If your not voting Romney you are wanting Obama to win.

WHICH one is the question...and also the reason for my use of the term "bullshit".

Plan vs no plan........Thats the biggest point......

Dems cower from coming to the table.

The only thing the party could muster was any cut is extreme.

Do you buy into that?

I do NOT buy into that. However, since Romney/Ryan haven't told me (me specifically) what will be there when and if I ever get to retire (I include SS in this because Ryan wanted to kill that too). Do I get ANYTHING for all of the money I have put into the systems over the past 30 years?
:lmao: Oh the drama.

No one wants to kill anything, They want to make it solvent.

Odd you slam any plan after you have to pass it to see whats in it.

The dem plan is what???? LET IT GO TITS UP. Keep it in the general fund so the money can be spent.......Run from negotiations....

What?? Offer the dem alternative........
Ether you are full of shit or you should be reprimanded for not working.

I dont want to pester you.

However my question remains open.

We have two big government choices, Only one do we pin hopes on in reducing government.

What does NDAA stand for? Cant answer that question if I dont understand the short hand used....

Are you sure they are two big government choices???? First off Romney doesnt make the bills thats congress...Second Obama will in fact NEVER sign a bill the reduces government yet Romney we all know will IF it is put in front of him. Romney is not a radical ideologue our president is....THAT alone makes him the only viable choice if you wish the country to survive past the next 4 years.

Really? Didn't he just say this past week state that he disagreed with his fellow GOP brethren on the cuts to the defense budget?
ah this argument. The one where if Reid brings one The house will block it and if the house passes one the senate will block it.

keep trying hack
When did that happen ? I do remember the house actually voting on budgets.....

You didnt understand what i said huh?

You are more of a picture person aren't yah.

I bet you are one of those wannabe grizzy moms who thought Sarah Palin was brainy
Your not getting it you are part of the problem. This thread isnt about you. We already know you will blow what ever Democrat Progressive put in front of you....At least you are honest about that
Plan vs no plan........Thats the biggest point......

Dems cower from coming to the table.

The only thing the party could muster was any cut is extreme.

Do you buy into that?

I do NOT buy into that. However, since Romney/Ryan haven't told me (me specifically) what will be there when and if I ever get to retire (I include SS in this because Ryan wanted to kill that too). Do I get ANYTHING for all of the money I have put into the systems over the past 30 years?
:lmao: Oh the drama.

No one wants to kill anything, They want to make it solvent.

Odd you slam any plan after you have to pass it to see whats in it.

The dem plan is what???? LET IT GO TITS UP. Keep it in the general fund so the money can be spent.......Run from negotiations....

What?? Offer the dem alternative........

So, you can't answer my question either....thanks for playing.
I dont want to pester you.

However my question remains open.

We have two big government choices, Only one do we pin hopes on in reducing government.

What does NDAA stand for? Cant answer that question if I dont understand the short hand used....

Are you sure they are two big government choices???? First off Romney doesnt make the bills thats congress...Second Obama will in fact NEVER sign a bill the reduces government yet Romney we all know will IF it is put in front of him. Romney is not a radical ideologue our president is....THAT alone makes him the only viable choice if you wish the country to survive past the next 4 years.

Really? Didn't he just say this past week state that he disagreed with his fellow GOP brethren on the cuts to the defense budget?
One of those I was for it, then I was against it, for ole Mittens.
the very last guy the Repub Base wanted ended up winning the Primaries by basically not running out of money [because he's backed by the Establishment (Wall St) ;) ] and you want everyone to line-up behind him lol.

While I agree with you it's very much ironic that you voted for Obama and plan to again seeing as he is the most owned person in world history... In fact the very same people that own Mitt invested more into Obama...
I dont want to pester you.

However my question remains open.

We have two big government choices, Only one do we pin hopes on in reducing government.

What does NDAA stand for? Cant answer that question if I dont understand the short hand used....

Are you sure they are two big government choices???? First off Romney doesnt make the bills thats congress...Second Obama will in fact NEVER sign a bill the reduces government yet Romney we all know will IF it is put in front of him. Romney is not a radical ideologue our president is....THAT alone makes him the only viable choice if you wish the country to survive past the next 4 years.

Really? Didn't he just say this past week state that he disagreed with his fellow GOP brethren on the cuts to the defense budget?

OMG!!! you mean he dosent follow lock step in with everyone else????!!!??? Holy shit 2we cant have someone who isnt a zombie!!!!!
Corky, you don't even know what NDAA means?

C'mon, Cork! If you're going to try to sit at the grown up table at least pretend to know what the fuck it is you're talking about when casting a vote. I mean, I realize that down at the Circle K they tell you how to make the coffee and stock the beer cooler, but here in the political world you kind of need to actually think and read.....oh, nevermind....
Corky, you don't even know what NDAA means?

C'mon, Cork! If you're going to try to sit at the grown up table at least pretend to know what the fuck it is you're talking about when casting a vote. I mean, I realize that down at the Circle K they tell you how to make the coffee and stock the beer cooler, but here in the political world you kind of need to actually think and read.....oh, nevermind....
It wasn't written on the back of a lottery ticket or taped to the side of the ICEE machine.
Was it so fucking hard to just say National Defense Authorization Act???? Jesus some of you really need to grow up.
What does NDAA stand for? Cant answer that question if I dont understand the short hand used....

Are you sure they are two big government choices???? First off Romney doesnt make the bills thats congress...Second Obama will in fact NEVER sign a bill the reduces government yet Romney we all know will IF it is put in front of him. Romney is not a radical ideologue our president is....THAT alone makes him the only viable choice if you wish the country to survive past the next 4 years.

Really? Didn't he just say this past week state that he disagreed with his fellow GOP brethren on the cuts to the defense budget?

OMG!!! you mean he dosent follow lock step in with everyone else????!!!??? Holy shit 2we cant have someone who isnt a zombie!!!!!

Didn't you just say that he was? See bolded part above.
A man wins on his own merit or he doesnt it.

Dont bitch someone didnt vote for Romney. Bitch he hasnt garnered support.......

If I wanted Obama to win I would vote for him....A vote for someone other then your guy. Is a vote for someone else, not the incumbent.

Are you already feeling the need to line up excuses. If you guys are turning into wimps, I can change my mind again, this is America.

Aww look you mean he isnt giving you enough to vote for him???? Are you a progressive that has to put your own selfish needs over the country?

Romney supports NDAA.

Explain why you support that policy?????
If I read it right he supports keeping non citizen terrorist in prison indefinitely....I am not all that keen on it personally but thats just because it would be cheaper to give them a trial and then execute them....By the way this would have came sooner if you just told me that NDAA meant National Defense Authorization Act

There is only choice as both Obama and Romney are just more of the same.
We could do worse than Alfred and always have.
Minimum wage for all Congress.
Alfred has no wife to cheat on.
He has never inhaled.
He makes no promises to anyone anywhere (he would not keep them anyway).
He would not pander to Heads of State (Heads of State? I don't know them, they are ALL foreigners)
Despite his resemblance to the incumbent, he is not related to the Obamas.
But just remember, if voting COULD REALLY change things, the current folks in office would make it ILLEGAL.
View attachment 21143

There is only choice as both Obama and Romney are just more of the same.
We could do worse than Alfred and always have.
Minimum wage for all Congress.
Alfred has no wife to cheat on.
He has never inhaled.
He makes no promises to anyone anywhere (he would not keep them anyway).
He would not pander to Heads of State (Heads of State? I don't know them, they are ALL foreigners)
Despite his resemblance to the incumbent, he is not related to the Obamas.
But just remember, if voting COULD REALLY change things, the current folks in office would make it ILLEGAL.

In other words it is to hard for you to decide anything cause you did what ever your selfish desires were.....
So tell us again how Romney supports stimulus and bail outs, but then also doesn't....you know, depending on who is listening and the time of day....

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