If you thought sending a letter to the Iranian Mullahs was bad, this could be worse

Oh my....Another right wing committee is going to investigate something that they hope will help their 2016 chances. Here's an idea......Why don't they investigate how to quit acting like a bunch of spoiled children and get to working for the good of the country? That is something they haven't shown any interest in yet.

If the Republican leadership in the Senate had some balls they'd pull a HARRY REID, make it so 51 votes pass a bill, and send them all to the Narcissist in chief to VETO, and then use TAHT against the commiecrats.... But as in the house there is SOMETHING FUNNY GOING ON!!!!

I had a thread about Obama not meddling in Israeli elections and it said in an alert that it was merged with this thread but I can only find a couple of the posts. Sure is a good way to silence and CENSOR. This thread has turned into a flame zone fucking farce.
Oh my....Another right wing committee is going to investigate something that they hope will help their 2016 chances. Here's an idea......Why don't they investigate how to quit acting like a bunch of spoiled children and get to working for the good of the country? That is something they haven't shown any interest in yet.

If the Republican leadership in the Senate had some balls they'd pull a HARRY REID, make it so 51 votes pass a bill, and send them all to the Narcissist in chief to VETO, and then use TAHT against the commiecrats.... But as in the house there is SOMETHING FUNNY GOING ON!!!!


With Turtle Boy and that big cry baby around, it's always funny.

Funny? Very sad for many of us!

Considering that the right wing idolizes people like Palin and Louie Gohmert, I guess you have lots of things to be sad about. Don't worry. They can shoot off another dumb ass letter or shut the government down again, and that should cheer you up some.
I had a thread about Obama not meddling in Israeli elections and it said in an alert that it was merged with this thread but I can only find a couple of the posts. Sure is a good way to silence and CENSOR. This thread has turned into a flame zone fucking farce.

Quit whining.

This thread was started before yours, it's your fault for not checking if there was already a thread on the topic.

Every post from your thread is in this one now.
Oh my....Another right wing committee is going to investigate something that they hope will help their 2016 chances. Here's an idea......Why don't they investigate how to quit acting like a bunch of spoiled children and get to working for the good of the country? That is something they haven't shown any interest in yet.

If the Republican leadership in the Senate had some balls they'd pull a HARRY REID, make it so 51 votes pass a bill, and send them all to the Narcissist in chief to VETO, and then use TAHT against the commiecrats.... But as in the house there is SOMETHING FUNNY GOING ON!!!!


With Turtle Boy and that big cry baby around, it's always funny.

Funny? Very sad for many of us!

Considering that the right wing idolizes people like Palin and Louie Gohmert, I guess you have lots of things to be sad about. Don't worry. They can shoot off another dumb ass letter or shut the government down again, and that should cheer you up some.

Apparently you missed the few dozen reasons why many admire Putin, as compared to the pathetic Marxist we have now. We would LOVE to see the gov't shut down, can we, THIS TIME, pick and choose what's shut down, instead of the poser in the White House?
I had a thread about Obama not meddling in Israeli elections and it said in an alert that it was merged with this thread but I can only find a couple of the posts. Sure is a good way to silence and CENSOR. This thread has turned into a flame zone fucking farce.

Quit whining.

This thread was started before yours, it's your fault for not checking if there was already a thread on the topic.

Every post from your thread is in this one now.

I don't look for similar posts when the titles don't have anything in common and if I want to whine it's none of your Goddamn business you pompous asshole.
Oh my....Another right wing committee is going to investigate something that they hope will help their 2016 chances. Here's an idea......Why don't they investigate how to quit acting like a bunch of spoiled children and get to working for the good of the country? That is something they haven't shown any interest in yet.

If the Republican leadership in the Senate had some balls they'd pull a HARRY REID, make it so 51 votes pass a bill, and send them all to the Narcissist in chief to VETO, and then use TAHT against the commiecrats.... But as in the house there is SOMETHING FUNNY GOING ON!!!!


With Turtle Boy and that big cry baby around, it's always funny.

Funny? Very sad for many of us!

Considering that the right wing idolizes people like Palin and Louie Gohmert, I guess you have lots of things to be sad about. Don't worry. They can shoot off another dumb ass letter or shut the government down again, and that should cheer you up some.

Apparently you missed the few dozen reasons why many admire Putin, as compared to the pathetic Marxist we have now. We would LOVE to see the gov't shut down, can we, THIS TIME, pick and choose what's shut down, instead of the poser in the White House?

Don't care what reasons the anti American right has for admiring Putin. If you don't love our country, you are free to leave. We don't want you traitors here. We already have too many of those in the GOP led House.
I had a thread about Obama not meddling in Israeli elections and it said in an alert that it was merged with this thread but I can only find a couple of the posts. Sure is a good way to silence and CENSOR. This thread has turned into a flame zone fucking farce.

Quit whining.

This thread was started before yours, it's your fault for not checking if there was already a thread on the topic.

Every post from your thread is in this one now.

I don't look for similar posts when the titles don't have anything in common and if I want to whine it's none of your Goddamn business you pompous asshole.

Of course you can whine all you want. That's mostly all you do anyway, isn't it?
I had a thread about Obama not meddling in Israeli elections and it said in an alert that it was merged with this thread but I can only find a couple of the posts. Sure is a good way to silence and CENSOR. This thread has turned into a flame zone fucking farce.

Quit whining.

This thread was started before yours, it's your fault for not checking if there was already a thread on the topic.

Every post from your thread is in this one now.

I don't look for similar posts when the titles don't have anything in common and if I want to whine it's none of your Goddamn business you pompous asshole.

Hoss - I merged 3 threads on the identical article. The title goes to the oldest thread. From a moderation view point - we either merge them or we close the newer ones and redirect traffic to the first thread.
If the Republican leadership in the Senate had some balls they'd pull a HARRY REID, make it so 51 votes pass a bill, and send them all to the Narcissist in chief to VETO, and then use TAHT against the commiecrats.... But as in the house there is SOMETHING FUNNY GOING ON!!!!


With Turtle Boy and that big cry baby around, it's always funny.

Funny? Very sad for many of us!

Considering that the right wing idolizes people like Palin and Louie Gohmert, I guess you have lots of things to be sad about. Don't worry. They can shoot off another dumb ass letter or shut the government down again, and that should cheer you up some.

Apparently you missed the few dozen reasons why many admire Putin, as compared to the pathetic Marxist we have now. We would LOVE to see the gov't shut down, can we, THIS TIME, pick and choose what's shut down, instead of the poser in the White House?

Don't care what reasons the anti American right has for admiring Putin. If you don't love our country, you are free to leave. We don't want you traitors here. We already have too many of those in the GOP led House.

You mean HATING a Subversive, Socialist/Marxist POS in the White House is hating America...You have a sever mental problem, but then again, LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER....

He was elected by fools and dupes.

Ah you insult our country. You are a traitor.
No. I quite correctly insult the intelligence of liberals and useful idiots that vote for liberalism.

Liberalism is a mental disorder....the enemy of our country.

Sure it is. The countries with the happiest people in the world are more liberal than us. Don't be so dramatic.
Hardly. The more liberal countries have already failed economically. A really successful collectivism does not exist.

For all intents and purposes, every single first world country is "more liberal" than we are.

And that sir is what makes us America.
With Turtle Boy and that big cry baby around, it's always funny.

Funny? Very sad for many of us!

Considering that the right wing idolizes people like Palin and Louie Gohmert, I guess you have lots of things to be sad about. Don't worry. They can shoot off another dumb ass letter or shut the government down again, and that should cheer you up some.

Apparently you missed the few dozen reasons why many admire Putin, as compared to the pathetic Marxist we have now. We would LOVE to see the gov't shut down, can we, THIS TIME, pick and choose what's shut down, instead of the poser in the White House?

Don't care what reasons the anti American right has for admiring Putin. If you don't love our country, you are free to leave. We don't want you traitors here. We already have too many of those in the GOP led House.

You mean HATING a Subversive, Socialist/Marxist POS in the White House is hating America...You have a sever mental problem, but then again, LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER....


You put me in an awkward position V. My daddy taught me to never make fun of the mentally disabled, but you act like you are proud of your ridiculous rants.
I had a thread about Obama not meddling in Israeli elections and it said in an alert that it was merged with this thread but I can only find a couple of the posts. Sure is a good way to silence and CENSOR. This thread has turned into a flame zone fucking farce.

Quit whining.

This thread was started before yours, it's your fault for not checking if there was already a thread on the topic.

Every post from your thread is in this one now.

I don't look for similar posts when the titles don't have anything in common and if I want to whine it's none of your Goddamn business you pompous asshole.

Hoss - I merged 3 threads on the identical article. The title goes to the oldest thread. From a moderation view point - we either merge them or we close the newer ones and redirect traffic to the first thread.
I appreciate your diligence but can you explain how "If You Thought Sending A Letter To The Iranian Mullahs Was Bad This Could Be Worse" equates with "OBama: I Won't Meddle With Israeli Elections" I never even considered by the title that they would contain the same topic and I'm not clairvoyant. Someone could have PMd me for a heads up. I agree if the titles were similar but this wasn't the case.
Funny? Very sad for many of us!

Considering that the right wing idolizes people like Palin and Louie Gohmert, I guess you have lots of things to be sad about. Don't worry. They can shoot off another dumb ass letter or shut the government down again, and that should cheer you up some.

Apparently you missed the few dozen reasons why many admire Putin, as compared to the pathetic Marxist we have now. We would LOVE to see the gov't shut down, can we, THIS TIME, pick and choose what's shut down, instead of the poser in the White House?

Don't care what reasons the anti American right has for admiring Putin. If you don't love our country, you are free to leave. We don't want you traitors here. We already have too many of those in the GOP led House.

You mean HATING a Subversive, Socialist/Marxist POS in the White House is hating America...You have a sever mental problem, but then again, LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER....


You put me in an awkward position V. My daddy taught me to never make fun of the mentally disabled, but you act like you are proud of your ridiculous rants.

That the problem with NPD patients like you, you still think your shit doesn't stick...while everyone else holds their nose and looks at you for leaving it in the middle of a thread! You do need medical help!

Bibi Using Congressional Address In New Campaign Ad Just As Critics Warned
WASHINGTON -- When House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced he had invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress just a few weeks ahead of an Israeli election, he was criticized for giving Netanyahu a platform to boost his campaign.

The United States has a policy of not meeting with foreign leaders in advance of elections, so as not to appear to be tilting the electoral balance. But Netanyahu insisted that his motivations had nothing to do with the election, and that the timing of the speech was demanded by the urgency of the Iran nuclear negotiations. There was simply no time to waste.

Already, however, Netanyahu is using his speech as a prop in a campaign commercial back in Israel, where the prime minister is shown basking in the applause of members of Congress who did not boycott his speech.

I thought Bibi said he wasn't going to do that...

I thought the obomanation said he wouldn't interfere in Israel's elections? Senate already investigating his involvement in that!
obama the mad king sent $350,000 of taxpayer money to Netanyahu's opposition and sent his own campaign team to help. What do you want to bet that the team was dispatched on US government planes?

Really now...you got a source to support that?

My experience from watching investigations like these, is if both sides are interested and investigating the same thing, the culprit or culprit(s) are screwed. Think about it, two diametrically opposed parties cooperating with each other on this investigation, actually cooperating. What does that tell you?
Considering that the right wing idolizes people like Palin and Louie Gohmert, I guess you have lots of things to be sad about. Don't worry. They can shoot off another dumb ass letter or shut the government down again, and that should cheer you up some.

Apparently you missed the few dozen reasons why many admire Putin, as compared to the pathetic Marxist we have now. We would LOVE to see the gov't shut down, can we, THIS TIME, pick and choose what's shut down, instead of the poser in the White House?

Don't care what reasons the anti American right has for admiring Putin. If you don't love our country, you are free to leave. We don't want you traitors here. We already have too many of those in the GOP led House.

You mean HATING a Subversive, Socialist/Marxist POS in the White House is hating America...You have a sever mental problem, but then again, LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER....


You put me in an awkward position V. My daddy taught me to never make fun of the mentally disabled, but you act like you are proud of your ridiculous rants.

That the problem with NPD patients like you, you still think your shit doesn't stick...while everyone else holds their nose and looks at you for leaving it in the middle of a thread! You do need medical help!


Well, actually, my shit doesn't stick. It doesn't stink either...........It smells like roses.
Apparently you missed the few dozen reasons why many admire Putin, as compared to the pathetic Marxist we have now. We would LOVE to see the gov't shut down, can we, THIS TIME, pick and choose what's shut down, instead of the poser in the White House?

Don't care what reasons the anti American right has for admiring Putin. If you don't love our country, you are free to leave. We don't want you traitors here. We already have too many of those in the GOP led House.

You mean HATING a Subversive, Socialist/Marxist POS in the White House is hating America...You have a sever mental problem, but then again, LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER....


You put me in an awkward position V. My daddy taught me to never make fun of the mentally disabled, but you act like you are proud of your ridiculous rants.

That the problem with NPD patients like you, you still think your shit doesn't stick...while everyone else holds their nose and looks at you for leaving it in the middle of a thread! You do need medical help!


Well, actually, my shit doesn't stick. It doesn't stink either...........It smells like roses.

So I made a typing mistake, and you lie about what your shit smells like.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I had a thread about Obama not meddling in Israeli elections and it said in an alert that it was merged with this thread but I can only find a couple of the posts. Sure is a good way to silence and CENSOR. This thread has turned into a flame zone fucking farce.

Quit whining.

This thread was started before yours, it's your fault for not checking if there was already a thread on the topic.

Every post from your thread is in this one now.

I don't look for similar posts when the titles don't have anything in common and if I want to whine it's none of your Goddamn business you pompous asshole.

Hoss - I merged 3 threads on the identical article. The title goes to the oldest thread. From a moderation view point - we either merge them or we close the newer ones and redirect traffic to the first thread.
I appreciate your diligence but can you explain how "If You Thought Sending A Letter To The Iranian Mullahs Was Bad This Could Be Worse" equates with "OBama: I Won't Meddle With Israeli Elections" I never even considered by the title that they would contain the same topic and I'm not clairvoyant. Someone could have PMd me for a heads up. I agree if the titles were similar but this wasn't the case.

C'mon Hoss, we can go to The Last Chance Saloon and I'll buy you a drink. Deal?
Last edited:
Don't care what reasons the anti American right has for admiring Putin. If you don't love our country, you are free to leave. We don't want you traitors here. We already have too many of those in the GOP led House.

You mean HATING a Subversive, Socialist/Marxist POS in the White House is hating America...You have a sever mental problem, but then again, LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER....


You put me in an awkward position V. My daddy taught me to never make fun of the mentally disabled, but you act like you are proud of your ridiculous rants.

That the problem with NPD patients like you, you still think your shit doesn't stick...while everyone else holds their nose and looks at you for leaving it in the middle of a thread! You do need medical help!


Well, actually, my shit doesn't stick. It doesn't stink either...........It smells like roses.

So I made a typing mistake, and you lie about what your shit smells like.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I'll be happy for you to judge for yourself.. Just put your nose right down here.

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