If You Were A Soldier In The Field -

If you were a soldier in the field and ran across this kid carrying a rifle, would you shoot him?

Speaking AS a soldier, in this scenario if at all possible disarm the kid. If he fires at you, you have no choice.

This may sound cruel and barbaric to many, usually and ironically to people who already support and defend the 'right' to murder a child at any stage of pregnancy, chop it up, and sell it for cash or Lamborghinis.

During Viet Nam kids fresh out of high school were drafted, quickly trained, and thrown into the 'Meat Grinder', a war in which the enemy was fanatically willing to die for their cause. This was hard enough for the average American to contemplate as it was unconceivable to us, but imagine how an 18yo kid, who should be at a prom not in a jungle, felt having to deal with it.

Women and children were used to attack US troops, with hand-grenades, satchel charges, guns... Soldiers had two choices: Stand there & refuse to kill a woman or a child OR defend yourself. (I am not saying other situations did not occur - I am addressing the legal combat scenario).

When these KIDS returned home, Liberal scumbags who either dodged the draft or simply didn't go protested, spat upon them, and called them 'baby killer' and other horrible names. These Liberals were too STUPID to realize these kids did not VOLUNTEER to go, did not start the war, and did not want the war. They blamed the 'tools' the federal government uses to fight it's wars, not the federal government / politicians!

There would be a lot less war if the politicians who started wars / voted to go to war actually had to lead the charge at the front lines!

But yes, in war, if you HAVE to defend yourself you would kill WHOEVER is shooting at you. You can say, 'No I wouldn't', but you will never know what you are capable of and willing to do until you are in that situation.
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