If you thought sending a letter to the Iranian Mullahs was bad, this could be worse

He has been elected twice. Deal with it. The people have spoken and that's how this country works.
He was elected by fools and dupes.

Ah you insult our country. You are a traitor.
No. I quite correctly insult the intelligence of liberals and useful idiots that vote for liberalism.

Liberalism is a mental disorder....the enemy of our country.

Sure it is. The countries with the happiest people in the world are more liberal than us. Don't be so dramatic.
Hardly. The more liberal countries have already failed economically. A really successful collectivism does not exist.

They are all more liberal than us and doing fine economically.
Get happy in the world s happiest countries - CNN.com
He has been elected twice. Deal with it. The people have spoken and that's how this country works.
He was elected by fools and dupes.

Ah you insult our country. You are a traitor.
No. I quite correctly insult the intelligence of liberals and useful idiots that vote for liberalism.

Liberalism is a mental disorder....the enemy of our country.

Sure it is. The countries with the happiest people in the world are more liberal than us. Don't be so dramatic.
Hardly. The more liberal countries have already failed economically. A really successful collectivism does not exist.

For all intents and purposes, every single first world country is "more liberal" than we are.
No I'm loyal to my country and president regardless of what party is in office.
I am loyal to my country and its Constitution...as all Presidents must swear to be. Obama lied when he took the oath.

He has been elected twice. Deal with it. The people have spoken and that's how this country works.
He was elected by fools and dupes.

Ah you insult our country. You are a traitor.
No. I quite correctly insult the intelligence of liberals and useful idiots that vote for liberalism.

Liberalism is a mental disorder....the enemy of our country.

Our biggest enemy is over political morons like you who put party before country.
CHOKE ON THIS......:ahole-1:

I guess you want a dictator? Throw out elections? How patriotic.

What do you want...we HAVE ONE NOW....I HAVE A PEN AND A PHONE!!!!!

Hey dummy. He's not going to be in office much longer. If he was a dictator he'd be with us till death.

You didn't CHOKE YET, on your hypocrisy, you little turd...We still have 22 months, he can certainly START a WW III and stay in office... JUST ONE SCENARIO, want some others?

Sure that's gonna happen. Just like it didn't happen with Clinton and every other Democrat president. Grow up.

None of the other DemocRATS were the product of having COMMUNISTS as their parents and grandparents, and didn't study communism at the foot of that acknowledged black Commie Frank Marshall Davis....
He was elected by fools and dupes.

Ah you insult our country. You are a traitor.
No. I quite correctly insult the intelligence of liberals and useful idiots that vote for liberalism.

Liberalism is a mental disorder....the enemy of our country.

Sure it is. The countries with the happiest people in the world are more liberal than us. Don't be so dramatic.
Hardly. The more liberal countries have already failed economically. A really successful collectivism does not exist.

For all intents and purposes, every single first world country is "more liberal" than we are.

Then why does EVERYONE want to come to America INSTEAD of all those MORE LIBERAL countries?
For sure he won't!!! And the Senate is investigating his "non-interference."

JERUSALEM — Fox News reported today that a bipartisan U.S. Senate committee with subpoena powers is investigating the possibility the Obama administration may have aided efforts to defeat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in this Tuesday’s elections.

A source told Fox News the investigation focuses on State Department grants to a non-profits group that has been leading field organizing efforts openly aimed at replacing Netanyahu’s government with a center-left coalition.

The news report has been making big waves in the news media here in Israel.

Reported FoxNews.com: “The fact that both Democratic and Republican sides of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations have signed off on the probe could be seen as a rebuke to President Obama, who has had a well-documented adversarial relationship with the Israeli leader.”

Read more at Senate targets Obama meddling in Israel election

Yo, they are buying Palestinian votes with U.S.A. taxpayer money! This Anti-Christ in the White House is involved, because Bibi showed him up!!!

"I Won't Meddle In Israeli Elections"'

The check is in the mail.
The computer will not change the way you do business.
Not tonight I have a headache.
Trust me, these rubbers are puncture-proof
If you like your.........
Obama hates Bibi

but not as much as

millions of us

hate Hussein ..

no good ending for Hussein O...

you can bet on it
I do not believe they would allow that puppet head to fix a toilet in Israel.
Bibi Using Congressional Address In New Campaign Ad Just As Critics Warned
WASHINGTON -- When House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced he had invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress just a few weeks ahead of an Israeli election, he was criticized for giving Netanyahu a platform to boost his campaign.

The United States has a policy of not meeting with foreign leaders in advance of elections, so as not to appear to be tilting the electoral balance. But Netanyahu insisted that his motivations had nothing to do with the election, and that the timing of the speech was demanded by the urgency of the Iran nuclear negotiations. There was simply no time to waste.

Already, however, Netanyahu is using his speech as a prop in a campaign commercial back in Israel, where the prime minister is shown basking in the applause of members of Congress who did not boycott his speech.

I thought Bibi said he wasn't going to do that...

I thought the obomanation said he wouldn't interfere in Israel's elections? Senate already investigating his involvement in that!
obama the mad king sent $350,000 of taxpayer money to Netanyahu's opposition and sent his own campaign team to help. What do you want to bet that the team was dispatched on US government planes?

Really now...you got a source to support that?
Oh my....Another right wing committee is going to investigate something that they hope will help their 2016 chances. Here's an idea......Why don't they investigate how to quit acting like a bunch of spoiled children and get to working for the good of the country? That is something they haven't shown any interest in yet.

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