if you think Islam is a bad religion then why do some americans convert to Islam ?


Jan 6, 2011
youtube is full of videos uploaded by americans and non-americans who converted to Islam. why do you think they did that?
what did they find in Islam that they could not find in Christianity?

please dont tell me reasons like they received death threats from some extremists if they dont become muslims they will get killed

every year 20,000 americans convert to Islam. are you going to tell me they were threatened to get killed, give me a break.

i want a rational discussion here not insults
Ahh, you don't understand people. They too stoooooopid!
because those that convert believe it's good?

The whole premise of the argument is really silly. I mean why would anything I or anyone else thinks influence what someone else thinks?
I like the logic of the OP.

If you think murder is "bad," then how come so many folks commit murder every year?



Can you answer THAT?

It's stupid to carry a gun and yet tons of people do it. The average human has the IQ of a bag of hammers. That's why people believe in invisible gods.
It's stupid to carry a gun and yet tons of people do it. The average human has the IQ of a bag of hammers. That's why people believe in invisible gods.

Yes yes. It IS "stupid" to believe in things we cannot see, eh, "Bob?"
Paganism, Witchcraft, Moslem, Christiantiy, Judism, Buddism, Hinduism, ect.

People tend to seek what appeals to them. Just like in a car or a house. You have a catalog of beliefs to pick from so select what you want. It's your choice to believe what you want. Oh I forgot atheism!
You know, I hope one day to live in a world where people actually discuss things with civility rather than simply trade insults with no substantive discussion.
WOW thats a strong answer. did any muslim american tell you that?
nobody hates Jesus. muslims respect Jesus more than christians do.
Jesus would have been killed for being an infidel and a blasphemer for spreading something other than Islam. Moon, open your eyes.
In Islam the Prophet Jesus is a revered figure and second only to Prophet Muhammad. :cool:

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