington DC.

It is always about the money.
More fear mongering. You have nothing of substance on this.

Is any of this not factual?

1. You have to be a US citizen to qualify for Medicare.

2. Medicare law prohibits paying foreign healthcare providers. If Texas, for example, seceded, it would become a foreign country.

3. If your state were to secede but you wanted to stay in the state, retain your US citizenship, and cross the border to receive your Medicare benefit now or in the future, you could do that, but,

if you retain your US citizenship you are still liable for federal income taxes.

Do you seriously think that Texas would not be able to handle themselves financially? Only thorugh the help of the feds do they survive? Please. You take their GDP out of the Us economy and see what that gets the feds.
More fear mongering. You have nothing of substance on this.

Is any of this not factual?

1. You have to be a US citizen to qualify for Medicare.

2. Medicare law prohibits paying foreign healthcare providers. If Texas, for example, seceded, it would become a foreign country.

3. If your state were to secede but you wanted to stay in the state, retain your US citizenship, and cross the border to receive your Medicare benefit now or in the future, you could do that, but,

if you retain your US citizenship you are still liable for federal income taxes.

Is this not factual?

A citizen of Texas would send their taxes to Austin, not Washington DC.

It is always about the money.

And that citizen would lose his Medicare and Social Security no matter how much he paid into it.

Additionally, Texas is a state that gets back from Washington, in spending, about what Texans pay to Washington, in taxes.

If the state secedes, they get nothing from Washington, so Texans would still have to see their state taxes raised to make up most of the difference.
And that citizen would lose his Medicare and Social Security no matter how much he paid into it.

Additionally, Texas is a state that gets back from Washington, in spending, about what Texans pay to Washington, in taxes.

If the state secedes, they get nothing from Washington, so Texans would still have to see their state taxes raised to make up most of the difference.
You really are dumber than dirt, aren't ya?

With no federal bureaucrat parasites leeching off of Texas' tax dollars, there'd be more money to go to projects in Texas.
And that citizen would lose his Medicare and Social Security no matter how much he paid into it.

Additionally, Texas is a state that gets back from Washington, in spending, about what Texans pay to Washington, in taxes.

If the state secedes, they get nothing from Washington, so Texans would still have to see their state taxes raised to make up most of the difference.

Their state taxes would have to be raised exactly as much as need to compensate for the federal taxes they quit paying. However, that assumes Texans all want to continue receiving the same "services" that they now receive from the government. The whole point of seceding would be to abolish these welfare programs.
More fear mongering. You have nothing of substance on this.

Is any of this not factual?

1. You have to be a US citizen to qualify for Medicare.

2. Medicare law prohibits paying foreign healthcare providers. If Texas, for example, seceded, it would become a foreign country.

3. If your state were to secede but you wanted to stay in the state, retain your US citizenship, and cross the border to receive your Medicare benefit now or in the future, you could do that, but,

if you retain your US citizenship you are still liable for federal income taxes.

Do you seriously think that Texas would not be able to handle themselves financially? Only thorugh the help of the feds do they survive? Please. You take their GDP out of the Us economy and see what that gets the feds.

Texas could pick up the tab for the billions of lost income when their citizens lose their SS and Medicare,

with a massive state tax increase.

Or, they could tell their seniors and near seniors 'you're on your own'.

But let's not forget:

Presumably Texas (or any other state) would do this secession democratically. What percent of their senior/older citizens would VOTE for such a dramatic move, especially when their own main personal consequence would be financial suicide?
Well, that's one way to make Social Security and Medicare solvent for many decades. :eusa_clap:

Since those programs are pay as we go, it really wouldn't change anything financially. We would owe less people but we also would lose the revenue from all those people. The trust fund is a bunch of IOU's. Of course, payment on those states share of our debt would be required, if not voluntarily, then by force.
Additionally, Texas is a state that gets back from Washington, in spending, about what Texans pay to Washington, in taxes.

If the state secedes, they get nothing from Washington, so Texans would still have to see their state taxes raised to make up most of the difference.

Washington barrows from China every penny they send to Texas. You are proposing a scenario where China invades Texas in order to get their money back.
Texas could pick up the tab for the billions of lost income when their citizens lose their SS and Medicare,

with a massive state tax increase.

Or, they could tell their seniors and near seniors 'you're on your own'.

But let's not forget:

Presumably Texas (or any other state) would do this secession democratically. What percent of their senior/older citizens would VOTE for such a dramatic move, especially when their own main personal consequence would be financial suicide?

The tax increase would be exactly equal to the federal taxes they no longer pay. There is no trust fund money to pay for SS and Medicare. It all comes out of the general fund. Texas could continue to do the same thing if it wanted to with no one paying anymore in total taxes then they do now.

However, the whole point of seceding would be to get away from these boondoggle programs.
Well, that's one way to make Social Security and Medicare solvent for many decades. :eusa_clap:

Since those programs are pay as we go, it really wouldn't change anything financially. We would owe less people but we also would lose the revenue from all those people. The trust fund is a bunch of IOU's. Of course, payment on those states share of our debt would be required, if not voluntarily, then by force.

Fuck that. If they lose their Social Security benefits, then why should they continue paying the debt. Once Texas became a sovereign country, force is the only way the federal government could make it pay. then we would be right back where we started.

You left-wing turds seem to believe that secession will be done for the convenience of the federal government. The people in the seceding states won't give a damn about the federal debt.
And that citizen would lose his Medicare and Social Security no matter how much he paid into it.

Additionally, Texas is a state that gets back from Washington, in spending, about what Texans pay to Washington, in taxes.

If the state secedes, they get nothing from Washington, so Texans would still have to see their state taxes raised to make up most of the difference.

Their state taxes would have to be raised exactly as much as need to compensate for the federal taxes they quit paying. However, that assumes Texans all want to continue receiving the same "services" that they now receive from the government. The whole point of seceding would be to abolish these welfare programs.

All the talk of abolishing all the welfare programs is wonderful until you see the results of doing so. Dallas would soon look like Mumbai, and Houston would look like Delhi with the poor living in shanty towns with no running water or plumbing. Crime rates would go through the roof. People and businesses would start to leave, because unlike India, people here in the US are not used to seeing and dealing with that type of abject poverty.
Well, that's one way to make Social Security and Medicare solvent for many decades. :eusa_clap:

Since those programs are pay as we go, it really wouldn't change anything financially. We would owe less people but we also would lose the revenue from all those people. The trust fund is a bunch of IOU's. Of course, payment on those states share of our debt would be required, if not voluntarily, then by force.

Force ?

LOL hahahahahahaha
And that citizen would lose his Medicare and Social Security no matter how much he paid into it.

Additionally, Texas is a state that gets back from Washington, in spending, about what Texans pay to Washington, in taxes.

If the state secedes, they get nothing from Washington, so Texans would still have to see their state taxes raised to make up most of the difference.

Their state taxes would have to be raised exactly as much as need to compensate for the federal taxes they quit paying. However, that assumes Texans all want to continue receiving the same "services" that they now receive from the government. The whole point of seceding would be to abolish these welfare programs.

All the talk of abolishing all the welfare programs is wonderful until you see the results of doing so. Dallas would soon look like Mumbai, and Houston would look like Delhi with the poor living in shanty towns with no running water or plumbing. Crime rates would go through the roof. People and businesses would start to leave, because unlike India, people here in the US are not used to seeing and dealing with that type of abject poverty.

Abject poverty like we had in America before all the welfare programs?

And that citizen would lose his Medicare and Social Security no matter how much he paid into it.

Additionally, Texas is a state that gets back from Washington, in spending, about what Texans pay to Washington, in taxes.

If the state secedes, they get nothing from Washington, so Texans would still have to see their state taxes raised to make up most of the difference.
You really are dumber than dirt, aren't ya?

With no federal bureaucrat parasites leeching off of Texas' tax dollars, there'd be more money to go to projects in Texas.

The tax foundation's figure for 2005 - their latest available - is that Texas got back 94 cents in federal spending for every dollar paid in federal taxes,

so your saving is 6 cents per tax dollar. So if you raise Texas taxes 94 cents for every dollar you were paying to the federal government, you're back to even,

but, for starters, your SS and Medicare trust funds are now both at zero.

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