If you try to make everything multicultural, you will not have any culture in the end

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.
Great. Get the fuck out of America and leave it to its rightful owners, the native Americans.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.

The problem here is that Germany has developed over time by taking in other peoples and other peoples disappearing and the like. Culture grows out of what you have.

France is the same. American culture? Would that be Native American culture? Oh, er.... no, you don't want the US to go back to the culture it was 500 years ago, do you?

Culture cannot be bottled, you try and do that, it will stagnate.

The BIGGEST killer of culture is new technology.

Kids don't dance around the Maypole, got to fairs and thing like this much any more, they play games on their computers or watch TV or chat on their phones. Why? Because it's more interesting.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.


You poor desperate wack-jobs don't want to start this shit....none of you wackos would want to live here had the British not conquered and built this nation. Have you been to a disgusting reservation lately? Seen how "natives" live? How about Mexico...seen how lazy, low iQ wetbacks live? Imagine if either would have built America?
Know your role bottom feeders....let leaders lead...you're just along for the ride.

I've always said you can tell the measure of people based on where they came from.
While it's not totally accurate it is a good base line.

That’s not fair, I’m sure there are some good people in wherever you’re from.
Those lazy whites do not want to compete with hard working Latinos, BrokeLoser.

You could have gotten a good education in CA and gone on to good money at more than $8 an hour.

Don't blame others for your own chosen path.

You people are so confused and confusing....you want a higher wage for your beloved illegal wetbacks yet you take great pride in what they're willing to do for so little. That's fuckin weird.
Since you love low iQ thirdworlders and what they're willing to do for so little...why don't we just go pluck some Zulus from the jungles of Africa...I'll bet they'll bust their asses for a single pack of Top Ramen at the end of a 14 hour work day...Whatta ya say?
IOW, you are not willing to bust your ass.

That's on you and Trog and the others who believe in white privilege.
One of the many crazy things about the Psychocrats is that they preach multiculturalism, but they want everyone to be the same...... no religion, no race, no nationality, no class and no gender
That's not what multiculturalism is turd for brains.
What is your culture?
If you say American, this is what you get:

"American" means all of the cultures and subcultures that have made America to be what it is.
I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.
Great. Get the fuck out of America and leave it to its rightful owners, the native Americans.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.

The problem here is that Germany has developed over time by taking in other peoples and other peoples disappearing and the like. Culture grows out of what you have.

France is the same. American culture? Would that be Native American culture? Oh, er.... no, you don't want the US to go back to the culture it was 500 years ago, do you?

Culture cannot be bottled, you try and do that, it will stagnate.

The BIGGEST killer of culture is new technology.

Kids don't dance around the Maypole, got to fairs and thing like this much any more, they play games on their computers or watch TV or chat on their phones. Why? Because it's more interesting.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.


You poor desperate wack-jobs don't want to start this shit....none of you wackos would want to live here had the British not conquered and built this nation. Have you been to a disgusting reservation lately? Seen how "natives" live? How about Mexico...seen how lazy, low iQ wetbacks live? Imagine if either would have built America?
Know your role bottom feeders....let leaders lead...you're just along for the ride.

I've always said you can tell the measure of people based on where they came from.
While it's not totally accurate it is a good base line.
Just take a look at Africa and Mehico.

or texas. :rolleyes:
To the Left Wingers "Multiculturalism" is the most important issue that there is, but notice that they regard white people and Christians as inversely proportional to “Multiculturalism”. It's really just more left wing hate.
I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.
Great. Get the fuck out of America and leave it to its rightful owners, the native Americans.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.

The problem here is that Germany has developed over time by taking in other peoples and other peoples disappearing and the like. Culture grows out of what you have.

France is the same. American culture? Would that be Native American culture? Oh, er.... no, you don't want the US to go back to the culture it was 500 years ago, do you?

Culture cannot be bottled, you try and do that, it will stagnate.

The BIGGEST killer of culture is new technology.

Kids don't dance around the Maypole, got to fairs and thing like this much any more, they play games on their computers or watch TV or chat on their phones. Why? Because it's more interesting.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.


You poor desperate wack-jobs don't want to start this shit....none of you wackos would want to live here had the British not conquered and built this nation. Have you been to a disgusting reservation lately? Seen how "natives" live? How about Mexico...seen how lazy, low iQ wetbacks live? Imagine if either would have built America?
Know your role bottom feeders....let leaders lead...you're just along for the ride.

See how the natives live after being plied with alcohol and having their crops destroyed, and suffering genocide and ethnic cleansing and having their children taken away from them by the government and working in Uranium mines without sufficient protection and being targeted by the FBI and army and being moved off their land and forced to live on a fucking desert with no means of work and not having anyone to represent them in Congress, the White House or the Supreme Court and I could go on all fucking day.

But you use all this abuse and the subsequent demoralization of the Native peoples to prove how bad they are? Are you serious?

The ONLY country to drop atomic weapons on civilians is the country that goes around the world telling others they can't have nuclear weapons. The country that invades, bombs, interferes relentlessly tells others they are a threat to global security, the country which supports terrorist groups, ousts leaders tells others they are supporting terrorism, and you think this shit is GOOD?
I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.
Great. Get the fuck out of America and leave it to its rightful owners, the native Americans.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.

The problem here is that Germany has developed over time by taking in other peoples and other peoples disappearing and the like. Culture grows out of what you have.

France is the same. American culture? Would that be Native American culture? Oh, er.... no, you don't want the US to go back to the culture it was 500 years ago, do you?

Culture cannot be bottled, you try and do that, it will stagnate.

The BIGGEST killer of culture is new technology.

Kids don't dance around the Maypole, got to fairs and thing like this much any more, they play games on their computers or watch TV or chat on their phones. Why? Because it's more interesting.

I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. and damn it, i want AMERICA to be AMERICAN.


You poor desperate wack-jobs don't want to start this shit....none of you wackos would want to live here had the British not conquered and built this nation. Have you been to a disgusting reservation lately? Seen how "natives" live? How about Mexico...seen how lazy, low iQ wetbacks live? Imagine if either would have built America?
Know your role bottom feeders....let leaders lead...you're just along for the ride.

you're such a broke loser that you don't even understand that you're the desperate wackjob.

insane twit. :rofl:
The French are Germanic.

he's a moron.

white supremacists are a queer breed. they blame everyone else for them being such broker losers and don't take responsibility for their own laziness and failures

I agree with your sentiments. However, many on the left love to paint everyone on the right as being a KKK card-carrying member, which is not even remotely true.
The French are Germanic.

he's a moron.

white supremacists are a queer breed. they blame everyone else for them being such broker losers and don't take responsibility for their own laziness and failures

I agree with your sentiments. However, many on the left love to paint everyone on the right as being a KKK card-carrying member, which is not even remotely true.

I'm sure some do. I don't. And when the Republican Party wasn't taken over my extremists, I voted for more than my fair share of R's.

The thing today is, I think people who voted for this president sure proved a high tolerance for racism and misogyny and incompetence just to get an R in the White House.
The French are Germanic.

he's a moron.

white supremacists are a queer breed. they blame everyone else for them being such broker losers and don't take responsibility for their own laziness and failures

I agree with your sentiments. However, many on the left love to paint everyone on the right as being a KKK card-carrying member, which is not even remotely true.

I'm sure some do. I don't. And when the Republican Party wasn't taken over my extremists, I voted for more than my fair share of R's.

The thing today is, I think people who voted for this president sure proved a high tolerance for racism and misogyny and incompetence just to get an R in the White House.

The right wanted a president that would put the average American first by significantly improving the economy. That's what Trump promised to deliver and that's why he was elected. The claims about racism and misogyny is all a bunch of horseshit that moderate voters in swing states didn't buy. The Obama economy FAILED the average American and that's the number one reason Hillary lost. Welcome to reality. You won't hear this on MSNBC, CNN, ETC.
The French are Germanic.

he's a moron.

white supremacists are a queer breed. they blame everyone else for them being such broker losers and don't take responsibility for their own laziness and failures

I agree with your sentiments. However, many on the left love to paint everyone on the right as being a KKK card-carrying member, which is not even remotely true.

I'm sure some do. I don't. And when the Republican Party wasn't taken over my extremists, I voted for more than my fair share of R's.

The thing today is, I think people who voted for this president sure proved a high tolerance for racism and misogyny and incompetence just to get an R in the White House.

The right wanted a president that would put the average American first by significantly improving the economy. That's what Trump promised to deliver and that's why he was elected. The claims about racism and misogyny is all a bunch of horseshit that moderate voters in swing states didn't buy. The Obama economy FAILED the average American and that's the number one reason Hillary lost. Welcome to reality. You won't hear this on MSNBC, CNN, ETC.

nonsense. the economy was growing under Obama and would have grown even more had Mitch and the R's not decided to obstruct because they wanted to make president Obama a one-termer (that didn't work out so well). and hillary was far more competent to deal with the economy than the orange one. for the record, there is nothing about cutting taxes for the top 1% that helps the working class. that is a lie. Hillary lost for a million reasons, only a couple of which had to do with her. but feel free to talk to me about Wikileaks and Donald and his campaign working with them when everyone knows Assange is patin's boy.

"make America great again" was clearly "screw everyone except for white christian males". I'm sorry you refuse to acknowledge that.

like I said... you may not be a bigot, but you're sure ok with giving them air ... for what reason again? it's not like the stock market going up benefits any of the people you're talking about. let me know what policies Donald is working on, or anyone on the right for that matter, which benefit working people. is it them taking away deductions for state and local taxes while giving a tax write off for private planes? is it Donald spitefully cutting funding that makes sure health insurance is affordable for people who don't have employer based insurance? please let me know.

this screw you, you lost, crap when you have a 36% approval rating and your orange one lost by 3 million votes is obscene.
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How do you surmise that I am "ok" with giving "air" to bigots? Because I voted for Trump? So everyone who voted for Trump supports bigots???

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