If your candidate loses tonight.

I will cuss at the dumber then a post idiots that voted. Then wait until the fools get what they voted for then laugh at the dumbfounded looks on their faces. Other then that not much will change.
If your choice for President loses tonight will you freak out and have a meltdown or accept it and live your life? I will get up go to work tomorrow and live my life just like I have done every other time my choice didn't win.

Well if Trump doesn't win I sure won't melt down, and riot in the streets. Of course if he does win the left will do just that. It will be 2016 all over again.

If Biden does win it will be very bad for this country. The things he wants to do sure won't help the economy and his green shit will bankrupt the country.

I sure hope Trump wins.
Don’t care. I don’t have a candidate and I don’t vote. Only fools vote. It clearly means nothing. History proves it.

So.....how do you earn freedom?

Did you believe it was "free" ?

I would say that every human who never had to fight for their freedom, truly believes freedom is free and abundant.
History is a stark reminder otherwise.
If your choice for President loses tonight will you freak out and have a meltdown or accept it and live your life? I will get up go to work tomorrow and live my life just like I have done every other time my choice didn't win.

Why is this question being asked of EVERYONE on this board and not just the snowflakes?

After Hillary lost the election in 2016 Democrats, the Fake News Media, and snowflakes lost their ever-lovin' damn minds.
- Democrats and snowflakes openly wept.
- Snowflakes took to the streets and screamed at the sky like demented coyotes.
- Democrats attempted failed political coup after failed political coup.
- Democrats violated the Constitution, trampled Constitutional and civilrights, and violated the Rule of law.
- They committed perjury, obstruction, sedition, illegally spied on Americans, committed FISA Court crimes
- Conspirators admitted to leaking classified, violating citizen's rights, and several finally confessed
- Democrats Censured the US AG for refusing to BREAK the law
- They perpetrated the 1st US politically partisan Impeachment based on zero crimes / evidence / witnesses
- The Left Wing Media was proven complicit in the Russian Collusion False Narrative - treason, not news
- The Left extremist groups funded by Soros and China - BLM & Antifa - burned, destroyed, attacked, & killed
- Democrat-run cities were savaged by domestic terrorists & criminals while the Democrats facilitated it all

For 3 1/2 years butt-hurt, reality-denying, psychotic, losers attempted everything - legal or not - to undo an election, to illegally remove the newly elected President from office, to overthrow the US government

A President, his Cabinet, and the top officials in his Agencies were proven to have participated in the political coup. One is in jail now, cooperating with the DOJ's investigator, and he's naming names.

For 4 years Democrats have undermined the newly elected President, engaged in Sedition...this has NEVER happened in the US in its history.

To prove how bad the extreme left has become, businesses in major cities have boarded up their businesses, National Guards have been activated and are on standby, and even an un-scalable wall has been erected, protected by police / national guard leading up to today to prepare for the extreme violence the Left has promised, violence our Intel has reported IS coming...NEVER in our nation's history have we had THIS happen, either.

The Left is STILL out of its f*ing mind with irrational hatred that is off the charts. If you think things have been bad since they lost in 2016, if / when Biden loses THIS election the violence and extreme aftermath to follow will dwarf what we have seen so far.

On the other side, Conservatives, Republicans, and the victims of the Democrats' crimes and violent childish tantrums have done nothing by comparison.
If your choice for President loses tonight will you freak out and have a meltdown or accept it and live your life? I will get up go to work tomorrow and live my life just like I have done every other time my choice didn't win.

No "freaking out here". Whoever wins does not matter, not in the long run—and not on a global scale. COVID-19 madness will continue either way. Globally we're on a fast train straight to hell. That being said, should DJT lose, I do hope he will do another TV show. I'll miss his spunk up on the stage.
If your choice for President loses tonight will you freak out and have a meltdown or accept it and live your life? I will get up go to work tomorrow and live my life just like I have done every other time my choice didn't win.
Biden voters will go to the nearest Walmart and claim their free big screen TV

very interesting-----lets see what a BIDEN WIN does for the crime rate----
theoretically (from the idiot POV) street crime should COMPLETELY
If your choice for President loses tonight will you freak out and have a meltdown or accept it and live your life? I will get up go to work tomorrow and live my life just like I have done every other time my choice didn't win.

Why is this question being asked of EVERYONE on this board and not just the snowflakes?

After Hillary lost the election in 2016 Democrats, the Fake News Media, and snowflakes lost their ever-lovin' damn minds.
- Democrats and snowflakes openly wept.
- Snowflakes took to the streets and screamed at the sky like demented coyotes.
- Democrats attempted failed political coup after failed political coup.
- Democrats violated the Constitution, trampled Constitutional and civilrights, and violated the Rule of law.
- They committed perjury, obstruction, sedition, illegally spied on Americans, committed FISA Court crimes
- Conspirators admitted to leaking classified, violating citizen's rights, and several finally confessed
- Democrats Censured the US AG for refusing to BREAK the law
- They perpetrated the 1st US politically partisan Impeachment based on zero crimes / evidence / witnesses
- The Left Wing Media was proven complicit in the Russian Collusion False Narrative - treason, not news
- The Left extremist groups funded by Soros and China - BLM & Antifa - burned, destroyed, attacked, & killed
- Democrat-run cities were savaged by domestic terrorists & criminals while the Democrats facilitated it all

For 3 1/2 years butt-hurt, reality-denying, psychotic, losers attempted everything - legal or not - to undo an election, to illegally remove the newly elected President from office, to overthrow the US government

A President, his Cabinet, and the top officials in his Agencies were proven to have participated in the political coup. One is in jail now, cooperating with the DOJ's investigator, and he's naming names.

For 4 years Democrats have undermined the newly elected President, engaged in Sedition...this has NEVER happened in the US in its history.

To prove how bad the extreme left has become, businesses in major cities have boarded up their businesses, National Guards have been activated and are on standby, and even an un-scalable wall has been erected, protected by police / national guard leading up to today to prepare for the extreme violence the Left has promised, violence our Intel has reported IS coming...NEVER in our nation's history have we had THIS happen, either.

The Left is STILL out of its f*ing mind with irrational hatred that is off the charts. If you think things have been bad since they lost in 2016, if / when Biden loses THIS election the violence and extreme aftermath to follow will dwarf what we have seen so far.

On the other side, Conservatives, Republicans, and the victims of the Democrats' crimes and violent childish tantrums have done nothing by comparison.
awesome post
this is the biggest election since Ruben Studdard beat Clay Aiken. remember the riots back then? this will be worse!
If your choice for President loses tonight will you freak out and have a meltdown or accept it and live your life? I will get up go to work tomorrow and live my life just like I have done every other time my choice didn't win.
Biden voters will go to the nearest Walmart and claim their free big screen TV

very interesting-----lets see what a BIDEN WIN does for the crime rate----
theoretically (from the idiot POV) street crime should COMPLETELY

I should add-----a few weeks ago I visited Delaware for the first time in my
LONG LONG life. ------that's Biden's baby-----a senator, historically, is
something like the GODFATHER of his Turf. (from the Roman form in
ancient times) A senator MUST be a landowner---(biden owns half of
Delaware) ----so as a senator he is actually PATERFAMILIAS of all the
people who reside on his land. That shithole is RIFE with violent street
crime----------sheeeeesh ----say what you will, Trump is right about his

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