If you're a liberal piling on Milo, you need to explain why you defended the Clintons

I'm not a liberal...but really? Lewinsky was 21 years old-not a child. Was what he did disgusting and reprehensible? You bet. Was it rape or as bad as pedophilia? Absolutely not.
Agreed but his overall point is valid

The point is not valid as Milo gave tacit approval of sex with 13 year olds as long as they are "sexually mature". Anyone that can defend this man needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if politics might play too big a role in their life.
So did George Takei and Bill Maher. So let's see what you do with those two. And then we can decide if you're such a hard liner.

I'm unfamiliar with Maher's deal...but the outcry against Takei is his story about him losing his own virginity. Is he still somewhat support pedophilia? In a weird yes, but A) this doesn't absolve Milo whatsoever, and B) at least it was his own virginity and not a stranger's he was referring to.

Seriously people as I stated before I'm not a liberal...but when you resort to defending statements that defend pedophilia-you're an idiot.
I'm not defending anyone but looking for some consistency. Wasn't Milo 14 in his story? Yes he was. So where are they not equal? Maher on the other hand was basically saying a 13 year old male could never be raped by a 35ish year old female because...I'm not sure why. He just liked it I guess.
I'm not a liberal...but really? Lewinsky was 21 years old-not a child. Was what he did disgusting and reprehensible? You bet. Was it rape or as bad as pedophilia? Absolutely not.
Agreed but his overall point is valid

The point is not valid as Milo gave tacit approval of sex with 13 year olds as long as they are "sexually mature". Anyone that can defend this man needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if politics might play too big a role in their life.
Must be why Obama gave a sexual preditor like Harvey Milk a commemorative stamp. And the Libs cheered.

Liberals have zero credibility when it comes to this issue. You might as well give it up.
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I have renounced Milo, but liberals don't get to say shit about this issue. They defended Bill Clinton, who committed rape, sexual assault, and seduction of a 21-year-old intern, and they defended Hillary Clinton, who got on national TV and destroyed these womens' reputations by calling them liars.

Again, I say, liberals don't get to say shit about Milo. You are proven sympathizers with perverts and sexual predators.
Not to mention the fact that Hillary had a sexual preditor who admitted molesting her little sister campaigning for her.
I'm not a liberal...but really? Lewinsky was 21 years old-not a child. Was what he did disgusting and reprehensible? You bet. Was it rape or as bad as pedophilia? Absolutely not.
Agreed but his overall point is valid

The point is not valid as Milo gave tacit approval of sex with 13 year olds as long as they are "sexually mature". Anyone that can defend this man needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if politics might play too big a role in their life.
So did George Takei and Bill Maher. So let's see what you do with those two. And then we can decide if you're such a hard liner.
What did Bill Maher do?

You know, they were just starting a family. A child at 14 fathering two kids with a 35 year old? And that's just love.
Newsflash! The year is 2017 and nothing Clinton did 20 years ago is an excuse for Milo.

Liberals hated that asshole well before his boy-love statements, it's the conservatives that turned on him.
So you are admitting you support sexual predator's as long as they are democrats. If they aren't then it doesn't matter because you hated them anyway.

What the fuck are you talking about? Clinton? Never supported his sexual shenanigans (WITH ADULTS btw)

And Mike, you just fucking voted TRUMP, who is ON TAPE talking with almost-stranger about how he, a married man, can't control himself from imposing himself on married women (who reject him).

Don't you think that in light of that maybe it's time for you to STFU about supporting sexual predators?
No actually. Trump was never convicted of anything. Clinton was. Clinton paid off his accusers. Trump didn't. And fuck off with this Trump talking on tape shit. If you never talked about women with other guys like that you're either a fucking liar or fucking faggot.
No actually. Trump was never convicted of anything.

Wow, you are total moron.

I don't say this lightly, it's just that what it takes to say what you just did having at least scant knowledge about Trump's lifelong track record on women.
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I'm not a liberal...but really? Lewinsky was 21 years old-not a child. Was what he did disgusting and reprehensible? You bet. Was it rape or as bad as pedophilia? Absolutely not.
Agreed but his overall point is valid

The point is not valid as Milo gave tacit approval of sex with 13 year olds as long as they are "sexually mature". Anyone that can defend this man needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if politics might play too big a role in their life.
So did George Takei and Bill Maher. So let's see what you do with those two. And then we can decide if you're such a hard liner.

I'm unfamiliar with Maher's deal...but the outcry against Takei is his story about him losing his own virginity. Is he still somewhat support pedophilia? In a weird yes, but A) this doesn't absolve Milo whatsoever, and B) at least it was his own virginity and not a stranger's he was referring to.

Seriously people as I stated before I'm not a liberal...but when you resort to defending statements that defend pedophilia-you're an idiot.
I'm not defending anyone but looking for some consistency. Wasn't Milo 14 in his story? Yes he was. So where are they not equal? Maher on the other hand was basically saying a 13 year old male could never be raped by a 35ish year old female because...I'm not sure why. He just liked it I guess.

-Takei's story was about an 18 year old person taking his virginity (NOT an adult old enough to be a priest)
-Milo admits to STILL being sexually attracted 15 year old girls (as a high school teacher this sickens me)
-Milo is openly protecting pedophiles
-If ANY of my co-workers talked about being sexually attracted to ANY student at my school-I would IMMEDIATELY report them to my principal and make sure that I did all I could get the S.O.B. punished to the fullest extent of the law

I'm not condoning what Takei stated...but give me a break it's nor entirely the same thing. Milo's a piece of crap. Period.

Not everything is left vs right, liberal vs conservative, commie vs capitalist, D vs R...sometimes somebody is just a piece of crap, and if somebody can't see that then they're brainwashed.
I have renounced Milo, but liberals don't get to say shit about this issue. They defended Bill Clinton, who committed rape, sexual assault, and seduction of a 21-year-old intern, and they defended Hillary Clinton, who got on national TV and destroyed these womens' reputations by calling them liars.

Again, I say, liberals don't get to say shit about Milo. You are proven sympathizers with perverts and sexual predators.
Not to mention the fact that Hillary had a sexual preditor who admitted molesting her little sister campaigning for her.
Oh yeah, I forgot Lena Dunham was not only a sexual predator but an incester...incestee? Incest supporter? Promoter? I'm not sure what to do with that pig of a democrat hero.
I have renounced Milo, but liberals don't get to say shit about this issue. They defended Bill Clinton, who committed rape, sexual assault, and seduction of a 21-year-old intern, and they defended Hillary Clinton, who got on national TV and destroyed these womens' reputations by calling them liars.

Again, I say, liberals don't get to say shit about Milo. You are proven sympathizers with perverts and sexual predators.
Not to mention the fact that Hillary had a sexual preditor who admitted molesting her little sister campaigning for her.
Oh yeah, I forgot Lena Dunham was not only a sexual predator but an incester...incestee? Incest supporter? Promoter? I'm not sure what to do with that pig of a democrat hero.
She also falsely accused a man of rape.

She is the poster child for liberal morality and today's feminism.
Agreed but his overall point is valid

The point is not valid as Milo gave tacit approval of sex with 13 year olds as long as they are "sexually mature". Anyone that can defend this man needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if politics might play too big a role in their life.
So did George Takei and Bill Maher. So let's see what you do with those two. And then we can decide if you're such a hard liner.

I'm unfamiliar with Maher's deal...but the outcry against Takei is his story about him losing his own virginity. Is he still somewhat support pedophilia? In a weird yes, but A) this doesn't absolve Milo whatsoever, and B) at least it was his own virginity and not a stranger's he was referring to.

Seriously people as I stated before I'm not a liberal...but when you resort to defending statements that defend pedophilia-you're an idiot.
I'm not defending anyone but looking for some consistency. Wasn't Milo 14 in his story? Yes he was. So where are they not equal? Maher on the other hand was basically saying a 13 year old male could never be raped by a 35ish year old female because...I'm not sure why. He just liked it I guess.

-Takei's story was about an 18 year old person taking his virginity (NOT an adult old enough to be a priest)
-Milo admits to STILL being sexually attracted 15 year old girls (as a high school teacher this sickens me)
-Milo is openly protecting pedophiles
-If ANY of my co-workers talked about being sexually attracted to ANY student at my school-I would IMMEDIATELY report them to my principal and make sure that I did all I could get the S.O.B. punished to the fullest extent of the law

I'm not condoning what Takei stated...but give me a break it's nor entirely the same thing. Milo's a piece of crap. Period.

Not everything is left vs right, liberal vs conservative, commie vs capitalist, D vs R...sometimes somebody is just a piece of crap.
18 is an adult. Period. Statutory rape is the charge that should have been leveled. Especially if the kid is only 14.

You are condoning Takei. You're making excuses you would never afford someone you disagree with politically. As long as the person raping or being raped is on your side it's all good. Don't tow the democrat line then not so much leeway then.
Agreed but his overall point is valid

The point is not valid as Milo gave tacit approval of sex with 13 year olds as long as they are "sexually mature". Anyone that can defend this man needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if politics might play too big a role in their life.
So did George Takei and Bill Maher. So let's see what you do with those two. And then we can decide if you're such a hard liner.

I'm unfamiliar with Maher's deal...but the outcry against Takei is his story about him losing his own virginity. Is he still somewhat support pedophilia? In a weird yes, but A) this doesn't absolve Milo whatsoever, and B) at least it was his own virginity and not a stranger's he was referring to.

Seriously people as I stated before I'm not a liberal...but when you resort to defending statements that defend pedophilia-you're an idiot.
I'm not defending anyone but looking for some consistency. Wasn't Milo 14 in his story? Yes he was. So where are they not equal? Maher on the other hand was basically saying a 13 year old male could never be raped by a 35ish year old female because...I'm not sure why. He just liked it I guess.

-Takei's story was about an 18 year old person taking his virginity (NOT an adult old enough to be a priest)
-Milo admits to STILL being sexually attracted 15 year old girls (as a high school teacher this sickens me)
-Milo is openly protecting pedophiles
-If ANY of my co-workers talked about being sexually attracted to ANY student at my school-I would IMMEDIATELY report them to my principal and make sure that I did all I could get the S.O.B. punished to the fullest extent of the law

I'm not condoning what Takei stated...but give me a break it's nor entirely the same thing. Milo's a piece of crap. Period.

Not everything is left vs right, liberal vs conservative, commie vs capitalist, D vs R...sometimes somebody is just a piece of crap, and if somebody can't see that then they're brainwashed.
MIlo has outed child molesters.. he protects no one. At least stop lying your ass off and maybe you would be taken seriously.
I have renounced Milo, but liberals don't get to say shit about this issue. They defended Bill Clinton, who committed rape, sexual assault, and seduction of a 21-year-old intern, and they defended Hillary Clinton, who got on national TV and destroyed these womens' reputations by calling them liars.

Again, I say, liberals don't get to say shit about Milo. You are proven sympathizers with perverts and sexual predators.
Not to mention the fact that Hillary had a sexual preditor who admitted molesting her little sister campaigning for her.
Oh yeah, I forgot Lena Dunham was not only a sexual predator but an incester...incestee? Incest supporter? Promoter? I'm not sure what to do with that pig of a democrat hero.
She also falsely accused a man of rape.

She is the poster child for liberal morality and today's feminism.
I forgot about that one too. Some guy in her book right?
The point is not valid as Milo gave tacit approval of sex with 13 year olds as long as they are "sexually mature". Anyone that can defend this man needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if politics might play too big a role in their life.
So did George Takei and Bill Maher. So let's see what you do with those two. And then we can decide if you're such a hard liner.

I'm unfamiliar with Maher's deal...but the outcry against Takei is his story about him losing his own virginity. Is he still somewhat support pedophilia? In a weird yes, but A) this doesn't absolve Milo whatsoever, and B) at least it was his own virginity and not a stranger's he was referring to.

Seriously people as I stated before I'm not a liberal...but when you resort to defending statements that defend pedophilia-you're an idiot.
I'm not defending anyone but looking for some consistency. Wasn't Milo 14 in his story? Yes he was. So where are they not equal? Maher on the other hand was basically saying a 13 year old male could never be raped by a 35ish year old female because...I'm not sure why. He just liked it I guess.

-Takei's story was about an 18 year old person taking his virginity (NOT an adult old enough to be a priest)
-Milo admits to STILL being sexually attracted 15 year old girls (as a high school teacher this sickens me)
-Milo is openly protecting pedophiles
-If ANY of my co-workers talked about being sexually attracted to ANY student at my school-I would IMMEDIATELY report them to my principal and make sure that I did all I could get the S.O.B. punished to the fullest extent of the law

I'm not condoning what Takei stated...but give me a break it's nor entirely the same thing. Milo's a piece of crap. Period.

Not everything is left vs right, liberal vs conservative, commie vs capitalist, D vs R...sometimes somebody is just a piece of crap.
18 is an adult. Period. Statutory rape is the charge that should have been leveled. Especially if the kid is only 14.

You are condoning Takei. You're making excuses you would never afford someone you disagree with politically. As long as the person raping or being raped is on your side it's all good. Don't tow the democrat line then not so much leeway then.

My point was that what Milo said was worse than what Takei said (key word: WORSE...you know that word implies that Takei's comments were negative right?).

Pay attention. Go back and read my posts where I make two things VERY clear:

-I referred to Takei's comments as "disgusting" (how the hell is that condoning them?)
-I clearly stated that I am NOT a liberal (unless you consider being pro-life, anti gun-control, pro-capitalism/anti-socialism, pro death penalty, pro defunding planned parenthood, pro deportation of illegals, etc. to be liberal)

Your response is not only ignorant-but it's lazy, and honestly I'm not sure which one is worse.
I have renounced Milo, but liberals don't get to say shit about this issue. They defended Bill Clinton, who committed rape, sexual assault, and seduction of a 21-year-old intern, and they defended Hillary Clinton, who got on national TV and destroyed these womens' reputations by calling them liars.

Again, I say, liberals don't get to say shit about Milo. You are proven sympathizers with perverts and sexual predators.
Not to mention the fact that Hillary had a sexual preditor who admitted molesting her little sister campaigning for her.
Oh yeah, I forgot Lena Dunham was not only a sexual predator but an incester...incestee? Incest supporter? Promoter? I'm not sure what to do with that pig of a democrat hero.
She also falsely accused a man of rape.

She is the poster child for liberal morality and today's feminism.
I forgot about that one too. Some guy in her book right?
Yep a republican she went to college with. She leaked his identity then let him twist in the wind for several months while the media and her supporters harassed him and issued death threats ...until her publisher finally came out and told the public it was made up i.e. "Fiction".
I have renounced Milo, but liberals don't get to say shit about this issue. They defended Bill Clinton, who committed rape, sexual assault, and seduction of a 21-year-old intern, and they defended Hillary Clinton, who got on national TV and destroyed these womens' reputations by calling them liars.

Again, I say, liberals don't get to say shit about Milo. You are proven sympathizers with perverts and sexual predators.

You say all sorts of stupid and hateful shit.

Face it- you hate your life and just want to blame everyone else for your self inflicted misery.

Meanwhile- Bill Clinton- never convicted of any sex crimes.
So did George Takei and Bill Maher. So let's see what you do with those two. And then we can decide if you're such a hard liner.

I'm unfamiliar with Maher's deal...but the outcry against Takei is his story about him losing his own virginity. Is he still somewhat support pedophilia? In a weird yes, but A) this doesn't absolve Milo whatsoever, and B) at least it was his own virginity and not a stranger's he was referring to.

Seriously people as I stated before I'm not a liberal...but when you resort to defending statements that defend pedophilia-you're an idiot.
I'm not defending anyone but looking for some consistency. Wasn't Milo 14 in his story? Yes he was. So where are they not equal? Maher on the other hand was basically saying a 13 year old male could never be raped by a 35ish year old female because...I'm not sure why. He just liked it I guess.

-Takei's story was about an 18 year old person taking his virginity (NOT an adult old enough to be a priest)
-Milo admits to STILL being sexually attracted 15 year old girls (as a high school teacher this sickens me)
-Milo is openly protecting pedophiles
-If ANY of my co-workers talked about being sexually attracted to ANY student at my school-I would IMMEDIATELY report them to my principal and make sure that I did all I could get the S.O.B. punished to the fullest extent of the law

I'm not condoning what Takei stated...but give me a break it's nor entirely the same thing. Milo's a piece of crap. Period.

Not everything is left vs right, liberal vs conservative, commie vs capitalist, D vs R...sometimes somebody is just a piece of crap.
18 is an adult. Period. Statutory rape is the charge that should have been leveled. Especially if the kid is only 14.

You are condoning Takei. You're making excuses you would never afford someone you disagree with politically. As long as the person raping or being raped is on your side it's all good. Don't tow the democrat line then not so much leeway then.

My point was that what Milo said was worse than what Takei said (key word: WORSE...you know that word implies that Takei's comments were negative right?).

Pay attention. Go back and read my posts where I make two things VERY clear:

-I referred to Takei's comments as "disgusting" (how the hell is that condoning them?)
-I clearly stated that I am NOT a liberal (unless you consider being pro-life, anti gun-control, pro-capitalism/anti-socialism, pro death penalty, pro defunding planned parenthood, pro deportation of illegals, etc. to be liberal)

Your response is not only ignorant-but it's lazy, and honestly I'm not sure which one is worse.
Listen up cupcake. I don't look for every post you put on here. So far I think you have some very left wing tendencies to make massive charges against one person while making excuses for another. I'll think of you better when you don't call one act "disgusting" and doing nothing while calling for the head of another.
When Democrats finally renounce Bill Clinton as a sexual predator and renounce Hillary for enabling him and attacking his accusers, then I will stop bringing them up in these discussions.

Bill might have done a perverted act...but by the letter of the law was NOT a sexual predator. Also, the "but they also did it" is the worst defense...because you're basically admitting guilt and trying to justify it.
I am admitting that Milo is guilty, and I am denouncing him in multiple threads.

What I'm saying here is that only conservatives have a right to denounce Milo, and exile him from our movement.

Liberals are thorougly discredited as they have always stood by and defended the sexual predators and perverts in their midst, men like Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Roman Polanski, etc.

So liberals don't get to pile on Milo, because the only reason they are doing so is they disagree with his politics.
I'm unfamiliar with Maher's deal...but the outcry against Takei is his story about him losing his own virginity. Is he still somewhat support pedophilia? In a weird yes, but A) this doesn't absolve Milo whatsoever, and B) at least it was his own virginity and not a stranger's he was referring to.

Seriously people as I stated before I'm not a liberal...but when you resort to defending statements that defend pedophilia-you're an idiot.
I'm not defending anyone but looking for some consistency. Wasn't Milo 14 in his story? Yes he was. So where are they not equal? Maher on the other hand was basically saying a 13 year old male could never be raped by a 35ish year old female because...I'm not sure why. He just liked it I guess.

-Takei's story was about an 18 year old person taking his virginity (NOT an adult old enough to be a priest)
-Milo admits to STILL being sexually attracted 15 year old girls (as a high school teacher this sickens me)
-Milo is openly protecting pedophiles
-If ANY of my co-workers talked about being sexually attracted to ANY student at my school-I would IMMEDIATELY report them to my principal and make sure that I did all I could get the S.O.B. punished to the fullest extent of the law

I'm not condoning what Takei stated...but give me a break it's nor entirely the same thing. Milo's a piece of crap. Period.

Not everything is left vs right, liberal vs conservative, commie vs capitalist, D vs R...sometimes somebody is just a piece of crap.
18 is an adult. Period. Statutory rape is the charge that should have been leveled. Especially if the kid is only 14.

You are condoning Takei. You're making excuses you would never afford someone you disagree with politically. As long as the person raping or being raped is on your side it's all good. Don't tow the democrat line then not so much leeway then.

My point was that what Milo said was worse than what Takei said (key word: WORSE...you know that word implies that Takei's comments were negative right?).

Pay attention. Go back and read my posts where I make two things VERY clear:

-I referred to Takei's comments as "disgusting" (how the hell is that condoning them?)
-I clearly stated that I am NOT a liberal (unless you consider being pro-life, anti gun-control, pro-capitalism/anti-socialism, pro death penalty, pro defunding planned parenthood, pro deportation of illegals, etc. to be liberal)

Your response is not only ignorant-but it's lazy, and honestly I'm not sure which one is worse.
Listen up cupcake. I don't look for every post you put on here. So far I think you have some very left wing tendencies to make massive charges against one person while making excuses for another. I'll think of you better when you don't call one act "disgusting" and doing nothing while calling for the head of another.

Both acts are disgusting. Are you too stubborn to read that, or too stupid?

Better question:

Do you think it's ok to be a ~30 year old man and be sexually attracted to 15 year old girls-I sure as shit don't.

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