If you were not born here you should not be allowed to serve in an elected capacity

We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
That’s one of the dumbest ideas I’ve heard in a while. How does being born here qualify a person more than somebody who was born somewhere else? What does the birth pace have to do with anything except for luck of the draw?
That’s a different argument. What if somebody was born in another country but immigrated here as a toddler?
Getting into the weeds. You can't legislate every aspect of someones life. And god help us if they tried.
Well it’s your idea so what’s the plan? Kid comes here as a baby and they are disqualified from public service?
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.

If you were not born here to LEGAL PARENTS you should not be allowed to serve in an elected capacity
Why not?

The same reason the children of bank robbers shouldn’t be entitled to keep the stolen loot.
If those kids are citizens then how do you justify stripping them of the same rights as other Americans?
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
That’s one of the dumbest ideas I’ve heard in a while. How does being born here qualify a person more than somebody who was born somewhere else? What does the birth pace have to do with anything except for luck of the draw?
That’s a different argument. What if somebody was born in another country but immigrated here as a toddler?
Getting into the weeds. You can't legislate every aspect of someones life. And god help us if they tried.
Well it’s your idea so what’s the plan? Kid comes here as a baby and they are disqualified from public service?
On a national level? Yes

Our constitution has carve outs for all kinds of people including citizens.
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.

If you were not born here to LEGAL PARENTS you should not be allowed to serve in an elected capacity
Why not?

The same reason the children of bank robbers shouldn’t be entitled to keep the stolen loot.
If those kids are citizens then how do you justify stripping them of the same rights as other Americans?

The 14th has been misinterpreted for decades...We’re not a nation that rewards children for their parents criminality.
Think once
That’s one of the dumbest ideas I’ve heard in a while. How does being born here qualify a person more than somebody who was born somewhere else? What does the birth pace have to do with anything except for luck of the draw?
That’s a different argument. What if somebody was born in another country but immigrated here as a toddler?
Getting into the weeds. You can't legislate every aspect of someones life. And god help us if they tried.
Well it’s your idea so what’s the plan? Kid comes here as a baby and they are disqualified from public service?
On a national level? Yes

Our constitution has carve outs for all kinds of people including citizens.
I’m just not understanding the promos of your argument. If somebody immigrates here becomes a citizen, runs for office, and gets elected then what is your complaint?
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.

If you were not born here to LEGAL PARENTS you should not be allowed to serve in an elected capacity
Why not?

The same reason the children of bank robbers shouldn’t be entitled to keep the stolen loot.
If those kids are citizens then how do you justify stripping them of the same rights as other Americans?

The 14th has been misinterpreted for decades...We’re not a nation that rewards children for their parents criminality.
Think once
The law is the law, of you do t like it then change it.

I’d vote to amend that law though. Children should receive the citizenship rights of their parents... but that’s not what this discussion is about
There is a global movement to force the borders of the USA open and make it the property of the world and I find that totally unacceptable...we all...
right and left must fight that with all we have regardless of political ideology....we are special because of our system of government and there are outside powers that wants to crush that here....never let them succeed....stand with Trump when he says "we will never be a socialist nation"....
I’m just not understanding the promos of your argument.

It was pretty simple right from the first post. If you can't grasp it I can't help you
Well your argument doesn’t make sense. You don’t want radicals whose interests are in other lands holding office. But what makes you think any of those are working so hard to become IS citizens and of those that do how why would any be elected into office. those that are elected into office are so by American citizens. That is the people’s choice of who they want representing their community.
There is a global movement to force the borders of the USA open and make it the property of the world and I find that totally unacceptable...we all...
right and left must fight that with all we have regardless of political ideology....we are special because of our system of government and there are outside powers that wants to crush that here....never let them succeed....stand with Trump when he says "we will never be a socialist nation"....
Democrats eagerly await the day America becomes 49 percent white. Democrats are the enemy as much as non-white foreigners are.
I’m just not understanding the promos of your argument.

It was pretty simple right from the first post. If you can't grasp it I can't help you
Well your argument doesn’t make sense. You don’t want radicals whose interests are in other lands holding office. But what makes you think any of those are working so hard to become IS citizens and of those that do how why would any be elected into office. those that are elected into office are so by American citizens. That is the people’s choice of who they want representing their community.
What makes me think that? Omar and her enclave of unassimilated dirtbag constituents.

Next stupid question?
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.

Hate the Constitution? You can leave anytime.
I’m just not understanding the promos of your argument.

It was pretty simple right from the first post. If you can't grasp it I can't help you
Well your argument doesn’t make sense. You don’t want radicals whose interests are in other lands holding office. But what makes you think any of those are working so hard to become IS citizens and of those that do how why would any be elected into office. those that are elected into office are so by American citizens. That is the people’s choice of who they want representing their community.
What makes me think that? Omar and her enclave of unassimilated dirtbag constituents.

Next stupid question?
Don’t see the problem with having people in office that have different opinions as yourself. If they suck they will get voted out. This is on the citizens too.
As Of 2009, There Were 114,601 Foreign-Born Individuals Serving In The Military; 12% Of Them Were Not U.S. Citizens. The Immigration Policy Center reported, “As of June 30, 2009, there were 114,601 foreign-born individuals serving in the armed forces, representing 7.91 percent of the 1.4 million military personnel on active duty. Roughly 80.97 percent of foreign-born service members were naturalized U.S. citizens, while 12.66 percent were not U.S. citizens.” [Margaret D. Stock, Immigration Policy Center, 11/09
Fact Sheet: Immigrants and the Military - America's Voice
How many of you Little Trumpsters, who think that if person hasn't been born in the US, shouldn't be able to run for a government office, served in the armed service?
Disagree. Just because someone wasn’t born here doesn’t mean they won’t prioritize America.
You can disagree all you like. Living proof is in DC right now governing us.
He who squats in the White House? He doesnt prioritize America, but he had the accidental fortune of being born here. A country created by immigrants.
You're as dumb a bitch as Jillian the fake ambulance chaser.
Is he who squats in the Whitehouse a fucking foreign born useless cvnt who supports isis?

Get off my leg you stupid bitch
Put down the bottle gramps.

He is a useless **** who supports neonazi’s.
What bottle. Because I challenge you that is now the goto insult? Are you 12 or just a stupid gullible fool. Take apart my points and leave the personal shit for the flamezone. You're part of this website for fucks sake, follow the god damn rules you so eagerly enforce
The purpose of the first amendment free speech, is to be able to speak out against our government and government officials without the government using their positions and power to stop us.

Trump doesn't like her insulting him and is using his position and power and influence on you all to shut her up.
We need a constitutional amendment to protect our interests from foreign governments.

Fighting amongst ourselves is bad enough. We don't need radicals who's interest lies in other lands and their way of life making shit even worse.

Not born here? YOU CAN NOT SERVE.
not all foreign born people are like omar....
But they bring with them,ideals that are not America, she should be disqualified
and many of them embrace our society.....she is an ass but it aint going to be up to us to get rid of her...

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