If you were not born here you should not be allowed to serve in an elected capacity

Refute your ideas? First you insist on typing everything in purple italics.
All I'm getting out of that is that you have a problem with purple. Whether I type in one color, or another, or any specific type of font has nothing to do with my arguments.
Then, you kick things off by claiming that the media is state controlled and state funded. What country do you live in? Our media is corporate owned and funded. And if anything the Media exerts control over the government. At least it has so with Trump.
Operation Mockingbird has been mentioned and confirmed by the Government itself, they have openly acknowledged that the news media is controlled by the CIA, their funding can also be cut off by the Government since they're running on subsidies. This is not surprising since they're a mouthpiece of the Government. None of this is controversial information, except to someone who never bothered researching the subject.
Like I said, you're a a rambling mess and a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
Calling someone crazy does not refute their arguments. If you had a counterargument, you wouldn't have to resort to that.

I could continue to engage in this silliness with you or I could have a conversation with my kitchen chair. Both will be just as productive. Only difference is my kitchen chair isn't a fucking nut job.
Disagree. Just because someone wasn’t born here doesn’t mean they won’t prioritize America.
You can disagree all you like. Living proof is in DC right now governing us.
He who squats in the White House? He doesnt prioritize America, but he had the accidental fortune of being born here. A country created by immigrants.
You're as dumb a bitch as Jillian the fake ambulance chaser.
Is he who squats in the Whitehouse a fucking foreign born useless cvnt who supports isis?

Get off my leg you stupid bitch
Put down the bottle gramps.

He is a useless **** who supports neonazi’s.
What bottle. Because I challenge you that is now the goto insult? Are you 12 or just a stupid gullible fool. Take apart my points and leave the personal shit for the flamezone. You're part of this website for fucks sake, follow the god damn rules you so eagerly enforce

We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
not all foreign born people are like omar....
But they bring with them,ideals that are not America, she should be disqualified

Then so should Trump if unAmerican ideals are a disqualifier.
You can disagree all you like. Living proof is in DC right now governing us.
He who squats in the White House? He doesnt prioritize America, but he had the accidental fortune of being born here. A country created by immigrants.
You're as dumb a bitch as Jillian the fake ambulance chaser.
Is he who squats in the Whitehouse a fucking foreign born useless cvnt who supports isis?

Get off my leg you stupid bitch
Put down the bottle gramps.

He is a useless **** who supports neonazi’s.
What bottle. Because I challenge you that is now the goto insult? Are you 12 or just a stupid gullible fool. Take apart my points and leave the personal shit for the flamezone. You're part of this website for fucks sake, follow the god damn rules you so eagerly enforce

Are you or are you not staff?

Nuff said

Even on my actual drinking nights I best most of you dumbasses.

As stated before, stop humping my leg. Attack my points or stfu
Refute your ideas? First you insist on typing everything in purple italics.
All I'm getting out of that is that you have a problem with purple. Whether I type in one color, or another, or any specific type of font has nothing to do with my arguments.
Then, you kick things off by claiming that the media is state controlled and state funded. What country do you live in? Our media is corporate owned and funded. And if anything the Media exerts control over the government. At least it has so with Trump.
Operation Mockingbird has been mentioned and confirmed by the Government itself, they have openly acknowledged that the news media is controlled by the CIA, their funding can also be cut off by the Government since they're running on subsidies. This is not surprising since they're a mouthpiece of the Government. None of this is controversial information, except to someone who never bothered researching the subject.
Like I said, you're a a rambling mess and a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
Calling someone crazy does not refute their arguments. If you had a counterargument, you wouldn't have to resort to that.

I could continue to engage in this silliness with you or I could have a conversation with my kitchen chair. Both will be just as productive. Only difference is my kitchen chair isn't a fucking nut job.
If I was really a nutjob, you'd refute my argument. You're not, and are instead choosing to make weak adhom attacks. This indicates that you can't. Maybe instead of speaking with your chair, or making yourself look like a low-information chump, you could go research my claims, or Hell, even your own.

Then again, watching you resort to pathetic adhom attacks is amusing, so it could be better that you continue doing that, it shows me how offended you are about being proven wrong. Reactions like yours are honestly the only reason I still lurk here.
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
not all foreign born people are like omar....
But they bring with them,ideals that are not America, she should be disqualified

Then so should Trump if unAmerican ideals are a disqualifier.
Like? Name one. He’s natural citizen, she’s a fking Islamic prick who shouldn’t be telling me about my country! Fk her
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
not all foreign born people are like omar....
But they bring with them,ideals that are not America, she should be disqualified

Then so should Trump if unAmerican ideals are a disqualifier.
Like? Name one. He’s natural citizen, she’s a fking Islamic prick
And he’s a fucking white nationalist prick.
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
not all foreign born people are like omar....
But they bring with them,ideals that are not America, she should be disqualified

Then so should Trump if unAmerican ideals are a disqualifier.
Like? Name one. He’s natural citizen, she’s a fking Islamic prick
And he’s a fucking white nationalist prick.
FYI, I'm not drinking. I'm having a really bad day.
Air conditioner broke last night and the tech didn't show up until 4pm today. The heat index today was 112 and I'm fucking HOT. Despite the repairs it is still 82 damn degrees in my house. Neither money nor booze make air cold.
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
That’s one of the dumbest ideas I’ve heard in a while. How does being born here qualify a person more than somebody who was born somewhere else? What does the birth pace have to do with anything except for luck of the draw?
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
not all foreign born people are like omar....
But they bring with them,ideals that are not America, she should be disqualified

Then so should Trump if unAmerican ideals are a disqualifier.
Like? Name one. He’s natural citizen, she’s a fking Islamic prick
And he’s a fucking white nationalist prick.
You hate America, obviously, you can leave too
If you were not born here you should not be allowed to serve in an elected capacity, and I suppose while we're at it let's do away with the Electoral College.
not all foreign born people are like omar....
But they bring with them,ideals that are not America, she should be disqualified

Then so should Trump if unAmerican ideals are a disqualifier.
Like? Name one. He’s natural citizen, she’s a fking Islamic prick
And he’s a fucking white nationalist prick.
FYI, I'm not drinking. I'm having a really bad day.
Air conditioner broke last night and the tech didn't show up until 4pm today. The heat index today was 112 and I'm fucking HOT. Despite the repairs it is still 82 damn degrees in my house. Neither money nor booze make air cold.

I am sorry about that...that does make for an awful day :(
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
That’s one of the dumbest ideas I’ve heard in a while. How does being born here qualify a person more than somebody who was born somewhere else? What does the birth pace have to do with anything except for luck of the draw?
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
Oh gee what a convenient brand new take on things.
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.

If you were not born here to LEGAL PARENTS you should not be allowed to serve in an elected capacity
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
That’s one of the dumbest ideas I’ve heard in a while. How does being born here qualify a person more than somebody who was born somewhere else? What does the birth pace have to do with anything except for luck of the draw?
That’s a different argument. What if somebody was born in another country but immigrated here as a toddler?
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.

If you were not born here to LEGAL PARENTS you should not be allowed to serve in an elected capacity
Why not?
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
That’s one of the dumbest ideas I’ve heard in a while. How does being born here qualify a person more than somebody who was born somewhere else? What does the birth pace have to do with anything except for luck of the draw?
That’s a different argument. What if somebody was born in another country but immigrated here as a toddler?
Getting into the weeds. You can't legislate every aspect of someones life. And god help us if they tried.
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.

If you were not born here to LEGAL PARENTS you should not be allowed to serve in an elected capacity
Why not?

The same reason the children of bank robbers shouldn’t be entitled to keep the stolen loot.

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