If you were a lawmaker what would the punishment be for Idenity theft/impersonation?

I don't care where it's from, I like it.

But, it depends on how much they stole.

A minimum of 1 year per $5,000.
So like our brilliant lawmakers, you'd give them a job where personal info is readilly available to the addicted offender?
So like our brilliant lawmakers, you'd give them a job where personal info is readily available to the addicted offender?
OK, OK, get to the point already, you don't like Jesus. (I can be a very impatient person. Sorry.)
I kind of agree with Will

The punishment depends on the magnitude of the crime.

Hanging for ID theft? Thats barbaric. Let me guess, some ME nation hangs them........:confused:
Ok Random you know it's gonna turn into a lesson, but this one has 2 in one maybe 3.
1) when Yeshu (part of the converged Jesus image) was stoned and hanged it was for forbidden sorcery scams and destructive teachings that lead people astray, but also for impersonation/impostering
Rabbi Yehuda Ben Tabbai.
Then there is the created image called Jesus the converged myth was impostering the son of man head of the hosts by way of Rome's plagiarism and adversary stance.
Rev 1:13 Jesus is "LIKE unto" (resembling emulating) SON OF MAN , not that he was son of man.
Jesus is claimed the "thief in the Night" (of theEvening star) and called himself the nemesis of the Night
in Rev 22:16.
The church gave Jesus all the Michael (evening star)roles (impersonating him).
Roles like messenger of truth (Dan 10:21),
Redeemer/restorer (Dan 12:1-4),
The Judge ( Antiph. off. Cf. "Hermas", Pastor, I, 3, Simil. VIII, 3) & IIQ13 "Heavenly Prince Melchizedek Scroll" & 1 Enoch 20:5 &
EXODUS 23:20 & 1 Enoch 53:6,
messenger of righteousness,
head of host, son of man, king of righteousness (Melech Tsadek-Melchizedek. and so on...
This is why there are 2 sects of Christianity that think Jesus was Michael, because the church impostered the Biblical Moshiach=identity theft.
So that answers the question why Jesus would call out to this holy father (head of the hosts) asking why he had foresaken him.
2) you say his punishment should have been jail or enslavement, but we are in our era supposedly more evolved then the era where the punishment to us seemed to barbaric. That's a good thing because it means we grew and have more compassion and forgiveness and progressed from those ways, but we must not treat their era in context of ours as their ways was what was acceptable in their age if time. That being said this one ID theif caused over 50 million murders and thousands of wars and because he was an image of a man it's his creator of that image which needs justice, so now you are saying enslave or jail what exactly?
3)the third lesson is that as we find our era with little to no privacy and seedy immoral people have access to our personal data and every move, do atheists and those who scoff at rules and laws (or think their idol eliminates the need for the law) really feel comfortable in a world with no moral ethics and standards guidance knowing that every aspect of life opens them up to being burnt by their same lacking standards? Is it always the case that people who pooey the law are always the ones who cry the loudest when the law is broken upon them. City of Baltimore is a perfect example right now.
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Identity theft is a major problem in our age of online banking and what not, and since even Hollywood (USA) is in on the action, making computing-networking themed movies such as "Johnny Mnemonic" (1995) and "The Net" (1995), you know that it's on everyone's mind and all over the marketplace.

You could go so far as to say that an identity thief, like an Internet hacker, is the new age terrorist, borderline sociopathic (unless he/she is working for the NSA or the Taliban!).

I like the fictional American comic book super-villain Electro (Marvel Comics), a mutant who can distort electrical grids and manipulate electricity itself to give everyone in the city a downright difficult time. Yep, Electro is a real maniac.

I would at least recommend community service punishments for identity thieves, so less people will feel 'intellectually' excited about hacking into computer/Internet files and records in our age of personal data-storage savvy.


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