If You Want Our Military To Fight, Congress Can Declare War

. And the semantics I called you on is about oil. Believe me, not a subject you want to debate me about.

It is not semantics about the oil, it makes all the difference that the oil produced in this country belongs to the multinational corporations that do the extraction and refining.

It makes a difference that all oil, no matter where it is produced, is sold on the same market.

Here, a good take on the issue...The Myth of U.S. Energy Independence Has Gone Up in Smoke
Trump campaigned on getting us out of these centuries old tribal spats. At least he's trying.

No, he's not, and he hasn't done jack shit about healthcare, and he won't. Want to remind us all of Don's wildass healthcare promises?
Me thinks that nothing Trump would ever do would meet your standard. Why don't you just state that instead of phrasing your statement in a way which engenders some type of possibility?
This really is dishonesty on your part and makes you no better than the people you criticize.
Yes of course, holding Don to what he said is too much to ask. Who do you see me criticizing?
His inaction on an unrelated topic (healthcare)...it clearly gives your position, and bias away.
It's not about the positive...it's the immediate diffraction away to the negative...it's a tactic. Maybe you are not conscious of it...but it is one.
I personally think Trump is a megalomaniacal dick bag who never met a Jewish ass he wouldn't kiss...but he is ATTEMPTING to do something right on this issue.
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Trump campaigned on getting us out of these centuries old tribal spats. At least he's trying.

No, he's not, and he hasn't done jack shit about healthcare, and he won't. Want to remind us all of Don's wildass healthcare promises?[/So the subject]

Want to stay on subject, petunia.? Stupid fucking libtardos are just tedious idiots.

The subject is partisanshitheadism?
Trump campaigned on getting us out of these centuries old tribal spats. At least he's trying.

No, he's not, and he hasn't done jack shit about healthcare, and he won't. Want to remind us all of Don's wildass healthcare promises?

The political mainstream pressured him to invade Syria and remove Assad to save the childrenlike two years ago and all they got was the bombing of a couple empty airfields. If Hillary was president we'd be balls deep in yet another regime change war and that's just a fact.
And Obama took Bush's 2 wars to 7, what's your point?

If Don's shtick was he's an outsider little man like you who will stand up on your/our behalf against the "political mainstream", and he can't/doesn't/won't, then he IS the "political mainstream". There is no point in or to him at all, other than he excites the lizardbrains of tribalists.

You said he's not trying even though he's bucking the political establishment by not starting any new wars. The first president in a while to do so. Hopefully he keeps it up.
Trump campaigned on getting us out of these centuries old tribal spats. At least he's trying.

No, he's not, and he hasn't done jack shit about healthcare, and he won't. Want to remind us all of Don's wildass healthcare promises?
Me thinks that nothing Trump would ever do would meet your standard. Why don't you just state that instead of phrasing your statement in a way which engenders some type of possibility?
This really is dishonesty on your part and makes you no better than the people you criticize.
Yes of course, holding Don to what he said is too much to ask. Who do you see me criticizing?
His inaction on an unrelated topic (healthcare)...it clearly gives your position, and bias away.
It's not about the positive...it's the immediate diffraction away to the negative...it's a tactic. Maybe you are not conscious of it...but it is one.
I personally think Trump is a megalomanical dick bag who never met a Jewish ass he wouldn't kiss...but he is ATTEMPTING to do something right on this issue.
Sure, got it.

The emperor is sure dressed smartly today is he not? My lands!!!!
Trump campaigned on getting us out of these centuries old tribal spats. At least he's trying.

No, he's not, and he hasn't done jack shit about healthcare, and he won't. Want to remind us all of Don's wildass healthcare promises?

The political mainstream pressured him to invade Syria and remove Assad to save the childrenlike two years ago and all they got was the bombing of a couple empty airfields. If Hillary was president we'd be balls deep in yet another regime change war and that's just a fact.
And Obama took Bush's 2 wars to 7, what's your point?

If Don's shtick was he's an outsider little man like you who will stand up on your/our behalf against the "political mainstream", and he can't/doesn't/won't, then he IS the "political mainstream". There is no point in or to him at all, other than he excites the lizardbrains of tribalists.

You said he's not trying even though he's bucking the political establishment by not starting any new wars. The first president in a while to do so. Hopefully he keeps it up.

The empire cannot exist without endless war, slaughter and occupation now, and it is utterly bipartisan. Even your standard here is woefully impotent. We're dropping bombs somewhere every 12 minutes. We will partner with anyone and support 73% of the world's dictatorships. Our 2009 coup in Honduras has resulted in migration northward and we just tried to pull the same shit in Venezuela. Yet again, under Don.

Don does not do what he claims he will, just like all the rest. Your president is not in charge of when we war. Just like congress was neutered when it comes to war because in that manner, so long as there is no draft, the people can be cut completely out of the process of war decision making.
. And the semantics I called you on is about oil. Believe me, not a subject you want to debate me about.

It is not semantics about the oil, it makes all the difference that the oil produced in this country belongs to the multinational corporations that do the extraction and refining.

It makes a difference that all oil, no matter where it is produced, is sold on the same market.

Here, a good take on the issue...The Myth of U.S. Energy Independence Has Gone Up in Smoke

Total tripe. The entire premise of that lame article is that the price of oil is going up after the attack on Saudi Arabia and guess what petunia, Friday it traded at the same price as the day of the attack.

Now the only leverage middle east oil has on us is refining grade requirements. Which we can convert our refineries to process our own oil.
. And the semantics I called you on is about oil. Believe me, not a subject you want to debate me about.

It is not semantics about the oil, it makes all the difference that the oil produced in this country belongs to the multinational corporations that do the extraction and refining.

It makes a difference that all oil, no matter where it is produced, is sold on the same market.

Here, a good take on the issue...The Myth of U.S. Energy Independence Has Gone Up in Smoke

Total tripe. The entire premise of that lame article is that the price of oil is going up after the attack on Saudi Arabia and guess what petunia, Friday it traded at the same price as the day of the attack.

Now the only leverage middle east oil has on us is refining grade requirements. Which we can convert our refineries to process our own oil.

And then we'll leave the ME? Gee, what's the hold up? Seems you admit we're cucked to the ME over oil.
Trump campaigned on getting us out of these centuries old tribal spats. At least he's trying.

I can't believe the Democrats are railing about NOT putting our troops on the front lines. I can't believe the war hawks are claiming we should stay and fight when they're not the ones doing the fighting. Always someone else's kid has to go fight these stupid Mid-East wars.

We have a vested interest to maintain stability in the Persian Gulf as it has a direct impact on the world's economy. Troops stationed in the region as a deterrent makes perfect sense, but to fight the area's outlier spats is not worth our soldiers lives.

Trump is doing the right things, forcing NATO to pay up, forcing the United Nations to live up to their mandate in the Middle East, and forcing Democrats to put up or shut up. Congress can declare war.

We became energy independent and it's time to reap the dividends now we're not dependent on Middle East oil. Let some other country's kids die for the oil if they want it.
War Hawks or chicken hawks? There's a difference, War hawks have actually served in the military and in many instances saw combat, chicken hawks have never served, never put their lives on the line (actively avoided military service) but are more than willing to let others do the fighting and dying.
There was NO crisis until Trump created one. Trumps decisions result in failure

When was your ass on the line in military service? Let me guess, never.
And before you can open your stupid mouth seven years service including Vietnam for me.
. And the semantics I called you on is about oil. Believe me, not a subject you want to debate me about.

It is not semantics about the oil, it makes all the difference that the oil produced in this country belongs to the multinational corporations that do the extraction and refining.

It makes a difference that all oil, no matter where it is produced, is sold on the same market.

Here, a good take on the issue...The Myth of U.S. Energy Independence Has Gone Up in Smoke

Total tripe. The entire premise of that lame article is that the price of oil is going up after the attack on Saudi Arabia and guess what petunia, Friday it traded at the same price as the day of the attack.

Now the only leverage middle east oil has on us is refining grade requirements. Which we can convert our refineries to process our own oil.

And then we'll leave the ME? Gee, what's the hold up? Seems you admit we're cucked to the ME over oil.

Oh, for fucks sakes, petunia. Go back and read the original post. Tedious fucking libtardos have been raised to expect everyone else to do their work for them.

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