If you try to make everything multicultural, you will not have any culture in the end

What is America's culture? Please explain to this American born citizen....I will wait for this laugher.

Christian responsible people.

Maybe you should visit some other "just as good" culture to find out exactly why American culture has so much value.

Or even better, you stay at the mud huts and we won't have to hear such nonsense anymore.

There is no reason to think that people who are not Christian are not "responsible." Americans are supposed to be free to choose, as individuals, what beliefs to embrace. Moreover, right after the Europeans arrived in North America, they began squabbling among themselves as to which brand of Christianity to follow, just like they did back in Old Europe. Using the term "Christian" is a bit too generic, considering this history.
I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.
Culture is not stagnant. It changes and evolves over time. That is an historical fact. Our culture will change and evolve. European cultures evolve and change. Cultures that do not do so are such as those deep in the Amazon jungle that have not changed for thousands of years: I don't think we want that. There is no way to keep a culture the same as it was in the past. Like everything else human, it changes over time. We will always have a culture: it just won't be the same as it was in the past or is now.
BasqueRomance and BrokeLoser are not standing in the hallway of truth, justice, and the American way.

They have been pushed aside, with their centuries old beliefs, and they are yelling. Nothing more.
I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.
Great. Get the fuck out of America and leave it to its rightful owners, the native Americans.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.

The problem here is that Germany has developed over time by taking in other peoples and other peoples disappearing and the like. Culture grows out of what you have.

France is the same. American culture? Would that be Native American culture? Oh, er.... no, you don't want the US to go back to the culture it was 500 years ago, do you?

Culture cannot be bottled, you try and do that, it will stagnate.

The BIGGEST killer of culture is new technology.

Kids don't dance around the Maypole, got to fairs and thing like this much any more, they play games on their computers or watch TV or chat on their phones. Why? Because it's more interesting.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.


You poor desperate wack-jobs don't want to start this shit....none of you wackos would want to live here had the British not conquered and built this nation. Have you been to a disgusting reservation lately? Seen how "natives" live? How about Mexico...seen how lazy, low iQ wetbacks live? Imagine if either would have built America?
Know your role bottom feeders....let leaders lead...you're just along for the ride.
I grew up in Southern Cal and I have seen the bitterness of the lazy whites who do not want to compete with hard working Latinos.
I grew up in Southern Cal and I have seen the bitterness of the lazy whites who do not want to compete with hard working Latinos.

Yep, damn those lazy piece of shit whites...how dare they only be willing to work for a legal wage and employee benefits....how dare they prefer to work jobs requiring iQ....how dare they not be willing to suck dick, work in 115 degree temperatures off the books for $8 per hour, no unemployment coverage, no disability coverage, no SSI.....those filthy whites!
What part of that disgusting shithole Mexico are you from and how long have you been fucking over REAL Americans?
One of the many crazy things about the Psychocrats is that they preach multiculturalism, but they want everyone to be the same...... no religion, no race, no nationality, no class and no gender
Those lazy whites do not want to compete with hard working Latinos, BrokeLoser.

You could have gotten a good education in CA and gone on to good money at more than $8 an hour.

Don't blame others for your own chosen path.
Why are some whites so sick with being white.

That seems to be a solid meme of the densa Alt Right.
I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.
Great. Get the fuck out of America and leave it to its rightful owners, the native Americans.

Who were killing and torturing one another.
As were the Europeans, the Africans, and the Asians.

You make no sense.

And when the whites came to the Americas they tortured and killed the natives.
Those lazy whites do not want to compete with hard working Latinos, BrokeLoser.

You could have gotten a good education in CA and gone on to good money at more than $8 an hour.

Don't blame others for your own chosen path.

You people are so confused and confusing....you want a higher wage for your beloved illegal wetbacks yet you take great pride in what they're willing to do for so little. That's fuckin weird.
Since you love low iQ thirdworlders and what they're willing to do for so little...why don't we just go pluck some Zulus from the jungles of Africa...I'll bet they'll bust their asses for a single pack of Top Ramen at the end of a 14 hour work day...Whatta ya say?
I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.
I want my spaghetti to be Italian, I want my chicken fried rice to be Chinese, I want my beer to be German, I want my taco bowl to be Mexican.
I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.
Great. Get the fuck out of America and leave it to its rightful owners, the native Americans.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.

The problem here is that Germany has developed over time by taking in other peoples and other peoples disappearing and the like. Culture grows out of what you have.

France is the same. American culture? Would that be Native American culture? Oh, er.... no, you don't want the US to go back to the culture it was 500 years ago, do you?

Culture cannot be bottled, you try and do that, it will stagnate.

The BIGGEST killer of culture is new technology.

Kids don't dance around the Maypole, got to fairs and thing like this much any more, they play games on their computers or watch TV or chat on their phones. Why? Because it's more interesting.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.


You poor desperate wack-jobs don't want to start this shit....none of you wackos would want to live here had the British not conquered and built this nation. Have you been to a disgusting reservation lately? Seen how "natives" live? How about Mexico...seen how lazy, low iQ wetbacks live? Imagine if either would have built America?
Know your role bottom feeders....let leaders lead...you're just along for the ride.

I've always said you can tell the measure of people based on where they came from.
While it's not totally accurate it is a good base line.
Just take a look at Africa and Mehico.

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