If you're worried about perverts in the bathroom, why not just ban perverts from Public Bathrooms?

Why not worry about the welfare of the 49% of the population, girls and women, instead of less than 1% dudes with tits? Every issue the radical left embraces these days seems to be part of the sissie left's war on women and children. First they went after the boys when the BSA won the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to supervise young boys. When the sexual predator hunting ground was cut off the radical left threatened economic sanctions against the Boy Scouts of America. Next they went after young girls by using an astonishingly offensive presidential edict that would force girls to share showers and lockers with strange and confused boys. All this junk is backfiring in the real world but the radicals don't seem to realize it and they have become desperate and angry and they don't care who they hurt next.

Bwa ha ha ha:

Why not worry about the welfare of the 49% of the population, girls and women, instead of less than 1% dudes with tits?

Cuz that's not what you're doing is it now?

Which ones should use the other door? Short of inspection of them naked, how would you even know?

Adams apple pretty good tell.
Gawd this is a stupid thread.

Really? You're the one reading and posting.

I wouldn't know it was stupid if I didn't read it...now would I?

And after you read it...you posted. Then you continued to read it and...posted again.... Just sayin....

I responded to the alert when you quoted me....just saying. Now cease bothering me with your nonsense, go outside and play
If you're worried about perverts in the bathroom, why not just take care of your business before you leave the house?
Whenever you bring up trans people some people associate a trans person with being a pervert. Which is a strange interpretation,but moving on.

So if the concern is fear of children being in a restroom with a pervert is concerning why dance around the issue by including Transsexuals? Just write up a bill that simply says that if you are a child molester or sexual predator you have to use a separate bathroom for the publics safety? Instead of pretending a dude with tits is interested in your vagina or a chick with a cawk is thirsty for penis?

The only issue I guess would be how you can tell who is who. I have an idea. They can have some sort of identifying item or ID.
Something like this would be effective


Change the J to a D and now I think we have a workable idea

First come up with a legal definition of transgender.

Is this simply a diversion from the disaster and chaos Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is leaving behind? Or is this chaos the intent of President Obama?

What else can it be?

The Middle East is on fire, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are being far more belligerent than any time in modern history. The people of Socialist Venezuela understandably are starving, Purto Rico is broke, violent crime is up in the United States, The economy is in the tank. Racism is the worst it has been in decades, we have riots in the streets. Police are being told to hold back and not do their job. Violent racist groups such as the newly formed Black Lives Matter are chanting "PIGS IN A BLANKET, FRY 'EM LIKE BACON". Meanwhile President Obama's solution is to invite them to the WHITE HOUSE.

With all that going on, along with the pending collapse and indictment of Hillary Clinton, President Obama plays golf and mandates schools to teach that simply having the genitalia of one sex...doesn't REALLY mean you are that sex. THAT'S what hee considers the top priority of the day? Really?

You, ClosedCaption, are being SEXIST. You imply that only a boy can suddenly wake up and feel like Susie today when it happens in both sexes.

WHEN does it happen that the minuscule minority of people have to get used to being uncomfortable around the VAST MAJORITY instead of the other way around? Why do NORMAL people have to make the allowances?

Instead of a "Dude" badge as you sexistly propose, how about just "Pervert".

Does this NOT fit precisely what is being forced on us by a President trying to weaken our country?

(v. pərˈvɜrt; n. ˈpɜr vərt)

1. to lead astray morally.
2. to turn away from the right course.
3. to lead into mental error or false judgment.
4. to turn to an improper use.
5. to misconstrue or misinterpret, esp. deliberately; distort.
6. to bring to a less excellent state; debase.
7. a person who practices a sexual perversion.

I'm shocked that you did not mention the floods in Texas and the drought in California. Obama caused those, too....

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