If you were president, who (name 3 people) would be in your cabinet?

I would want Giuliani bc.. that dude knows how to run a city... I read a book about what he did in NYC

Bernard Kerik, great Chief of Police... keep those dims in DC in line :)

Jenna Ellis would be there

someone from the Trump family... not crazy about how JR ditched his wife and took up with that... uh... whatever... so I guess Eric or Ivanka

and I am still compiling my list...
Manny Moe and Jack. I heard they were Republicans.
I would want Giuliani bc.. that dude knows how to run a city... I read a book about what he did in NYC

Bernard Kerik, great Chief of Police... keep those dims in DC in line :)

Jenna Ellis would be there

someone from the Trump family... not crazy about how JR ditched his wife and took up with that... uh... whatever... so I guess Eric or Ivanka

and I am still compiling my list...

If you were president, who (name 3 people) would be in your cabinet?​

Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Stephen Miller
Tucker Carlson

SUPER hardcore nationalists.
I would want Giuliani bc.. that dude knows how to run a city... I read a book about what he did in NYC

Bernard Kerik, great Chief of Police... keep those dims in DC in line :)

Jenna Ellis would be there

someone from the Trump family... not crazy about how JR ditched his wife and took up with that... uh... whatever... so I guess Eric or Ivanka

and I am still compiling my list...
I would want Giuliani bc.. that dude knows how to run a city... I read a book about what he did in NYC

Bernard Kerik, great Chief of Police... keep those dims in DC in line :)

Jenna Ellis would be there

someone from the Trump family... not crazy about how JR ditched his wife and took up with that... uh... whatever... so I guess Eric or Ivanka

and I am still compiling my list...
If willing:
Ron Desantis VP,
Elon Musk for Treasury,
Ted Cruz or Trey Gowdy for Attorney General (or other positions),
Tom Holman for Homeland Security,
Winsome Sears for UN Ambassador,
Rand Paul for Surgeon General or Dept of Health,
Candce Owens for Education, Interior or something.
Tucker Carlson for White House Press Secretary.
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What about people who want to be wealthy?

Can they be trusted to do the right/honest thing?
Wealthy people who never had the slightest inclination for public service suddenly deciding to run for office, perhaps out of boredom, are entering politics for the prestige and access.
If you were president, who (name 3 people) would be in your cabinet?

If somehow, I wound up as President, I would know damn well that I do not have nearly the knowledge or wisdom to carry out the job myself. I would need to surround myself with a cabinet of honest and wise Americans, who knew all the things that I do not, about how to run a country.

At this point, I can only think of one individual, the very first I would approach. He's a gentleman for whom I worked a very long time ago. Honest and wise, of exceptionally good character. And he is an excellent judge of character, and he knows a lot of people who are similar, and who are experts in various fields. Before anything else, I'd ask him to join, and his first job would be to help me find and select all the others that I need in my cabinet.
Wealthy people should not be governing average folk.
Au contraire, wealthy people tend to know how to run things successfully. Their own finances and the finances of their businesses. It is extremely important to have economically-knowledgeable people in charge of things that affect the finances of of everyone, and running America's economy is orders of magnitude more complicated than running a business or some volunteer organization as a social worker.

Here's the kind of non-nonsensical gibberish you get from people who have no clue about basic economics...

From my experience, everything was better under Trump.
If anything was better under Trump it was not because he actually tried to make things better. He kicked every can down the road with as much force as he could muster.
If anything was better under Trump it was not because he actually tried to make things better. He kicked every can down the road with as much force as he could muster.

Keep spinning, you'll eventually get there.

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