If you secede, you forfeit your SS and Medicare

Isn't Texas like in the top 15 wealthiest economies in the world?

We won't need the FBI, I'll bet Texas will federalize their rangers.

Why would you need to federalize the rangers?

Texas would be it's own country so they would have all the jurisdiction they need.

Every nickel everyone in that state has paid in, and might expect to benefit from some day,

would be gone.

Did you factor that into your calculations?

Sure we did, you keep all the debts and the bankrupt Social programs. That's the whole point!

It's not so much fun when you Dems have to pay for your ideas, amiright?

lol, the smug of this thread is amusing when you let them have all that..

Dumb shit sets the premise, a bunch of us who would be fine with the giveback, asking "where do I sign?", blow his idiotic premise out of the water, then he mewls about nobody bringing any facts to the table. :lol:
No one who has ever thought it would be a good idea has ever thought it through or even considered that there may be a few drawbacks. They just secede, re-enslave the black folks and before long they are all Kentucky colonels sipping mint julips on the porches of their vast plantation estates.

You've already reenslaved blacks and countless people from other races due to your policies.
No one who has ever thought it would be a good idea has ever thought it through or even considered that there may be a few drawbacks. They just secede, re-enslave the black folks and before long they are all Kentucky colonels sipping mint julips on the porches of their vast plantation estates.

You've already reenslaved blacks and countless people from other races due to your policies.

yep, but to them that is Caring
Every nickel everyone in that state has paid in, and might expect to benefit from some day,

would be gone.

Did you factor that into your calculations?

No I think Lawyers would argue that Succeeding states have a right to their share of SS, and MC considering they did pay in to them.

The Idea of succession would bring up all sorts of Legal battles over the Finances alone. Does the rest of the country deserve compensation for the Resources the states that leave take with them? What about the Succeeding states share of our National Debt? Then there is the question of SS, and MC. All these things would theoretically end up being argued in court if Succession were to happen non-Violently.

Which of course will not happen.

It's "secede" and "secession", retard.
No one who has ever thought it would be a good idea has ever thought it through or even considered that there may be a few drawbacks. They just secede, re-enslave the black folks and before long they are all Kentucky colonels sipping mint julips on the porches of their vast plantation estates.

You've already reenslaved blacks and countless people from other races due to your policies.

yep, but to them that is Caring

That was a common argument from the slaveholders back in the day as well. They had to "care" of the slaves because the slaves cant take care of themselves.
If a hurricane hits your area, it's up to you to make things right. Forget about FEMA help.

We once lived in a nation where if the Federal Government tried to "help" in disaster a relief, the people would tell them to pack their bags and go home because the communities would rally together and help themselves and their neighbors.

Now we have communities sitting around waiting for government to fix their problems.

I would much prefer the first way
And now, secession. Has there ever been a bigger group of petulant crybabies in this country?

Honestly! Talk about epistemological group think, the modern American Conservative has cornered the market! They lost a Supreme Court decision on Obamacare, they lost a national election and yet they continue with obstinence and petulance.

When the "war on women' was pointed out to them, they called Sandra Fluke a slut, claimed there could be legitimate rape or illegitimate rape, said conception by rape is something intended by God (that's right, they speak for God). Then they stand red faced and incredulous and stammer about no war on women.

They called for policies so harsh, so draconian that immigrants would 'self deport' and after the election they stand again incredulous and worry about how to gain the Latino vote.

They lick their chops like a cartoon hobo eying up a pie on a window sill when they consider cuts to the elderly and poor. Then when the top 2% of wage earners are asked to pay 39% rather than 35% and suddenly it's an attack on personal freedoms!

Now they talk about secession? Unable to learn any lessons from history recent or long past, i say let the modern Conservative dig his political grave with talk of secession. Good riddance, although it won't be by secession, it will be from political attrition.
Every nickel everyone in that state has paid in, and might expect to benefit from some day,

would be gone.

Did you factor that into your calculations?
Number 1, my money is not your money.
Number 2, I'm not seceding.
Number 3, we will throw bums out of this country. We're tired of being forced to provide everything for bums and getting higher taxes in return.

We need to go back to everybody pulls his own weight rather than make 1 taxpayer support 3 bums. Illustration:

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All that you pointed out were penalties that YOU would impose.

What I pointed out were what I believe would be the logical consequences to state unilaterally removing, or attempting to remove itself, from the Union.

If someone thinks these things wouldn't happen, they should calm down and make the case why they wouldn't.

It's funny how some of you seem to want to talk seriously about secession as a real possibility, then throw a fit when someone agrees to talk about that way.

All you have stated is penalties that you would impose if you had the power to do so. Everything is negotiable except with tyrants such as yourself.

A state that seceded would be abandoning its constitutional and federal law obligations, but also abandoning the constitutional protections guaranteed its residents as US citizens.

The interesting question would be, what of the residents of the seceding states who did not want to secede? Would the seceded state be their new tyrant?
Every nickel everyone in that state has paid in, and might expect to benefit from some day,

would be gone.

Did you factor that into your calculations?
Number 1, my money is not your money.
Number 2, I'm not seceding.
Number 3, we will throw bums out of this country. We're tired of being forced to provide everything for bums and getting higher taxes in return.

We need to go back to everybody pulls his own weight rather than make 1 taxpayer support 3 bums. Illustration:


The topic is secession. You're in the wrong thread.
To rephrase the OP....


OMGZ!...Where would we all be without Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, WIC, the Departments of HHS, Education, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Energy, gubmint schools, the EPA, FDA, PBS/NPR/CPB, FDIC, and the rest?!?!?!?

What would we do without the omniscient omnipotent federal gubmint and the benevolent hand of Big Brother, to guide our miserable wretched lives?!?!?!???


HOLY SHIT!...We might have to go back to subsistence farming, living in dirt houses and trading beaver pelts!


I weep for my nation.

Don't be stupid.

I pointed out what a state's residents would lose if the state seceded.

Nobody seems to dispute that.

Now someone convince me that any state in the union could get a majority of its citizens to vote to secede, if those citizens knew everything they would lose.

Start by finding me anyone on this board over 40 who would be willing to see all they've paid so far into Medicare and SS disappear, completely,

and as you're doing that, please sort out the ones who are lying.:lol:

Texas economy in world terms
According to U.S. Department of Commerce estimates, Texas’s GDP (gross domestic product) was $1.14 trillion. And that ranks Texas as the world’s 14th largest economy in 2009.

Since the 1970s, Texas has ranked in the high teens, generally not going below 15th, except in 1974 when it was the 16th biggest economy.
Texas economy ranking in the world - Texas Economy | EconPost
Now, what you don't seem to want to realize is they would keep that money in state rather than sharing it with the US government. Sounds like they might be just fine on their own.
What I pointed out were what I believe would be the logical consequences to state unilaterally removing, or attempting to remove itself, from the Union.

If someone thinks these things wouldn't happen, they should calm down and make the case why they wouldn't.

It's funny how some of you seem to want to talk seriously about secession as a real possibility, then throw a fit when someone agrees to talk about that way.

All you have stated is penalties that you would impose if you had the power to do so. Everything is negotiable except with tyrants such as yourself.

A state that seceded would be abandoning its constitutional and federal law obligations, but also abandoning the constitutional protections guaranteed its residents as US citizens.

The interesting question would be, what of the residents of the seceding states who did not want to secede?

Unless they're required to stay within the borders (a tact of central planners, not free societies), they can go wherever they like.

Would the seceded state be their new tyrant?

No, tyranny is what you guys do.

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